Soccer Betting

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Volume 19, Number 10, 2015 Articles

 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/glre.2015.19105

Sports (Betting) Integrity: Detecting Match-Fixing in Soccer

Elihu D. Feustel and Ryan M. Rodenberg

INTRODUCTION rize betting on professional sports, subject to

strict regulatory requirements and technologi-

T he need to eradicate match-fixing in sports

is one issue law enforcement, sports leagues,
gamblers, and reputable gaming operators largely
cal safeguards. These requirements would in-
clude: mandatory monitoring and reporting
of unusual betting-line movements . (empha-
agree on.1 The integrity of sports wagering markets sis added).4
is at stake. The general integrity of the underlying
sporting events is at stake, too. Accordingly, a
number of industry stakeholders, including sports 1
See Ryan M. Rodenberg and Elihu D. Feustel, Forensic Sports
governing bodies, gaming regulators, betting in- Analytics: Detecting and Predicting Match-Fixing in Tennis, 8
dustry entities, and commercial line monitoring J. Prediction Mkt. 77 (2014).
companies, have invested in resources to detect See Ben Van Rompuy, The Role of the Betting Industry, in
Global Corruption Report: Sport (Transparency Interna-
corruption and manipulation using statistical tional ed., 2015). In 2014, an entire professional conference
models.2 We add to the existing literature3 and in Europe focused on the topic. See Enlarged Partial Agreement
demonstrate how such methods can be used as an on Sport, Seminar on Sports Betting Monitoring and Fraud
additional tool in the effort to detect match-fixing, Detection Systems, Council of Europe (Dec. 10–11, 2014).
See, e.g., Sue Schneider, Integrity Betting Intelligence System,
preserve sports’ integrity, and ensure that underly- 18 Gaming L. Rev. and Econ. 961 (2014); Adam Hosmer-
ing wagering markets are free of betting fraud. Henner, Preventing Game Fixing: Sports Books as Information
Indeed, National Basketball Association (NBA) Markets, 14 Gaming L. Rev. and Econ. 31 (2010).
Adam Silver, Legalize Sports Betting, N.Y. Times, Nov. 14,
commissioner Adam Silver recently highlighted 2014. In a 2015 ESPN The Magazine cover story, Silver
the utility of such efforts in a wide-ranging New noted the lack of such measures during a 2007 gambling scan-
York Times op-ed that has served to increase dal involving former NBA referee Tim Donaghy: ‘‘[Silver’s]
time overseas coincided with the Donaghy scandal and the rev-
media coverage devoted to the prospect of nation- elation, as Silver puts it, ‘of how important it is to have a way of
wide legalized sports wagering in the United monitoring irregular activity in our games.’ He adds, ‘None of
States. In relevant part, Silver posited: the systems we had in place had captured any betting by Dona-
ghy.’’’ See David Purdum, I’m Not Pro Sports Gambling. I’m
Just a Realist, ESPN The Magazine, Feb. 5, 2015, at 57.
Outside of the United States, sports betting That notwithstanding, mere days after the National Basketball
and other forms of gambling are popular, Association (NBA) referee scandal broke, NBA general counsel
widely legal, and subject to regulation. In Eng- Rick Buchanan and lawyers for the National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA), Major League Baseball (MLB), National
land, for example, a sports bet can be placed Hockey League (NHL), and National Football League (NFL)
on a smartphone, at a stadium kiosk or even collectively penned a July 30, 2007 letter to Congress that in-
using a television remote control. In light of cluded the following, in relevant part: ‘‘. we have heard the ar-
gument that Internet gambling can actually protect the integrity
these.trends, the laws on sports betting of sports because of the alleged capacity to monitor gambling
should be changed. Congress should adopt a patterns more closely in a legalized environment. This argu-
federal framework that allows states to autho- ment is generally asserted by those who would profit from le-
galized gambling and the same point was raised in 1992
when [the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act]
was enacted. Congress dismissed it then and should dismiss it
Elihu D. Feustel is CEO of Four Monkeys Consulting in South now. The harms caused by government endorsement of sports
Bend, Indiana. Ryan M. Rodenberg is an assistant professor of betting of sports betting far exceed the alleged benefits.’’ See
sports law analytics at Florida State University in Tallahassee, 153 Cong. Rec. E1684 (daily ed. Aug. 2, 2007) (statement
Florida. of Hon. Edolphus Towns of New York).


