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Test Overview

Test Name:
Custom Test created August 10 - Monitoring & Controlling Process Group (50 questions)

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0 of 50 (0.00%)

Required to Pass:
35 of 50 (70.00%)

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Test Question Review

Below are the individual test questions, along with the correct response and reason.

 indicates a correct response.

 indicates an in-correct response.

1. Your project team is having a dispute with a vendor about whether a specific task is within the
 project’s scope. The scope statement does not provide implementation-level details that could
resolve this dispute. There is no WBS, however, because the project sponsor insisted that the
project be started right away without pausing to create standard project planning
documentation. Who is at fault?


The project manager The project manager is at fault. The project manager must follow all
project processes required for the success of the project, regardless of
insistence by others that those processes are unnecessary and time
consuming. Failing to do so is a violation of PMI's Code of Conduct and
can lead to increased project cost and schedule slips. [PMI Code of Ethics
and Professional Conduct, Pages 2, 4]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Prof. Responsibility

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: The project sponsor

Incorrect response: The project stakeholders

Incorrect response: The project vendor

2. The manager of a project to design a new device is an electronics engineer but is not an
 expert in the technology used for this device. The client has requested a specification change in
the design. The project manager brings the request to the project’s design leader. After
reviewing the request’s details, the design leader states there are no experts in this technology
in your organization. As a result, your team cannot assess the full impact of the requested
change on the project. What should the project manager do?


Hire an outside consultant to provide the The project manager’s best option is to hire an outside consultant to
necessary expertise to evaluate the request provide the necessary expertise to evaluate the request. Once the project
manager has a better understanding of the feasibility of the request, he or
she can bring it to the project stakeholders for discussion. PMI requires
project managers to work within the realm of their experience and skills.
Forming a recommendation to accept or reject the change without
consulting an expert would be a violation of the PMI code. [PMI Code of
Ethics and Professional Conduct, Page 2]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Prof. Responsibility

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Reject the change, because it was not included in the project specifications

Incorrect response: Accept the change and note the lack of expertise as risk to the project

Incorrect response: Consult the sponsor

3. Your drug manufacturing project requires the synthesis of many pharmaceutical chemicals to
 produce an active ingredient for a drug. You are managing a contractor to supply all these
chemicals. Recent quality testing of the drugs raised concerns over the quality of the chemicals
supplied by the contractor. Which of the following must be done to ensure that the contractor
meets all contractual obligations?


Carry out audits and inspections to verify Since the drug testing raised doubts over the chemicals supplied by the
compliance in the seller's deliverables contractor, you must ensure that the contractor is satisfying quality
requirements by inspecting and auditing the seller’s deliverables. Auditing
can also include seller's personnel. All other actions, including meeting
with the sponsor and stakeholders, can be performed later if the seller is
not meeting contractual requirements. Therefore, your first action should
be to perform audits and inspections to verify compliance of the seller's
deliverables. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 383]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Procurement Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Escalate this issue to the sponsor and submit all drug testing reports

Incorrect response: Reject all poor quality drugs and penalize the contractor

Incorrect response: Convene a meeting with stakeholders and communicate the findings

4. Jen works as a project manager for the National Weather Agency. She is managing a project
 designed to assess the effect of climate change on northern mountains. The initial study
established a two months’ delay for the testing equipment to reach mountains due to road
construction. However, a recent assessment has indicated a significantly shorter delay because
of rapid progress in construction. To deal with the shorter delay, which of the following steps
should Jen take next?


Update the risk register The delays are considered risks to the project. In this scenario, the
reassessment indicated a decline in the risk (delay time) compared to the
initial risk identification. The risk reassessment is performed in the Monitor
and Control Risks process, and the outcome of the risk reassessment
updates the risk register. Therefore, Jen must take steps to update the risk
register. Other steps can be taken after updating the risk register. [PMBOK
5th edition, Page 351]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Risk Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Distribute the information

Incorrect response: Conduct a stakeholder meeting

Incorrect response: Create a new project plan

5. The PMBOK guide does not give a dedicated process for gathering lessons learned. Rather, it
 recommends carrying this out as a continuous task thought the project lifecycle. If you are the
project manager and want to have a dedicated lessons-learned capturing process, say Capture
and Document Lessons Learned, which of the following PMBOK processes can you tailor to
design this process?


