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Industry position papers

Technology and ingredients to assist with the

reduction of sugar in food and drink

Campden BRI, January 2013

Prepared by Rachel Gwinn, Food Technologist

Checked by Emma Hanby

Section Manager, Product Innovation

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Executive summary

Sugar has many roles in food products beyond its sweetening properties. When using
intense sweeteners to replace sugar the other properties of sugar must be considered – for
example the effect of texture and mouth feel. Zero or low calorie bulking agents, which
may or may not have their own intrinsic sweetness, can be used to add ‘back body’ in
different applications. These include polyols and functional fibres such as inulin and
polydextrose. Polyols are limited by the level that they can be used at and the applications
that are permitted. For example Polyols are not allowed to be used in soft drinks.
Therefore there is an increasing interest in the use of bulking agents, such as Fructo-
oligosaccharides and inulin, with intense sweeteners for these applications.
Introduction/Why reduce sugar

Changing dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles have led to an increase in worldwide
obesity with the World Health Organisation reporting 12 percent of the adult population
being obese (WHO, 2012). Current estimates from the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s
(FAO, 2012) expect the daily intake of calories to rise from 2803 kcal/capita/day in the late
1990s to 3050 by 2030 (FAO, 2012). Government, health professionals and retailers are
continuously putting pressure on food manufacturers to reduce the calorific value of sugar
rich, processed food products.

A wide range of products are available for use to substitute for sugar in products. Recent
approaches to reducing the calorific value of high sugar food products have resulted in food
manufacturers replacing sugars with a range of products including natural sweeteners, or
blends of sugars, artificial intense sweeteners, fibres or sugar alcohols with lower calorie
contents than sugar. It is important to note that these products have a broad range of
characteristics. For example, some products may offer a sweetness rating far greater than
that of sugar but may not provide any of the technical functions of sugar and vice versa.
The aim of this document is to provide information and highlight some of technical
considerations necessary when addressing sugar reduction.

The role of sugar in food and drink

'Sugar' is a generic term for a group of carbohydrates widely used as sweeteners, but is
often used as the name for one of the carbohydrates, Sucrose. Sucrose is regarded as the
‘gold’ standard for sweet taste. It is manufactured from cane or beet and is available in
crystalline or liquid form. Juice from the beet undergoes several purification steps which
remove non-sugars and progressively concentrates the sucrose solution (O’Donnell, 2005).
Sucrose is given an arbitrary sweetness level of 1 to allow its comparison with other
products. Sucrose has an energy content of 4kcal per gram (Sadler & Stowell, 2012).

Sugar has many roles in food products, beyond its sweetening properties. Some of these
are outlined below;


Sugar is an important component in beverages, bakery products and preserves. In

beverages, sugar contributes to the mouth feel of the product by giving the product body.
In reduced sugar versions there is a need too compensate for the thinner mouth. Additional
texturising ingredients, such as pectin may be added, to slightly increase the viscosity of the
product. This gives fuller mouth feel.
In Jams, the ratios of sugar and pectin define how well the final product will set. For low
sugar jams a low methoxyl pectin (rather than the high methoxyl pectin for standard sugar
jam) is used along with sufficient calcium to produce a set jam.

Sugar plays an important role in the texture of bakery products beyond that of simply acting
as a bulking agent. During bread making, sugar is added to provide food for yeast and
therefore affects the rate of fermentation or gas production. This in turn affects the volume
of dough produced, crumb texture and softness of the final product. Sugars also tenderise
bakery products via interaction with starch molecules and proteins in dough (Kitts, 2012). It
is also thought that sugars have a role in preventing bread dough becoming sticky during
manufacture, although other components such as salt will also affect this (Indrani &
Venkateswara Rao, 2007).


The two main mechanisms by which sugar affects the colour of products are caramelisation
and Maillard browning. Caramelisation is temperature dependent and occurs when sucrose
is heated to above 100°C. Increasing temperature yields darker end products and imparts
caramel flavours and aroma. This reaction is used in a wide range of products including
sauces, desserts and glazes. The Maillard reaction is another form of non-enzymatic
browning and is the result of reactions between amino acids and sugar. Maillard reactions
give products such as bread and cake a golden brown crust.

