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Banhidi- = ‘Tanuljunk nyelveket! Jékay- Szabé Tanuljunk nyelveket! Learn Hungarian Drawings by TAMAS SZECSKO © Copyright by Dr. Z. Banhidi — Dr. Z. Jékay — Dr. D. Szabé 1965 The authors wish to thank also Dr. Liis2l6 Jakabfi for his eontribntion in giv- ing the manuscript its final shape. This is the first book on Hungarian to be written in Hungary for the use of English-speaking people. The reader will note that in some places we have illustrat. ed points of grammar and pronunciation with examples which do not correspond to standard English usage. This has been done deliberately to make the points wader discussion quite clear. ‘The jokes and cartoons have been reproduced from Hungarian uewspapers and journals and the authors express their acknowledgement to the publishers, We wish the reader every success in his study of Hungarian! Budapest, January 1964. Tue AutHors Széveg (3) « 46 Sroveg (4)... 46 Sz6kines 47 Kiejtés .... 49 Nyelvtan 49 8. Vowel Harmony. 9. The Plural of Nouns, Adjectives and Pronouns. 10. Noteon the Article. 11. Interrogatives. 12. Agreementof the Subject and the Predicate. 13. The Adjective as Attribute. 14, Lack of Gender Distine- tion, 15. Personal Names — Forms of Address. 16. Use of the Conjunction is “also”. Gyakorlatok . Kérdés —Felelet . Forditas: Harmadik lecke Afalu Kézmondisok Sz6kincs 38 Kiejtés betebtets 59 Szomagyarazat - 60 Nyelvtan .. - 60 17, The Demonstrative Pronouns. 18. Adjectives Used as Attributes, 19. The Adjective as Predicate. 20. The Adjective kis, kicsi. 21. Plural of Nouns ~ Linking Vowel. 22. Plural of Adjectives — Linking Vowel. 23. Plural of Nouns — The Word Base. 24. The Indefinite Article. Gyakorlatok 64 ‘Tollbamondis és fordités (1) 65 Fordftas (2) 65 Negyedik lecke ......ccceecce cece sees eeee eee ees sees eee esate seni eee 67 Sziveg (1) 67 Szdveg (2) 68 Szdmok .. 70 Szakszervezeti kongresszus - Erkezés a Kozmondasok «4... .seeeeeeee + 2 Srékines 72 Kiejtés .. 4 Szémagyarazatok . 4 Nyelvtan oo... . bf 25, The Personal Pronouns. 26. Present Tense of the Verb “to be”. 27. The Use of the Forms van, vannak — nines, nincsenek, 28. Hany ? Mennyi? 29. ‘The Numeral Used as an Attribute. 30. Two: kett6 — két, 31. Plural of Ad- Jectives, Gyakorlatok 78 Tollbamondés 78 Fordités 78 Kérdés ~ Felelet oy) Gyakorlatok . td Kérdés — Felelet 115 Fordités .... 115 Tollbamondas + 113 Nyoleadik lecke oe... 0. eee ever ees Fee eerie malate 17 A févarosban . : . 9 Taldlés kérdés 121 Tréfa: Budapesti pillanatkép . 121 Szokines .. + 121 Szomagyarézatok + 128 Nyelvtan ..... 128 62. Adverbs of Place, 63. Adverbs of Place ‘ithin an Enclosed Space. or Adverbs of Place: On an Outside or Flat Surface. 65. The Demonstrative Pronouns ez, az with the Suffixes of the Adverb of Place. 66. Suffixes Used with Country and Place-Names. 67. Verbal Prefixes. 68. The Nega- tive Particles. 69. Double Negation. 70. The Irregular Verbs fesz, vesz. Gyakorlatok ... Kérdés — Felelet Fordités ..... Ismétlés ... Kilencedik lecke .. Az étteremben Kézmondasok Srokines .... Szémagyardzatok Nyelvtan ........0.05 eialetaeke 7 ‘71. The Place of the Verbal Prefix in the Sentence, 72. The “ik-Verbs”. 73, Conjugation of ik-Verbs. 74. A Group of Irregular Verbs. Gyakorlatok .. Kérdés — Felelet Forditas Tizedik lecke 141 Kézés tanulds + 14t Népdal: Ha felmegyek + 143 Sz6kines » 143 Kiejtés .. + 145 Szomagyardzal = 146 Nyelvtan .. Piet sees 146 ‘75. Possessive Sutfixes. 76, Possessive Suffixes Added to Words Ending in a Vowel. 77. Possessive Suffixes Added to Words Ending in a Consonant, 78. The j Element of the Possessive Suffix Added to Words Ending in a Consonant. 