Sarvatra ISO 8583 Interface v1 - 1

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Sarvatra EFT Switch

Technical Specification
ISO 8583 Host Interface
Sarvatra  Host-­‐to-­‐Host  Interface  Specification  

Document Control

Version Date Author Reviewed Change Description

1.0 01-Aug- Sumeet Sundeep First version
2011 Phadnis Bhatia
1.1 12-Apr- Chetan Sumeet New transactions – NFS Issuer Mini
2012 Shah Phadnis Statement, PIN Change notification.
Introduction of transaction fee module.

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Sarvatra  Host-­‐to-­‐Host  Interface  Specification  

Table Of Contents

INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 4  

THE CONNECTIVITY .............................................................................................................. 5  

THE MESSAGES ....................................................................................................................... 6  

ISO 8583 MESSAGE FORMATS ............................................................................................. 9  

SIGN ON – SIGN OFF - HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FORMAT ........................................................ 10  
BALANCE INQUIRY MESSAGE FORMAT .................................................................................. 11  
CASH WITHDRAWAL MESSAGE FORMAT ............................................................................... 13  
CASH WITHDRAWAL REVERSAL MESSAGE FORMAT ............................................................. 15  
MINI STATEMENT MESSAGE FORMAT .................................................................................... 17  
PIN CHANGE NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORMAT ................................................................... 20  
NFS ACQUIRER WITHDRAWAL MESSAGE FORMAT ............................................................... 22  
NFS ACQUIRER WITHDRAWAL REVERSAL MESSAGE FORMAT ............................................. 24  
LEGEND ................................................................................................................................... 26  
RESPONSE CODES ................................................................................................................. 27  

MESSAGE FLOWS .................................................................................................................. 28  

TRANSACTION REQUEST AND RESPONSE ............................................................................... 28  
REVERSAL REQUEST AND RESPONSE ...................................................................................... 28  
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................... 29  

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Sarvatra  Host-­‐to-­‐Host  Interface  Specification  


Sarvatra Technologies is in the business of providing its EFT Switch infrastructure

on ASP (Applications Service Provider) basis to banks. It supports on-us
transactions processing from bank’s ATMs and POS terminals and also provides
acquiring and issuing interfaces to the National Financial Switch (NFS). In order to
achieve this Sarvatra EFT switch must be interfaced to the core banking host
application of the bank.

It has been decided that the Sarvatra EFT Switch <-> CBS Host interface would be
driven through the industry standard ISO 8583 (1987) financial message exchange

Once the interface is in place a bank’s customer would be issued an ATM/ debit
card. The bank’s customer would use the ATM/debit card at one of the ATMs or
POS terminals connected to the Sarvatra EFT Switch. The customer could choose a
transaction from the list of transactions available, which are Balance Inquiry, Cash
Withdrawal, Mini Statement, or Pin Change. If the customer does a Cash
Withdrawal transaction, they would enter the required information at the ATM/POS
terminal, swipe their card and enter their PIN. The ATM/POS terminal would
connect to the Sarvatra EFT Switch and pass the transaction details to the switch.
The switch would validate and verify the customer after which the switch would
send an authorization request transaction to the CBS Host through the newly
developed interface. The host would authorize or deny the transaction and send a
response back to the switch. The switch will then format the appropriate message
for the ATM/POS terminal and send it to the ATM/POS terminal. The ATM would
then dispense cash to the customer. If there is any problem in dispensing the cash,
the switch generates a reversal and sends to the CBS host for processing. In case
of POS terminal the customer would receive the approval at the POS terminal. The
customer would be handed over the cash and the receipt by the branch and the
transaction would be complete.

This document will cover the following message formats required to build the ISO
8583 message interface between Sarvatra EFT Switch and CBS Host.


Network management messages:

Sign On
Sign Off
Hand Shake
Financial transaction messages:
Cash Withdrawal – onus (ATM / POS) and not onus (NFS)
Reversals – onus and not onus (NFS)
Non-Financial transaction messages:
Balance Inquiry – onus (ATM / POS) and not onus (NFS)
Mini Statement – onus (ATM / POS) and not onus (NFS)
PIN Change – onus (ATM / POS) and not onus (NFS)
NFS Acquirer Transactions (GL/Tran):
Cash Withdrawal

This document is intended to provide adequate technical information to the design

and development team on the CBS Host system to build the ISO 8583 interface

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Sarvatra  Host-­‐to-­‐Host  Interface  Specification  

The Connectivity

The two system, Sarvatra EFT Switch and the CBS Host would be interfaced
through an ISO8583 messaging layer encapsulated over TCP/IP.

