SCB HRM Report

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Assessment of HRM


Submitted by: Submitted to:

Sushil Pawn Jayendra Rimal
Subash Sainju
Aleend Shrestha
Himal Poudel

We would like to express our heartiest gratitude to our Faculty Teacher, Human Resource
Management Mr. Jayendra Rimal and Program Director Dr. Pradeep Rajopadhyay of ace
institute of management and Rajan Udas, Head Human Resources and Shraddha Joshi,
Resourcing Manager at Standard Chartered Bank, Nepal for allowing us to prepare report on
this topic and for their motivating inspiration, with effective guidelines, kind direction, valuable
suggestions, advices, sincere cooperation to prepare this report worthwhile.

Our grateful appreciation goes to Standard Chartered Bank‘s authority for rendering us their
expertise, knowledge, and giving us the opportunity of having a practical experience with their
coordination for this report. All of HRM employees co-ordinate and provide their enthusiastic
guidance and critical comments during the entire phase of the study, made it possible for us to
grasp the inner knowledge of a corporate house and to prepare this report with that
knowledge. They shared their views, opinions, feedback with us and their experience,
knowledge and encouragement inspired us during our stay at the organization for interview.

Again this report might never have been completed without the necessary practical knowledge,
assistance of many books, articles, websites, and primary data. It enhanced us knowledge
satisfaction level of customer as well as overall banking activities. Thanks to all those persons,
have assisted us, providing us co-operation, authors of the books and articles.

Table of Content
Head Page no.
1. Introduction of Standard Chartered Bank 4
1.1. Business Activities of the Standard Charter Bank 5
1.2. Vision of Standard Charter Bank 5
1.3. Mission of Standard Charter Bank 5
1.4. Five values of Standard Charter Bank 5

2. Service & Organizational Structure 7

2.1. Corporate Banking Group 7
2.2. Financial Institution Department 8
2.3. Consumer Banking Division 8
2.4. Card Division 8
2.5. Information and Technology Department 8
2.6. Operation 8
2.7. Legal and Compliance 9
2.8. External Affairs 9

3. Literature Review 10

4. Functional Components of HRD of Standard Charter Bank 11

4.1. Human Resource Planning of Standard Charter Bank 11
4.2. Aim / objectives of the HR planning of Standard Charter Bank 12
4.3. Recruitment and Placement Process of Standard Charter Bank 12

5. Scope of the Study 13

6. Methodology 13
6.1. Primary Source 13
6.2. Secondary Sources 13

7. HRM function covered by the assessment instrument 14

7.1. HRM capacity 14
7.2. HRM climate 14
7.3. HRM information 14
7.4. HRM strategy and policy 14
7.5. HRM mechanisms and method 14
7.6. HRM outcome 15

8. Limitation of the Study 15

9. HRM Practice in Standard Charter Bank Nepal 16

10. HRM Capacity Analysis 18

11. HRM Climate Analysis 20

12. HRM Information Analysis 22

13. HRM Strategy and Policy Analysis 23

14. HRM Mechanisms and Methods Analysis 24

15. HRM Outcomes Analysis 27

16. HRM Profile and level 28

17. Strengths and weakness of HRM 29

18. Linkage between HRM and organizational performance 29

19. Recommendation 30

20. Conclusion 31

21. Reference 31

1. Introduction of Standard Chartered Bank
The name Standard Chartered basically comes after two banks which merged in 1969. They
were originally known as the ―Standard Bank of British South Africa and the ―Chartered Bank
of India, Australia and China. After the merger the new shares of the Standard and Chartered
Banking Group Limited were listed in the London Stock Exchange on January 30th, 1970.
Although the two banks merged in 1969, but their operations were being executed from two
different headquarters, until on June 1980, the original building of the Chartered Bank was
demolished and a new headquarter of the Standard Chartered Bank PLC was opened on March
20th, 1986. Right after the merger the bank experienced continuous growth and expansion in
United States and Europe, which led the bank to be one of the top 100 listed banks in the
world. Moreover, it was also judged the best bank in the Asia-Pacific region in 1993 and 1994
for its excellent service and growth rate as well.

The new millennium brought with it two of the largest acquisition in the history of the bank-
the acquisition of the Grindlays Bank from the ANZ group for a consideration of $1.34 billion
and acquisition of the Chase Consumer Banking Corporation in the Hong Kong for $ 1.32 billion.
These acquisitions demonstrate Standard Chartered Bank‘s firm commitment to the emerging

Standard Chartered employs 87,000 employees in over 12,000 locations serving (Branches and
outlets) more than 70 countries and territories across the Asia Pacific region, South Asia, the
Middle East, Africa, the United Kingdom and the Americas with the history of more than 150
years. It is one of the world‘s most international banks with employees representing 80

Standard Chartered Bank Nepal has been in operation in Nepal since 1987. This is one of the
largest international bank operating in Nepal. This bank have the ownership of 70.21% of
Standard chartered Group and remaining 29.79% of Nepalese public. There is 15 branch and 23
ATM located at the major city of Nepal with 450 staff. As per of Corporate Social Responsibility
it supports non-governmental organizations involving charitable community activities they
launched two major initiatives in 2003 under its 'Believing in Life' campaign- 'Living with
HIV/AIDS' and 'Seeing is Believing'. Its Swift code is SCBLNPKA.

