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1. Report Text
a. Definisi Report Text
Report text adalah suatu jenis teks yang mengupas suatu hasil pengamatan, penelitian,
observasi, atau studi tentang benda, binatang, orang, atau suatu tempat. Adapaun fungsi
atau tujuan dari report text itu sendiri adalah untuk menggambarkan objek apa adanya.

b. Contoh Text Report


Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific name: Felis silvestris catus
or Felis catus) is a type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The word "cat"
generally refers to a "cat" that has been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" such as
lions and tigers.

Cats are considered as "perfect carnivore" with teeth and particular digestive tract. The first
premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works
effectively as a pair of scissors to tear the meat. Although these features also exist in the
Canidae or dog, but these traits are better developed in cats. Unlike other carnivores, cats
eat almost non vegetable substance. Bears and dogs sometimes eat berries, roots, or honey
as a supplement, while cats only eat meat, usually freshly killed prey. In captivity, cats can
not adapt to a vegetarian diet because they can not synthesize all the amino acids they need
from plant material; it is in contrast with domesticated dogs, which commonly are fed a
mixture of meat and vegetables and sometimes it can adapt to a completely vegetarian

Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat found
on the island of Cyprus. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away the
rats or other rodents from the barn where the crops were saved.Currently, the cat is one of
the most popular pet in the world. Cats that his lines are recorded officially as a cat breeds
or pure breed are Persian, Siamese, Manx, and the sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually
bred in official captivity animal. The number of purebred cat is only 1% of all cats in the
world; the rest is a cat with mixed ancestry such as wild cats or domestic cats.

2. Descriptive text
a. Definisi Descriptive text.
Descriptive text adalah suatu jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan atau
mendeskripsikan orang, binatang, tempat ataupun suatu benda. Umumnya, yang
dideskripsikan adalah bentuk, ciri, ataupun sifatnya.
b. Contoh Descriptive text
My Family

My family has four members: those are I, my sister, and parents of course.
My mother is 47 years old. Her name’s Anisa. She’s thin-faced and she’s got long, blond hair
and beautiful green eyes. She is still slim because she always tries to stay in shape. She is
very good-looking, always well-dressed and elegant.
My father, Lukman, is 5 years older than my mother. He is 52. In spite of his age he’s still
black-haired, with several grey hairs. He has bright blue eyes. He is quite tall, but a bit
shorter than me. He’s very hard-working. Besides that he is working in a travel company. He
can even make a dinner when my mother is outside. His cooking and his meals are always
very tasty as well as my mothers’.
Finally, my sister Nadina. She is 22. She is also red-haired and green-eyed. She has long wavy
hair and freckles. She is definitely shorter than me. She is rather introverted. But she is very
sensible, smart and co-operative. Right now she is studying English and also knows Arabic
and Mandarin. I want to be so smart as she is.
They all, except me, speak Sundanese very well, because we were living in Bandung for 5
years. My sister have been going to primary school there. Unfortunately I was only 3 when
we were leaving to Jakarta, so I can’t speak Sundanese. Now we are happily living in Jakarta.

3. Procedure text
a. Defenisi Procedure text
Pengertian Procedure text adalah sebuah teks yang memberikan kita perintah atau instruksi
untuk melakukan sesuatu. Procedure text adalah teks yang dirancang untuk
menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dicapai melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah-langkah.
Jadi dapat disimpulkan disini, procedure text adalah jenis text yang bertujuan untuk
menggambarkan suatu perintah atau instruksi tentang bagaimana sesuatu dicapai sesuai
urutan atau langkah-langkah yang benar.

b. Contoh text procedure

How to Make a Glass of Coffee
Materials :
 water
 Sugar
 Coffee
 Glass,
 Spoon
 kettle
Steps :
 boil the water First
 Second, take two spoons of coffee and two spoons of sugar. put into a glass
 Next, pour the hot water into a glass
 Then, stir it gently
 Finally, your coffee is ready to drink
4. Recount Text
a. Defenisi Recount Text
Recount Text adalah salah satu jenis text dalam bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan
kembali tentang kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman-pengalaman di masa lampau.
Tujuan dari Recount Text adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur
pembaca sehingga tidak terdapat konflik.

b. Contoh Recount Text

Three days ago, I went to the traditional market to buy some fruits and vegetables.
In that market, I saw an accident, there was a thief beaten by a lot of people. It was so terrible. I
didn’t want to take closer and see.
A few minutes later, police came and took him.