The CBS Host would play the role of the client in the TCP/IP connection while the
Sarvatra EFT Switch would play the server. Sockets would be used on either end.
The side being the client will be responsible for establishing the connection with the
server and re-establishing the connection on a connection failure. The server side
would be responsible for accepting connection requests on a designated port and
validating that the calling IP address is a known IP address and defined in the

There would be only one TCP/IP socket connection between the client and the
server. This connection would be kept alive at all times reducing connection
overhead and ensuring constant availability of the interface. This single connection
would be used to pass multiple messages from the Sarvatra EFT Switch to the CBS
Host and vice-versa. To keep track of the messages, each message sent by the
switch to the host will contain a unique retrieval reference number which must be
returned as is in the response message so that the switch can locate the original
transaction in its log. The use of the unique retrieval reference number allows the
switch to simultaneously send transactions to the host without waiting for a
response to an earlier transaction. This improves transaction response time.

The TCP/IP interface would have a length indicator in front of each message. The
length indicator serves the purpose of a delimiter. The reading interface would
determine the start and end of a message by reading the length indicator that
arrives in front of every message. Reading the length indicator would indicate the
length of the message that follows.

To be precise the length indicator would be constructed as follows.

4 Byte Ascii Data Length Indicator (DLI) + Data

The DLI would exclude its own length. So for example if the Data to be sent across
was 100 bytes then the length indicator would say 0100 and not 0104 which
includes its own 4 byte length. The DLI would have leading zeros.

Both interfaces, Sarvatra EFT Switch and CBS Host must setup the DLI on all
messages sent or received between the two systems.

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The Messages

The application messaging interface between Sarvatra EFT Switch and the CBS
Host application would be using the ISO8583 : 1987 industry standard interface.

The ISO 8583 interface is a bit map interface where each message is constructed
with a message type followed by a bit map and finally the actual fields containing

We would support following types of messages between Sarvatra EFT Switch and
the CBS Host:

1. Sign On
2. Sign Off
3. Hand Shake
4. ATM Balance Inquiry
5. ATM Mini Statement
6. ATM Cash Withdrawal
7. ATM Cash Withdrawal Reversal
8. POS Balance Inquiry
9. POS Cash Withdrawal
10. POS Mini Statement
11. ATM/POS PIN Change
12. NFS Issuer Balance Inquiry
13. NFS Issuer Withdrawal
14. NFS Issuer Withdrawal Reversal
15. NFS Issuer Mini Statement
16. NFS Issuer PIN Change
17. NFS Acquirer Withdrawal
18. NFS Acquirer Withdrawal Reversal

The Sign On / Sign Off Message

This message type is transmitted by either interfacing system (Sarvatra EFT Switch
or CBS Host) to inform the other about its readiness to process transactions. An
interface that wants to be available would send the other interface a Sign On
message. When the interface wants to be unavailable it would send the Sign Off
message. Either side can send this message at any time. It is the responsibility of
the receiving end to respond to this message request considering that the receiving
end is available. In this case, the Sign On and Sign Off request will be initiated by
CBS Host.

The Handshake Message

This message type is transmitted to check the availability of the communicating
interface. Either interface can send the other interface a handshake message at
anytime. If the receiving interface is healthy and alive and has received the
handshake message then it is the responsibility of this interface to respond to the
handshake message. Typically the hand shake message is transmitted to the other
interface once every 30 seconds. If the receiving interface does not reply within 30
seconds then the handshake message is repeated. If the receiving interface misses
2 consecutive handshake replies, it should automatically mark the interface
unavailable. The handshake message transmission however continues every 30
seconds till the receiving interface replies to a handshake at which time the
interface is marked available again. Successful handshakes do not indicate that the
application on either end is available for processing. This is controlled by the Sign
On message as described in the section above.

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The Balance Inquiry Message (ATM/POS/NFSI)

This message type would be the authorization request message for a customer
requesting for their account and available balance from the CBS Host. The switch
will transmit this request to the host and the host will reply with an approval or a
denial. If the response is an approval then the response message would contain
the appropriate balances. If the message was a denial then the response message
would not contain the customer’s balances and instead the reason for the denial
would be specified in the response code field.

The Cash Withdrawal Message (ATM/POS/NFSI)

This message type would be the authorization request message for a customer
requesting to withdraw money from their account registered on the CBS Host. The
switch will transmit this request to the host and the host will reply with an approval
or a denial. If the response is an approval then the response message would
contain the amount to be authorized and the customer’s balances after the
subtraction of the withdrawn amount from their account. The amount authorized
must equal the amount requested and may not be more or less. If the message
was a denial then the response message would contain the reason for the denial in
the response code field.

The Reversal Message (ATM/NFSI)

The reversal message is a cancellation of the previously approved transaction. This
could occur when the switch was unable to transmit an approval message to the
ATM due to a communications failure or if there is a problem while dispensing cash
at the ATM. In such an event the transaction should be canceled by generating a
reversal message with the host. The host would receive the reversal, authorize it
and send a response to the switch that the reversal is complete. If no reversal
response is received within the specified amount of time then the switch will re-
transmit the reversal message to the host. This is called a repeat reversal.

