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War - 08 STABILITY AND OPERATIONS Attempt ALL questions Marks for each part question are shown in brackets Section A 1. (@_ Describe, with the aid of sketches , EACH of the following: (centre of gravity; @ (ii) metacentric height; @ i) initial transverse metacentre. @ (b) A vessel has a displacement of 35000t. KG=8.22m; KM=9.56m constant). (Calculate the quantity of deck cargo which must be loaded at Kg 15.80m so that the vessel can sail with a GM of 0.80m. (9) (i) Calculate the righting moment if the vessel is heeled to an angle of 5° upon completion of loading. (4) 2. (a) A.vessel on an even keel, at a summer Load draught of 11.60m, is at anchor outside a port in SW of RD 1.025. TPC 19 ‘Summer Load Displacement 14 200t. Depth of water available at the bar = 8.80m. Calculate the quantity of cargo to discharge into barges in order that the vessel can ass over a bar at the river entrance (RD 1.025) with an under keel clearance of 120m. (10) (b) Calculate the FWA of the vessel. 6) (©) Explain why it is necessary to know the Dock Water density when loading a vessel to her Summer Marks. ©) [OVER Section B 3. (2) Describe the precautions and equipment required for EACH of the following means of access: (a vessel’s gangway; i) apilot ladder. (b) List the equipment that should be available at the entrance of an enclosed space in the event of an emhergency. (a) Describe the purpose of EACH of the following MCA publications: (i) ~MGN; Gi) MIN; Gi) MSN. (©) State the conditions that mst be applied under Annex 1, MARPOL 73/78 with respect to the discharge of oil or oily mixture residue from cargo, into any part of the sea from an oil tanker. With reference to a vessel moored alongside having completed all cargo operations: (@)_ outline the deck duties of the Officer of the Watch (OOW) whilst waiting for the next sailing tides (b) explain the initial emergency procedures the Officer of the Watch (OOW) should take in the event of discovering a fire on board. mM a © @B) @) @) ay (12) (8)

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