Journal 1 Sem 3

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EPC 2403 Teaching Practicum 2a

Journal week 1
Date: 14/10/2018

Your feelings, beliefs, problems and questions

First week of my third TP, when I enter the kindergarten I was nervous so, I take a deep
breath to Eases the nervous. According to "One of the most effective ways to calm ourselves
is by using diaphragmatic breathing." My partners were riched to the kindergarten before me,
so they asked the principal and told her about the training.
The first day I met my MST and the children in the class, and there is nothing new happening,
but the second day they had a school trip to the "Sharjah International Children’s Film

What you have learnt throughout the week

I went with them, the children organized is the first challenge I faced in this TP because it is
the first TP I am going school trip with the children, it was fun and hard experience at the
same time, I use with them the Positive Reinforcement and it is successful and I told them
who will line up nicely will take star when we back to school. "Praise is a specific type of
positive reinforcement many teachers regularly use in their classrooms when interacting
with students. According to Conroy et al. (2009)"

School Experiences

The third day it was the world food day, and the children wear fruits and vegetable clothes to
celebrate in it, so it was an activity day I did a fruits salad with the children, I communicate
with them during doing the salad, and improve communication skill with children.
That is my first week in TP; I think I refresh the skills that I acquired from the first and second

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