Sugar replacers vary widely in terms of their ability to support caramelisation and maillard
reactions. This must be taken into account when selecting a sugar replacer for a product if
a characteristic brown colour is to be maintained.

Flavour Balance

The sweetness /acidity balance in fruit based products such as beverages, sauces and
preserves is an important criterion that requires consideration when reformulating to
reduce sugar. For example when reducing the sugar content in a jam the
sweetness/acidity/fruit flavour balance is altered. To overcome this fruit flavour is typically
improved by increasing the fruit content and the pH reduced by reducing any added acid in
the formulation (Hercules, 1984).


Sugar has natural preserving properties. It inhibits the growth of micro-organisms at

increased concentrations. Water activity (aw) is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure
of water in the atmosphere in equilibrium with the substrate, compared with the partial
pressure of the atmosphere in equilibrium with pure water at the same temperature. The
water activity of pure, distilled water is 1.0. The minimum aw required for the growth of
bacteria is 0.9 and 0.6 for yeasts & moulds (Adams & Moss, 2004). In products such as jam,
sugar binds with water causing the water activity to fall below 0.85. This inhibits most
microbial growth except yeasts and moulds (CCFRA, 2004). Reducing sugar will increase the
aw and so potentially increase the range of micro-organisms that are able to grow.

Sugar’s water binding properties also allow for moisture retention in products such as
biscuits and cakes. In the specific case of biscuits, water can then be reabsorbed again
during the shelf life. It is therefore important to ensure that packaging used has suitable
moisture barrier properties.

Reduction of freezing point

When manufacturing ice-cream and other frozen desserts the size of the ice crystals have a
large impact on texture and mouth feel, for example, the smaller the ice crystals the
smoother the product. The freezing point depression is affected by the number of
molecules per unit weight of product (Nordic Sugar, 2012). The level of sugar can therefore
alter the freezing point of the ice-cream and will affect the hardness and ‘scoopability’ as
well as affecting the ice crystals size (Tharp et al, 1997). Glucose, fructose and invert sugars
are more effective still than sugar (sucrose) at reducing freezing point depression.

Ingredients to reduce/replace sugar

There is a wide range of sweetening ingredients available on the market or in evaluation.

These have a range of different properties. This section provides an introduction to a range
of ingredients and covers some of the important considerations associated with their use.

Sugars & nutritive sweeteners


Fructose is one of the most common sucrose substitutes found in the diet and can result in
significantly different GI values. Teff et al (2005) states;

“fructose ingestion has minimal effects on blood glucose and insulin and is associated with a
low GI."

Fructose is considered to a more suitable sweetener than sugar for use in diabetic products,
however though literature surrounding it’s effects on metabolism, obesity and weight
management is inconclusive. Fructose has the same calorific value as sugar but is
approximately 20% sweeter so can be used at a lower level thus reducing the calories of the
Agave nectar (also called agave syrup)

Agave nectar is a sweetener commercially produced from several species of the agave plant.
The production of agave nectar/syrup involves extraction of agave juice from various
varieties of the agave plant (usually from Mexico or South Africa). The resulting thick golden
juice is then filtered and thermal or enzymatic hydrolysis is used to separate the
polysaccharides and simple sugars. The liquid is then thickened by evaporation, producing a
slightly viscous juice. Organic agave syrup is commercially available.

Agave syrup mainly consists mainly of fructose, Wolff, (2001) reports this to be 70%. It is
important to note however, that it can be supplied with a range of fructose contents which
are likely to affect its flavour profile and relative sweetness. Agave nectar has a comparable
glycaemic load to fructose which is lower than that of sugar and it can impart more flavour
than fructose syrups. Agave syrup is sweeter than sugar and is used as a sugar or honey
alternative in some recipes. Agave syrups can be sourced in light, amber, dark and raw
forms. This will affect the taste of the syrup with darker syrup imparting more caramel
flavours than lighter syrups.


Trehalose – a disaccharide with a calorific value of 4kcal/g and relative sweetness of 0.45
(Higashiyama & Richards, 2012). A supplier, Cargill claims that research suggests trehalose,
when incorporated as part of a sports beverage system (flavour, CHO, water), may produce
lower insulin responses than glucose-sweetened beverages.