The Mini Statement Message (ATM/POS/NFSI)

This message type would be the authorization request message for a customer
requesting for a statement of last 10 transactions from the CBS Host. The switch
will transmit this request to the host and the host will reply with an approval or a
denial. If the response is an approval then the response message would contain
the appropriate statement of account and balances. If the message was a denial
then the response message would not contain the customer’s statement or
balances and instead the reason for the denial would be specified in the response
code field.

The PIN Change Notification Message (ATM/POS/NFSI)

This message is sent from the switch to the host as an informative message when
bank’s cardholder changes the PIN of his/her card on bank’s terminal (ATM/POS) or
an ATM on the NFS network. This message is useful for debiting customer’s
account for fees for PIN change on NFS network. Since this is only a notification
message, the response from the host is not significant. The switch may be
configured to send this message only for NFS issuer transactions and / or only in
case a transaction fee is applicable.

The NFS Acquirer Withdrawal Message

This message is sent from the switch to the host as an informative message when
an ATM connected to the switch acquires transaction of a NFS member bank’s card.
This message is to be used by the host to pass appropriate entries for the ATM
cash withdrawal carried out using a card not issued by the bank. The message
must be approved by the host. The switch ignores the response sent by the host.

The NFS Acquirer Withdrawal Reversal Message

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This message is sent from the switch to the host as an informative message when
an ATM connected to the switch acquires transaction of a NFS member bank’s card
but the transaction needs to be reversed either because of a communication failure
or an error at the ATM. This message is to be used by the host to pass appropriate
entries for the ATM cash withdrawal reversal. The message must be approved by
the host. The switch ignores the response sent by the host.

Note on Field 28 – Fee

Sarvatra Switch has an in-built module to compute transaction fees for various
types of transactions. This module is particularly useful for NFS Issuer transactions
where in the bank must give certain number (presently 5 per month) of financial
and non-financial transactions free on the NFS network to each cardholder. Beyond
the free transactions bank can charge its customer an amount per transaction
depending on the transaction type. If bank subscribes to the transaction fee
module of Sarvatra Switch, the switch will compute the fees applicable to a
transaction based on the rules defined and transaction history of the cardholder.
Such fee is sent in field 28. The format of field 28 is CNNNNNNNN, NNNNNNNN is
the fee in minor currency left padded with zeros. For example, a fee of Rs 20.00 to
be debited to the account would be packed as C00002000. In case of full reversal
of a withdrawal transaction, fee will not be sent. The host needs to retrieve the
original transaction and reverse the fee if any was applied for it.

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ISO 8583 Message Formats

This section describes the message format required in ISO 8583 : 1987 method for
the types of messages that will be supported through the ISO 8583 host interface.
The types of message discussed below are specified in previous section.

What is ISO 8583?

ISO 8583 is an international standard financial message format defined by the ISO.
The message format is used to exchange financial messages between two financial
applications. The ISO 8583 is a guideline and we will use this to build the interface
between the CBS Host and the Sarvatra EFT Switch.

The ISO 8583 message formats have two versions. The 1987 and the 1993
enhanced version. As the 1987 is the most common format used and less complex
to use, we will proceed with the 1987 format.

The ISO 8583 format starts with a message type followed by a bit map and finally
the actual data.

The message type is 4 bytes and can have the values 0800-0810, 0200-0210 or
0420-0430. The 0800-0810 is called a Network Management Message and is used
when transmitting Sign On, Sign Off and Handshake message. A field within the
message data itself differentiates the Sign On, Sign Off and Handshake messages.
The 0200-0210 is called a Financial transaction and the 0420-0430 is the reversal
of a previously authorized financial transaction.

Following the message type is the bit map. A bit map is a binary representation of
the fields that are present in the data portion of this message. The bit map can be
a total of 16 hex bytes. The first 8 hex bytes is called the primary bit map and the
second 8 hex bytes is called the secondary bit map. The 8 hex byte primary bit
map would have 64 bits. (8 bits per byte multiplied by 8 bytes). Each bit
represents a field defined by the ISO standard. Therefore if an implementation can
accomplish its requirements in the first 64 bits then only a primary bit map is used.
If fields are required that are present beyond the 64th bit, bits 65 to 128 then a
secondary bit map is automatically appended to the primary bit map. A bit within
the primary bit map (bit 1) indicates if the secondary bit map is present. If a bit is
set on (1 in binary) then it means the field is on and should be included in the data
portion of the message that is to follow. If the bit is off (0 in binary) then the field
is not present in the message.

