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Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation

Lucena City, Philippines
Granted Autonomous Status

Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program

College of Arts and Sciences
PACUCOA Accredited Level IV
Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Name: _______________________ Rating:______________

Course: ______________________ Date: _______________
Assignment No. 4
Problem solving:

A. Solve the given problems below.
B. If the problems requires computation you need to show the following;
a. given
b. unknown
c. formula/s needed
d. illustrations
e. solutions
C. If the problems/questions needs an explanations, be very brief in answering at least 50 words only.
D. All answers must be HANDWRITTEN, (Questions may be computerized but the answer must be handwritten, write
the questions then answer/s below).
E. Required size of paper, long bond paper (8.5” x 13”) or any size that can fit to a long brown envelop.

1. According to James Clark Maxwell, what is the relationship between light and electromagnetic waves (EM)?
2. What is the difference between light waves and EM waves?
3. Classify the following as luminous or illuminated objects:
A. the planets
B. a comet
C. a star
D. an asteroid
E. a meteor
4. Can you describe reflected light as an echo of light/ why?
5. The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the reflecting surface must be in the same plane. If they are
not, what will happen?
6. The light reflected from a bright sheet of tin is very bright but the light from a corrugated sheet of tin is not a bright.
7. A highly polished sheet of tin reflects light as well as a glass mirror. Can it substitute an ordinary mirror? Explain.
8. If a highly polished sheet of tin is used in places of an ordinary glass mirror, what will its advantages or
disadvantages be/
9. Do you see yourself in the mirror as others see you? Explain.
10. Differentiate a virtual from a real image.
11. Travellers in hot places like deserts sometimes see in the horizon scenes of places they have never seen before and
which vanish as they get closer to them. They called mirages. How do you explain this phenomenon?
12. A clear plane of white glass also transmits light. Why can it not be used as a lens?
13. Light is bent as it enters a [piece of glass, plane or curved, except on one instance. When does this occur and why
does it take place?
14. An owls are said to be able to see in complete darkness. How is this possible?
15. What are electromagnetic waves? Give examples.
16. Give and explain the different types of mechanical waves.

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