1.1 Business Activities of the Standard Charter Bank
The bank provides a full range of products and services all around the world, some of which are
mentioned here:
1. Global Consumer Finance
2. Personal Banking
3. Global Corporate and Institutional Banking
4. Global Custodial Service
5. International Trade Management
6. Global Cash Management
7. Global Institutional banking
8. Global Electronic Banking:

1.2 Vision of Standard Charter Bank

Their vision is leading the way by providing best customer services. Their brand promise is to be
the right partner.

1.3 Mission of Standard Charter Bank

Their motto is to become world‘s best international bank

1.4 Five values of Standard Charter Bank

Standard Chartered Bank has five values and these values are keys to their success. These
values determine how the employees achieve their goals, the way they work together and how
it feels to be a part of Standard Chartered Bank. In brief these values are:

1. Courageous: Being courageous is about confidently doing what‘s right. Often the task may
seem insurmountable but with courage and tenacity, the odds can be overcome. A truly
courageous act both inspires and builds character.

2. Responsive: How employees response to our customer will influence their belief in our
commitment to them. A proactive response is often unexpected and more effective for
that. It clearly demonstrates our willingness to go beyond the unexpected.

3. International: As a member of global village employees view the world from the widest
perspective. Employees are all global citizens and the world is full of new opportunities and
exciting possibilities. Employees also deliver world class products and services.

4. Creative: Creativity belongs to those of us who are excited by challenges and engage them
in fresh thinking and an open mind. Creative thinkers are not limited by convention but
allow their minds to soar beyond predictable solutions.

5. Trustworthy: Trust is the foundation of every successful relationship. Employees trust

because employees believe in the sincerity of our promise. Building trust can take forever.
Losing takes only moments.

2. Service & Organizational Structure
There are different divisions for targeting different type of customers. Mainly consist of two
divisions, that are Consumer Banking Division (CB) and other is Corporate Banking Division
named Corporate and Institutional Banking (C & I). The divisions are mainly based on some
service lines designed for and provided to targeted customers, other divisions and units are
there to support the business activities of the major service based divisions. The following is the
list of the divisions of Standard Charter Bank Nepal. Note that the divisions are little different
compared to the major areas of the Group.

2.1 Corporate Banking Group

Standard Chartered Bank offers its local customers a wide variety of financial services.
All the accounts of corporate clients, which mainly comprise the top local and multinational
companies operating in Nepal, are assigned a Relationship Manager (RM) who maintains
regular and close contact to cater to their needs. The objective of this department is to
maintain a thorough knowledge of the client's business and to develop positive relationships
with them. This is maintained through interactions to offer timely advice in an increasingly
competitive business environment. The expertise of the Financial Institution and Treasury
groups is also available whenever required. The Corporate Banking Group in Nepal has
displayed a spirit of community involvement by working with NGOs and INGOs to underwrite
soft loans. Standard Chartered Bank offers its corporate customers:

• The wide varieties of lending needs are offered with skilled and responsive attention.
• Project finance and investment consultancy.
• Syndicated loans.
• Bonds and Guarantees.
• Local and International Treasury products

The trade finance of Standard Chartered Bank takes care of the commercial activity related
issues, particularly those related to import and export finance services. Some of the services

Trade finance facilities including counseling, confirming export L/Cs and issuing of import L/Cs,
backed by its international branch and correspondent loan network Bond and Guarantees
Project finance opportunities for import substitution and export oriented project.

2.2 Financial Institution Department:
Financial Institution Department (former Institutional Banking) is a specialized banking
unit of Standard Chartered, providing products and services to the specific needs of other banks
and financial institutions. It assists the local banks by taking care of their cross-border business
through the worldwide Standard Chartered Bank networking over 40 countries. It offers various
services like L/C Confirmation, Negotiation, Inter and intra Bank Guarantee, Local Bill
Discounting, L/C Advising, L/C Transfer, L/C amendment advising, Reimbursement Undertaking
and Authorities, Fund Transfers, Export proceeds, BDT Draft Drawing, International Payments (T

2.3 Consumer Banking Division:

Superior retail banking services comprising a wide range of deposit and loan products
are offered by the Standard Chartered Bank to its individual customers. The Consumer Banking
division constantly faces challenges and meets them by developing new products and services
to fulfill the specific requirements of local and foreign customers. Bank offers a 24-hour service
in Nepal through its Money link ATM network and Phone-link Phone Banking services, SMS
banking services and also online banking Services.