We answer the following question—Can soccer match-fixing.13 We chose EPL and MLS as robust-
matches that are likely fixed be identified as poten- ness checks. By analyzing all four leagues using the
tially corrupt before they are played? same model, we minimized the risk of deeming oth-
We created a soccer-specific model using the first erwise innocuous findings as suspicious.14
ten games of each team’s season as a training set The ratings were created based on results of the
across various leagues. The model predicted the current season before the game in question was an-
probability of a home team win, visiting team alyzed. The team’s ratings were then adjusted for
win, or draw for each match. When the implied mar-
ket probability of a result was considerably higher
than the model prediction, the underlying match
was identified as suspicious and, in turn, deserving See Parimal Bag and Bibhas Saha, Match-Fixing under Com-
of increased scrutiny. petitive Odds, 73 Games and Econ. Behav. 318 (2011); Raul
Caruso, The Basic Economics of Match Fixing in Sport Tourna-
In French Ligue 2, the second-highest level pro- ments, 39 Econ. Analysis and Pol’y 355 (2009); Sean Pat-
fessional soccer league in France, the eight most rick Griffin, Gaming the Game (2011).
suspicious matches had results consistent with pos- See Declan Hill, The Insider’s Guide to Match-Fixing
in Football (2013); James Reade, Detecting Corruption in
sible match-fixing. In Italian Serie B, Italy’s second Football, in Handbook on the Economics of Professional
division professional league, seven of the eight most Football ( John Goddard and Peter Sloane eds., 2014); James
suspicious matches had results consistent with pos- Reade and Sachiko Akie, Using Forecasting to Detect Corrup-
tion in International Soccer (working paper, 2013); Harrrison
sible match-fixing. By comparison, both the English Chase, Corruption in Serie B Soccer, Harv. Sports Ana-
Premier League (EPL) and U.S.-based Major lytics Collective ( July 28, 2015); Guy Ellad, Jeffrey Kantor,
League Soccer (MLS) had normal results inconsis- and Alex Krumer, Does the Corruption Perceptions Index Pre-
tent with match-fixing, even among the most sus- dict the Outcome of Competitions? Evidence from a Natural
Experiment around the World (working paper, 2015).
pect matches. This method might be used to 7
See Rodenberg and Feustel, supra note 1; Ben Gunn and
identify suspicious (and possibly) fixed matches in Jeff Rees, Environmental Review of Integrity in Pro-
soccer leagues before the matches are played, with fessional Tennis (2008).
Dylan Loeb McClain, To Detect Cheating in Chess, A Profes-
the results helpful in directing subsequent investiga- sor Builds a Better Program, N.Y. Times, Mar. 19, 2012.
tions by sports authorities and law enforcement. 9
Mark Duggan and Steven Levitt, Winning Isn’t Everything:
Corruption in Sumo Wrestling, 95 Am. Econ. Rev. 1594
Eric Zitzewitz, Forensic Economics, 50 J. Econ. Litera-
EMPIRICAL STRATEGY ture 731 (2012).
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA),
Our empirical strategy is comparable to similar FIFA Subsidiary Early Warning System and Perform Group
Announce Partnership, (Aug. 19, 2015), <http://www
studies investigating sports corruption generally,5
and specific inquiries in soccer,6 tennis,7 chess,8 ews-and-perform-group-announce-partnership-2671548.html>;
and sumo wrestling.9 We are motivated by the grow- Simon Evans and Brian Homewood, FIFA Team Targets
Match-Fixing, ‘Many’ Cases of Corruption, Reuters (Aug. 21,
ing trend of using analytics to study corruption in 2015), <
the workplace.10 Specific to soccer, we are also mo- ethics-idUSKCN0QQ1IS20150821>.
tivated by the apparent emphasis on match-fixing Dan Bernhardt and Steven Heston, Point Shaving in College
by the Fédération Internationale de Football Associ- Basketball: A Cautionary Tale for Forensic Economics, 48
Econ. Inquiry 14 (2010).
ation (FIFA), the governing body for soccer world- 13
Ian Holyman, Ligue 2 Match-Fixing Report Finds Caen-
wide.11 While such analytical strategies have Nimes ‘Understanding,’ ESPN FC (Mar. 5, 2015); PA Sport,
limitations,12 our indirect methods are an important Nimes Coach Blasts Former Club President Over Match-
Fixing, ESPN FC (Mar. 19, 2015); Associated Press, Nimes
initial step in detecting cases of possible match- to be Relegated from Ligue 2 After Match-Fixing Probe,
fixing and helping allocate investigative resources. ESPN FC (Mar. 17, 2015); Ben Gladwell, Lazio Say Match-
Our parsimonious model was created by assign- Fixing Probe Won’t Imperil Champions League Berth, ESPN
FC ( June 3, 2015); Associated Press, Italy Match-Fixing
ing offensive and defensive ratings for each team Probe Sees Over 50 Arrested, More Under Investigation,
in the four leagues we analyzed—(i) French Ligue ESPN FC (May 19, 2015); Associated Press, Match-Fixing
2; (ii) Italian Serie B; (iii) EPL; and (iv) MLS. We Arrests Reach 17 in Italy, ESPN FC (Dec. 19, 2011).
opted to test the second division leagues in France Indeed, research in this area always carries some risk of false
positives (and false negatives). We attempt to minimize this risk
and Italy because widespread media reports indicate by only pinpointing the most extreme outliers among the differ-
that both leagues have been recently impacted by ent leagues during the four-year time period tested.

