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Name : Ahmad Rizali

NIM : AAA 116 057

Subject : TEFL (Group B)

Chapter 9


Task 9


(a report text)


Ask students :

- Have you ever listen to music?

- When did you listen it?
- What is your favorite music?
- Can you describe it?

Tell the students that today they are going to learn about music.

Reading activity

Read this text silently


Hip-hop is one of many genres in music. This kind of music is very popular,
especially in USA and Europe. It also becomes the culture of black people in those countries.
But in the other ones, hip-hop is music for minority and is known by only little community.
Hip-hop came from Jamaican music, which used drums and basses in their performance. But,
the word ‘hip-hop’ itself, was first introduced in South Bronx, New York, by a man called as
‘The Grandfather of Hip-Hop’, Afrika Bambaata. He also divided the culture of hip-hop into
four elements: rap, break dancing, graffiti, and DJ-ing. Rap is also known as MC-ing, and is
the way we sing by using rhymes on the lyric, while break dancing is an extreme dance which
includes acrobatic style in the performance. Graffiti is the art of painting on the wall. But it is
often assumed as vandalism by many people. DJ-ing is manipulating sounds or recordings
into new ones. It requires a tool named ‘turntable’ and it also is divided into two styles:
cutting and scratching.

At the beginning, hip-hop had a purpose to give amusement. But, in 1980’s especially
in USA, it grew to be a music which was related to black people, drugs, and crime. Although
this music still has bad reputation, many artists around the world keep trying to bring good
messages such as peace, friendship, or love in their songs. Some of them are Black Eyed
Peas, Too Phat, Eminem, etc. In Indonesia, hip-hop music is spread by Iwa K, Saykoji, Fade
2 Black, etc.

In conclusion, although this music is not well known as other ones, hip-hop still has
little community which supports its existence. Even, in major countries in North America and
Europe, it is very popular, and becomes the culture of the people. Not always the black ones.

(Source : Study English with Rez. 2013)

Comprehension questions

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Hip-hop is ...
a. A dance
b. A genre of music
c. A genre of novel
d. New model of fashion
2. Four elements of hip-hop are...
a. Rap, ballet, painting, and DJ-ing
b. Rock, break dancing, painting, and disco
c. Mumble rap, lyrical rap, diss track, and DJ-ing
d. Rap, break dancing, graffiti, and DJ-ing
3. The way we sing by using rhymes on the lyric...
a. Lyrical
b. Mumble
c. Rap
d. Hip-hop
4. An extreme dance which includes acrobatic style in the performance...
a. Ballet
b. Break dancing
c. Disco
d. Gymnastic
5. Manipulating sounds or recordings into new ones. It requires a tool named ‘turntable’
and it also is divided into two styles: cutting and scratching...
a. DJ-ing
b. Singing
c. Dancing
d. Jogging
B. True or false
6. Hip-hop is one of many genres in music.
7. Hip-hop is very popular in Japan and Korea.
8. Hip-hop came from American music, which used drums and basses in their
9. DJ-ing is manipulating pictures into new ones. It requires a tool named ‘turnpainter’
and it also is divided into two styles: cutting and scratching.
10. The word ‘hip-hop’ itself, was first introduced in South Bronx, New York, by a man
called as ‘The Grandfather of Hip-Hop’, Afrika Bambaata..

Pronunciation check

Ask 3 students to read the text (one-third each), and correcr their pronunciation.

Make sure that students put the stress on the second syllable in the words : genre, becomes,
culture, countries, extreme.

Vocabulary building

A. Complete each of sentences with one word taken from the text.
11. Hip-hop is one of many ... in music.
12. This kind of ... is very popular.
13. It also becomes the ... of black people.
14. Graffiti is the ... of painting on the wall
15. Hip-hop had a purpose to give ...

B. Complete the followin sentences with the given words.

major extreme minority
less came community

16. Hip-hop ... from Jamaican music.

17. Hip-hop is music for ...
18. Break dancing is an ... dance which includes acrobatic style in the performance.
19. Hip-hop still has little ... which supports its existence.
20. In ... countries in North America and Europe, it is very popular,

C. Ask students to work in group of 3 or 4. Each group is assigned to list the genre of
music as many as they can in 5 minutes. Submit the lists to the teacher, who will
announce the group whose list is the longest.

Writing activity

Describe the following genre of music.

1. Rock ....
2. Pop ....
3. Dangdut ....
4. Jazz ....
5. Blues ....

Speaking activity

Ask several students in turns to tell the class about their favorite genre of music, using the
following guide.

- What is the genre?

- What is the characteristics?
- Why they like it?
- Who is their favorite singer in that genre?
Listening activity

Students are asked to guess the genre of music as described orally by the teacher.

1. Music founded upon a rhythm style, which is characterized by regular chops on the
backbeat, played by a rhythm guitarist. An African-Caribbean style of music
developed on the island of Jamaica and closely linked to the religion of
Rastafarianism (though not universally popular among its members).
2. A form of rhyming lyrics spoken rhythmically over musical instruments that typically
uses a musical backdrop of sampling, scratching and mixing by disk jockeys (DJs).
3. A form of music characterised by aggressive, driving rhythms and highly amplified
distorted guitars. Its origins lie in the hard rock bands who, between 1967 and 1974,
took blues and rock and created a hybrid with a heavy, guitar-and-drums-centered
sound. From the late 1970s on, many bands would fuse this sound with a revival of
European classical music.
4. A category that includes songs for babies, toddlers, and young teens; often designed
to educate and uplift children as well as entertain.
5. A classification covering music composed and performed by professionally trained
artists. It is composed and written using music notation, and as a rule is performed
faithfully to the score. Often refers to orchestral music in general, regardless of when
it was composed or for what purpose (film scores and orchestral arrangements on pop
music recordings, for example).

Grammar exercise

Complete the following sentences with which or where.

1. I’m going to Jakarta ... the rock concert be held.

2. Dangdut is a genre of music ... is very popular in Indonesia.
3. It is Reggae music ... is easy listening.
4. Let’s visit the concert ... Michael performs.
5. Is it the music genre ... everybody listen to everyday ?

Answer key

Reading activity

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A


6. True
7. False
8. False
9. False
10. True

Vocabulary building


11. genres
12. music
13. culture
14. art
15. amusement


16. came
17. minority
18. extreme
19. community
20. major

Listening activity

1. Reggae
2. Rapping
3. Metal
4. Kids
5. Classical

Grammar exercise

1. Where
2. Which
3. Which
4. Where
5. Which

Chapter 15


Task 15

1. What have you learned from the contents of this book?

I have learned how to teach English from this book. I know from the basics, methods,
approaches, techniques, and design. I know the way of teaching such as language-
centered, learning-centered, and learner-centered. Now I know about the kind of
current teaching approaches. I know teaching integrated skills mean we should teach
the four skills of English separately. What I can get in this book I know how to teach
English as a foreign language,

2. How confident are you to become a teacher of English ?

In scale of 1-10, currently I am in 5 thats mean I am still confuse. It is because being a
teacher is not what I really want to be. Even I do care about education in our country
and now I am in this English Education Study Program, but I hope in future I can get
another job using my English and not as teacher.

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