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Foothills Composite High School 1

ELA 20-1 Course Outline and Curricular Requirements

The Nature of the Beast: Choice, Ethics, and Consequences
Course Description
Students will apply strategies to read, view, and listen in order to form,
extend, and challenge understandings. By responding personally, critically,
and creatively to texts, students reflect upon the human condition and
develop and refine their understandings of themselves as human beings.

In ELA 20-1, we will explore the opposing forces that drive human nature
as we examine the perceptions and consequences of our actions and
morality. Our course, titled The Nature of the Beast: Choice, Ethics, and
Consequences, examines the implications of adhering to or ignoring
morality and ethics. In many texts, we will be examining the cause and
consequence of human action in a variety of contexts.
Teacher Information
Teacher: Mr. S. Spangler Ms. M. Lacerte
Email: Email:

I am thrilled to be completing my final student internship under the guidance of Ms. Lacerte and Mr. Campos. A
proud graduate of the Foothills School Division, I entered the University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education
immediately after graduating from Mount Royal University’s English program in 2017. If you have any questions or
concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. I cannot wait to embark on our journey ahead!
Units of Study (Subject to Change)
Short Texts and Graphic Novels (18 days through September) The Crucible (14 Days until November)
Read: Short Stories, Poetry, Essays, and “The Secret Path” Read/Watch: The Crucible
Demonstrate: Demonstrate:
 “The Secret Path” Graphic novel research and representation  CARLT Response
 Micro CPU PRT
 Creative PRT
V for Vendetta Film Analysis (8 Days until Mid-October) The Lord of the Flies (18 Days until the end of term)
Read: Short Essays and Non-Fiction Read: The Lord of the Flies
Watch: V for Vendetta
Demonstrate:  CARLT Response
 CPU PRT  Literature Circles
Macbeth (18 Days until Mid November) *Major summative tasks listed
Read/Watch: Macbeth PRT = Personal Response to text
Demonstrate: CARLT = Critical/Analytical Response to Literary Texts
 CARLT Outline
 Motif Representations
Foothills Composite High School 2
ELA 20-1 Course Outline and Curricular Requirements
Guiding Thematic Questions Assessment Plan
Short Texts and Graphic Novels 35

What are the consequences of how we treat others? 30

V For Vendetta Film Study
To what extent should individuals resist corruption and oppression?

Macbeth 10

How do an individual’s beliefs impact his or her perception, and 5

therefore reaction, to events or circumstances? 0

The Crucible
Does having free will compromise an individual’s capacity to follow
moral principles?
To what extent does mass opinion affect our own perceptions?

The Lord of the Flies For report card purposes, the school-based mark will

What opposing impulses exist within human nature? be expressed according to the above categories. A

How do individuals reconcile the duality of human nature? significant focus in the course is building the skills
necessary for the successful completion of the
creative/analytical response to literary texts

CEA Response Required Materials

 Please purchase post-it-notes (which
Context Evidence Analysis are really helpful for annotating
 Students are also expected to come to
class prepared with necessary writing
materials and resources (homework,
Ex. In an attempt to further distance himself from Jack and his tribe, Ralph handouts, and books)
tells the remaining boys that they will not be painted because they
“aren’t savages,” illustrating an understood difference between civility and
* Note the use of a bridge word
Foothills Composite High School 3
ELA 20-1 Course Outline and Curricular Requirements

Standards and Expectations

 Our classroom learning culture is built upon respect for self and others. In accordance with the safe and
caring environment emphasized in our school, students will be supportive, understanding, and respectful of
others within individual work, group work, and class discussion and related activities.
 Students will be engaged, responsible, and proactive in their learning.
 Students are expected to be in class every day, on time, and prepared to learn.
 If for any reason a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to complete missed assignments.
Students are advised to check Google classroom for updates, assignments, and resources. Additional printed
copies of assignments and handouts will be organized by month in the green folders contained within the
filing cabinet.
 Students should discuss difficulties with deadlines, concerns about assignments, and issues with time
management before an assignment is due.
 Help will always be given to those who ask for it, and I will conference with students throughout the
semester in regards to ongoing work and progress.
 We will be making extensive use of online resources for reading, writing, and research, so it is imperative
that students remain in good standing with respect to their computer privileges. Students will use technology
respectfully within class in a manner that does not disrupt the learning of self or other.
 Food and drink are permitted in class as long as they do not interrupt the learning environment.
 Plagiarism, or reasonable suspicion of plagiarism will result in a “zero,” and students will be required to do
an additional assignment in order to satisfy learning outcomes.
Foothills Composite High School 4
ELA 20-1 Course Outline and Curricular Requirements

Dear Parent / Guardian,

I am excited to have your child in my class this semester. The English Language Arts 20-1
program has a thematic focus that centers on the idea of “Choice and Consequences.” To
this end, we have selected literature, film, and multi-media that support this theme. The
books and plays that we will be studying are either on Alberta Education’s recommended
list or are commonly taught within the province. Alberta Ed. does not provide a list of
recommended films, but texts we have selected follow the Alberta Film Classification
Guide’s rating of 14a or lower and are commonly taught within the division and province.

Please take the time to review the list of major texts together. Consider your family
sentiments and preview texts in regards to areas of concern in order to ensure your
family’s level of comfort. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the text
choice, please do not hesitate to contact me.

The best means of contacting me is via email:

Parent / Student Signature:

Signing below indicates that you have read and understood the contents of this
___________________ _____________________ _____________________
_ _ _
Student Name Student Signature Date

___________________ _____________________ _____________________

_ _ _
Parent Name Parent Signature Date

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