home field advantage. Home field advantage was as- To test a league for possible fixed matches, the
sumed to be a constant bonus to offense, equal eight most irregular matches—in terms of pricing
throughout a season, and assessed using games played differences between the model and the market—
before the game subject to analysis. Projections for a were selected from the 2011–2014 seasons for
select game were created by calculating the probabil- each of the four leagues.19
ity of any given score, up to five goals per team, using
a bivariate Poisson distribution model.
In EPL, for example, the model’s Brier Score (a RESULTS
comparison of projections versus actual results)
was 3.5% worse than the implied probabilities of In EPL, the eight most suspicious matches had an
the market’s closing prices for the matches.15 We average implied odds difference of 19.1%. If one
deemed this reasonable, given that our parsimoni- had bet each of these matches, one would have
ous model did not consider injuries, suspensions, lost seven of eight bets. Risking $1 on each
coaching decisions, weather, or other factors that wager, one would have lost $6.02. If those matches
can materially affect the odds of different outcomes. were corrupt, one would expect those eight bets to
When a sporting event is corrupt, and the outcome all (or nearly all) win. This result is a negative find-
predetermined, such knowledge leaks into a semi- ing, suggesting that the matches in EPL were clean.
efficient betting market. The amount of money wa- In MLS, the eight most suspicious matches had
gered when an outcome is certain is substantial an average implied odds difference of 23.9%. If
enough to significantly move the betting markets. one had bet $1 on each of these matches, one
If corrupt money is being bet, one would see closing would have won four wagers and lost four wagers,
prices that are drastically different from a model’s losing $1.05 on $8 risked. This is an average result,
theoretical odds, and one would see bets made by and does not suggest those matches were corrupt.
corrupt money win at a significantly higher rate Similar to EPL, this is a negative finding for the
than the market’s implied odds. This is due to an in- MLS matches. In other words, this suggests that
efficiency in a corrupt market—there is no amount the MLS matches were clean.
of money that can be bet that will move a betting op- In French Ligue 2, all eight suspicious matches
tion to an implied win rate of 100%.16 (including the already-flagged Caen-Nimes match)
The more a betting market’s closing price differs had an average implied odds difference of 25.6%.
from the model price, the more suspicious it is. As Each match was played near the end of the season,
an example of a fair match, consider the 2012 had a significant impact on a team’s standing (a
EPL contest between Liverpool and Fulham. The team potentially being promoted, or at risk of
market’s implied 1 · 2 odds were 51.2% chance
for Liverpool to win, 24% for a draw, and 24.9%
for Fulham to win.17 The model’s 1 · 2 odds were 15
Related studies have similarly relied on a Brier Score for such
53.5%, 27.4%, and 19.1%, respectively. The most comparisons. See Reade and Akie, supra note 6.
‘‘suspicious’’ aspect of the match was the market’s 16
It is worth noting that betting markets are sometimes discon-
backing of Fulham, pricing the visitor’s chances of tinued if it appears the underlying match is corrupt.
winning at 5.8% higher than the model. A not- There are two common ways to bet on soccer. The first way,
often referred to as 1 · 2 odds, allows wagers on one of three
quite 6% difference in pricing is not very suspicious outcomes without regard to total goals scored or goal differen-
from a match-fixing perspective. tial: (i) the home team wins; (ii) the match results in a draw (or
At the other end of the spectrum, consider the tie); or (iii) the visiting team wins. The second common way to
wager on soccer is the Asian handicap system, a topic beyond
2014 French Ligue 2 match of Caen vs. Nimes the scope of this article.
that was later identified in media reports as fixed 18
See Holyman, supra note 13.
for a draw.18 The model’s 1 · 2 prices were 64% The eight suspicious outlier matches for each league during
the four year time period (an amount equal to less than one per-
for Caen to win, 21.3% for a draw, and 14.7% for cent of all games played) were selected among those matches
Nimes to win. The market’s closing price finished occurring after each team had played at least 30 matches in a
at 46%, 42.0%, and 12.1%, respectively. In this given season. Each league has a different number of matches
case, the betting markets implied that the likelihood per season—(i) English Premier League (EPL) and French
Ligue 2 have about 380 matches per season; (ii) Italian Serie
of a draw was nearly double what the model B has about 462 matches per season; and (iii) Major League
predicted—a difference of 20.7%. Soccer (MLS) has about 323 matches per season.