Collect Requirements Collect Requirements is the process of determining, documenting, and

managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives.
Gathering lessons learned is a similar exercise with a different focus.
Instead of gather project requirements, you gather project information
around success stories and failed attempts. All the tools and techniques of
the Collect Requirements process can be used to gather project lessons
learned as well. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 110]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Define Scope

Incorrect response: Develop Project Management Plan

Incorrect response: Direct & Manage Project Work

6. You have a contract to build a manufacturing plant in Kuala Lumpur. However, you are not
 familiar with the building codes in Kuala Lumpur or Malaysia, so you are reviewing all their
building codes prior to “turning a shovelful of earth.” This is an example of:


Quality planning All types of quality plans, such as building codes, OSHA guidelines, ISO
9000, or company quality plans are examples of Organizational Process
Assets which are inputs to the Plan Quality Management process. [PMBOK
5th Edition, Page 234]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Quality Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Project initiation

Incorrect response: Quality assurance

Incorrect response: Quality control

7. At the beginning of the project, a project manager realized that the technical expertise of the
 team was limited, a risk to the project. Midway through the project, the project manager
decided this was no longer a risk and considered it outdated. As part of which process would he
do the risk reassessment?

Control Risks Risk reassessment is performed as part of the Control Risks process. Such
project risk reassessments should be regularly scheduled and may result in
the closure of outdated risks. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 351]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Risk Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

Incorrect response: Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

Incorrect response: Perform Risk Assessment

8. Few project managers collect lessons-learned information throughout the project’s life. Most
 frequently tackle this in the final days of the project or, worse, after the project is complete.
What is the negative consequence of this approach?


It makes compiling and obtaining project When lessons-learned gathering and documentation is postponed till the
information difficult. very end, the project manager must scramble for bits and pieces of project
history to compile into a lessons-learned document. Often, because the
project is in closeout, the project manager has only a few team members
remaining, which makes compiling and obtaining project information
from the remaining few resources difficult. [PMBOK 5th edition, Pages 46,

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: It might result in further expenses on the project.

Incorrect response: The project’s NPV becomes zero.

Incorrect response: It requires hiring a specialist to do the job.

9. You are beginning a new project. When should you use the Perform Integrated Change
 Control process?


Throughout the entire project Changes can occur in the project at any time. The Perform Integrated
Change Control process is valuable for managing and tracking those
changes. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 96]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Only when closing out the project

Incorrect response: Only after the project is completely funded

Incorrect response: Only after the project scope is clearly defined

10. You are currently managing an urban development project for a municipal authority. You
 and your team are managing the project and have outsourced most of the project work to
specialist contractors. All the contracts awarded were FFP contracts. The project is almost 50
percent complete, and most of the contractors have requested amendments to their contacts.
Work specifications were not clear at the time of contract awards, and as a result, new work
requirements have come up. What is your lesson learned?


Do not award FFP contracts unless the scope of FFP contracts should not be awarded unless the scope of work and
work and specifications are precisely articulated. specifications are precisely articulated and documented. In such cases
cost-plus or T&M contracts may be used. If work specifications are not
precisely documented in a FFP contract, this will usually result in disputes
and future claims. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 363]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Procurement Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Never award FFP contracts in the future since they usually result in disputes and contests

Incorrect response: Cost-plus contracts are ideal types of contracts for construction projects

Incorrect response: Good and credible contractors were not selected for the project at the time of award

11. A project post-mortem is a process, usually performed at the project’s conclusion to

 determine and analyze a project’s outcome. The PMBOK guide refers to this as a lessons-learned
gathering exercise. Project post-mortems help to mitigate future risks and are often a key
component of, and ongoing precursor to, effective risk management. Which of the following is
a terrible mistake when collecting lessons learned?


