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Subject Density

Grade Level 6th grade

Materials Computer/mobile device, QuickTime Recorder, Google Sheets, Google

Forms, and YouTube.

Objectives Students will actively engage in several density activities to learn about
density, how it can be seen in daily life, and various technological tools.

NAEYC Standards MS-PS1-7. Use evidence to illustrate that density is a property that can
be used to identify samples of matter

5-PS1-3. Make observations and measurements to identify materials

based on their properties.

All from the NYS science learning standards

Teaching Timeline

Step 1 Introduction of density through google slides and short introduction song
(the “hook”) and follow up question asking what is density

Step 2 Students will be split into five groups, and go to the Phet website. They
will then access the google sheets and input their predictions.

Step 3 Groups will go on the Phet website that is provided in the Google Slides
document. They are to input that mass and volume of the object they
were given by instructors (styrofoam, wood, ice, brick, aluminum) into
the simulator. The simulator will automatically calculate the density just
as the students have done previously.

Step 4 After the students have successfully input their mass and volume they
will record their density into a google sheets.

Step 5 After all of the students have input their densities into the google sheets,
everyone will construct a graph using google sheets. Teachers will show
how the students will do this on the overhead projector via the computer.
As a class, we will discuss our findings of density and reflect upon the
google sheet together.

Step 6 Students will reflect upon their hypothesis, was it correct or incorrect?
Students will return to the google forms to submit their findings the same
way they submitted their hypothesis. As a class, we will discuss
(compare and contrast) the initial hypothesis, with the results.

Step 7 After the graph is made students will make a Quicktime player as a
group 1.) their hypothesis. 2.) how they found the density 3.) the results
of what there hypothesis (was it correct or incorrect?) 4.) Something new
they learned, and how it is applicable in real life. Once students have
finished their Voicethread, they will upload it in an edmodo post.

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