Following the bit map is the actual data. Depending on the bits that were on, the
data for those bits will follow in the data stream in the same order as the bits are
present in the bit map(s).

What follows is the actual message formats for the message types required to build
the ISO 8583 interface between Sarvatra EFT Switch and CBS Host.

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Sign On – Sign Off - Handshake Message Format

Bit Data Element Format Attribute Request Response Comments

No Name

Message Type N4 0800 0810

Bit Map, Primary B64 M M
7 Transmission MMDDHHMMSS N10 M M Echo in response
11 Systems Trace N6 M M Echo in response
70 Network N3 M M sign-on = 001
Management Info sign-off = 002
Code handshake = 301

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Balance Inquiry Message Format

Bit Data Element Format Attribute Request Response Comments

No Name

Message Type N4 0200 0210

Bit Map, Primary B32 M M
2 Account Number LLVAR N..19 M M Echo in
3 Processing N6 M M Value AABBCC
Code where AA = 30
for onus ATM,
31 for onus
POS and 32 for
not onus (from
BB = From
Account type,
CC = To
Account type =
From Account
Types: 10 =
Savings & 20 =
Checking &
30 = Credit.
Echo in
4 Amount N12 M M Value =
Echo in
7 Transmission MMDDHHMMSS N10 M M Echo in
Date/Time response
11 Systems Trace N6 M M Echo in
Number response
12 Time, Local HHMMSS N6 M M Echo in
Trasaction response
13 Date, Local MMDD N4 M M Echo in
Trasnsaction response
15 Date, Settlement MMDD N4 M M Echo in
17 Date, Capture MMDD N4 M M Echo in
28 Fee AN9 M M Echo in
32 Acquiring LLVAR N..11 M M Echo in
Institution response
35 Track 2 LLVAR B..37 M M Echo in

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37 Retrieval AN12 M M Echo in

Reference response
38 Authorization N6 M M Echo in
Identification response
39 Response Code N2 M
41 Card Acceptor AN8 M M Echo in
Terminal ID response
43 Card Acceptor AN40 M M Echo in
Name/Location response
49 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for
Transaction Indian Rupees.
Echo in
50 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for
Settlement Indian Rupees
51 Currency Code, N3 M Value = 356 for
Cardholder Indian Rupees
54 Additional LLLVAR AN..120 M Balances are
Amounts sent by the
host in this field
60 Reserved LLLVAR AN..999 M M Echo in
Private YYYY N4 response
ð Year N4
Transaction YYYY
ð Year Settlement YYYY N4
ð Year Capture
ð Year

Note on bit 54 (Additional Amounts):

Bit 54 format = Length Indicator + 2 byte account type (10 = savings & 20 =
current) + 2 byte balance type (01 = ledger balance and 02 = net available
balance) + 3 byte currency type (356 = Rupees) + 1 byte debit or credit (D =
Debit or C = Credit) + 12 byte balance in minor currency and left padded with zero
+ second balance can start here which includes again account type + balance type
+ currency + debit/ credit + balance.

Bit 54 is packed in Ascii format with a length indicator in front of it as it can be a

variable length field.

The length indicator should be LLL format where LLL equals the length of the entire
string that follows.

0000 30 34 30 31 30 30 31 33 35 36 43 30 30 30 30 30 |0401001356C00000|
0010 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 32 33 35 36 43 30 |01000001002356C0|
0020 30 30 30 30 30 30 39 30 30 30 30 |00000090000|

In the above example the balances sent from the host are for a savings account.
The net available balance is Rs. 900.00 and the ledger balance is Rs. 1000.00

This bit is used in cash withdrawal and mini statement messages also, in the same

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Cash Withdrawal Message Format

Bit Data Element Format Attribute Request Response Comments

No Name

Message Type N4 0200 0210

Bit Map, B32 M M
2 Account LLVAR N..19 M M Echo in response
3 Processing N6 M M Value AABBCC where
Code AA = 00 for onus
(ATM/POS) and 01 for
not onus (NFS),
BB = From Account type,
CC = To Account type =
From Account Types: 10
= Savings & 20 =
Checking &
30 = Credit.
Echo in response
4 Amount N12 M M Amount of the
transaction in minor
currency. Echo in
7 Transmission MMDDHHMMSS N10 M M Echo in response
11 Systems Trace N6 M M Echo in response
12 Time, Local HHMMSS N6 M M Echo in response
13 Date, Local MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
15 Date, MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
17 Date, Capture MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
28 Fee AN9 M M Echo in response
32 Acquiring LLVAR N..11 M M Echo in response
35 Track 2 LLVAR B..37 M M Echo in response
Retrieval AN12 M M Echo in response
37 Reference
38 Authorization N6 M M Echo in response
39 Response N2 M
41 Card Acceptor AN8 M M Echo in response
Terminal ID
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43 Card Acceptor AN40 M M Echo in response