Focusing purely on the negatives and analyzing Documenting both the success stories and the failed attempts are
failures important as these can be very important inputs for future projects. Only
focusing on the negatives and analyzing failures will paint half of the
picture. The best practice is to ask "What went right" when asking “What
went wrong?”. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 101]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Documenting both the success stories and the failed attempts

Incorrect response: Calculating project’s final statistics

Incorrect response: Conducting a comprehensive performance review

12. A project manager prepared a presentation that included data on the project’s use of
 resources, improvements in staff efficiency, and the cost savings. These activities are part of
what process?


Monitor and Control Project Work Activities such as project performance analysis and tracking are done as
part of the Monitor and Control Project Work process. This process
involves tracking, reviewing and regulating progress to meet performance
objectives. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 88]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Manage Stakeholder Engagement

Incorrect response: Control Schedule

Incorrect response: Control Quality

13. Your project is midway through a delivery schedule. As the project manager, you want to
 determine how much work remains. Which is the most accurate way to determine the remaining
work the project team must carry out?


A Manual forecast Although the Earned Value technique of determining the balance work in
the project is quick and straightforward, it is not as valuable or accurate as
the manual forecasting of the remaining work by the project team.
However, manual forecasting is more time-consuming. [PMBOK 5th
edition, Page 220]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Rolling wave method

Incorrect response: Earned Value Technique

Incorrect response: Future analysis

14. The system that includes the process for submitting proposed changes, reviewing and
 approving proposed changes, defining approval levels for authorizing changes, and providing a
method to validate approved changes is the:


Configuration Management System The configuration management system includes the process for
submitting proposed changes, reviewing and approving proposed
changes, defining approval levels for authorizing changes, and providing a
method to validate approved changes. In most application areas, the
Configuration Management System includes the change control system.
[PMBOK 5th Edition, Pages 96, 532]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Change Control Board

Incorrect response: Approval Plan

Incorrect response: Work Authorization System

15. Which of the following indicates the required cost performance in order to complete the
 project on budget?


TCPI The To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI) indicates the required cost
performance in order to complete the project on budget. [PMBOK 5th
edition, Page 221]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: CPI


Incorrect response: EAC

Incorrect response: SPI

16. Why must the Validate Scope process be completed in a project?


To obtain formal acceptance of deliverables by Validate Scope is the process of formalizing acceptance of the completed
the customer or sponsor project deliverables by the customer or sponsor of the project. [PMBOK
5th edition, Page 133]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Scope Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: To obtain scope documents from recent similar projects for benchmarking

Incorrect response: To determine whether the scope is at the correct complexity level

Incorrect response: To ensure the project team is all aware of the scope

17. 20 percent of the work was completed in a project. At this stage, the project manager
 determined that the budget at completion (BAC) was no longer viable and developed a
forecasted estimate at completion (EAC). What index can the project manager use to look at the
calculated projection of cost performance that must be achieved on the remaining work?


To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI) The to-complete performance index (TCPI) is the calculated projection of
cost performance that must be achieved on the remaining work to meet a
specified goal such as the BAC or EAC. It is defined as the work remaining
divided by the funds remaining. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 221]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

Incorrect response: Cost Performance Index (CPI)

Incorrect response: Cost Variance (CV)

18. Changes in projects are inevitable. Therefore, project managers must develop or use a
 system to manage and control changes. There are four types of changes that need to be
controlled in a project: Project changes, deliverable changes, process changes, and baseline
changes. The impact of each of these changes must be evaluated, and approved or rejected
changes must be communicated to all stakeholders, as and when required. Which of the
following helps control these changes?


