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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 6

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standards
• Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
• Demonstrate understanding of the research process to write a variety of texts.
• Demonstrate understanding of text types to construct feedback.

B. Performance Standards
• Use literal information from text heard to construct an appropriate feedback.
• Use a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of texts for various
audiences and purposes.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the Grade Six pupils should be able to:
1. give the difference between fact and opinion;
2. distinguish between fact and opinion;
3. write possible facts and opinions based on the picture and
4. demonstrate the ability to work effectively with diverse teams.

II. Subject Matter: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion

A. Code: EN6OL-IIIa-1.27; EN6WC-IIIa-6.1.2
B. Materials: video clip, power point presentation, sentence strips

Value: Cooperation

III. Procedure:

A. Review: Read the following sentences. Then, pick out the words with prefix.
1. A person blinks within a microsecond.
2. I want to be a microbiologist when I grow up.
3. Eating fruits sprayed with insecticide can harm one’s health.
4. Please go to the radiology department for your treatment.
5. Toxic waste is a biohazard to the planet earth.

B. Motivation
Ask: Who among you loves to watch horror movies?
So, do you believe in ghost?
Are ghosts really exist?
Do you think that the existence of ghost can be proven?

C. Presentation
Today, we will watch a video clip regarding our lesson. You should be able to watch
intently so that you could answer the follow up questions correctly.
(Pupils will watch a video clip on fact and opinion)

D. Discussion
Based from the video clip that I have shown you, what words that give meanings to fact?
What words that could give meanings also to opinion?
Can you relate again the difference between fact and opinion?
Give examples on facts and opinions.

E. Generalization
What is a fact?
What is an opinion?
F. Application
Activity 1: Using KAHOOT
Mechanics: Pupils are group into 5 then, every members of the group will answer the
questions correctly, cooperatively and fast through “KAHOOT”.

Activity 2: I will group you into five then each group will be given a picture. On the picture,
you are going to write some possible statements on facts and opinions.

G. Evaluation
Direction: Write Fact or Opinion for each statement below.
1. Summer is the best season of the year. ___________
2. Sharp glass might cut your hand. ___________
3. A hurricane has very strong winds. ___________
4. A calculator is a tool for performing Math functions. ___________
5. Math is the most fun subject in school. ___________
6. Rain is necessary for plants to grow. ___________
7. It is important to get enough sleep to be healthy. ___________
8. Birthday parties are more fun than watching a movie. ___________
9. Most paper is manufactured from wood pulp. ___________
10. There are 12 months in a year. ___________

H. Assignment

Create 2-3 paragraphs about yourself using facts and opinions.

Prepared by:



Head Teacher III

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