Other nutritive sweeteners

Other natural sweeteners include date sugar, molasses, sorghum, maple and palm syrups,
barley malt, brown rice syrup, carob, coconut palm sugar, watermelon, dates, and honey
(Formichella & Rowan, 2011). There are also products derived from foods such as oats and
brown rice (Anon, 2012). The majority of these products however will be calorific and are
associated with additional flavours rather than simply providing sweetness to products.
Their use and application rates need to be carefully matched to products.

Bulk, no & low calorie sweeteners

As discussed, sugar has a wide range of functional properties in food and beverage
applications beyond that of simply sweetening products. Low or no calorie, high intensity
sweeteners may be used to replace sugar but the majority will provide little or no functional
properties. Bulk sweeteners may be used in conjunction with high intensity sweeteners to
replace both the sweetness and bulk properties of sugar as most intense sweeteners are
only allowed and or required in very small quantities. The relative sweetness and calorific
values of bulk sweeteners will vary but are generally 50% or lower than those of sugar.
In addition to those discussed in this subsection, other examples of bulk sweeteners include;

 Polydextrose – a gluco-polysaccharide with a calorific value of 1 kcal/g, adding little

or no relative sweetness. It is considered an additive within the EU.

 Maltodextrins – oligosaccharides formed by the partial hydrolysis of starch. In

general, maltodextrins have a low bulk density, are fully soluble and have a low
sweetness. Maltodextins are further categorised according to their dextrose
equivalent (DE) with those with a higher DE having sweeter properties (e.g. Joshi &
Neves, 2006, report that 20DE maltodextrin has a relative sweetness of 0.2).
O’Donnell & Kearsley (2012) report calorific values for some maltodextrins ranging
from 1 to 2 kcal (For Fibersol-2® and Nutriose® FB). Frozen desserts may use
maltodextrin as its water holding capacity and relatively low molecular weight give it
freezing point depressant qualities (Kennedy et al, 1995). It also undergoes some
non-enzymatic (Maillard) browning (O’Donnell & Kearsley, 2012).

 Tagatose – calorific value of 2.4 kcal/g, relative sweetness of 0.90 (Walters, 2008). It
has approval as a Novel food in the EU.

Sugar Alcohols/Polyols

These are a group of sugar alcohols used as bulk sweeteners. The majority are produced by
the hydrogenation of sugars such as glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, lactose and xylose.
All permitted polyols in the EU (except erythritol) have been given the calorific value of 2.4
kcal/g which gives a significant calorie reduction compared with sugar at 4kcal/g. Polyols
are considered additives in the EU with the food products they are allowed in being
restricted. They are however allowed at quantum satis in no sugar confectionery in the EU.
They would not be permitted in any confectionery product which contains added sugar.

The most commonly used polyols are:

 Sorbitol (E420) - was among the first 'sugar-free' ingredients to be added to foods. It
has been used in foods for diabetics as like other polyols it does not stimulate an
increase in blood glucose on ingestion. It has approximately 60% of the sweetness of

 Mannitol (E421) – another one of the early bulk sweeteners being 50% as sweet as

 Maltitol (E965) – has 90% of the sweetness of sucrose. Commonly added to foods
such as biscuits.
 Isomalt (E953) – has 40% of the sweetness of sucrose. Commonly added to foods
such as biscuits.

 Lactitol (E966) – has 30 to 40% of the sweetness of sucrose.

 Xylitol (E967) – has the same level of sweetness as sugar but has pronounced mouth
cooling properties which restricts its use in many applications but it works well with
mint. It occurs naturally at low levels in various fruit and vegetables.

 Erythritol (E968) - has a calorific value of 0g/kcal as it is not metabolised or

fermented in the colon and therefore has a digestive tolerance much higher than
many the other polyols. It is the first polyol to be produced commercially by natural
fermentation of a dextrose or sucrose solution by the yeast Moniliella pollinis. It is
60-70% as sweet as sucrose depending on the food application. Similar to Xylitol it
will exhibit a mouth cooling effect when it dissolves (Bornet, 1994).

