Formulas Eval 2018

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The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada

Le Bureau des examinateurs en pharmacie du Canada

The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC)

Candidate Rules of Conduct
Written & Computer-based Examinations (MCQ)
The following Candidate Rules of Conduct apply to all candidates registered with PEBC for the purpose
of attempting PEBC’s written and computer-based, multiple choice examinations (Evaluating &
Qualifying Examination Part I) to achieve certification.

As an over-arching principle, all candidates shall conduct themselves in a professional and courteous
manner at all times when interacting with PEBC staff and examination personnel. Furthermore, it is
assumed that every candidate taking PEBC examinations is doing so for legitimate purposes, to become
a registered pharmacist or pharmacy technician in Canada, and will make their best effort when
attempting a PEBC examination.

Candidates are required to follow all examination directives provided in writing by PEBC and verbally by
examination personnel. Failure to do so, or demonstration of conduct deemed not to meet the standard
of conduct expected of a regulated health professional, will be considered a breach of the PEBC
Candidate Rules of Conduct and addressed according to Section 3 of this document.

1. Rules of Conduct

Admission to Examination

1. Candidates must bring the required identification for admittance into the examination.

2. Candidates must not wear scented products (cosmetics, perfumes, cologne) or clothing (e.g.
laundered using scented detergent or fabric softener) as some candidates and examination
personnel may be very sensitive to such scents. Similarly, candidates should be aware of the
presence of their own body odour and, if applicable, attempt to address it before attending the

3. No person shall be allowed in an examination room during the examination period except the
candidates registered for the examination and those supervising the examination, unless such
person has the permission of the Presiding Officer / Test Centre Administrator.

4. Candidates shall be permitted to enter the examination room only at the discretion of the
Presiding Officer / Test Centre Administrator.

5. Candidates are required to comply with any health, safety and security screening procedures, as
posted in the examination centre or as directed verbally by examination personnel.
6. In a written, paper-and-pencil examination, if a candidate arrives after one-hour has elapsed
since the distribution of the examination booklets, then the candidate shall not be permitted to
write that examination without the consent of the Presiding Officer. In any case, no candidate
shall be permitted to enter the examination room once any candidates have exited.

In a computer-based examination, if a candidate arrives after thirty minutes has elapsed since
the scheduled examination appointment, then the candidate shall not be permitted to sit for the

7. If a candidate feels ill at any time before or during the examination, the candidate must inform
examination personnel immediately, so that the candidate may be assisted as required or make
an informed decision regarding whether or not it is safe for the candidate to proceed with the

Permitted Items

8. In a written, paper-and-pencil exam:

Candidates are permitted to bring in certain items into the examination room to their desk for
written, paper-and-pencil examinations. These items are:
 PEBC Identification / Card of Admission & official government ID
 One beverage and / or snack in a clear, plastic bag or see-through container
o All wrappers must be removed from bottle or food products
 Medications and/or medical devices
 Personal hygiene supplies
 One or two loose tissues
 Any other item that was requested prior to the examination application deadline and the
candidate has received written approval from PEBC to bring into the examination.

If a candidate chooses to bring in any of the aforementioned items, the following conditions
must be met:

 the item(s) must be packaged in a clear plastic bag;

 all paper wrappers, labels, inserts and packaging must be removed;
 any medical packaging, inserts or written material related to medications or medical
devices must be left at home (or checked in with personal belongings if brought to
the examination);
 candidates must show the special needs item(s) (in the plastic bag) to the
examination staff for inspection when registering for the examination, before
approval for entrance into the examination; and

In a computer-based examination:
Except for identification and tissues, all of the aforementioned items, will not be permitted into
the examination room without prior written approval from PEBC.
Prohibited Items

9. Candidates are not permitted to bring any of the following prohibited items into the examination:
 Electronic devices, including:
o Cellular phones or any other communication devices
o Personal calculators, tablets, laptops or any other data storage devices
o Photographic, recording or transmission devices
o Fitness trackers, GPS or any such devices
 Watches or time pieces of any kind
 Paper of any kind (blank, printed or written upon), including:
o Food wrapping, cups or labels on snacks
o Notes, published references or unpublished materials of any kind
o Medication package inserts
 Writing instruments of any kind, such as pencils, pens, rulers, highlighters or pencil cases
 Religious articles not mandated by the religion
 Towels or cloth handkerchiefs
 Hats, caps and outer-wear
 Any other personal items not listed in the previous section

During the Examination

10. Candidates must not cause disruption of the examination for other candidates.
11. Smoking and vaping is not permitted anytime between admission and dismissal.

12. Candidates shall not communicate aloud or with one another by writing, signs, words or in any
manner whatsoever, while the examination is underway. When conversation is necessary
between a candidate and examination personnel or among examination personnel, it should be
carried out as discreetly as possible, and only in English or French.