I asked to the fruit seller what had happened actually and she said that the thief tried to steal
someone’s wallet but he was unlucky.
Someone saw him and shouted loudly and suddenly some people roughed him up hardly.

It was a pity event and I hoped it would never happen again.

5. News item text

a. Defenisi News item text
News item text adalah suatu teks yang menginformasikan pembaca tentang
peristiwa/kejadian sehari-hari yang layak diberitakan atau penting. Newsworthy yang berati
layak untuk diberitakan, jadi tidak semua kejadian/peristiwa bisa diberitakan. Hanya
kejadian atau peristiwa penting saja yang layak diberitakan. Jika peristiwa/kejadian itu tidak
penting maka tidak layak untuk diberitakan dan diketahui banyak orang.

b. Contoh News item text

An Indonesian domestic worker has claimed that she lost her kidney without her knowledge
while she worked in Doha, Qatar, three years ago
DOHA – Sri Rabitah, 25, told the Indonesian press on Monday that she only realized what had
happened before when she returned to her home and went to hospital complaining of constant
back pain.
To her surprised, doctors told the young mother that one of her kidneys was missing.
Muhammad Iqbal, a foreign ministry official, said that her case was a “clear indication” of organ
trafficking and called for an urgent investigation soon. Her employers allegedly told her to go for
a medical check-up at a hospital, during which she was placed under anaesthesia with no
explanation. “Without permission, I got an injection. The doctor said I was so weak, so I was told
to relax,” Sri told the Detik news site.
Sri said that she remembered being taken to a room containing medical tools before waking up in
pain with an inexplicable incision scar. She claims that she was never given an explanation about
what happened in the room at that time, and was sent back home as her employers deemed her
unfit to work. Sri has said that she wants to fight back. “I want the government to sue the
perpetrator. My kidney was stolen,” she said.

1. Application letter
a. Defenisi Application letter
Application letter adalah syarat utama dalam melamar suatu pekerjaan. Application letter
disebut juga surat lamaran kerja. Dalam penulisan surat lamaran kerja memang seharusnya
anda memperhatikan beberapa hal-hal yang disyaratkan oleh perusahaan, karena terkadang
dalam pembuatan surat lamaran harus menggunakan bahasa inggris.

b. Contoh Application letter

May 28, 2010
Inara Lightings, Ltd.

Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to explore the possibility of employment as Document
Controller in your reputable firm. I am a Computer Science graduate of the University of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. I bring with me several years of experience as information
systems analyst of leading companies that include Nissan Motor Philippines, Inc. My strong
computer skills, knowledge of modern word processing software, and project management
tools are but some of the things that make me an asset to your company. Attached is my
resume for your perusal. Should you require any further information, I can be reached at
632-555-1234 (during regular business hours), or at 632-555-6789 (during regular business



2. Inquiry letter
a. Defenisi Inquiry letter
Pengertian Inquiry letter adalah sebuah jenis surat permintaan atau permohonan informasi
tentang suatu produk, jasa, lowongan pekerjaan atau informasi bisnis lainnya.
b. Contoh Inquiry letter
March 3rd 2017

Serena Cake and Bakery

Daeng Jaka street number 4 Bandung
West java

Price list
Dear Mrs.
The catalogue has been arrived at our store, we would like to thank for your catalogue.
But there is no price list on there. So we would be gladder if you send us your price list of
edition #4.
We are interested with you newest cake discount.
Thank you so much and we need your reply.
With the faithfully

Christine Gilberty Donjuan.