Table 1. French Ligue 2 Suspicious Matches

Win Year Home Visitor Home Vis Played Mod 1 Mod X Mod 2 1 X 2
2.4 2011 Le Havre Vannes 3 4 35 0.710 0.249 0.041 0.425 0.297 0.278
1.4 2011 Istres Metz 2 3 35 0.465 0.354 0.181 0.294 0.310 0.397
0.3 2011 AC Ajaccio Istres 2 0 36 0.538 0.317 0.145 0.752 0.170 0.078
0.3 2011 Nimes AC Ajaccio 1 2 37 0.341 0.366 0.293 0.094 0.186 0.719
0.5 2012 Lens Istres 1 0 36 0.405 0.297 0.298 0.620 0.249 0.131
0.7 2014 Auxerre Le Havre 2 1 35 0.326 0.344 0.330 0.563 0.267 0.170
1.3 2014 Arles-Avignon Auxerre 0 2 36 0.557 0.330 0.113 0.303 0.291 0.406
1.3 2014 Caen Nimes 1 1 36 0.640 0.213 0.147 0.460 0.420 0.121

relegation), and had a result consistent with possible Betting markets in soccer are semi-efficient.22 If
match-fixing.20 In all eight suspicious matches, the a bookmaker offers the option to bet on Liverpool
team benefiting from the apparent fix was either with an implied probability of 50% to win, and
poised to be promoted or in danger of being rele- the actual probability is 60%, bettors will bet on
gated. An insider betting $1 on each of these Liverpool with a positive expectation. As bets
matches would have won $8.26 on $8 risked. This come in, bookmakers adjust the odds until Liver-
finding suggests that some or all of the eight pool backers no longer think they have an advan-
matches were likely fixed. See Table 1 above. tage. After commissions, one might expect bets to
In Italian Serie B, the eight most suspicious dry up when the implied probability is adjusted to
matches had an average implied odds difference 58% (an event with a 60% chance of happening
of 38.5%. Seven of the eight suspicious matches might no longer be profitable after commissions,
had a result consistent with possible match-fixing if the payout were at a 58% implied odds and a
related to the prospect of promotion or relegation.21 2% commission). On a non-corrupt match, the im-
In such matches, the contest was near the end of the plied odds of the final closing prices will be very ac-
season and the team benefiting from a fixed result curate. If the closing price on a group of 1,000
was either poised to be promoted or in danger of games suggests a favorite will win 60% of the
being relegated. An insider betting $1 on each of time, such favorites will win very close to 60% of
these eight matches would have won $5.50 on $8 the games. If a situational factor changes the actual
risked. This finding raises an inference that a major- odds, those factors are accurately reflected in the
ity of the eight matches were probably fixed. See closing price.
Table 2 below. If a match is corrupt, and the result is predeter-
mined before the game begins, the actual probabil-
ity of that result is 1.0 (or close to it, depending on
DISCUSSION how well the fix is executed). This change in the im-
plied probability is always greater than the change
A bivariate Poisson distribution model for scor- caused by injuries or other situational factors,
ing can set approximate odds for soccer results,
but has less information than bettors. For example,
if the model predicted that EPL team Liverpool 20
Unlike American professional sports leagues, where member-
would win 50% of the time, many factors could ship in the league is largely static from year to year, European
make the actual probability higher or lower, and soccer leagues follow the promotion-relegation model. In such
a model, teams that finish at the bottom of the season’s stand-
the model would not account for those other factors. ings are relegated to the next lower division. Being relegated
For example, Liverpool was resting several key from a second-tier league to the third-tier league has consider-
players (or an important player was serving a sus- able financial and prestige implications. Conversely, teams that
finish at the top of the season’s standings are promoted to the
pension), the actual probability would be consider- next higher division, a lucrative move.
ably lower, and the betting markets would reflect 21
The eighth match, which resulted in a draw, had no promotion
this. That notwithstanding, no matter what factors or relegation implications.
were affecting the game, both teams presumably For a detailed discussion of soccer betting market efficiency,
see John Goddard, The Efficiency of Soccer Betting Markets, in
are trying to win, and situational factors may only The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Gambling
adjust the odds gradually. (Leighton Vaughan-Williams and Donald Siegel eds., 2013).

