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Course Assessment/Student Details

Course Code: EPC 2903

Course Name: Practicum 2b

Course Khadija Aljassmi


Task Title: Assessment 2- Interview

Student Name: Asma Abdullah

Student ID: H00353881

Final Grade/Mark


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Achievement that Achievement that is
Achievement that Achievement that is
satisfactorily meets outstanding relative
Achievement that does not meet requirements minimally meets the significantly above the
the course to the course
course requirements course requirements
requirements requirements
Significantly below course Below course
GRADING/MARKING requirements requirements –
CRITERIA Assessment Clearly does achievement that
has not been not meet narrowly does
submitted at the not meet the
all, is not- requirement requirements
existent or s
not carried
Letter Grade F D C C+ B B+ A- A


1. Subject knowledge Unable to evidence or Limited Some evidence of Generally accurate Accurate extensive Complete and full
Understanding and articulate basic principles knowledge of understanding key understanding of key understanding of understanding of
application of subject and knowledge related to subject. aspects of the subject, aspects of the subject. subject. Minor subject. Extensive
knowledge and the subject. Information Information may but details are lacking. Some irrelevancies irrelevancies and evidence of
underlying principles. may be irrelevant, be significantly Some irrelevancies and and inaccuracies inaccuracies appreciation of the
Was able to link incomplete and/or irrelevant, inaccuracies relative significance
theory to teaching inaccurate. incomplete of all relevant
practice and and/or aspects of the
classroom inaccurate subject.
management making
information hard
to follow

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2. Discussion Done but with little thought Significantly Some evidence of Adequate evidence of Deep and copious with Deep and copious.
Development, depth, put into it superficial. depth, breadth and depth, breadth and/or only occasional lapses Discussion fully
breadth and Discussion lacks exemplification exemplification but developed.
synthesis. . Was able depth, breadth not throughout
to discuss matters and/or
which arose during exemplification
teaching practice.
3. Reflection Consistent lack of evidence Sporadic Some evidence of Adequate evidence of Reflection is Reflection is
Management of of reflection for learning. No evidence of insight and thoughtful insight and thoughtful comprehensive with complete and has
learning through awareness of personal reflection not reflection. Developing reflection. Generally, only a few lapses and led to substantial
reflection. Was able strengths and weaknesses in followed through an awareness of has an awareness of has led to noteworthy insight. Strengths
to reflect on her and relation to task consistently. strengths and strengths and insight. Has a good have been built on
her MST’s work during Incomplete weaknesses weaknesses awareness of strengths and weaknesses
teaching practice awareness of and weaknesses mitigated
strengths and
4. Spoken language Speaks very slowly with Speaks slowly Usually maintains flow Usually maintains Usually fluent and Fluent, flexible and
(Applied Bachelor) poorly linked ideas. using simple of speech but with some fluency, but with shows a range of coherent in use of
Fluency and Frequently unable to convey connectives but areas of disfluency. some correction, discourse markers, discourse markers,
coherence, message. with numerous repetition or slower topic vocabulary and topic vocabulary,
Lexical resources, pauses, Sufficient vocabulary to speech. paraphrase. style and paraphrase.
Grammatical range Only simplest vocabulary repetitions and talk about topics but
and accuracy, and sentence structures self-corrections. with limited flexibility Reasonably wide The range and control Accurate and flexible
Pronunciation attempted. Inaccuracies Some breakdown and only occasional range of vocabulary of simple and complex use of complex
cause serious in paraphrase. with some sentences and sentences and
misunderstanding. communication. paraphrase. pronunciation features pronunciation
Mostly accurate in is reasonably accurate. features.
Pronunciation problems Vocabulary simple sentences. Limited complex
cause speech to be often limited to sentence structure Message is always Easily understood.
unintelligible. familiar topics Errors and and some understood.
and rare mispronunciation can mispronunciation, but

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Sentence cause can usually be
structures very misunderstanding. understood.
limited in range
and accuracy.
Errors and
cause difficulty
for the listener.

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Interview Assessment Sheet - EPC1403

EPC 2903 Interview Questions Answer all questions here Total grade = 100%
Questions. Answers Each question = 25%
Background/Professionalism 1-The most thing that I enjoyed in this teaching practice that
school applied the 7 areas of EYFS curriculum during the
outdoor activities that they do twice a week. for example,
What did you enjoy most about your practicum?
sometimes they go to the garden to plants and to do some
What challenges did you face? exercises. Moreover, they have cooking classes, so they will
How did you collaborate with your MST and other have the abilities to learn how to cook.
teachers in the school?
2- The challenges that I faced during this TP were, when the
teacher asked me to sit with low ability group, in the
beginning I felt confused because they didn’t understand me
then when I explain in detail, they start unretarding and get
the ideas. Moreover, I had problem with managing children
during activity time in the first time then I used new strategies
that engage them to follow me such as using star chart , use
new clean up song and praise behave students.