Configuration control and Change control Configuration control is focused on the specification of both the
processes and deliverables, whereas change control is focused on project
changes and the product baselines. A configuration control process and
change control system must be implemented to handle all those changes.
[PMBOK 5th edition, Page 96]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Configuration control and Control chart

Incorrect response: Control chart and Cost control

Incorrect response: Change control and Control chart

19. A project manager presented earned value analysis data in a tabular format and a
 performance report. Another way the project manager could have presented the earned value
analysis data is with:


An S-curve The correct response is S-curve. Both S-curves and tabular formats can be
used to represent earned value analysis data. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: A linear graph

Incorrect response: A logarithmic curve

Incorrect response: An Epsilon graph

20. Calculation of late finish dates and late start dates for the uncompleted portion of the
 project is called____________.

A backward pass Calculation of late finish dates and late start dates for the uncompleted
portion of the project is called a backward pass. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Time Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Schedule compression

Incorrect response: An arrow diagram

Incorrect response: A forward pass

21. The customer requests a change to the project that would increase the project risk. Which of
 the following should you do first?


Analyze the change‘s impact of the change with Your first step is to assess the impact of the change with the team. Then
the team you can determine possible options, after which you can meet with
management. [PMBOK 5th Edition, Page 96]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Risk Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Talk to the customer about the impact of the change

Incorrect response: Change the risk management plan

Incorrect response: Include the expected monetary value of the risk in the new cost estimate

22. You are the project manager from a seller organization based at the customer location. One
 of your team members is involved in certain unacceptable activities at that location. The HR
manager of the customer team organizes a meeting between you, the team member, your
customer manager, and HR, at which the team member apologizes and agrees not to repeat
those activities. You should:


Report this incident immediately to your Unacceptable behavior is a disciplinary issue. The HR department of your
organization’s HR and to your managers organization needs to take necessary action, which could involve recalling
the team member from the project or any other disciplinary action. The
other choices listed do not do not signify correct responses in this matter.
[PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, Page 2]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Prof. Responsibility

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Ignore the incident since the team member has agreed not to repeat these activities

Incorrect response: Warn the team member this is the last opportunity, and future incidents will lead to strict action

Incorrect response: Document the issue for your project records

23. Additional requirements and work have been added to your project; these additions will
 increase project cost. They were not identified during the risk management process, so they
were not included in the project budget or reserves. What should you do?


Notify the project sponsor Notify the project sponsor. He or she must be involved in acquiring
additional funds. Project stakeholders and appropriate management must
be notified when there is an impact to the project, particularly when it
affects scope, cost, or schedule. [PMI Code of Ethics and Professional
Conduct, Pages 4, 5]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Prof. Responsibility

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Change the project charter

Incorrect response: Remove non-critical tasks from the project

Incorrect response: Request a scope change

24. Unless an enterprise-wise ERP is deployed in an organization, disparate IT systems perform

 specialized tasks in a project. Which of the following systems typically processes supplier’s
payments after obtaining all the necessary certification of satisfactory work?


Accounts payable system Payments to the seller are typically processed by the accounts payable
system of the buyer after certification of satisfactory work by an
authorized person on the project team. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 383]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Procurement Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Project management information system


Incorrect response: Change control and tracking system

Incorrect response: Supply chain management system

25. Visiting a construction site to ensure the work is the same work specified in the
 requirements is:


Scope validation Inspection is a scope validation technique that includes activities (such as
measuring, examining, and verifying) to determine whether work and
deliverables meet requirements and product acceptance criteria. [PMBOK
5th edition, Page 135]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Scope Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Milestone

Incorrect response: Variance Analysis

Incorrect response: Requirements traceability

26. You are building a dam for a state government. Your organization is considered a specialist
 in dam design and overall management of construction activities. However, your organization
lacks resources to execute the earth-works involved. You have subcontracted all the project’s
earth-works to a local subcontractor. The quality of the subcontractor’s work is acceptable, but
the subcontractor is not conforming to your organization’s health and safety standards. You
escalated this to the subcontractor’s project manager, but he turned down your request. The
subcontractor’s project manager is of the view that the request is out of the contract’s scope
and none of the contract provisions require him to conform to your organization’s standards.
You are agitated since you believe health and safety standards are globally accepted, and the
contract does not have to explicitly state them. Further, according to the state law, you cannot
terminate the contract since the subcontractor has not violated any provision of the contract.
What should you do?