Table 2. Italian Serie B League Suspicious Matches

Win Year Home Visitor Home Vis Played Mod 1 Mod X Mod 2 1 X 2
0.45 2011 Siena Torino 2 2 38 0.658 0.248 0.094 0.200 0.657 0.143
0.63 2011 Ascoli Siena 3 2 39 0.212 0.308 0.479 0.586 0.243 0.171
-1.00 2011 AlbinoLeffe Atalanta 2 3 39 0.228 0.269 0.503 0.558 0.291 0.151
0.34 2011 Crotone Grosseto 0 0 40 0.459 0.311 0.230 0.166 0.713 0.122
0.28 2011 Sassuolo Reggina 3 2 41 0.355 0.375 0.270 0.742 0.165 0.093
0.37 2011 AlbinoLeffe Siena 1 0 41 0.229 0.249 0.522 0.694 0.165 0.141
0.63 2013 Verona Empoli 0 0 42 0.531 0.254 0.215 0.196 0.586 0.218
0.68 2013 Novara Lanciano 1 1 41 0.649 0.216 0.135 0.190 0.567 0.244

where the outcome is never 100% certain. For this Auxerre’s opponents in both suspicious matches
reason, ranking matches by difference in implied were neither at risk of relegation nor in range of pro-
odds (closing market prices versus the model) will motion. In the league standings, Le Havre finished
identify corrupt matches, if they exist, as more sus- with 48 points and Arles-Avignon finished with 46
picious than matches where there are situational points. Both teams could lose a match to Auxerre
factors unaccounted for in the model. at no outwardly evident cost. At that time, the
In French Ligue 2, each team plays every other 2014 league standings among teams in danger of
team twice: once at home and once on the road. relegation were as set forth below in Table 3, below.
For purposes of league standings, a team earns If Auxerre did not gain ground in the last three
three points for a win and one point for a draw. At games, it would have been relegated. But Auxerre
the end of a season, the top three finishers (with displaced Chatearoux by virtue of the results in its
ties broken by goal differential) are promoted to 36th and 37th games, both of which were flagged
French Ligue 1, the country’s top league. The low- as suspicious in our model. If Auxerre had lost
est finishing teams are demoted to Championnat both of those games (or lost one and tied the
National, the equivalent of a third division. There other), it would have finished below Chateauroux
is a considerable difference in prestige and team and likely been relegated.
value/payouts after a promotion or relegation. One must consider alternative explanations to
Caen-Nimes was publicly identified as a corrupt match-fixing.24 For example, would Auxerre try
match in 2014.23 In French Ligue 2, three of the harder, knowing it was at risk of relegation?
eight possibly fixed matches identified were in Could that be a situational factor that would actually
2014. In addition to the Caen-Nimes match, two increase the real probability of them winning? If this
of the last three Auxerre matches were flagged. occurred, and the market were semi-efficient, the
With three games remaining in the 2014 season closing prices of these apparently corrupt matches
for each team, Auxerre had a model probability of would still be predictive. Auxerre would be more
32.6% to win over La Havre. The market closing likely to win, and the other seven apparently corrupt
price inferred a probability of Auxerre winning at results would be more likely also. But how likely is
56.3%, or nearly 24% higher. Auxerre won the it that all eight of the most suspicious results would
match by a 2–1 score. Auxerre then visited Arles- occur? The probability of this occurring based on
Avignon, where the model estimated the probability the predictive model was 0.0000034. The probabil-
of an Auxerre win at 11.3%. The market closing ity based on the implied market probability was
price inferred a win rate of 40.61%, nearly four
times the model price. Auxerre won 2–0.

Table 3. French Ligue 2 Late Season Standings 23

See Holyman, supra note 13. The 2011 Siena-Ascoli match was
previously identified as corrupt, too. See David Purdum, Match-
Team Win Draw Loss Points Fixing Epidemic: What a Sportsbook Trader in UK Sees When
Chateauroux 10 10 15 40 the Fix Is In, (Dec. 6, 2013), <http://www
Laval 9 11 15 38
Auxerre 8 12 15 36 sees-fix/>.
Istres 9 9 17 36 Indeed, in any transparent match-fixing inquiry, all alterna-
CA Bastia 4 11 21 23 tive explanations must be considered before any conclusive de-
termination is made.