As polyols are generally less sweet than sugar and therefore are often combined with high-
intensity sweeteners. With the growing trend for consumers to prefer natural and ‘clean
label’ ingredients the commercial production of polyols using catalytic hydrogenation may
be an issue. Another disadvantage of using polyols is that many are essentially low
digestible carbohydrates and if not absorbed in the upper GI tract they can, at certain levels,
cause osmotic imbalance or fermentation in the lower gut resulting in diarrhoea and/or
flatulence. Different polyols vary as to their laxative effect, erythritol and maltitol have less
laxative effect than the other polyols. In the EU a warning label that ‘excessive consumption
can cause a laxative effect’ is required when the polyol comprises of 10% or more of the
food product (Commission Directive 2008/5/EC Annex I).

Inulin & Oligofructose

Soluble fibres such as inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, and Nutriose® (a chemically modified

dextrin from Roquette) are being used more often to help replace sugar in a range of
products. Inulin and Oligofructose belong to a class of carbohydrates known as fructans.
Inulin is a mixture of linked fructose molecules, which have an average chain length of 10
units, whereas Oligofructose, otherwise know as fructo-olgiosaccharides (FOS), comprise of
shorter chains of fructose units similar to inulin, with chain lengths of 2-10 units (Izzo and
Niness, 2001).

They are both naturally occurring soluble dietary fibres, present in large amounts in chicory
roots and Jerusalem artichoke, and are also found in a variety of fruit and vegetables as
storage carbohydrates, therefore have always been part of the human diet (Mannie, 2010).

They are extracted from the chicory plant using hot water and are used as food ingredients
to help formulate healthy products. Their prebiotic effect means they help support a healthy
digestive function. Inulin and Oligofructose are available in many commercial forms
including powder, granulated, instant, gel and low sugar, meaning that they can be applied
to many different products (Mitchell, 2006).

The organoleptic properties of both products are dependent on the level of application in
the finished product. Inulin only has a slightly sweet taste and has no associated aftertaste
or off flavours. Oligosaccharides have 30-65% the sweetness of sugar depending on their
application and structure (shorter chain molecules tend to be sweeter). They show some
synergy with sucrose, glucose and fructose. This synergistic increase in sweetness allows
the oligofructose to replace part of the sugars in many finished products. When added into
a high acid environment, such as some acidic soft drinks, hydrolysis of this product may
occur. Due to this, oligofructose may not be a suitable ingredient for long shelf life products
of this nature. Inulin gels are more resistant to acid hydrolysis however, but hydrolysis can

Applications of inulin include chocolate, baked goods, cereal bars and breakfast cereals. The
inclusion of inulin can give product fibre enrichment where needed, appropriate texture and
structure, as well as giving products, especially chocolate either a sugar free, sugar reduced
or suitable for diabetics, status (Mitchell, 2006).

Overall inulin and oligofructose are beneficial food ingredients that have nutrition claims
associated with fibre enrichment. They have been widely known as prebiotics however
there are currently no approved health claims for inulin as a prebiotic.

Additives regulation 1333/2008 specifically states that (amongst other materials)

monosaccharides, disaccharides or oligosaccharides and foods containing these substances
used for sweetening properties; and inulin are not considered to be food additives.

High intensity sweeteners

Intense sweeteners currently available in the EU have had to pass through a food additive
approval procedure. Approved sweeteners are assigned an ‘E’ number and sometimes a
maximum use level. Maximum use levels are influenced by the acceptable daily intake (ADI)
values which are calculated using toxicological data (O’Donnell, 2005).

Steviol Glycosides (E960)

Steviol glycosides are extracted from the Stevia plant and formed into an off-white,
crystallised powder. Stevia extracts generally contain a high percentage of the glycosides
Stevioside and Rebaudioside A, which are the principal sweetening compounds of the Stevia
plant. Steviol glycosides marketed as sweeteners must meet the regulatory purity criteria
laid down in Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 of 9 March 2012. This states that
they must consist of at least 95% of the following compounds: steviosides, rebaudioside A,
B, C, D, E or F, steviol glycosides, rubusoside and dulcoside. Stevia extracts generally contain
a high percentage of the glycoside rebaudioside A, the principal sweetening compound, and
smaller amounts of other steviol glycosides. Table 1 gives a breakdown of the associated
nomenclature for this product.

