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What happen if a drop of water and a liter of oil

Water and oil are both types of liquid. But it has some fundamental values
when viewed from the physics department. For example, periods of liquid type are
different. If the oil is poured into a glass of air, the oil will float. It penetrates the air
period larger than oil. Water has a better place than oil which can dissolve other
substances. In addition, different cohesion and adhesion styles. Water cohesion style
is smaller than the adhesive style.That is why, the air can spread everywhere if spilled
in the area. Then the air can seep even when it's the narrowest (capillary).In contrast
to air, oil cohesion is stronger than its adhesive style. Oil retains its position more. If
spilled, oil will give convex results as proof of its stronger cohesive force.Therefore,
if a drop of water is compared with a liter of oil, the position will change. water will
be above because of the water mass that is lighter than oil that is literary.

2. The Eskimo’s Home

The Igloo House is a house formed from ice or snow. Usually found at the
poles. The pole is an area covered in snow which causes the temperature to become
very cold. There are two poles that we know, namely the north and south poles. At the
north pole, even though it is very cold all day, the north pole is planted by humans we
know as Eskimos. This Eskimo lived in the house of the Igloo. Even though the Igloo
house was formed from snow, Igloo gave warmth to the Eskimos. Alasanya is the
Igloo House utilizing the working principle of an insulator. Snow is a very good
insulator. Snow blankets make what is beneath it warm in the winter. Snow does not
provide heat for Eskimos. But snow slows down the loss of heat produced by the
The building is made of compacted snow beams. To make it, a ditch was
excavated 1.5 meters long and 50 cm deep in a new pile of snow.From the surface of
the trench, a block of ice was cut using a knife. Cutting it must be in such a way that it
can be inclined inward if arranged. Iglo has a vent in the form of a dome on the roof,
like a chimney. A small iglo can be built in just a few hours.
When it's finished, the Eskimos will turn on the lights made of fat and make it
burn as hot as possible. Then the door was closed with ice blocks and made the room
airtight. Snow will begin to melt. But because the dome's roof was curved, the snow
melt did not drip. This water will seep into the ice block, so it's almost entirely wet. If
the blocks are wet enough, the lights are turned off and the door is opened. Cold air
immediately blows in. Within minutes, the fragile snow building turned into an iglo, a
powerful ice dome.
This building is so strong. Iglo will not be damaged even though bear snow
rises to the roof. Because it is very dense and hard, the iglo does not melt and can be a
comfortable place to live.But of course, when the winter ends and the temperature
rises, the building will start to melt slowly.
3. Why on the polar region does the water freeze on its surface, while at the depth it
doesn't freeze when the depth of the temperature should be lower than the
When water turns to ice, the water shrinks but the mass of water remains while
the volume decreases, so that the density of water will increase. The more it goes to 0
degrees Celsius, the smaller the type of water. Here's one answer, why does ice float
in water. Because many ice grains contain hydro carbon which has a lighter mass than
the water (H2O). So ice floats in water because the density of ice is smaller than the
density of water. According to Archimedes' theory that substances that have a density
smaller than water will float in water, substances that have density equal to the
density of water will float and substances that have a density greater than water will
Ordinary water experiences an anomaly so that the smallest specific gravity of
the water is not at zero temperature, but at a temperature of 4 degrees C. As a result of
the anomaly the ice sheet must be on the water surface (because it is lighter than 4 °
C), it is very useful to isolate water from air temperature (above) so that under the ice
surface there is still water in the liquid state. The longer the ice sheet gets thicker, but
underneath there is still water in a liquid state that is very much needed by living
The surface water cannot freeze because of the presence of geothermal energy
so that the temperature on the seabed is not necessarily lower than the sea level.

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