0.0036. So, it seems unlikely that teams trying also be used to rule out this type of match-fixing,
harder is the explanation for these results. Addition- as our lack of findings in connection with EPL
ally, other teams at risk of relegation (notably Cha- and MLS demonstrate. No late season matches in
teauroux, Laval, and Istres) would try harder too. EPL or MLS were suggestive of match-fixing.
However, matches involving those other teams at Our findings, consistent with other soccer-
risk of relegation were not flagged as suspicious— specific quantitative studies,26 also highlight the in-
meaning that the risk of relegation did not drasti- stitutional factors in sports league governance and
cally change the implied market probability of structure that can lend themselves to match-fixing
those teams winning, and those late-season games concerns. The promotion/relegation model common
were not fixed in an outwardly obvious way. If a in European soccer and elsewhere can sometimes
team plays better when facing relegation, the im- result in asymmetric incentives among teams in
plied market odds for all four such teams should late season games. One team may have a strong pe-
have gone up significantly. But this did not happen: cuniary incentive to seek promotion (or avoid rele-
only the implied market odds for Auxerre increased. gation) in a given game, while their opponent may
All eight flagged matches in our French Ligue 2 have little incentive to win such game. Match-fixing
analysis had a similar pattern. Namely, a team may result. This type of ‘‘organic’’ corruption is dis-
needed points to be promoted or to avoid relegation, tinguishable from match-fixing orchestrated by
and the fixed result would not hurt its opponent. All third parties who may bribe players, coaches, team
eight matches resulted in an outcome consistent executives, or referees to fix a match and, in turn,
with the suspicious wagering. wager heavily on it.27
In Italian Serie B, our results were similar. Seven Finally, it important to note that our findings are
out of eight suspicious outcomes occurred, and six not conclusive. Indirect analytical techniques of the
flagged matches (including a false positive) had pat- type here have limitations. They are not a complete
terns similar to French Ligue 2—where the suspi- substitute for traditional investigatory techniques
cious matches favored a team at risk of relegation involving interviews, document review, forensic ac-
or poised for promotion, and did not affect the counting, court testimony, polygraphs, wiretaps,
other team. The other two matches involved subpoenas, and search warrants. However, such
draws, which did not benefit either team. If such methods can be used as a starting point for investi-
matches were fixed, it was likely for wagering pur- gating sports corruption, detecting match-fixing that
poses, not for relegation/promotion reasons, which bleeds over into the wagering markets, and helping
likely motivated the other possibly corrupt matches. preserve the integrity of sports wagering markets.28
In 2015, the scope of Serie B match-fixing became
so great that the league pushed the start of its season
back two weeks following the arrest of seven indi-
viduals accused of committing ‘‘fraud in sporting Associated Press, Serie B Kickoff Pushed Back 2 Weeks
due to Match-Fixing Case, Wash. Times, July 8, 2015;
competition.’’25 BBC, Catania President ‘Paid £71,000 to Fix Five Matches,’
BBC Sport ( June 29, 2015), <
CONCLUSION See supra note 6.
Hill, supra note 6, elaborated on this point: ‘‘This should be
clear: gambling fixes are organised by gamblers; arrangement
We present a unique way to help preserve the in- fixes are organised, mostly, by team officials. However . the
tegrity of sports generally and wagering markets two types have begun to merge, so that if a team official
knows that they will lose certain games, they will then seek
specifically. In a sub-set of late-season matches, to profit maximize on the gambling market.’’
we identified vast differences between inferred 28
Reade and Akie, supra note 6, concurred: ‘‘[a] method of
probabilities from market prices and a predictive detecting strange betting patterns . may well be an important
tool as footballing authorities seek to address the problem of
model. If there are large differences, and the differ- match-fixing and other corrupt outcomes in the game.’’ Hill,
ences are outcome predictive (as in French Ligue 2 supra note 6 agreed: ‘‘A number of leagues have already put
and Italian Serie B), this method identifies likely into place systems or companies to watch the price of odds
fixed matches before the match is played. Less on the sports events under the jurisdiction to give warning of
any potential fixing . it by no means is a definitive answer
than one percent of the total number of matches as to whether matches have been fixed; however, it is an excel-
fell into this outlier category. This method can lent first step.’’

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