49 Currency N3 M M Value = 356 for Indian
Code, Rupees. Echo in
Transaction response
50 Currency N3 M M Value = 356 for Indian
Code, Rupees
51 Currency N3 M Value = 356 for Indian
Code, Rupees
54 Additional LLLVAR AN..120 M Balances are sent by the
Amounts host in this field
60 Reserved LLLVAR AN..999 M M Echo in response
Private YYYY N4
ð Year N4
Transaction YYYY
ð Year YYYY N4
ð Year Capture YYYY
ð Year

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Cash Withdrawal Reversal Message Format

Bit Data Element Format Attribute Request Response Comments

No Name

Message Type N4 0420 0430

Bit Map, B64 M M
2 Account LLVAR N..19 M M Echo in response
3 Processing N6 M M Value AABBCC where
Code AA = 00 for onus and
01 for not onus,
BB = From Account
CC = To Account type =
From Account Types:
10 = Savings & 20 =
Checking &
30 = Credit.
Echo in response
4 Amount N12 M M Amount of the
transaction in minor
currency. Echo in
7 Transmission MMDDHHMMSS N10 M M Same date/time as the
Date/Time original transaction
request. Echo in
11 Systems Trace N6 M M This will be a new 6
Number digit number starting
with a 5. Echo in
12 Time, Local HHMMSS N6 M M Echo in response
13 Date, Local MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
15 Date, MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
17 Date, Capture MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
28 Fee AN9 M M Echo in response
32 Acquiring LLVAR N..11 M M Echo in response
35 Track 2 LLVAR B..37 M M Echo in response
37 Retrieval AN12 M M This will contain the
Reference original retrieval
Number reference number.
Echo in response
38 Authorization N6 M M Echo in response

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39 Response N2 M
41 Card Acceptor AN8 M M Echo in response
Terminal ID
43 Card Acceptor AN40 M M Echo in response
49 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for Indian
Transaction Rupees. Echo in
50 Currency Code, N3 M Value = 356 for Indian
Settlement Rupees
51 Currency Code, N3 M Value = 356 for Indian
Cardholder Rupees
54 Additional LLLVAR AN..120 M Balances are sent by
Amounts the host in this field
60 Reserved LLLVAR AN..999 M M Echo in response
Private YYYY N4
ð Year YYYY N4
Transaction YYYY N4
ð Year
Settlement YYYY N4
ð Year Capture
ð Year

90 Original Data A42 M M Original message type

Elements (4 bytes) = 0200 +
Original System Trace
Number (6 Bytes) +
Original Date/Time (10
+ Acquiring Institution
Identification Code (22
Bytes, space padded to
the right). Echo in

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Mini Statement Message Format

Bit Data Element Format Attribute Request Response Comments

No Name

Message Type N4 0200 0210

Bit Map, Primary B32 M M
2 Account Number LLVAR N..19 M M Echo in response
3 Processing Code N6 M M Value AABBCC
where AA = 35 for
onus POS and 36
for onus ATM, and
37 for NFS
BB = From Account
CC = To Account
type = 00. From
Account Types: 10 =
Savings & 20 =
Checking &
30 = Credit.
Echo in response
4 Amount N12 M M Amount of the
transaction in minor
currency. Echo in
7 Transmission MMDDHHMMSS N10 M M Echo in response
11 Systems Trace N6 M M Echo in response
12 Time, Local HHMMSS N6 M M Echo in response
13 Date, Local MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
15 Date, Settlement MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
17 Date, Capture MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
28 Fee AN9 M M Echo in response
32 Acquiring LLVAR N..11 M M Echo in response
35 Track 2 LLVAR B..37 M M Echo in response

37 Retrieval AN12 M M Echo in response

38 Authorization N6 M M Echo in response
39 Response code AN2 M
41 Card Acceptor AN8 M M Echo in response
Terminal ID
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43 Card Acceptor AN40 M M Echo in response

49 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for
Transaction Indian Rupees.
Echo in response
50 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for
Settlement Indian Rupees
51 Currency Code, N3 M Value = 356 for
Cardholder Billing Indian Rupees
54 Additional LLLVAR AN..120 M Balances are sent
Amounts by the host in this
60 Reserved Private LLLVAR AN..999 M M Echo in response
ð Year Transaction
ð Year Settlement N4
ð Year Capture YYYY
ð N4
Year YYYY N4
121 Mini statement AV M This is the bit in
details which the details of
the last 10
transactions are

Note on bit 121 for mini statement transaction:

The statement should have 40 characters per line and all lines should be
concatenated without any separator character.
For example:
00000000 30 36 4a 55 4e 31 31 20 31 36 3a 33 30 20 41 54 |06JUN11 16:30 AT|
00000010 4d 20 43 41 53 48 20 41 54 20 4d 41 20 20 20 20 |M CASH AT MA |
00000020 20 35 30 30 2e 30 30 44 31 31 4a 55 4e 31 31 20 | 500.00D11JUN11 |
00000030 31 31 3a 35 39 20 43 41 53 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 |11:59 CASH |
00000040 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 34 30 30 30 2e 30 30 43 | 4000.00C|
00000050 31 35 4a 55 4e 31 31 20 31 31 3a 30 37 20 43 4c |15JUN11 11:07 CL|
00000060 47 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 34 |G 4|
00000070 30 38 30 30 2e 30 30 43 31 36 4a 55 4e 31 31 20 |0800.00C16JUN11 |
00000080 31 32 3a 32 31 20 41 54 4d 20 43 41 53 48 20 41 |12:21 ATM CASH A|
00000090 54 20 4d 41 20 20 20 20 34 30 30 30 2e 30 30 44 |T MA 4000.00D|
000000a0 31 37 4a 55 4e 31 31 20 30 38 3a 31 39 20 41 54 |17JUN11 08:19 AT|
000000b0 4d 20 43 41 53 48 20 41 54 20 4d 41 20 20 20 31 |M CASH AT MA 1|
000000c0 30 30 30 30 2e 30 30 44 31 37 4a 55 4e 31 31 20 |0000.00D17JUN11 |
000000d0 31 33 3a 33 33 20 41 54 4d 20 43 41 53 48 20 41 |13:33 ATM CASH A|
000000e0 54 20 4d 41 20 20 20 32 30 30 30 30 2e 30 30 44 |T MA 20000.00D|
000000f0 31 37 4a 55 4e 31 31 20 31 33 3a 33 39 20 43 41 |17JUN11 13:39 CA|
00000100 53 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 31 |SH 1|
00000110 30 30 30 30 2e 30 30 44 30 36 41 55 47 31 31 20 |0000.00D06AUG11 |
00000120 31 30 3a 33 33 20 43 4c 47 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |10:33 CLG |
00000130 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 33 31 36 30 30 2e 30 30 43 | 31600.00C|
00000140 30 38 41 55 47 31 31 20 31 35 3a 33 33 20 41 54 |08AUG11 15:33 AT|
00000150 4d 20 43 41 53 48 20 41 54 20 4d 41 20 20 20 32 |M CASH AT MA 2|
00000160 30 30 30 30 2e 30 30 44 30 37 53 45 50 31 31 20 |0000.00D07SEP11 |
00000170 31 32 3a 31 32 20 41 54 4d 20 43 41 53 48 20 41 |12:12 ATM CASH A|
00000180 54 20 4d 41 20 20 20 20 35 30 30 30 2e 30 30 44 |T MA 5000.00D|

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Sarvatra  Host-­‐to-­‐Host  Interface  Specification  

Note: For NFS Mini Statement, though the statement data should similar to above
(40 characters per line without any separator), but each line should be 35
characters long padded with 5 spaces. The first line for NFS mini statement may
include message title and the last line should include available balance. Therefore if
message title is included at the most 8 lines of statement can be sent. Without
message title 9 lines of statement can be sent.

Sample data for NFS Mini Statement:

00000000 44 41 54 45 20 20 50 41 52 54 49 43 55 4c 41 52 |DATE PARTICULAR|
00000010 53 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 41 4d 4f 55 4e |S AMOUN|
00000020 54 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 32 38 2f 30 33 20 41 54 |T 28/03 AT|
00000030 4d 20 43 41 53 48 20 41 54 20 4d 41 49 4e 20 20 |M CASH AT MAIN |
00000040 20 20 20 35 30 30 2e 30 30 20 44 20 20 20 20 20 | 500.00 D |
00000050 33 30 2f 30 33 20 4e 46 53 20 41 54 4d 20 43 41 |30/03 NFS ATM CA|
00000060 53 48 20 41 54 20 20 20 20 20 32 31 30 30 2e 30 |SH AT 2100.0|
00000070 30 20 44 20 20 20 20 20 33 30 2f 30 33 20 4e 46 |0 D 30/03 NF|
00000080 53 20 41 54 4d 20 43 41 53 48 20 41 54 20 20 20 |S ATM CASH AT |
00000090 20 20 20 31 30 30 2e 30 30 20 44 20 20 20 20 20 | 100.00 D |
000000a0 33 30 2f 30 33 20 49 4e 54 45 52 45 53 54 20 28 |30/03 INTEREST (|
000000b0 30 31 2f 31 30 2f 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 32 2e 30 |01/10/ 52.0|
000000c0 30 20 43 20 20 20 20 20 33 30 2f 30 33 20 54 52 |0 C 30/03 TR|
000000d0 44 20 53 52 56 43 20 43 48 52 47 20 33 31 20 20 |D SRVC CHRG 31 |
000000e0 20 20 20 20 31 30 2e 30 30 20 44 20 20 20 20 20 | 10.00 D |
000000f0 33 30 2f 30 33 20 4d 49 4e 2e 42 41 4c 2e 43 48 |30/03 MIN.BAL.CH|
00000100 41 52 47 45 53 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 31 30 2e 30 |ARGES 10.0|
00000110 30 20 44 20 20 20 20 20 30 37 2f 30 34 20 43 41 |0 D 07/04 CA|
00000120 53 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |SH |
00000130 20 20 32 31 35 30 2e 30 30 20 43 20 20 20 20 20 | 2150.00 C |
00000140 31 30 2f 30 34 20 54 52 44 20 49 4e 44 55 53 4c |10/04 TRD INDUSL|
00000150 41 4e 44 20 42 41 20 20 20 20 31 36 35 36 2e 30 |AND BA 1656.0|
00000160 30 20 44 20 20 20 20 20 41 56 4c 20 42 61 6c 61 |0 D AVL Bala|
00000170 6e 63 65 3a 20 52 73 2e 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |nce: Rs. |
00000180 20 20 20 20 20 36 30 39 2e 30 30 | 609.00|

