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Task from : Mr. Ilham Hilmi Salim, S.Pd., M.Pd.


XI Science 4

Group II

Arranged by :

Fahri Pahrudin

Farid M. Abdillah

Hani Sri Handayani



First of all, lets pray and thanks into our God Allah Swt who has been giving us some
mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition an happy
situation, so we can complete the task which contain “ Interview About Future Plans”.

Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad Saw.
Who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to the cleverness, from
jahilia era to the islamiah era namely islamic religion that we love. So by his guidance we are
able to differentiate the good thing and the bad one, the right way and the wrong one in order
to enter God paradise.

Finally, we dont forget to say thanks so much to Mr. Ilham as the English teacher,
also to Mrs. Risa who has giving time to help us doing this task, and also to a member of
Group who had done this task completely.

Lets introduce our group ; First, Hani Sri Handayani as the interviewer, she come
from Tasikmalaya. Secondly, Farid Maulana Abdillah as the speakers, he come from
Bandung. The last, Fahri Pahrudin as the moderator, he come from Bogor.


Why we choose Mrs. Risa? Because Mrs. Risa is nice, smart and also sociable. On
this occasion, we have task from Mr. Ilham doing the interview one of the PPL teacher. So
we immediately choose Mrs. Risa to be interviewed.

This interview activity is one of tasks of English which aims to get some information
from the interviewed. This interview is a conversation which is the question are asked and the
answer are given. With the implementation of this interview, we hope to fulfill this English
assignment. And it can be useful for all of us.

 Purpose/Goals
- To get some information about their life
- Learn from their expression
- Etc.

 Time and place

- 30th October 2018
- 9.00 am
- Library of Cipasung Islamic Senior High School

Interviewer : Assalamualaikum, excuse me, are you busy?

Mrs. Risa : Wa’alaikumsalam, oh no, i’m not busy, may i help you?

Interviewer : May i interview you for a few minutes?

Mrs. Risa : Sure, no problem.

Interviewer : We wanna ask you a lot of questions. Do you mind if i ask you now?

Mrs. Risa : Oh, okay. No problem.

Interviewer : What is your full name?

Mrs. Risa : My full name is Risa Novi Nurani.

Interviewer : What is your nickname?

Mrs. Risa : You can call me Risa, that is my nickname.

Interviewer : Where do you born and live?

Mrs. Risa : I was born in Tasikmalaya 26th November 1995, and now i lived at Mangkubumi,

Interviewer : What is your hobby? Why do you like your hobby?

Mrs. Risa : My hobby is cooking because its instict, also listening music because music can
make me calm and focus.

Interviewer : What is your favorite lesson? Why do you like it?

Mrs. Risa : Biology, ofcourse. Because we can learn everything in our body

Interviewer : Oh good. Next, who is your favorite lecturer? Give us the reason.

Mrs. Risa : My favorite lecturer is Mr. Renaldi Rizal Saputra, because he is the type of ideal
priest candidate.

Interviewer : Can you tell us your history of your formal education?

Mrs. Risa : Sure, Al Ikhlas Kindergarten, Ciparay Public Elementary School, Tasikmalaya
14th Junior High School, Al Mukhtar Senior High School and now at
Siliwangi University

Interviewer : What is your plans after graduated, Mrs?

Mrs. Risa : My plans after graduated is work, because i wanna provide a cafe for my parents.

Interviewer : That sounds good. And now what is your plans in this years?

Mrs. Risa : My plans in this years is pass my thesis.

Interviewer : Very good, well, it was great time to have an interview with you. Thank you so
much Mrs. Risa for helped us to complete the task.

Mrs. Risa : Your welcome, my students.


- Name : Risa Novi Nurani.

- Nickname : Risa.

- Born : Tasikmalaya, 26th November 1995.

- Adress : Mangkubumi, Tasikmalaya.

- Hobby : Cooking, because its make me happy, and also Listening the music,
because music can make me calm, and focus.

- Favorite lesson : Biology, because we can learn everything in our body.

-Favorite lecturer : Mr. Renaldi Rizal Saputra, because he’s able, and also he’s type of
ideal priest candidate.

- Formal education : - Al Ikhlas Kindergarten

- Ciparay Public Elementary School

- Tasikmalaya 14th Junior High School

- Al Mukhtar Senior High School

- Siliwangi University

- Mrs. Risa plans : Pass the thesis, also work to provide a cafe for her parents.


From this task, we can conclude that we must to make best planning for our future,
because it gives a steady growth and prepares for a desire future and also planning will help
us in achieving our goals. Also how important education is.

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