79. Use of the Articles. 80, Emphasis of the Possessor. 81. Possessive Suffixes + Flexional Suffixes. 82. Possessive Suffix + Accusa- tive Suffix -1. 83, Direct Object (Accusative) without the Suffix -. 10 84, The Definite Conjugation of Direct Objects with Possessive Suffixes. 85, Possessive Suffixes + Suffixes of Adverbs of Place. 86. Additional Verbal Prefixes. Gyakorlatok ... Kérdés — Felelet Fordités Tizenegyedik lecke Annét meglatogatjak bardtnéi ++ 158 Népdal: Kis kit, kerekes kit . 155 Tréta: Nemdohanyz6 . 156 Székines ...... 156 Szémagyarazatok .. 158 Nyelvtan - see - 160 87, The Possessive Suffix Attached to Words Denoting Relationship. 88. ‘The -i Suffix of the Plural Possessive. 89. The -i Suffix of the Plural Posses- sive Added to Words Ending in a Vowel. 90. The -iSuffix of the Plural Posses- sive Added to Words Ending in a Consonant. 91. Emphasis of the Person of the Possessor. 92. Adverbs of Place: External Local or Spatial Relations. 93, The Demonstrative Pronouns ez, az with the Suffixes of Adverbs of Place. 94, Summary of the Adverbial Suffixes of Place. 95. Adverbs of Place Re- lating to Persons: ‘Personal Forms”. 96. Cases Governed by Verbs. Gyakorlatok ... + 165 Kérdés - Felelet . 166 Fordités ........ . 167 Fogalmazés .. 167 Tizenkettedik lecke 169 Aposta .... 169 Kézmondésok . 171 ‘TTréfa: A révidlaté néni . 472 Népdal: Sej, Nagyabonyban . 172 Szokines .... 172 Szémagyarézatck 174 Nyelvian ..... woe 195 97. The Dative Case. 98. The Demonstrative Pronouns ez, az with the Dative Suftix. 99. The Dative of the Personal Pronoun. 100. The Use of the Dative Case. 101. The Verb van — nincs and the Dative. 102. The Verb kell and the Dative, 103. Adverb of Manner Formed trom Adjectives. 104. Adverb of Manner Formed from Numerals. Gyakorlatok .. td 181 Kérdés - Felelet ......ceseeeee eee 182 Fordités 183 Tizenharmadik lecke ......+++ 185 Az orvos rendeléjében 185 Kézmondés tehdeh dal 187 i Szdkines +. 187 Szémagyarazatok . aera + 189 Nyelvtan ... 190 105, Possessive Relation. 106. Use of the Article in Possessive Relation. 107. The Noun-Possessor in Possessive Relation. 108. The Noun-Posessed in Possessive Relation, 109. The Accusative of Personal Pronouns. 110. Special Verb Form Expressing the Object of the Second Person. 111. A Small Group of Irregular Verbs. Gyakorlatok ... + 193 Kérdés — Felelet + 196 Forditas + 196 Tizennegyedik locke ... 6.0 ..e 0c cece eee ee eee eee eee eeeeeeete cnet erates 197 A lakés és erendezése 197 Kézmondas ....... 199 Népdal: Erdé mellett + 199 Sz6kines = 200 Nyelvtan . 201 112. The Postpositions. 113. Postpositions of Adverbial Relation of Place. 114, Postpositions Expressing Personal Relations: “Personal Forms”. 115. Demonstrative Pronouns with Postpositions. 116. The Possession Suffix -é. 117. The Interrogative Pronoun with Possession Suffix -é. 118. The Possessive Pronouns. 119. The Reflexive and Emphatie Pronoun. Gyakorlatok ... + 208 Kérdés — Felelet ++ 209 Forditas . 210 ‘Tizendtidik lecke . 2 Egy killfaldi dsztandijas levele baratjahoz - nt Petéfi Sandor: Tavolbél (One stanza) ........ + 213 Dal. Szentirmay Elemér: Utea, utea 214 Szokines 213 Szémagyarézatok 216 Nyelvtan 217 120. Parts of Speech. 121. ‘The Endings. 129. Formative Suffixes, 123. Formation of Nouns. 124. Formation of Adjectives. 125. Formation of Verbs. 126. Modifying Suffixes. 127. Flexional (Case) Suffixes. 128. The Order of Attaching the Endings to the Base. 129. Adverbs (Proper). Gyakorlatok: Revision Exercises ........+ Pete ta ere rer ae ralet sees pata 223 ‘Tizenhatodik lecke Séta kézben Kérmondas ‘Tréfa... Szdkines . Szémagyardzatok Nyelvtan 12 130, The Imperative (Subjunctive Present Tense) of Verbs. 