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EPC 2403 Teaching Practicum 2a

Post Lesson Reflection

Overall aim and context of the lesson – (Brief description)

The aim of my lesson, teaching the children how to order the tens in right way, also I taught them to
read the tens. Finally, I focused on writing the tens because the children always write the tens on the
contrary between numbers and zero.
Choose two aspects from the competency areas to evaluate and discuss (one paragraph each) according
to following:

Discuss one aspect that YOU feel you did very well. Try to analyze why you think it worked well about the
successful strategy/ resource/activity/management style etc.

I used the traffic signal strategy to manage the children behavior and control the misbehavior students,
and it worked well because the children were careful with their behavior, this strategy was individual
that means each student responsible on their self.
Discuss an aspect identified by YOU that requires attention. Discuss what the problem was, why it occurred
and what action you intend to take to be more successful in the next lesson.

The time is the main problem I faced in this lesson, because the children didn't get the idea of the tens
fast, so I took more time to explain it for them.

Consider your classroom management?

The management was the most successful thing in my lesson as I mentioned above, I used the traffic
signal strategy to control the behavior, at the beginning of the lesson all students names was in the
green light, and during the lesson, I started to moved their names to yellow or red light, depended on
their behavior. Also, I used the bell as negative reinforcement.

Did you achieve your objectives? Did the children learn? How do you know this?

I think I achieved 2 of my objectives, that are reading the tens from 10-50 and recognize the ordering of
tens from 10-50, for all students, and I saw it during they play in the learning areas, but the third
objective that is writing tens in the right way, I don't think all students get it, because not all students
write it in the right way when I asked them to writ in the small whiteboard.

Personal Focus for next Lesson:

Next lesson I will focus in the time, and I will try to manage my time
EPC 2403 Teaching Practicum 2a

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