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Sept 4, 2018 “Unfinished Stories”
“I have time but I don’t use it on my stories. I wonder how people spend them most
out of their time when they say “I have like no time.” I wish I was more active, socially.
Like I had things to do...some close friends who I could hang out with.”
Sept 28, 2018 “Do Pal”
“I just really love bollywood films. I think, I’m PRETTY SURE my first ever
book was a downgrade ver of “Mujhse Dosti Karoge” and it was in the fourth grade...I
think that was the start of my love for writing.”
Oct 26, 2018 “my stories deadlines?”
“Some days I feel like switching my major into english, and only because I love
writing so much.”

Oct 4, 2018 “Big girls/boys deserve love”
“I’ve began a few new stories that have a plus-size woman as the main
character...It makes me wonder (why) I didn’t write some earlier. I think it's cuz, even
as I was trying to love my body, I still shamed it…”
Oct 25, 2018 “KAWAII”
“I feel like I should, or I feel that it will make me happier if I surround myself in
cute stuff...that I should always look presentable.”
Oct 28, 2018 “Dress up”
“I feel like I’m constantly being judged because of my weight & appearance...I
want to make sure I’m aware of the image I want people to see me as...theres that
underlying thought about how to look esp w/ my BIG appearance.”
In the previous two slides, I selected a few excerpts from my
freewrites. While examining the entries, I realized how much thought,
though unconsciously, I had put into each entry.
Each excerpt felt meaningful to me because these thoughts were
things I had never paid attention to. I feel that they showcase little bits of
who I am. Most time, my thoughts are jumbled because they bounce around
from one concern to another.
I also have brought up these same concerns again in later entries. It’s
as though I am trying to understand myself in regards to one thing by
speaking about something else.

One entry I spoke about a movie I had watched, All About Lily Chou Chou. I spoke
about how tragic the plot was..
“Usually if a movie is good, when it ends I have to take a moment and
collect myself and remember that it was just a movie and not real.”
It seems as though I am persuading someone on how sad it made me feel, reflecting
on the themes. To further “pursuade” I chose to include a quote that reminded me
of the film,
“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor
do the children of men as a whole experience it.”
By using this quote from Hellen Keller, I was supporting that the reality for some
children are much worse than others.
Using the freewrites as a way to confide how I was feeling, pathos played a
heavy role. I am a very emotional person as it is, and it displays in these entries. I
chose words like “anxious”, “uncomfortable”, “insecurities”, and “sad” to evoke
emotions within myself.
Referring back to the previous slide quote, me writing that quote also
influenced my indecisiveness on whether to continue my pursuit to becoming a
social worker. Having written that, and rereading it now, I had used ethos.
I jotted down a few lyrics from some of my favorite songs. I’d like to think
that they stirred some emotions. I noted that they always began an entry and
had coincidently guided how the tone of my entry would become.

S .J ’ M G C -H H

E tangi ana koe you are crying

Hine e hine Little girl, little girl
Kua ngenge ana koe you are tired
Hine e hine Little girl, little girl
Kati to pouri ra do not fear
Noho ‘i te araho for there is love
Te ngakau ‘o te matua in the father’s heart for you
Hine e hine Little girl, little girl

en s r la

The va ur m to d a f me s
An he w ed n e r e y
Thi t f o ve t o l w i t
An he w ed n e r e y
Was u r it of h ?
Was u r it li f r e ?
Was u r t e co f a p s a me?
Was u r a f r o m?
Was u r I fi n or

I wrote so much about my own stories. I had even made stories that were
inspired from this school year, even from this class. It’s strange because, though I
love to write, I had never called myself a writer. Now, as I examine these
freewrites, I would like to call myself one.
I was always tying the things I wrote about, back to my stories. “How am
inspired by this?”, “How does this remind me of this story?” is what it seemed was
going through my mind. I also pondered about what made me begin writing.
I was happy to read that how I spoke about my stories felt the same as when I
was younger, that I was excited and galvanized about them and that is important
to me.
I complain A LOT, but I also encourage myself. Some entire
(1) entries would be me complaining but the last few sentences were of (6)

I like to draw, I doodled a few times. I spoke about my admiration
for drawing, even my progress.
I’m a worrywart. Worried over school, over my unfinished stories,
(2) my future, my appearance, my family, the world. I worried A LOT in (5)
these entries.
I love movies, dramas, and music. I credit them countless times as
influencers of my writing and shapers of who I am.

(3) (4)
Many stories were nostalgic memories Many concerns were of my future, world issues, my
Sept 28, 2018 “Do Pal” family
“It’s been...about 12 years since I last lived Oct 19, 2018 “ghosts in the nursery”
there...I dream a lot of that house. And when I “I don’t know when I’ll ever be comfortable to put myself out
wake up, how I wish it was all true.” wont be for a long while and im okay with that.
Aug 25, 2018 “childhood dreams” Sept 10, 2018 “the children, are they ok?”
“I want to protect children. I’m very shy with them but as a
“Those were my favorite memories (elementary)
career I hope to do my part.”
and yet I have these troublesome dreams of my old
Nov 17, 2018 “Archives of my life”
friends and they make me feel like I’m missing
“I want to help my siblings. My mom works all day and most
days there is no food.”

, ,
, ,

After reading, rereading, and examining multiple times of my

freewrites, I feel that I have more of a grasp of who I am. I’m more aware of
myself, the things that I like, what I’m concerned about, what makes me me.
I’m more confident in becoming who I want to be, career wise and also
as a human being.
I also am reminded of what I can make, my stories that are incomplete
that mean so much to me. I will finish them and soon publish them.
All these insights of myself have made me hopeful and confident on
what I can do and be and make.

1) “All About Lily Chou Chou.” IMDb, 2018,
2) “Mujhse Dosti Karoge.” Wikipedia, 6 Jan. 2018,
3) “Amityville ii the possession .” Wikipedia, 12 Mar. 2007,
4) “Hana Nochi Hare: HanaDan Next Season.” MyDramaList, 19 Mar 2018,
5) “Yutori Desu ga Nani ka.” MyDramaList, 11 Sept 2016,
6) “The Haunting of Hill House .” IMDb, 2018,

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