Facilitation Group Project

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Title: Are you Smarter than KNR 171

Leaders: Molly Thompson, Brendan DeVitto, Sam Sigrist, Khalia McIntyre

# of participants: Roughly 20 Participants

Ages: Ages Range from 18-25

Theme: Are You Smarter than KNR 171 (game show themed)

Ideal Location: McCormick Gym 252

Equipment: Flip Chart

6 Longer Ropes Stereo/Speaker
20 Blindfolds Backlight
10 Red Pennies Microphone
10 Blue Pennies Instruction Boards
10 Apples 10 Buses
Pre-Activity Diagram:

Goal & 1. The goal of this facilitation is for participants to enhance their skills
Bag of in problem solving.
2. The secondary goal of this facilitation is for participants to enhance
their skills in communication.

Instruction 1a) Given the materials, contestants will be able to untangle their
Boards= human made knot without becoming disconnected, before the other
group finishes.
Speaker= 2b) Given the materials, contestants will be able to spell out/form KNR
with ropes while most participants are blindfolded, before the other
groups finishes.

2a) Given the materials, contestants will need to efficiently

communicate with their teammates to complete the task before the
other group finishes.
2b) Given the materials, contestants will need to use specific
verbal/nonverbal communication skills to spell out KNR with their rope
before the other group finishes.

Risk Management 1. Physical Risks/Concerns: Participants will be working together in a

Concerns: close spaces, they may accidently touch/hit each other when moving
throughout the activities. Another physical risk may be having a certain
group individual blindfolded, they may trip and fall due to limitations to
eyesight. Make sure to have a first aid kit, along with 2 facilitators
monitoring each group.
2. Mental Risks/Concerns: Due to this facilitation having a goal of
problem solving some activities, participants may be in close areas.
This may be uncomfortable for some participants, due to lack of
confidence. Another mental concern may be frustration throughout this
facilitation. Some groups/participants may not be able to complete the
task of the activity, which may cause mental frustration. Make sure
whoever is blindfolded is comfortable with the option of being
blindfolded, along with encouragement throughout the group, and the
icebreaker will help with the comfort level of participants.

Our activity is planned for either an open field area or inside a gymnasium. Both of our
activities could work in either setting but we are still planned for any unseen
circumstances. If the sprinklers happened to go off in the gym, we would be calm and
escort the group out of the gym in an orderly fashion. There is a first aid kit one room
over and we have group members who are cpr certified if anything ever happened.

Length Facilitation Description Leader Name


30 seconds - 1 Facilitation “Do you have what it takes to be Molly

Minute Attention Getter smarter than KNR 171? If so, here is
your chance to prove it today on
KNR’s 171 very own game show!”
1-2 Minutes Facilitation “Hello everyone, welcome to Are You Khalia
Introduction Smarter than KNR 171. I am Khalia
and these are my co-hosts Sam,
Molly, and Brendan. Has anyone ever
heard of the game show Are You
Smarter Than A 5th Grader? (waits for
response) Well today you all will be
participating in a game show very
similar to that one. We will be testing
out your smarts and seeing what you
all have learned this semester in KNR
171.Today’s goal is to put your
problem solving skills to the test as
you complete a set of complicated
tasks. You will be placed into two
groups and have to compete against
the other team in order to be the
winners today. Each task is worth 20
points and there will be a bonus task
at the end if your team finishes the
two activities within the time given,
which will add another 10 bonus
points at the end of your overall
score..The other goal today is
communication, so if you guys use
that effectively, you will have a better
chance of winning. Now Sam will
instruct you on how to find your

1-2 Minutes Group Division “Alright everyone, like we said before Sam
it is time to find your groups. Brendan
and Khalia will be handing out apples
and buses that will put you into your
team’s.Once everyone has a card i'll
have you guys head over to Brendan
for our first activity. Meet up as a
group as a whole (apples on one side
and Buses on the other). Any
questions? Great!”
30 seconds- 1 Transition Okay everybody, Now we’re going to Brendan
minute move onto our first game and it’s
going to test you on your
communication and problem solving
skills as a team. Lets Begin!

5-8 Minutes Activity 1 (KNR Name of the Activity- KNR 171 Brendan
171 Spelling Spelling Bee
Instructions for facilitators to
complete/set up prior to
facilitation- The facilitators will have
the rope and blindfolds laid out on the
ground for each group.

