2017 Feb OOW Stability SQA Past Paper

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‘CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY IN THE MERCHANT NAVY ~ DECK OFFICER {EXAMINATIONS ADNINISTERED BY THE SCOTTISH QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF THE MARITIME AND COASTGUARD AGENCY ‘STCW 78 as amended OFFICER IN CHARGE OF NAVIGATIONAL WATCH REG. 1/1 (UNLIMITED) (034-84 - STABILITY AND OPERATIONS (WEDNESDAY - 8 FEBRUARY 2017 0915-1145 hrs Examination paper i Worksheet Qa) Datasheet Q2(a) Hyrostatic Particulars Worksheet 2/5) Notes forthe guidance of candidates: 1. Candidates should note that 100 marks are allocated to this paper. To pass candidates must achieve 50% of the total marks available. In addition, candidates must achieve a minimum of 40% from Section A and a minimum of 40% from Section B. 2. Non programmable calculators may be used. 3. all formulae used must be stated ané the method of working and all intermediate steps must be made clear in the answer. uaterialsto be supplied by examination centres ‘Candidate’s examination answer book Stability Formulae Datasheets STABILITY AND OPERATIONS. Attempt ALL questions ‘Marks for each part question are shown in brackets SECTION A O (a) A vessel is intially upright KG 9.50 m, with a heavy lift stowed at Kg 3.00-m, 10.00 m to port ofthe centretine. Tre lift is to be transferred to starboard of the centre line to a postion Kg 2.00 m, 12.00 m to starboard of the centeline using the vessel's crane, “There are four stages to the operation as fle Stage 1 when the weight i initaly ited: Stage 2_when the crane fs slewed to starboard and is over the centretne; Stage 3 when the crane is slewed to 12.00m to the starboard of the centrale; Stage 4 when the weight has been placed in the stowage postion. (0) Using Worksheet Q1(a) show the position of the vessel's Centre of Gravity at EACH stage of the operation. (i) For EACH stage describe the effect on the metacentric eight and the effect on any possible list. Note: the vessel is stoble throughout the operation. () Explain now an increase in a vessel's displacement will effect an angle of Uist due to an off centre weight “ 42) “ rover ‘A vessel is floating in fresh water, present draughts F 5.700 m A 6.700 m, KG 7.00 m. LBP 137.5, (2) Using Datasheet Q2(a)-Hydrostatic Particulars, calculate the position of the ship's LCG at these draughts. ay (©) Using Worksheet Qz(b) clearly indicate the position of EACH of the following, giving reasons for EACH choice: (i) Centre of Gravity as calculated in Q2(a), showing the weight force; (i) Centre of Buoyancy showing the buoyancy force; ° (ti) Calculate the vessels Longitudinal Centre of Flotation (LCF) for the vessel's present condition and show this onthe worksheet. 8

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