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Myranda Ekkel

Sunnyside Elementary School

Grade 3

TPGP: Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2018

Timeline: September 2018-December 2018

Goal #1: Establish, improve, and further develop effective classroom

management strategies

TQS Focus:
 (a): contextual variables affect teaching and learning
 (e): all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways
 (g): students’ need for physical, social, cultural, and psychological security
 (h): the importance of respecting students’ human dignity
 (i): there are many approaches to teaching and learning
 (p): the importance of guiding their actions with a personal, overall vision of the
purpose of teaching

Rational: I believe that effective classroom management is necessary to successfully

run a classroom daily. To do so, it is important that I create meaningful and effective
steps to implement these strategies within the classroom. I want students to have a
nurturing environment where they can work to the best of their abilities which will
intentionally help students to follow classroom instructions and work well alongside
fellow students.

Sub-goal #1: Design and establish specific expectations and routines with students

 Strategy 1: Discuss positive expectations and routines with students

 Heavily in September but throughout the whole year
 Create flow charts or visual aids to help students

 Strategy 2: Exhibit expectations towards all students; model and incorporate

expectations and reinforce routines to reiterate and strengthen
 Throughout the whole year
 Explicit reminders, modelling, and verbal cues

Measures: Develop and write a concise list of expectations and routines on a poster
that can be displayed.

Sub-goal #2: Broaden knowledge of classroom strategies through research and

 Strategy 1: Invite Teacher Mentor and other staff members to observe a class
 TM, teachers, administrators, University Consultant
 Ongoing
 Strategy 2: Ask TM and other teachers if I can observe their class
 TM, teachers, administrators
Myranda Ekkel
Sunnyside Elementary School
Grade 3

 Strategy 3: Read credible articles and texts related to classroom management;

include new applications that are age and school-appropriate.
 The Guardian: Education
 Edutopia
 Scholarly journals
 During prep time, about once a week

Measures: participate in discussions after being observed and observing and recognize
(1) what is working for myself and/or others, and (2) what can be changed and improved
from observation tool. Record significant points (e.g. new theories, methods, and
tools/aids used to enhance classroom management).

Sub-goal #3: Reflect on current classroom management and climate

 Strategy 1: Accept and understand that there are various ways to approach
classroom management; have a relaxed and open-ended mindset.
 Strategy 2: Discover and record through experience(s) what is working and what
is not; do not hesitate to discontinue a strategy that is not or no longer useful or

Measures: reflect on a sticky note or lesson plan if possible during or following a

lesson. Reflect in a journal once a week that includes increased knowledge and
personal reflections for accountability as well as a personal artifact for future

Goal #2: Further enhance reading and writing skills within the classroom by
effectively planning, implementing, and managing a variety of programs
and resources.
Rational: I believe that building strong reading and writing lives within the classroom is
important to enhance comprehension and understanding throughout all subject levels,
and even outside of school. I want to be able to create meaningful lessons that are
relatable and interesting to students to help them improve their skills. It is essential that I
create meaningful and effective lessons that expands knowledge and develops a variety
of skills.

TQS Focus:
 (a): Contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
 (d): Teachers understand the subject disciplines they teach.
 (e): All students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways
 (f): The purposes of short, medium and long-term range planning.
 (i): There are many approaches to teaching and learning. They know a broad
range of instructional strategies appropriate to their area of specialization
Myranda Ekkel
Sunnyside Elementary School
Grade 3

 (k): Purposes of student assessment.

Sub-goal #1: Become more familiar with Lucy Calkin’s work and Words Their Way
through research, online resources, and discussions with fellow colleagues
 Strategy 1: Ask TM and other teachers within the school if I can observe their
reading and writing classes as the entire school is using Lucy Calkin’s work.
Discuss their strategies and tools used throughout the lessons and ways in which
they engage their students.
 Strategy 2: Regularly research reading and writing games along with other
individual and group activities to coincide with the material to add variety and
new perspectives.
 Strategy 3: Create “same skill” student groups to efficiently deliver lessons,
based on the Words Their Way resource.
 Strategy 4: Regularly assess student work—taking writing journals home every
Friday and providing feedback and reading with students throughout the week
during silent reading time.

Measures: schedule specific dates and times with colleagues to observe and discuss
reading and writing within the classroom. Also use prep time to research alternative
materials that coincide with Lucy Calkin’s and Words Their Way—keep track of ideas in
an online document or journal.

Sub-goal #2: Become trained in Fountas and Pinnell testing

 Strategy 1: Work with TM and Administrator and learn how to conduct the
 Strategy 2: Conduct the testing with my own students and use their results to
enhance reading within the classroom and apply the results to what is being
taught through Lucy Calkin’s material.

Measures: schedule a time with a group of colleagues to learn how to test students
using Fountas and Pinnell. Also, reflect with TM and others on how they use these
results within the classroom and the ways in which they implement change for students
needing it.

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