Negotiate a contact amendment with the Your actions should be legal and legitimate. Termination and withholding
subcontractor requiring compliance to the payments are illegal options. Further amicable solution is always preferred
standards over arbitration. The best way to deal with this situation to offer a price for
compliance to the required standards and amend the contract
accordingly. [PMBOK 5th edition, Pages 381, 388]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Procurement Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response:

Incorrect response: Go for judicial arbitration as stated in the contact’s ADR provisions

Incorrect response: Terminate the contract immediately since you will not compromise health and safety standards

Incorrect response: Withhold subcontractor’s payments to force compliance

27. Which of the following statements about the planned value, the earned value, the schedule
 variance, and the cost variance of a project is false?


The earned value is the value of work to be Earned value is the value of the work already completed. This value is
completed in terms of the approved budget. often expressed in terms of the approved budget assigned to the work
completed. The earned value is measured against the performance
measurement baseline. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 218]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: The cost variance is the difference between the earned value and the actual cost.

Incorrect response: The schedule variance is the difference between the earned value and the planned value.

Incorrect response: The planned value is the budget authorized for the work to be performed.

28. The project management team has determined that there are some changes to the scope of
 the project. According to the PMBOK, who is responsible for reviewing, evaluating, and
approving documented changes to the project?


Change Control Board (CCB) The Change Control Board is a group of formally constituted stakeholders
responsible for reviewing, evaluating, approving, delaying or rejecting
changes to the project. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 96]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Change Configuration Board (CCB)

Incorrect response: Scope Control Board (SCB)

Incorrect response: Configuration Control Board (CCB)

29. You are in charge of an important project for your company. The project includes producing
 widgets for your customer. The collected data help identify the greatest causes of defects in the
overall process. Which technique should you use to determine the greatest sources of defects?


Pareto charting Pareto charts are used to analyze information that has already been
collected. They help to identify the factors that have the greatest negative
effects on the process. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 237]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Quality Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Statistical sampling

Incorrect response: Defect repair review

Incorrect response: Kaizen

30. Linda is a project manager in charge of an online banking project. The project has
 completed phase 1 and is moving into the next phase of the project. What is the process Linda
has to plan for to ensure the project requirements are met in phase 1 and that the project can
move to the next phase?


Validate Scope Validate Scope is the process completed at the end of each phase or
project to confirm that the project has met its requirements. It leads to a
formal acceptance of the project deliverables. [PMBOK 5th Edition, Page

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Scope Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Perform Quality Assurance

Incorrect response: Close Procurements

Incorrect response: Control Quality

31. A project is estimated to cost $50,000 with a timeline of 50 days. After 25 days, the project
 manager finds that 50 percent of the project is complete and actual costs are $50,000. What is
the Cost Performance Index (CPI)?


The CPI is 0.5 The correct answer is 0.5. The Cost performance Index (CPI) is given by
the formula CPI = EV/AC where EV is the Earned Value and AC is the
Actual Cost. Since 50% of the project is complete, Earned Value = 50% of
$50,000 = $25,000. Hence CPI = 25,000/50,000 = 0.5. [PMBOK 5th
edition, Page 219]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: The CPI is 1

Incorrect response: The CPI is 1.5

Incorrect response: The CPI is 2

32. A project manager is updating the project team on the new project management approach
 selected for the project. This new approach is the industry best practice. The project manager is
also discussing the potential stakeholder impact of trying the new approach. The key
stakeholders’ support and involvement are crucial for the success of the project. If the key
stakeholders do not support trying the new approach, it will have to be abandoned. To reduce
the probability of this risk, what must the project manager do?


Identify preventive actions to reduce the risk If the new approach is the industry best practice, it must be adopted.
However, forcing a decision will not help obtain the key stakeholders'
support. Actions that reduce the probability of a risk in the future are
preventive actions. In this situation, the team needs to brainstorm and
come up with effective preventive actions. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 413]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Stakeholder Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response:

Incorrect response: Drop the idea of trying the new approach

Incorrect response: Identify the corrective actions to reduce the risk

Incorrect response: Convince the project sponsor and use his coercive power to force the decision

33. You have just returned from the weekly change control board meeting at which you
 presented the requested changes to the employee move project. You had five change requests
approved and one request rejected. These are outputs of what process?


