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Mock IEP

Section 1-Background Information

School District/Agency: Cunningham Elementary School

Name and Address: Las Vegas, NV

Individualized Education Program

Date of IEP COMMITTEE/CPSE Meeting: November 12, 2016

Purpose of Meeting: Initial

Student Name: Andrew McLead

Date of Birth: 7/17/07 Age: 9

Street: 3618 Carson St.

City: Las Vegas Zip: 89122

Telephone: (702) 576-3958 Country of Residence: United States

Male: ____ Female: __X__ Student ID#: 345877 Current Grade: 4

Dominant Language of Student: English Interpreter Needed: Yes___ No _X_

Racial/Ethnic Group of Student:

(optional information)

American Indian or Alaskan Native: ____

Black (not of Hispanic orgin): ____

White (not of Hispanic orgin): __X__

Asian or Pacific Islander: ____

Hispanic: ____

Date of Initiation of Services: 07/12/16 Projected Date of Review: 1/2017

Date of Eligibility: 3/20/2013 Date for Reevaluation: 10/2019

Medical Alerts: Intellectual disability

Mother’s Name/Guardian’s name: Brenda McLean

Street Address: same

City: same Zip: same

Telephone: same Country of Residence: same

Dominant Language of Parent/Guardian: English Interpreter Needed: Yes ___ No _X_

Father’s Name/Guardian’s Name: Josh McLean

Street Address: same

City: same Zip: same

Telephone: same Country of Residence: same

Dominant Language of Parent/Guardian: English Interpreter Needed: Yes ___ No _X_

Section 2-Present Levels of Performance

1-Academic/Educational Achievement and Learning Characteristics:

Present Levels: Andrew is non-verbal and uses different ways to communicate with others by:
hand gestures, eye contact, body language, and a small vocal vocabulary.

Present Levels: Social Interaction with other students is very minimal. Has a hard time
communicating with children and is very quiet and to himself.
Present Levels: Cognitive level is below average than most of the kids his age. Struggles with
staying focused and has a harder time understanding academics. Struggles with math, reading,
and writing.

Present Levels: Academic development is below average due to the fact that he has a hard time
staying focused and on track. Gets distracted very easily and loses focus on subjects being

Present Level: Andrew is able to follow directions most of the time just has a hard time staying
focused when discussing academic material. Enjoys PE and Art class, is doing average in those

Section 3- Goals and Benchmarks

Annual Goal: Andrew will maintain and improve cognitive skills and academics
Short-term Instructional Objective Evaluation Evaluation
Procedures Schedule
1-Improve writing methods and habits weekly writing Monthly

2-Improve math comprehension quizzes, test, Monthly

daily worksheets

Annual Goal: Andrew will improve social skills and self-esteem.

Short-term Instructional Objective Evaluation Evaluation
Procedures Schedule
1-Develop social skills with necessary behaviors, observation Monthly
attitudes, and self-esteem improvement

2-Grasp concept of expression himself from emotions counselor Quarterly

he is feeling observation

Annual Goal: Learn study and focus skills.

Short-term Instructional Objective Evaluation Evaluation
Procedures Schedule

1-Learn to stay focused during classroom, homework, teacher quarterly

and studying

2-Improve studying skills parent contact quarterly

classroom teacher
Section 4- Special Education Programs and Related Services/Program
A. Special Education Initiation Date Frequency Duration
Programs/Related Services

In-school counseling December 2016 2x a week 1 hour

In-school tutor December 2016 4xs a week 1hour

B. Extended School Year Services: Yes ____ No __X__

*Specify group/class size if appropriate

C. Supplementary Aids & Initiation Date Frequency Duration

Modifications or Supports
For the Student

Modification of classroom December 2016


After school programs December 2016 4x a week 1 hour

D. Describe any assistive technology devices or services needed:

Andrew will be required to have a counselor and tutor to perform sessions for his development.
He will be meeting with a counselor twice a week to talk about personal issues and experiences.
He will also be meeting with a tutor one on one 4 times a week to get a better understanding of
material being presented to him daily in his classroom. Technology that will be required is a
computer so he can work on concepts from the classroom and make curriculum more

E. Describe the program modifications or supports for school personnel that will be
provided on behalf of the students to address the annual goals and participation in
general education curriculum and activities.

School will provide tutor and counselor to do session a couple times a week for student. His
material will be accommodated to his needs and monthly/annual goals. Teacher will also be
provided with information for individualized assessments regarding curriculum and social skill
F. Individual Testing Modification(s):

Andrew requires double the time as regular students for standardized tests.

Andrew requires double time to complete classroom test and activities.

Andrew requires separate quite individual time to study material with minimal


Section 5- Placement

Classification of the Disability: Intellectual Disability

Recommended Placement December- June: Inclusion

Extended School Year (ESL) Services?: Yes___ No_X_

Recommended Placement, August and December: Inclusion

Transportation Needs: None


Completed Sample IEP –NASET. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2016, from

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