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Sarvatra  Host-­‐to-­‐Host  Interface  Specification  

PIN Change Notification Message Format

Bit Data Element Format Attribute Request Response Comments

No Name

Message Type N4 0200 0210

Bit Map, Primary B32 M M
2 Account Number LLVAR N..19 M M Echo in response
3 Processing Code N6 M M Value AABBCC
where AA = 90 for
NFS Pin Change and
92 for onus PIN
BB = From Account
CC = To Account type
= 00. From Account
Types: 10 = Savings
& 20 = Checking &
30 = Credit.
Echo in response
4 Amount N12 M M Value will be
000000000000. Echo
in response.
7 Transmission MMDDHHMMSS N10 M M Echo in response
11 Systems Trace N6 M M Echo in response
12 Time, Local HHMMSS N6 M M Echo in response
13 Date, Local MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
15 Date, Settlement MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
17 Date, Capture MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
28 Fee AN9 M M Echo in response
32 Acquiring LLVAR N..11 M M Echo in response
35 Track 2 LLVAR B..37 M M Echo in response

37 Retrieval AN12 M M Echo in response

38 Authorization N6 M M Echo in response
39 Response code AN2 M
41 Card Acceptor AN8 M M Echo in response
Terminal ID
43 Card Acceptor AN40 M M Echo in response

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49 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for Indian
Transaction Rupees. Echo in
50 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for Indian
Settlement Rupees
51 Currency Code, N3 M Value = 356 for Indian
Cardholder Rupees
54 Additional LLLVAR AN..120 M Balances are sent by
Amounts the host in this field
60 Reserved Private LLLVAR AN..999 M M Echo in response
ð Year
Transaction N4
ð Year Settlement YYYY
ð Year Capture N4
ð Year
Transmission YYYY

PIN Change transaction is sent only as a notification to the host. For NFS issuer
PIN change (processing code starting with 90), field 28 (Fee) may have a non-zero
value. In such cases host needs to debit the customer account for the fee amount.
The response from the host to PIN Change is insignificant and is ignored by the

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NFS Acquirer Withdrawal Message Format

This message is used for transactions acquired on our ATMs for cards of other
banks on NFS network. This message is sent to the host to make appropriate
entries for ATM cash account and for reconciliation with the settlement report from

Bit Data Element Format Attribute Request Response Comments

No Name

Message Type N4 0220 0230

Bit Map, Primary B32 M M
2 Account Number LLVAR N..19 M M Echo in response
3 Processing Code N6 M M Value AABBCC
where AA = 19, BB
= From Account
type=00, CC = To
Account type = 00.
Echo in response
4 Amount N12 M M Amount of the
transaction in minor
currency. Echo in
7 Transmission MMDDHHMMSS N10 M M Echo in response
11 Systems Trace N6 M M Echo in response
12 Time, Local HHMMSS N6 M M Echo in response
13 Date, Local MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
15 Date, Settlement MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
17 Date, Capture MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
28 Fee AN9 M M Echo in response
32 Acquiring LLVAR N..11 M M Echo in response
35 Track 2 LLVAR B..37 M M Echo in response

37 Retrieval AN12 M M Echo in response

38 Authorization N6 M M Echo in response
39 Response code AN2 M
41 Card Acceptor AN8 M M Echo in response
Terminal ID
43 Card Acceptor AN40 M M Echo in response
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49 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for

Transaction Indian Rupees.
Echo in response
50 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for
Settlement Indian Rupees
60 Reserved Private LLLVAR AN..999 M M Echo in response
ð Year Transaction
ð Year Settlement N4
ð Year Capture YYYY
ð N4
Year YYYY N4