Table 1. Breakdown of nomenclature associated with stevia and its components

Nomenclature Description

Stevia Genus of plant; crude extract of stevia leaves

Steviol glycosides Sweet components of stevia leaf

Stevioside Most abundant steviol glycoside

Rebaudioside A Best-tasting steviol glycoside

Rebiana Purified rebaudioside A meeting FCC*

monograph specifications

Rebaudioside A, rebiana, reb A Legally accepted names for labelling in USA*

Source – Fry, 2010

*FCC is the U.S. Food Chemicals Codex

** Steviol glycosides (E 960), which are extracted from the leaves of the plant Stevia
rebaudiana Bertoni, were authorised as sweeteners in the EU as of 2 December 2011.
However, the marketing of the stevia plant as a foodstuff is still not allowed. EU food law
states that the words "stevia" or "stevia extract" may not be used in the marketing or
labelling of foods that refer to steviol glycosides used as a sweetener. This is because there
has been no approval for use of whole or parts of the stevia plant. It is therefore considered
that using the wording “stevia” may mislead the consumer. In 1999 The Scientific
Committee for Food (SCF) evaluated the safety of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plants and
leaves as a novel food and concluded that no appropriate or sufficient data were available
to enable the safety of the commercial plant product to be evaluated.

Steviol glycosides have no calorific value (Potzel & Brouns, 2012) and a relative sweetness of
200 to 300 times that of sugar and a negligible effect on blood glucose so is suitable for
people on carbohydrate-controlled diets. Steviol glycosides are typically marketed as being
‘from a natural source’ rather than as a natural sweetener due to the processing required to
extract them. A variety of solvents are used during the extraction of Steviol glycosides,
some of which can be considered as clean label. These compounds are reasonably stable
under the elevated temperatures used in food processing but are claimed not to undergo
caramelisation or browning when heated. These compounds are also reportedly pH stable
(Fry, 2010).
Stevia has been associated with a bitter aftertaste at increased concentrations, which is
thought to taste similar to liquorice, and which some consumers may find off-putting.
Rebaudioside A has the least bitterness of all the sweet compounds in the stevia plant.
Research is currently ongoing to mask this undesirable property (Gray, 2012).

The use of steviol glycosides sweeteners in foodstuffs is governed by Commission

Regulation (EU) No 1131/2011 of 11 November 2011 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC)
No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to steviol
glycosides. It is important to note that Steviol glycosides are not permitted in all food
products. Regulation (EU) No 1131/2011 specifies the food categories, amount limits and
conditions of use of this additive.

Thaumatin (E957)

Thaumatin is derived from the seed shells of the West African Katemfe fruit, in the form of a
low calorie sweet protein. Thaumatin exhibits the characteristics of a high intensity
sweetener in which the initial perception is delayed. It is however, important to note that it
is also associated with an aftertaste of liquorice, which lingers upon consumption. It is
claimed to be virtually calorie-free and 2,000 times sweeter than sugar and can be used in
conjunction with other high intensity sweeteners as a blend (O’Donnell, 2005). Thaumatin is
authorised in the EU as a sweetener in certain foods under Directive 94/35/EC and as a
flavour enhancer in chewing-gum, beverages and desserts under Directive 95/2/EC.
Thaumatin is also approved in all applications in Europe as a "flavour preparation" under
Directive 88/388/EC. When used as a sweetener or as a flavour enhancer, maximum levels
need to be followed in given food categories. It has also got GRAS (generally recognised as
safe) approval in the USA that permits its use in a wide range of products. Thaumatin has
been used in a variety of applications including confectionary items, which exhibit
peppermint/spearmint and citrus flavours, as the liquorice aftertaste prolongs these

Monk Fruit extract or Lo Han Guo

Monk Fruit extract or Lo Han Guo is derived from a plant cultivated for its extremely sweet
fruit. The intense sweetness comes from the naturally occurring sweet constituents in the
fruit called mogrosides. In 1995 the Procter and Gamble Company patented an extraction
process for the extraction and reduction of undesirable flavours. Reported sweetness
ratings for monk fruit extracts vary greatly from 100 to 300 times the level of sweetness
compared to sugar (Lindley, 2012, Anon, 2012) and are likely to reflect extraction methods.
Tate & Lyle, a supplier of a monk fruit based sweetener, PUREFRUIT™ state that their
method of extraction involves steeping monk fruit in hot water before filtering (PureFruit,
2012). Although this extraction method may be viewed by the consumer as being ‘more
natural’ this is likely to result in a less sweet product with noticeable colour and flavour
traits thus limiting its applications. Monk fruit extracts are claimed to stable due to their
similarity to those of stevia (Lindley, 2012) and can therefore be used in a variety of
applications. Due to these similarities, extracts are also expected to have similar taste
profile issues such as slow onset, liquorice taints and some mouth cooling. Extracts are
claimed to have no calorific value, and have suitable synergy to be blended with other
sugars, such as glucose and fructose to create a stable product. Currently there are no
reported negative side effects of the monk fruit.