131, The In- definite Conjugation of the Imperative. 132. The Conjugation of ik-Verbs in the Imperative. 133. The Imperative of the Verb megy “go”. 134. The Definite Conjugation of the Imperative. 135. Special Verb Form Ending in -alak, -elek. 136. Verbal Prefix and the Imperative. 137. The Auxiliary Verbs and the Verbal Prefix. 138, Negative Imperative. 139, Use of the Imperative in Simple Sentences and Main Clauses. 140. Use of the Impera- tive in Subordinate Clauses, 141. The Suffix-ért, 142, Changes in the Base of Some Verbs. 143. Double Possessive Relation. Gyakorlatok .. las 241 Kérdés — Felelet + 242 Forditas .......5 + 243 Beszédgyakorlat: Jucika balesetet okoz - + 243 Tizenhetedik lecke ...........c00ecees ees eeeeeee eee ees Perevreye daaleh + 245 Utazds ...... + 245 Kézmondasok + 248 Sz6kines - 249 Szémagyardzatok + 250 Nyelvtan ..... + 251 144, The Suffix -val, -vel. 145. The Suffix -kor. 146. The Suffix ~ig. 147. ‘The Imperative of the Verbs Ending in a Short Vowel + f. 148, Imperative of the Verbs Ending in a Long Vowel +f or in a Consonant + ¢. 149. The Imperative of Verbs Ending in -szt. 150. Imperative of Irregular Verbs. 151. The Word hadd. 152. The Adverbial Participle. Gyakorlatok .. 257 Kérdés — Felelet 258 Fogalmazés 258 Tizennyolcadik lecke Magyarorszdg kis Kézmondésok Népdal: Gereneséri utea SzOkines ... Nyelvtan . 153, Comparison of Adjectives: Use of the Positive. 154. Comparison of Adjectives: Formation and Use of the Comparative. 155, Expression of Degree in Comparative. 156. Comparison of Adjectives: the Superlative. 157. Adverb of Manner of Compared Adjectives. 158. Comparison of Ad- verbs. 159, The Numerals. 160, Fractions. 161. Ordinal Numbers. 162. Numerals of Multiplication. 163. Use of the Definite Article before Geo- graphical Names. 164, Postpositions Adding Suffixes to Preceding Nouns or Noun-Equivalents. 259 262 263 263 265 Gyakorlatok ... + 272 Kérdés — Felelet + 278 Fogalmazs .... + 274 1B Tizenkilencedik lecke . Budapest tirténetébdl_ . A két Clark, a Lanchid é; Tréfa: A ,,j6” tanulé Népdal: A csitari hegyek alal Székines Kiejtés Szomagyarazat . Nyelvtan .. 165. Past Tense of the Indicative. 166, The Personal Suffixes of the Past Tense. 167. Past Tense of Irregular Verbs. 168. The Participle of Completed Action (Past Participle). 169. Postpositions Requiring the Suffix -ral, -vel. 170. The Demonstrative Pronouns Expressing Identity. 171. Some For- mative Suffixes. Gyakorlatok .... Kérdés — Felelet . Forditas Fogalmazis Huszadik lecke ......+.++ Szérakozas és pihenés . Adomak a mult szézadbél Kézmondasok ....... ‘Tréfa: Vendégldben Szdkines Szomagyarazat .. Nyelvtan .... : 172. Forms of Expression of Future Action. 173. The Future Tense of the Verb ‘‘to be”. 174. Position of the Verbal Prefix in Future Tense Formed with the Auxiliary fog. 175. The Infinitive with the Possessive Suffixes. 176. The Impersonal Subject. 177. The Interrog: Particle -e? 178. The Interrogative vajon? and ugye? 179. Postpositions of Adverbs of Manner and Purpose. 180. Postpositions Expressing Adverbial Adjunct of Benefit. 181. Numerals with Possessive Suffixes. 182. Use of the Adverbial Parti ciple. 183. The Formative Sutfix -ék. Gyakorlatok .. 303 Kérdés - Felelet ~ - 304 Fordités + 304 Fogalmazas + 304 Huszonegyedik lecke .. Id8 és iddjards — Beszéigetés ...... Kézmondas - . Népdal: Osszel érik, babém Sz6kines ..... Szémagyarézatok . 14 Vt monn Fi vo sah an a te reresssesresereeseerecsgerenwacuyd Bt a ‘Adverbs of Time, 185. Adverbs of Times (1) Suffixes, 186. Adverbs of ‘Time: (2) Postpositions, 187. Adverbs of Time: (3) 3rd Person Singular Possessive Suffix. 