13. Candidates may leave the examination room to use the washroom facilities only when
accompanied by an Invigilator or Presiding Officer in a written, paper-and-pencil examination.

14. Candidates must submit any verbal complaints or concerns about any aspect of the examination
(e.g., process, examination facilities, and examination administration) or personal circumstances
(e.g., illness, bereavement) to exam personnel for immediate attention and correction, if
possible, and documentation on a report to PEBC.

For written (MCQ) examinations, candidates must request the Candidate Incident Form from
the Presiding Officer at the end of the exam to document their concerns or complaints before
leaving the examination site.

For computer-based (MCQ) examinations, candidates must document their concerns or

complaints in the Post-Exam Survey that is presented upon completion of the exam.

Any complaints or concerns which are not documented by the candidate at the examination
site are not considered as part of the Complaints, Concerns and Appeals Process.
15. Any candidate who feels a specific matter warrants further consideration or review must make
such a request in writing, outlining the reason(s) for the request. The written request must be
received by the Registrar-Treasurer within 7 calendar days after the close of the examination.
Petitions or complaints which are received after this time period (e.g., upon receipt of a notice of
an unsuccessful examination result) will not be considered.

Completing the Examination

16. All materials supplied by PEBC or the test centre must remain in the examination room or returned
at the end of the examination.

17. In a written, paper-and-pencil examination,

a. Candidates must remain in the examination room until one hour has elapsed after the
distribution of the Examination Booklets;
b. Candidates may not leave in the last 10 minutes of the examination period. Candidates
shall remain seated at the close of the examination until all Examination Booklets are
collected and until dismissed by the Presiding Officer (i.e., directed to leave the
examination room).
c. No extension of the examination period will be given to any candidate and no coding of
the answer sheet is permitted after the end of the examination period. Candidates who
continue to fill in their answer sheets after the end of the examination may forfeit the
examination (i.e., they will not receive a result and it will count as an attempt).
d. Candidates must leave the examination room after they have handed in their Examination
Booklet and answer sheet.
18. Candidates must promptly leave the examination premises upon completing the examination.
Candidates or others waiting for them are not permitted to wait inside the examination site
19. Candidates must continue to observe the PEBC Candidate Rules of Conduct, including maintaining
confidentiality, after leaving the examination site
2. Security of Examination Material (Copyright©)
To ensure that the examination provides an equal opportunity for all candidates to demonstrate their
levels of knowledge and ability to meet the required competence standards, PEBC maintains the strictest
security of the content of its examinations before, during, and after each examination. All examination
materials are protected by Copyright© and property right laws. Candidates must strictly follow the PEBC
Candidate Rules of Conduct for examinations and the signed certification statements made on the
examination application form.
These rules and statements prohibit:

 attempting to take the examination for someone else;

 the giving or receiving of assistance in answering questions in the written examinations or in
completing stations in Part II;
 access to questions before or after the examination;
 reproduction of examination content in any manner;
 disclosure of questions to others at any time (includes discussion of examination content with
other candidates or others before, during or after an examination), whether verbally, in writing
or through any internet blogs, chatrooms or other means

3. Consequences of Breaching the PEBC Candidate Rules of Conduct

If a candidate breaches the PEBC Candidate Rules of Conduct, the candidate may be removed from the
examination and held under supervision until the end when all candidates are permitted to leave, or have
other action taken, including possible legal prosecution.

If the breach is with respect to possession of any of the prohibited items after the examination has started,
the items will be confiscated and inspected and may be sent to the PEBC office for further investigation.
If the confiscated item is an electronic device, the candidate will not be allowed to continue the
examination and will forfeit the results which will be counted as an unsuccessful attempt and may be
subject to further sanctions.
PEBC reserves the right to search any confiscated items, which may include reviewing emails, texts and
other documents stored on the device or through applications (“apps”) or services to which the device is
connected or that the device may access.
In any case of breach, an incident report will be filed by the Presiding Officer / Test Centre Administrator
and the candidate will be told of this action. The candidate may provide an independent explanation in
writing to the PEBC office, no later than 7 calendar days following the close of the examination.

If, after consideration of evidence of improper conduct, a candidate is found by the Registrar-Treasurer
to have committed a breach of copyright, rules of conduct or any stated examination instructions or
procedural guidelines, the Registrar-Treasurer may:
 cancel the candidate's examination score;
 report the misconduct to professional regulatory and legal authorities;
 bar the candidate from one or more future examination sessions; and/or
 take such other action as deemed appropriate, including possible legal prosecution
A candidate may be held responsible for all damages and cost-recovery in the event that the
examination or any component of it is compromised by the candidate’s action.

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