3- My MST was friendly, kind, helpful and collaborating with

me and that’s help me to felt comfortable. During the
activities I usually sit with one group and do the activity with
them. Also, when she has classes in the next class, I help her
and other teachers to explain the lesson for each group.

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Planning for Learning / managing learning 4- During the practicum I learned that planning for the
lessons is the most important step for teachers because it
What did you learn about planning during the helps the teacher to be prepared, organized and knows what
practicum? she is going to do step by step. the plan has to include 3
different learning objectives for all abilities.
What strategies did you see your MST use to
manage the children? 5- My MST used different strategies to manage the children
such as remind them the rules every day, using star chart,
Which were the most effective strategies you praising the children, close her eyes when they start talking
observed? then they immediately stop talking and using the bell.

Describe an activity you assisted with and what 6- The most effective strategies were using the star chart
you learned about managing student behavior because all children follow the rules to get more stars to be
and learning while teaching the star of the week and get gift and praising children in front
of their friends , I noticed that most of the children engaged to
behave well when the teacher praise their friends.
What behavior management strategies did you
use and how well were you able to implement 7- My MST asked me to take one group to the outdoor area
them? and plant with them before we go, I asked them to make line
nicely and I reminded them the rules, children were quit and
following my instructions. During the activities I used praising
the children to encourage them to do their best and be quit.
Doing that help me to improve many things such as my
relationship with children, how to keep children organized,
help me to search about new behavior management
strategies and praising children which was the affective
strategy with children during teaching them.

8- the two strategies that I used the most were praising

children who behave well and using star stickers. for
example: during the carpet time before starting the lesson I
engage them by showing them the stickers and tell them who
will be quiet and ask permission before speaking will get
sticker by doing that most of them try to participate and be
quiet to get stickers.

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Implementing Learning

- There are three different tasks that we were supposed

Tell us about the appropriacy of the TP Tasks this
semester: Did these tasks provide an opportunity to do them, the first task is only the new thing that we
for you to build on / make comparisons with did it in this TP and it was the interview , the other
previous learning? two tasks are the same of the previous tasks.
The purpose of these tasks is to gather more
information about specific things such as the routines
•Which of the tasks did you enjoy the most?
and the strategies that the teacher uses to teach the
•Which did you enjoy the least?

- The task that I enjoy the most is task 3 (literacy

•What were the biggest obstacles to completing strategies) because while doing this task I noticed
your TP Tasks? there are many things that I have to focus in and learn
more about them. EX: when the teacher teaches the
children phonic lesson, she uses more than one
. Did you feel prepared each week to complete
the task and observations? (discuss the strategy according to children’s level that help me to
importance of preparing for each TP task) focus in this thing and search about affective teaching
strategies to use them in the next TP.

- The task that I enjoy the least is task one(Diagnostic

Assessment Interview) because I felt it doesn’t help me
and doesn’t improve me as a trainer teacher as much as
the other tasks .

- The biggest obstacles that I faced were there were no

time to do all the task in a day, for the next time I will
manage my time and do each activity on time.

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- preparing before doing the tasks is very important
because it helps you to understand everything and
asks about what you didn’t understand. For me I
prepared for the tasks by take notes and write what
needed that will help me to remember the specific

Personal Development/Reflection
- The most important professional feedback I received from
What was the most important professional my mentor teachers.
feedback you received from your mentor
teachers? According to what my MST said about me that I am a
committed student who really showed lots of respect to
everyone in school, I was always on time for the
What are you most proud of from your teaching lessons and always ready to help and fulfill all the tasks
practice experience? given to me. Also, she told me that she liked my
relationship with the children how I care about them
like my own children.
Were you able to make links between what you
did at college and what you observed or
experienced during TP? Give an example. - I am so proud of what I did during this TP
How I achieved my goals which are using different
strategies while teaching children and applied creative
What do you think are important things to study at hands on activities.
college to ensure that you are well prepared for - They applied what we learned in the college, we
TP? learned about EYFS curriculum and in ISCS they
applied this curriculum and the 7 areas of the EYFS
during the activities.

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- I think we have to learn more about managing the
student’s behavior and how to deal with spatial needs
students to avoid facing difficulties.

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