Perform Integrated Change Control Approved and rejected change requests are outputs of the Perform
Integrated Change Control process. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 94]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Control Quality

Incorrect response: Control Scope

Incorrect response: Control Risks

34. You are managing a project for a customer who has offered an incentive for meeting all
 deadlines. At this time, the project is running on a compressed schedule but is continuing to
have regular quality meetings to ensure the project’s output meets the customer’s
requirements. Your manager, however, is concerned the meetings will cause further project
delays and missed deadlines, which would, in turn, result in the loss of potential incentive
payments. He insists that the meetings be stopped immediately and that all project effort be
focused on making on-time deliveries. What do you do?


Refuse the request Refuse the request and explain to your manager that you are obligated to
adhere to all quality management plans for the project. Failing to do so
would not only deliver a possibly defective product to the customer, but is
also a violation of the PMI Code of Ethics. The Code requires project
managers to follow all project processes and polices. [Reference: PMI
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, Page 2]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Prof. Responsibility

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Cancel all meetings

Incorrect response: Further compress the schedule

Incorrect response: Add project resources

35. You are in the Validate Scope process of your electronic goods manufacturing project. While
 reviewing some products, you have noticed that the tolerance for one product is 0.01 percent
less than what was listed in the requirements documentation. This deviation may not be a
problem for the customers, and it may not impair the product’s operation. What is your best
immediate action in such a situation?


Notify the customers about the deviation When you find a defective product, you must notify customers
immediately even if the deviation may not affect customers. As a project
manager, you must maintain honesty and should not hide facts. After
notifying customers, the project manager must discuss the issue with the
team and change the project management plan based on the customers’
inputs. [PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, Page 2]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Prof. Responsibility

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Change the project management plan to allow for small deviation

Incorrect response: Reject all products and restart the project

Incorrect response: Discuss with your team about the quality testing

36. The total planned value (PV) for a project was $150,000. During the course of the project,
 the actual cost incurred turned out to be $275,000. What is the limit the project manager
usually imposes on the actual cost (AC)?


The AC will not have an upper limit. The actual cost will not have an upper limit. Whatever is spent to achieve
the earned value will be measured. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 218]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: The AC is usually limited to twice the planned value.

Incorrect response: The AC is usually limited to three times the planned value.

Incorrect response: The AC is usually limited to 1.5 times the planned value.

37. In an underground highway construction project, the project stakeholders have suggested
 many changes to the project scope. You had already defined the cost baseline in your project,
and you would like to revisit the baseline to see how these changes might affect the overall cost
of the project. You start an impact analysis to determine the impact and inform the concerned
stakeholders of all approved changes and the corresponding costs. You perform these activities
in which process?


Control Costs The Control Costs process involves many activities, such as influencing
the factors that change the cost baseline, managing the changes, and
informing stakeholders of approved changes and corresponding costs.
Since you are in the process of managing the cost changes and informing
the stakeholders about them, you are in the Control Costs process.
[PMBOK 5th edition, Page 215]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Control Scope

Incorrect response: Control Risks

Incorrect response: Control Communications

38. According to the PMBOK guide, the Control Procurements is the process of managing
 procurement relationships, monitoring contract performance, and making changes and
corrections to contracts, as appropriate. Why are Work Performance Reports and Work
Performance Data important inputs of this process?


Work Performance Reports, an output of the Work Performance Reports, an output of the Monitor and Control Project
Monitor and Control Project Work process, Work process, provides seller’s work performance information. On the
provides a seller’s work performance other hand, Work Performance Data, an output of the Direct and Manage
information. On the other hand, Work Project Work process, provides financial data regarding the contract.
Performance Data, an output of the Direct and [PMBOK 5th edition, Pages 380, 382]
Manage Project Work process, provides financial

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Procurement Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response:

Incorrect response: Work Performance Reports, an input of the Monitor and Control Project Work process, provides a seller’s
work performance information. On the other hand, Work Performance Data, an input of the Direct and Manage Project Work
process, provides financial data.