Script- Alright Contestants! Now

we’re going to start our first game
called KNR 171 Spelling Bee.The
main purpose of this activity is to get
all of you communicate with each
other and solve this game we have
prepared for you today. Now, think
back to your younger days in your life
as a child. Were you ever in a
Spelling bee before? (Wait for
responses) Awesome! The challenge
for you as a group is to spell out the
letters “K” “N” “R” with rope that will
be provided to you. You will spell each
letter one at a time and in the correct
order. Everyone on your team must
be holding the rope/ropes to make it
count. The twist is one person on your
team won't be blindfolded and is not
allowed to talk. The rest of your team
are blindfolded and allowed to talk.
Can i have a couple volunteers come
up here and help me demonstrate this
game? (Demonstrate) Awesome!
Thank you for that help and give
those contestants a round of
applause. Are there any questions
before we begin this game? No?
Great! Everyone go discuss with your
group and decide who is going to be
the one not blindfolded. Make sure its
a different contestant! Lets go! Good
luck contestants!

Variation- If the game is too hard for

the contestants we can have two
none blindfolded people instead of
just one. If it's too easy we can make
the group spell “1” “7” “1” to finish out
the theme.

30 Seconds-1 Transition Great job everyone! Your problem Molly

Minute solving skills are looking great. We
are now going to transition into our
next activity. Ready, let’s go!
5-10 Minutes Activity 2 Name of the Activity: KNR Human Molly

Script: “Alright everyone, This task will

really be a problem solving challenge.
You will need to all stand in a circle
with your group, toe to toe. Everyone
in your group will put their hands out,
and grab another teammates hand
that is not next to you. I will
demonstrate now. Then your objective
is to untangle the knot of people (end
in a circle, without anyone in the
middle). You may not let go of your
partners hand you chose, it must stay
connected at all times. Lets see who
can be untangled/most untangled first.
Any questions? Great! And GO!”

Variation: Instead of letting them talk

out the challenge, challenge them to
untangle the knot without speaking,
only using non verbal communication.

30 seconds - Transition Okay everyone stop what you’re Sam

1 minute doing and come join us over here! I
am very proud of everyone for
showing off their communication and
problem solving skills and also
completing our human knot, if you
didn’t complete the activity it is alright,
everyone tried their best. Now let’s
look at the score and see who won
our competition?! (Say the score and
congratulate everyone) Now i just
have a few questions for everyone to
see what everyone got out of our
1-2 minutes Debrief Did everyone have fun today while Sam
also feeling challenged? If so, which
was your favorite activity?

What was the hardest part about the

human knot? And have you ever done
this activity before?

For the KNR spelling bee, which

position do you think was the
hardest? The blindfolded or the
instructor who helped you through it?
And did anyone try a different role this
time around?

What was one thing you learned

today about communication or
problem solving? I need 2 answers.

And finally, does anyone want to give

a shout out to one of their teammates
who they think did a good job utilizing
their skills to help their team succeed?
Any feedback is welcome, you were a
great audience.

30 seconds- 1 Conclusion Good Job (red or blue team). You Khalia

minute guys finished with the most points and
are our winners today. However, I
think you all have proved that you are
indeed smarter than a KNR 171
student. You guys combined your
problem solving and communication
skills together like pros. I hope you
guys enjoyed yourselves and were
able to brush up on all the valuable
material we learned this semester in
KNR 171. Thanks for playing and until
next time folks.
5-8 Minutes Back Pocket Molly
Activity Name of the Activity- Keepin’ It Cool
with Problem Solving &
Communication, Tarp Edition.

Script- “Now that you have found your

groups, it is time to complete your first
task in enhancing your problem
solving skills. Throughout your years
at ISU, these people on your team will
help you get through the KNR
program. Here is your first challenge
as a team of KNR majors to work
together and problem
solve/communicate. Listen carefully to
the instructions, and start thinking to
yourself how to complete this task as I
explain. Your task is to keep all your
feet on the tarp (both feet per person),
Here I will demonstrate how to keep
your feet on the tarp and to flip the
tarp on the other side, without all of
your feet leaving the tarp. We may not
help you as facilitators, if we do
however find it hard for you
participants to complete due to time
demands, we will give you hints to
help the task be completed. On the
word go, you may step both feet on
the tarp, and start communicating and
problem solving within your group.
Any questions? Great, and GO!”

Variation: A great variation to this

activity is to have the participants
complete the same task, but without
speaking. That communication barrier
can make the challenge much more
engaging for participants they may
already know how to solve this

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