Monk fruit or Luo han guo is classified by the US Food and Drug Administration as a GRAS
product, and there are currently no restrictions on consuming the fruit or its extracts. EU
regulatory approval is pending upon application by manufacturers.

Acesulfame K (E950)

Acesulfame K is chemically derived from acetoacetic acid. It is very soluble in water and the
relative sweetness ranges from 100 to 200, depending on concentration and application.
The sweetness is perceived quickly, however a side taste may become perceptible at
elevated levels (Haber et al, 2006). Due to this Acesulfame K may be blended with other
sweetening compounds. Acesulfame K has a relatively low maximum use level in soft drinks
(for a link to permitted levels please see legislation section later in this document) and
therefore needs to be used in conjunction with other sweeteners.

Aspartame (E951)

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener which is claimed to be 180-200 times sweeter than

sucrose (O’Donnell, 2012). It has a maximum use level of 600mg/l in defined non-alcoholic
drink applications (for a link to further information on permitted levels for further
applications please see legislation section later in this document). Due to this maximum
dosage level it can be used as a sole sweetener in soft drinks; however it is hydrolysed at
increased temperatures and below pH 3 due to its protein content. It contains 4kcal/g
(Walters, 2008) so may be used in lower concentrations than sucrose to achieve the same
sweetness with less calories. Products containing the sweetener aspartame must
additionally bear the indication ‘contains a source of phenylalanine’.

Cyclamate (E952)

Cyclamate is most commonly found in the form of a white crystalline sodium salt of
cyclamate. It has a low relative sweetness of 35 in most food systems and no calorific value
(O’Donnell, 2005). Cyclamate is synergistic with acesulfame K, aspartame, saccharin and
sucralose. Cyclamate is stable from pH 2 to 7 and can withstand heat treatments such as
pasteurisation and UHT. Cyclamate is not commonly used as research conducted in the 60s
implicated it as a bladder carcinogen in rats. Further subsequent research has been unable
to substantiate these findings however consumer perception appears to have been affected
(Bopp et al, 1986). Cyclamate is still banned in the US but is an approved substance in the
UK. It is not used as a sole sweetener as it has a slow onset time, bitter aftertaste and low
acceptable daily intake (ADI).

Saccharin (E954)

Saccharin has a relative sweetness of 300-500 compared to that of sucrose and no calorific
value. Its solubility and stability is high under food processing conditions however it incurs a
bitter metallic aftertaste at high concentrations. Masking agents for this aftertaste include
fructose, gluconates, tartarates, ribonucleotides, sugars, sugar alcohols and other intense
sweeteners. Synergism occurs with fructose. Negative synergy occurs with acesulfame K
(O’Donnell, 2005). As with cyclamate, saccharin has previously received bad press. In 1977
the FDA proposed a ban on saccharine following research suggesting it as a weak bladder
carcinogen. Further research showed that the mechanism for this was unique to male rats
and not relevant to humans (IFIC review, 2009). There are currently no mandatory warnings
required on the labels of products containing saccharin within the UK.

Sucralose (E955)

Sucralose is an intense sweetener which is claimed to be up to 600 times sweeter than sugar
depending on its application. Sucralose is made from sugar using a three step process in
which three hydrogen-oxygen atoms on the sucrose molecule are replaced with chlorine
(Food Insight, 2010). The end result is a product which is claimed to have the flavour of
sugar, but with an increased sweetness and no calorific value. As with other artificial
sweeteners, due to its manufacturing process it is not considered natural.

Sucralose can be used in a variety of food products including beverages. It is stable under
heat and over a broad range of pH conditions, so can be used in products that require a
longer shelf life. Common brand names of sucralose-based sweeteners include Splenda®.