Incorrect response: Work Performance Reports, an output of the Monitor and Control Project Work process, provides
financial data regarding the contract. On the other hand, Work Performance Data, an output of the Direct and Manage Project
Work process, provides a seller’s work.

Incorrect response: Work Performance Reports, an output of the Direct and Manage Project Work process, provides financial
data regarding the contract. On the other hand, Work Performance Data, an output of the Monitor and Control Project Work
process, provides a seller’s work.

39. Configuration Status Accounting is an activity that is performed as part of which process?


Perform Integrated Change Control Configuration Status Accounting is a key configuration management
activity and is done as part of the Perform Integrated Change Control
process. [PMBOK 5th Edition, Page 97]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Monitor and Control Project Work

Incorrect response: Close Project or Phase

Incorrect response: Collect Requirements

40. One of the project team members had a teleconference with a customer representative who
 reviewed some of the deliverables and discussed some changes in the product requirements.
Your project team member discusses the changes with you and states that these are necessary
for the project. You agree with the team member's view. As a project manager, you should
ensure that:


The changes are documented and they follow All changes should be formally documented in writing. Any changes that
the change management process to obtain an are verbally discussed but undocumented should not be processed or
Approved Change request. implemented. [PMBOK 5th Edition, Page 96]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Ask the project team member to go ahead with the changes.

Incorrect response: Summarize the changes and archive your discussion with the team member as a future record.

Incorrect response: Ask the team member to ignore the changes.

41. During a discussion with the quality department, Dave, a project manager, was told that as
 applied to projects, the terms “prevention” and “inspection” are synonymous. However, his
understanding of the terms is different. What would you comment on this situation?


The project manager is correct. Prevention is The project manager is correct. Prevention is about keeping errors out of
about keeping errors out of the process; the process, whereas inspection is about keeping errors out of the hands
inspection is about keeping errors out of the of the customer. This is an important distinction, which the project
customer’s hands. management team needs to be aware of. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 250]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Quality Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response:

Incorrect response: The project manager is correct. Inspection is about keeping errors out of the process; prevention is about
keeping errors out of the customer’s hands.

Incorrect response: The project manager is wrong. Both inspection and prevention are about keeping errors out of the
customer’s hands. They are used in different contexts.

Incorrect response: The project manager is wrong. Both inspection and prevention are about keeping errors out of the
process. They are used in different contexts.

42. You are carrying out a project for an external customer. Most of the project’s scope of work
 is outsourced and distributed among many subcontractors. What would be the role of the Direct
and Manage Project Work process in this scenario?


Authorize the seller’s work at the appropriate The role of the Direct and Manage Project Work will be to authorize the
time seller’s work at the appropriate time. Inspection and verification of the
seller’s work will be handled by the Control Quality process and the
change management will be handled by the Perform Integrated Change
Control process. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 381]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Procurement Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Inspect and verify the adequacy of the seller’s product

Incorrect response: Assure that the changes are properly approved and communicated

Incorrect response: The Direct and Manage Project Work process will become redundant in this case

43. Variance Analysis is an important tool used in the Control Costs process. Which of the
 following statements regarding variances is correct?


The percentage range of acceptable variances Variances assess the magnitude of variation from the original cost
will tend to decrease as more work is baseline. The percentage range of acceptable variances will tend to
accomplished. decrease as more work is accomplished and the project nears completion.
[PMBOK 5th edition, Page 222]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: The percentage range of acceptable variances will tend to increase as more work is accomplished.

Incorrect response: The percentage range of acceptable variances is high at the start of a project, tends to decrease in the
middle of a project, and then tends to increase as the project nears completion.

Incorrect response: The percentage range of acceptable variances is a constant all through the project.