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NFS Acquirer Withdrawal Reversal Message Format

Bit Data Element Format Attribute Request Response Comments

No Name

Message Type N4 0420 0430

Bit Map, B32 M M
2 Account LLVAR N..19 M M Echo in response
3 Processing N6 M M Value AABBCC where
Code AA = 19, BB = From
Account type=00, CC =
To Account type = 00.
Echo in response
4 Amount N12 M M Amount of the
transaction in minor
currency. Echo in
7 Transmission MMDDHHMMSS N10 M M Echo in response
11 Systems Trace N6 M M Echo in response
12 Time, Local HHMMSS N6 M M Echo in response
13 Date, Local MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
15 Date, MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
17 Date, Capture MMDD N4 M M Echo in response
28 Fee AN9 M M Echo in response
32 Acquiring LLVAR N..11 M M Echo in response

35 Track 2 LLVAR B..37 M M Echo in response

Retrieval AN12 M M Echo in response

37 Reference
38 Authorization N6 M M Echo in response
39 Response code N2 M
41 Card Acceptor AN8 M M Echo in response
Terminal ID
43 Card Acceptor AN40 M M Echo in response
49 Currency Code, N3 M M Value = 356 for Indian
Transaction Rupees. Echo in

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60 Reserved LLLVAR AN..999 M M Echo in response
Private YYYY N4
ð Year N4
Transaction YYYY
ð Year YYYY N4
ð Year Capture YYYY
ð Year
90 Original Data A42 M M Original message type
Elements (4 bytes) = 0200 +
Original System Trace
Number (6 Bytes) +
Original Date/Time (10
+ Acquiring Institution
Identification Code (22
Bytes, space padded to
the right). Echo in

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LL 2-character data length indicator

LLL 3-character data length indicator
VAR Variable length field
N Numeric
B Binary
AN Alphanumeric
M Mandatory Field
O Optional Field

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Response Codes
The following are the response codes to be sent in bit 39.

Code Description
00 Approved or completed successfully
01 Refer To Issuer
04 Pick Up (Hot Card)
05 Do not honor
06 Error occurred
12 Invalid transaction type
13 Invalid amount requested
14 Invalid cardholder
15 Card does not exist
25 Card does not exist
30 Format error
31 Invalid BIN
34 Suspect Fraud
36 Restricted Card
40 Restricted transaction
41 Lost Card
42 Account type invalid
43 Stolen Card
51 Amount requested exceeds balance
52 Current account does not exist
53 Savings account does not exist
54 Expired Card
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
61 Exceeds withdrawal Limit
62 Restricted card
63 Security Key Violation
65 Frequency Limit
75 Excessive Pin tries
88 Invalid Authorization Code
91 Host unavailable
92 Authorizer not found
94 Duplicate Transmission
All other numbers Transaction rejected

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Message Flows

The following illustrates the ISO 8583 message flows between Sarvatra EFT Switch
and the CBS Host.

Network Management Message Sequence – Sign on-Sign off-

Sarvatra EFT CBS Host
Message type ----------->
<----------- Message type 810
Sarvatra EFT CBS Host
<----------- Message type 800
Message type ----------->

Transaction Request and Response

Sarvatra EFT Switch CBS Host
Message type 200 --------à
<--------- Message type 210

Reversal Request and Response

Sarvatra EFT Switch CBS Host
Message type 200 --------à
<--------- Message type 210
Message type 420 --------à
<--------- Message type 430

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General Considerations

The CBS Host should maintain only one socket connection with the Sarvatra EFT
Switch server. All transactions should be passed from the CBS Host to the Sarvatra
EFT Switch through this interface.

Each message passed from the Sarvatra EFT Switch to the CBS Host will have a
unique retrieval reference number assigned to it. CBS Host when responding must
pass back the same retrieval reference number which was sent in the original
request message. The retrieval reference number in the response message will be
used by the switch to locate the original transaction request and send the response
to the appropriate terminal.

It is possible that the CBS Host does not respond to the transactions requests in
the same sequence. This is supported by the switch.

There will be handshake messages, Sign on/Sign off and financial messages that
could be transmitted at the same time. Requests and responses could be received
by the listener in any order. This must be handled.

Both interfaces, Sarvatra EFT Switch and the CBS Host must handle recovery of
the TCP/IP socket interface. If the session is lost then it is the responsibility of the
client to re-initiate the connection and the listener server to accept the call.

The CBS Host must handle repeat reversals. This could happen where Sarvatra EFT
Switch sends the CBS Host a reversal but does not get an acknowledgement. In
this case Sarvatra EFT Switch will continue to re-transmit the reversal. The CBS
Host should must apply the reversal only once to the customers account.

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