Neotame (E961)

Neotame is chemically similar to the artificial sweetener aspartame, but may be used at
lower levels as its relative sweetness is 10,000 times sweeter than sucrose (depending on its
application and usage rate). However this sweetness has a slower release and lingers for
longer than that of aspartame. Neotame is more stable than aspartame at neutral pH and
does not require a phenylalanine warning on the label of products which contain it (Fry,

Neohesperidine (NHDC) (E959)

Neohesperidine dihydrochalcone (NHDC) is a non-calorific, artificial sweetener derived from

neohesperidine extracted from the immature citrus fruit such as bitter oranges and
grapefruit (Ahuva et al, 2005). NHDC is considered to be 1000 times as sweet as sugar but
has a slow onset and lingering taste. It is stable to elevated temperatures and to acidic or
basic conditions, and so can be used in applications that require a long shelf life. It is also
considered as a bitter blocker so may be blended with other sugar alternatives to mask their
associated flavour taints. However it has a number of other properties that limit its use as a
sweetener such as a cooling effect on the tongue and a liquorice flavour taint (Walters,

Technologies to reduce sugar content

Due to differences in consumer acceptability of sugar alternatives, research is currently

underway looking at technologies that affect sensory and taste perception as a means to
reduce the sugar content of products. Burseg, et al (2011) investigated the effect of
changes in the sucrose concentration on perceived sweetness intensity. This research found
that by ‘pulsating’ the concentration of sucrose the perceived sweetness intensity increased
with stimulus. Sixty grams per litre was rated by participants as having the same sweetness
rating as a continuous reference level of 70 grams per litre. This study also suggests that the
greater the difference in the concentration of ‘high’ and ‘low’ ‘pulses’, the greater the
overall sweetness perception.

Research has also looked into small molecules or ‘positive allosteric modulators’ (PAMs) as a
means to reduce sugar content in products via enhancement of sweet taste receptor activity
in the mouth. A study conducted by Servant et al (2010) screened for and identified several
PAMs which where reported to “considerably increase the sucralose and sucrose potencies
in a sweet taste receptor cell-based assay, are not sweet on their own, and significantly
enhance the sweetness of sucralose or sucrose in taste tests”. In August 2012, Food
Navigator reported that Senomyx Inc. was working with a major manufacturing company to
produce a commercial ingredient. It is important to note that if this product gains approval
for use however, it will need to be declared on ingredients labels and would likely be
marketed as a sweetness enhancer.

General Legislation

Foods that contain any authorised sweetener(s) must be labelled ‘with sweetener(s)’***.
UK food law states that food containing both an added sugar(s) and a sweetener(s) must
bear the indication ‘with sugar(s) and sweetener(s)’. The Food Labelling Regulations 1996
Guidance Notes indicate that ‘sugar’ here means any added mono- or disaccharide, or any
other food used for sweetening purposes.

*** The Additives Regulation 1333/2008 contains the following definitions;

 Sweetener means any food additive which is used or intended to be used to impart a
sweet taste to food, or as a table-top sweetener.
 With no added sugar means with no added monosaccharides, disaccharides or other
food containing monosaccharides or disaccharides used for its sweetening

 Energy-reduced means that the food to which it refers has an energy value reduced
by at least 30% compared with the original or a similar food (or of a hypothetical
equivalent based on sucrose).

European Parliament and Council Directive 94/35/EC states that maximum usable doses
relate to food which is ready-to-eat having been prepared according to any instructions for
use. By following the link above permitted sweeteners such as Acesulfame K and Erythritol
and their conditions of use can be viewed.

Please note that the above legislation relates to ‘food additives’ and are referred to as
‘sweeteners’, which are used:

 to impart a sweet taste to foodstuffs

 as table-top sweeteners

EU regulation No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods covers nutrition
and health claims made in commercial communications, whether in the labelling,
presentation or advertising of foods to be delivered as such to the final consumer. Table 2
outlines some of permitted nutritional claims and their terms of use which may be relevant
to products with reduced sugar content.
Table 2: Nutritional claims and their conditions of use

Nutritional Claim (and any claim likely to Conditions of Use

have the same meaning for the consumer)

‘Light/ Lite’ Products must comply with the conditions of

use for the term ‘reduced’ and the claim
must also be accompanied by an indication
of the characteristic(s) which makes the food
‘light’ or ‘lite’.