188. Some Adverbs of Time. 189. The Date. Gyakorlatok Fordités . 316 317 317 317 319 319 320 320 Fogalmazés . Beszédgyakor! Huszonkettedik lecke we Csalddi tervek .... ® Adoma: Kinizsi, az Svatos “Wak Trétak: Régi varkastély. Kis regény. Népdal: Erd6, erdé, erdd... .... 321 Szokines ...... sebeeee 322 Szémagyarazatok . 323 Nyelvtan . seeeeeeeeereeeteerserserayerdeeesreseeteseeseerasde B24 190. The Present Tense of the Conditional Mood. 191. The Personal Suf- fixes with the Conditional Mood. 192. Conditional Forms of the Irregular Verbs. 193. Verbs Expressing Possibility. 194. Forms of Verbs with the + Formative Suffix -hat, -het from Irregular Verbs. 195. Use of the Verbs of Possibility. 196, The Participle of Incompleted Action (Present Participle) with Verbs of Possibility. Gyakorlatok .... 2c. cece eeeeeecee cap eeeeeeeen caper teeeeeeeens 329 Fogalmazés .... i preteeenaes 330 Beszédgyakorlatok : Jucika izgalmas kényve. Lillafired. . sees 830 Fordités ..... ‘Huszonharmadik lecke oe ‘Hétkéznapok Kézmondésok - ‘Trétak: A szerz6 panasza, Milyen férft tetszik a ndknek? ‘Népdal: Tavaszi s7él Szdkines ....eeeye Szbmagyardzatok . pa shee tae Nyelvtan .... seseees 389 197. The Causative Verb. 198. Formation of Causative ‘Verbs. 199. The Causative Forms of the Irregular Verbs. 200. Object Governed by the Causative Verb. 201. The Reflexive Verb. 202. Formation of Reflexive ‘Verbs by Formative Suffixes. 203. Use of the Reflexive Pronouns Expres . sing Reflexive Action. 204, Survey of Verbs. 205. Transitive — Intran- sitive Verbs. 206, Frequentative Verbs. 207, Momentaneous Verbs. Gyakorlatok .....secssee0 Kérdés + Felelet ......06+ Forditat g.ssceeere cette ees eeeseanterenessrenseesppanperes Bd lusromnegyedik lecke 1.4..+sepyserseweeegeeeegeesqecererepersseecgereg S47 cee a eeetee seen ee eeee ces amet gant SAT BP Sport wom sen serssgecereee 7 15 a ‘Trétik: Mérk6rés utin, Orom a hiznal Népdal: Altalmennék én a Tiszain . Sz6kines Nyelytan . . teens 208. Past Conditional, 209. Uses of Conditional Mood. 210. ‘The Suffix -vd, -vé. 211, Postpositions, 212, The Compound Sentence and its Conjunctions. Gyakorlatok ...... Kérdés — Felelet Forditis ..... Fogalmazés Huszonitédik lecke ........ Képek a mai Bucapestrél Kézmondésok Tréfa: Elismerés . Népdal: Mar minélunk, babiin . SKINS 6... sees eee eens Nyelvtan ..eeeceessseees : 213, Two Formative Suffixes for Forming Adjectives, 214, Adverbs of Manner: (1) Suffixes, 215, Adverbs of Manner; (2) Poestpositions, 216, The Interrogative and the Relative Pronouns, 217. Meaning and Use of the Relative Pronouns: aki, ami, amely, amelyik, 2t8. ‘The Indefinite Pro- nouns. 219. The Demonstrative Pronouns. the Demonstrative Pro- nouns with Suffixes. Gyakorlatok ..... Kérdés ~ Felelet Beszédgyakorlat: A gydgyforrisndl. Fordités Fogalmazis Huszonhatodik lecke . Haza 6s szabadsiig ....... Népdul: Kossuth-n6ta ....eeeeeeeeeen serene Sx6k . Nyelvtan .,. : 221, Complex Sentences — Subordinate Clauses. 222, Joining Subordinate — Clauses Lo Main Clause, 223, Conjunetions (Proper) of Subordinate Claus- es (I). Pronominal Conjunetions of Subordinate Clauses (11). 225. Use of Lhe Gonjunetion hogy. toppers 4: Gyakorlatok .. 66.605 Kérdés = Feletet Vorditas Hewzédgyakorlal Kogulmuzis . 16 Se Ee Flustonhetedibe locke «.--0.qe yesanmisnawars seemanieropannrvan s ¥iilatoniou 893 Tokai Mér: A k6sziv ember tial ayes oeceserdge gang en awecs cerns sees s 393 Népdal; Elindultam szép hazAmb6l . ape. ess eoreete repr suarer ne ace t, 895 Székines woe see ora fener’ Szémagyarazatok ....... = Seenteei del tae cent Nyelvtan ...e.seeeee0 Tt Tale tse tale 226. The Use of the Infinitive. 