The owner

3. Offering Letter
a. Defenisi Offering Letter
Offering Letter merupakan surat yang berisi sebuah penawaran barang ataupun jasa dari
suatu perusahaan yang disampaikan melalui kertas ataupun melalui surat elektronik/e-mail.
Di Indonesia, umumnya sebuah perusahaan membuat surat penawaran dalam bahasa
Indonesia. Namun ada juga sebagian perusahaan yang mengharuskan untuk membuat surat
penawaran dalam bahasa Inggris dengan alasan tertentu. Cara membuat surat penawaran
dalam bahasa Inggris secara umum sama dengan pembuatan surat penawaran dalam
bahasa Indonesia. Perbedaannya tentu hanya terletak dari bahasa yang digunakan
b. Contoh Defenisi Offering Letter
Malang, December 11th, 2017

Designation. General Manager Affair
Jl. Lettery Price No. 36

Dear Sirs,
Through this letter, let us introduce our company to you. Our company named PT Ricarica
is engaged in the distributor of office stationery.

According to the information we collect, PT INDOFOOD is a property company that is

growing rapidly and will open again some marketing office in Banda Aceh. In this
connection, let us offer some of the stationery products that we market. Together with
this letter, we attach a list of items and their respective prices.

If your company needs our services, then simply contact us via telephone numbers +62
8524649 77993 and we’ll deliver the goods directly to the site. Further, we will send you
an invoice each end of the month for transactions occurring in the corresponding month.
We will give special discount if accumulated purchase within one month of more than Rp
30.000.000, – (thirty million rupiah).

We hope that this offer can proceed in a form of cooperation that benefits both parties. If
Mr interested, we are ready to make presentations and conduct further discussed.

Thus we submit the offer letter, delivered thank you for your attention.
PT Contoh Surat Penawaran

Marketing Manager

4. Complain letter
a. Defenisi Complain letter
Complain letter adalah surat yang ditulis oleh pihak pembeli kepada penjual yang berisi
tentang tuntutan atau keluhan misalkan disebabkan oleh barang yang diterima tidak utuh,
pengiriman barang ke alamat yag salah, kekeliruan pada catatan dokumen/invoice,
keterlambatan pengiriman barang, mutu barang yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan dll.
b. Contoh Complain letter


Jl. Sudirman No. 145
Jakarta Pusat

Ref. No : 475/AS_SCS/VI/2015 26th April 2015

Sun Electrial Company

230 South Taft Street
Phoenix, AZ 76025

For the Attnt : Mr. Jhon Reed

Dear Mr. Reed,

Our order was delivered to our warehouse this morning via Express Transport Service.

Thank you for your prompt delivery of order//314. however, correction on part of the
shipment is needed.

All the items we request arrived in excellent condition with one exception. if you will refer
to our original order, you will note that we requested your// 404 lamp. Apparently an error
was made in the processing of this order because we received your //407 model instead of
the one we requested.

Will you kindly pick up those you sent out and substitute an equal quantity (30) of the
model // 404.

We would appreciate your attention to this in the next few days.

Sincerely Yours,

Ahmad Syafe’i
Chief Buyer

5. Ordering Letter
a. Defenisi Ordering Letter
Surat permintaan penawaran adalah surat dari calon pembeli kepada penjual yang isinya
meminta penawaran. Maksudnya, calon pembeli meminta melalui surat agar penjual
mengajukan penawaran secara resmi kepadanya. Dengan adanya penawaran dari penjual
nantinya calon pembeli akan mengetahui harga, syarat jual beli, dan keterangan tentang
barang atau jasa yang akan dibeli. Inilah yang menjadi tujuan calon pembeli menulis surat
permintaan penawaran kepada penjual. Bila calon pembeli telah mengetahui kondisi suatu
barang/jasa berikut harga dan syarat jual belinya, tentu ia tidak perlu lagi meminta
penawaran dari penjual.

b. Contoh Ordering Letter

Jl. Arjuna 15A
Metro Utara, Lampung Indonesia


Jl. Cendana Asih 22
Bandar Lampung Indonesia

Dear Sir,
Our company of SANJAYA CONVECTION offers some of our new products for the BORDIR
CLOTHES store. Our products are cheaper than the other convection with the best quality
comfortable to wear and tidy. The products we offer are:

Shorts : (30.000 1 pcs)

Blazers : (40.000 1 pcs)

We hope you are interested in our product offerings. If you want to join our product we will
give 30% discount for first to third purchase. For more information please contact us in Jl.
Arjuna 15A Metro Utara Lampung Indonesia (021-234367). Thank you for your attention.


Susilo Yanto.

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