‘Reduced’ Reduction in content must be at least 30%

compared to a similar product, except for
micronutrients, where 10% differences in
the reference values in Directive 90/496/EEC
are acceptable.

The claim “reduced sugars”, and any claim

likely to have the same meaning for the
consumer, may only be made if the amount
of energy of the product bearing the claim is
equal to or less than the amount of energy in
a similar product. (Regulation 1047/2012

‘’Low Energy’ Product must not contain more than 40 kcal

(170kj)/100g for solids or more than 20 kcal
(80kj)/100ml for liquids.

For table-top sweeteners the limit of 4 kcal

(17 kJ)/portion, with equivalent sweetening
properties to 6 g of sucrose applies.

‘Sugar Free’ Product must not contain more than 0.5g of

sugars per 100g or 100ml

‘Low Sugars’ Product must not contain more than 5g of

sugars per 100g for solids or 2.5g of sugars
per 100ml for liquids.

Excerpt taken from Campden BRI Electronic Food Law Notes, Chapter 6. Labelling
Please note that this legislation covers nutritional claims. Health claims are now covered
under new legislation. For further information on health claims please see; http://eur- Permitted
and rejected claims of all types are on the Community register which can be found via;
Summary Table

Sweetener/Carbohydrate Relative Sweetness* Calorific value (kcal/g)

Sucrose 1 4

Glucose (Dextrose) 0.6-0.8 4

HFGS (High Fructose Glucose Syrup) 0.9-1.0 4

Fructose 1.1-1.6 4

Agave 1.1-1.5

Polydextrose 0 1

Dependent on DE value Dependent on DE value Undergoes some Maillard

(e.g. DE20 = 0.2) (e.g. 1-2 kcal) Browning

Trehalose 0.45 4

Tagatose 0.90 2.4

Warning label ‘excessive

consumption can cause a
Sorbitol (E420) 0.6 2.4
laxative effect’ is required when
used at 10% or more

Mannitol (E421) 0.5 2.4 Warning label ‘excessive

consumption can cause a
laxative effect’ is required when
used at 10% or more

Warning label ‘excessive

consumption can cause a
Maltitol (E965) 0.9 2.4
laxative effect’ is required when
used at 10% or more

Warning label ‘excessive

consumption can cause a
Isomalt (E953) 0.4 2.4
laxative effect’ is required when
used at 10% or more

Warning label ‘excessive

consumption can cause a
Lactitol (E966) 0.3-0.4 2.4
laxative effect’ is required when
used at 10% or more

Warning label ‘excessive

consumption can cause a
Xylitol (E967) 0.95 2.4 laxative effect’ is required when
used at 10% or more.
Pronounced mouth cooling

Warning label ‘excessive

Erythritol (E968) 0.6-0.7 0 consumption can cause a
laxative effect’ is required when
used at 10% or more. Mouth

FOS (Fructo-oligosaccharides) 0.3-0.6 2

Inulin 0 1

Claimed to be a stable product.

Liquorice flavour taints. Specific
Steviol Glycosides (E960) 200-300 0 legislation laid out regarding the
labelling of this product (i.e. the
name “stevia” cannot be used

Flavour taints. Currently not

Thaumatin (E957) 2,000 0
approved for use in the EU

Claimed to be a stable product.

May give flavour taints.
Mogroside (Monk Fruit) 100-300 0 Sweetness varies depending on
extraction method. Currently
not approved for use in the EU

Relatively low maximum use

Acesulfame K (E950) 100 - 200 0 level in soft drinks so blend with
other sweeteners.

Can be used as a sole sweetener

Aspartame (E951) 180 - 200 4 in soft drinks . Hydrolysed <pH
3. Limited heat stability.
Products must state ‘contains a
source of phenylalanine’

Poor consumer acceptability?

Cyclamate (E952) 35 0

Good solubility and heat

stability. Bitter metallic
Saccharin (E954) 300 - 500 0 aftertaste at high
concentrations. Poor consumer

Sucralose (E955) 600 0 Heat & pH stable.

More stable than aspartame at

Neotame (E961) 10,000
neutral pH. Slow onset & lingers

Relatively pH & heat stable.

Neohesperidine (NHDC) (E959) 1,000 Liquorice flavour taints & mouth

*It is important to note that for all products that relative sweetness will be affected by the concentration and application

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