227. Uses of the Participle of Incomplete Action (Present Participle). 228. The Present Participle Used as a Noun. 229, The Present Participle Following Nouns with Suffixes or Postposi- tions. 230. The Present Participles levd and valé “existing, being”, Gyakorlatok 0... .ccseeceseseeereeesceeescesesnesenneeseeteaeeeees 401 Beszédgyakorlat: A készivii ember fiai .. tree rae he ebe ents £402 FogalmazAs ......00.cseseeeseneeeee Reeecan en coat abode segenene 402 Huszonnyoleadik lecke 26.00.0266 Mikszéth Kalman: A jelek mesterei Kézmondasok ...... Tréfa: J6 bir ........55 Népdalok: Lement a nap . Székines ....-..eese eee Nyelvtan ........066 7 231. Uses of the Participle of Completed Action (Past Participle). 232. The Past Participle in Idiomatic Expressions. 233. The Participle of Future Action (Future Participle). 234. The Adverbial Participle. 235. Review of Verbal (Non-Finite) Forms. Gyakorlatok ..........cceecsceeeensseeeesameee Beszédgyakorlat: A jelek mesterei .........- Fogalmazés ......ceeccessseceeecenecesees sreestemes ens 404 mreeseeeeseare sees 405 seqee Magasan repill a daru wee M11 seeee 412 vewee 412 seta ab aeenee Hinszonkilencedik lecke Mora Ferenc: A ,,csal6” Kézmonddsok .... Tréfa: Szemorvosnél ... Népdal; Réten, réten . Székines .... Nyelvtan .... alae 236. Verbs with Vowel Elisi Diminutives. 239. Pet Names. Gyakorlatok . Beszédgyakorlat: soccer eee ceneeeen 43 woeee 413 - 415 + 415 a veeteageveeserercenes 415 . 416 sevens ge eecheereadenebe sae neeeeawereeraree seceagereteeegees rerererrere! VAS ne egewsidebe des agetng «Mata ag Ete pee tee we ADS Hlarmincadik lecke -.-.4.eeeseeeneneceee rents eee tesewenereepereresecces 425 Méricz Zsigmond: Fillent® ......4...eceeeeecr eee Kélesey Ferenc: Himnusz (One stanza) Serres 4 Vordsmarty Mihdly: Sz6zat (Two stanzas) ,,.. Szdkines den aggeeeegeageeeecees 428 gporeeeys sah deat dah dultalel dell cet dnled dolaeeeddlclend els tleh 1-429 2 S047 — Mogysr-cinyv engoloknalc +17 INTRODUCTION The Alphabet Written Hungarian uses the Roman Alphabet. Sounds not found in this alphabet are indicated in the case of consonants by a combination of letters, and in the case of vowels by two dots or acute accents above the letter. Some letters have a sound value different from that in the Roman Alphabet. The spoken language free of dialect variations serves as the standard for the written language. The numerous consonant assimiJations in pronuncia- tion are rarely shown. The standard spelling clearly indicates the structural elements in a word, its base, formative, modifying and flexional suffixes. The first syllable of a word, including compound words, is always stressed, although this is not indicated in the written language. The length of a sound is shown in vowels by acute accents above the letter, A, 6, 6, G, etc. In consonants length is shown by doubling: bb, pp, kk, etc. The traditional order of the Hungarian Alphabet is as follows:— a a b e es. d dz dzs e é f 9 {a]* [ax] [bez] [tsex] [tfex] [dex] [dzex] [dzez] [e] [ex] [ef] [ges] gy h i i i k 1 ly m on ny {djex] (haz] [i] [ix] [jez] [ka:] [el] [elipsilon} [em] [en] [enj] o 6 6 5, poe s SZ t ty u a ot fo] [ox] [9] (oz) per} fer] [ef] [es] [tex] Etjex} fu] [u} Ty] a v Zz zs (yz} [vex] [zez] [3e2] The letters, q, w, x, y may also occur in foreign words and names. Certain archaic letters occur in family names:— aa, ai =T4 eb, ew =" 6,6 00, 06 = 6 yori eh,ts = cs rod =fe th =t wey * The Hungarian names of the letters in phonetic transcription are given in square brackets. The sound value of the phonetic symbols see in the next chapters, a 19

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