44. A senior project manager advises a first-time project manager that identifying risks is just
 one step. On a continuing basis, new risks need to be identified, and existing risks need to be
analyzed and tracked, and their status reported. All this is done as part of what process?


Monitor and Control Project Work Identifying new risks and analyzing, tracking, and monitoring existing
project risks are done in the Monitor and Control Project Work phase. This
phase also makes sure that the status of the risks is properly reported, and
appropriate risk response plans are executed. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Direct and Manage Project Work

Incorrect response: Perform Integrated Change Control

Incorrect response: Plan Risk Management

45. Many organizations consider contract administration as an administrative function separate

 from the project organization. Who carries out the function of contract administration in such


The Procurement Administrator In many organizations, a procurement administrator is responsible for

ensuring that the procurement relationship is properly managed. The
procurement administrator may be on the project team but typically
reports to a supervisor from a different department. [PMBOK 5th edition,
Page 380]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Procurement Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: The Project Manager


Incorrect response: The Procurement Advisor

Incorrect response: The Contract Advisor

46. Bill is the project manager of a software project that was originally estimated to complete in
 12 months. Two months into the project, it is discovered the original estimating assumptions
were fundamentally flawed. The Estimate at Completion (EAC) in such a project will be:


EAC = AC + Bottom-up ETC The correct response is: EAC = AC + Bottom-up ETC, where AC stands for
the Actual Cost and ETC stands for the Estimate to Complete. ETC based
on a new estimate must be used because the original assumptions were
fundamentally flawed. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 220]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Cost Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: EAC = BAC/CPI

Incorrect response: EAC = AC + [BAC - EV]/CPI

Incorrect response: EAC = AC + BAC - EV

47. The legal nature of the contractual relationship between a buyer and a seller requires that
 appropriate legal counsel be involved in certain activities in the project. Which of the following
phases requires legal counsel to be involved?


Each procurement management process Project procurement management includes processes that are necessary
to purchase or acquire products or services from outside the project team.
If the legal nature of a contractual relationship between a buyer and a
seller requires that appropriate legal counsel be involved, it will be
required for every phase of the procurement management process.
[PMBOK 5th edition, Page 355]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Procurement Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Control procurements

Incorrect response: Plan procurement management

Incorrect response: Conduct procurements

48. If a project manager believes that a particular subcontract needs to be terminated. Which of
 the following can provide guidance on the termination procedures?


The termination clause of the specific Each contract is unique and so are its obligations, provisions and clauses.
subcontract Any contract that need to be terminated must be terminated in
accordance with the termination clause of that contract. These contract
termination provisions are agreed and signed off by both parties at the
time of the contract award. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 381]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Procurement Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: The contract termination procedures in the organizational process assets

Incorrect response: The change control procedures in the project management plan

Incorrect response: The contract termination procedures in the project procurements management plan

49. The purpose of lessons learned is to bring together any insights gained during a project that
 can be usefully applied on future projects. When should a project manager ideally commence
this activity?


From project kickoff meeting The best-practice is collecting lessons-learned information throughout
the life of the project; ideally, starting from the kick-off meeting. [PMI best
practice; not explicitly stated in PMBOK]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: At the start of project planning

Incorrect response: At the start of project execution

Incorrect response: During the project closure

50. You have recently become the project manager for a construction project. You are a new
 hire in your company and are unaware of the organizational project management standards.
Which of the following can help you get a head start on your project?


Communicate with other project managers in Reviewing the PMBOK guide or developing the charter will not help you
your organization come on board with your organization’s work standards. Further,
reviewing the lessons learned from you past similar projects won’t help
since you are a new hire in the company and your past projects are not
with this organization. The best way is to talk to other project managers in
the company and get their expert opinion. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 412]

Knowledge Area / Topic Area: Project Integration Management

Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling

Your response: BLANK

Incorrect response: Review the PMBOK guide thoroughly

Incorrect response: Develop the project charter and get it approved

Incorrect response: Consult the lessons learned from your previous similar projects

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