2.4 Card Division:

Card is the latest area that has been identified for rapid development. The bank is the
one of the acquirers of three major cards in Nepal. Two of the credit cards are VISA and
MASTER CARD and the one is the charge card known as Japan Credit Bureau (JCB). Standard
Chartered Bank is the subsidiary or secondary agent of the credit cards and a primary agent of

2.5 Information and Technology Department:

This department is instrumental in the running of all the computerized operations of the
bank. They help in the implementation and generation of computerized reports. Another major
duty of the department is to maintain communication with the rest of the world.

2.6 Operation:
Operation is part of the support division, which helps to run the businesses of the bank
in a smooth and controlled manner. Since it helps mainly in processing the works of the
business units, any mistakes made can be easily detected and on time.

2.7 Legal and Compliance:
In the UK, Standard Chartered Bank is regulated by the Bank of England, while in Nepal
local banking laws regulate it and rules set by the Ministry of Finance and Nepal Rastra Bank. It
also encourages its staff to conform to an internal culture of ethical behavior and sensitivities to
the culture and religion of the country.

2.8 External Affairs:

This department deals with advertising, public relations, promotions, partial marketing
which involves disseminating new products and services to customers and above all ensuring
service quality.

3. Literature Review
Human resources management includes a variety of activities , and among them is deciding
what staffing needs an organization has and whether to use independent contractors or hire
employees to fill these needs , recruiting and training the best employees , ensuring they are
high performers , dealing with performance issues and ensuring the personnel and
management practices conforms to various regulations. Activities also include managing their
approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee record and personnel policies.

HRM practices have shown to be valuable to any company’s success. Thus to be successful in a
global marketplace, the challenge for all businesses regardless of size is to invest in human
resources. They need to select and retain talented employees, undertake employee training
and development programs and dismantle traditional bureaucratic structures that limit
employee’s ability to be innovative and creative.
The commonly practices HR activities include the following:
 HR Planning
 Recruiting
 Selection
 Training and Development
 Compensation
 Performance Management
 Employee Relations
World-class organization use performance measurement systems to determine whether they
are fulfilling their vision and meeting their customer-focused strategic goals. Leading-edge
organizations use performance measurement to gain insight into, and make judgments about,
the effectiveness and efficiency of their programs, processes and people. These best-in-class
organization decide on what indicators they will use the measure their progress in meeting
strategic goals and objectives, gather and analyze performance data and then use those data to
drive improvements in their organization and successfully translate strategy into action.

Thus in today’s organizations, the use of Strategic Human Resource Management information is
to help set agree-upon performance goals, allocate and prioritize resources, inform managers
to either confirm or change current policy or program directions to meet those goals , and
report on the success in meeting those goals.

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4. Functional Components of HRD of Standard Charter Bank


 HR Planning
 Job Analysis:
 Job Description
 Job Specification
 Recruitment & Selection
 Job Changes
 Employee Socialization


• Safety & Health  Management

• Employee Relations Development
• Formulate & Review  Career Planning &
HR Policy Development
• Employee Services


 Job Design
 Performance Appraisal
 Job Evaluation
 Compensation &
 Discipline

4.1 Human Resource Planning of Standard Charter Bank

HR planning is in effect, a systematic approach to ensure that the right people will be in the
right place at the right time. It may be looked upon as a strategy for the acquisition, utilization,
improvement and preservation of an enterprise‘s human resources. HRD of Standard Charter
Bank is always concerned about the HR planning. The HR division emphasizes the most valuable

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planning for acquiring the most efficient and honest personnel who will contribute to the bank.
Like other organization Standard Charter Bank created a good Human Resource Planning.

4.2 Aim / objectives of the HR planning of Standard Charter Bank

• Planning and control
• Realization of organizational goals
• Existing deployment, Creating and maintaining inventory
• Adjust with the external environment.
• Help organization to meet the goal through mission, vision, structure and objectives.
• Ensure the right people in right place.
• Reduce the labor costs, Utilize employee capabilities effectively
• Establish employment equity goals.

4.3 Recruitment and Placement Process of Standard Charter Bank

Standard Chartered Bank is committed to have best possible stuff and to retain them through
continuous development. The organization believes in integrity and merit for its employees
who have the potential to enhance and utilizes their skills and knowledge. Standard Charter
Bank fully supports the philosophy of non-discrimination in employment.
1. Job Analysis
2. Use and Application of job Analysis
3. Sources of Recruitment
a. External Sources
b. Internal Sources
4. Employee Selection and Placement Procedure
5. Employee Training and Development
6. Performance Appraisal Process
7. Remuneration package for the employees of Standard Charter Bank

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5. Scope of the Study
The scope of this report is to cover how the HR department of Standard Chartered Bank carries
about the functions of Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Performance Appraisal,
Compensation and Benefits and Services and all other functions that fall under Human resource
Management. And how it’s been benefiting for the achievement of organization goal and its

6. Methodology
In order to complete the study on the HRM of Standard Charter Bank Nepal we have develop
the questioner and we have collected the data from different other source. The source of data
of this report had divided into two categories:

6.1 Primary Sources:

 Face to Face conversation with the respective senior management of Standard Charter
Bank Nepal in HRD with the HRM Function questioner.

6.2 Secondary Sources:

 Annual Report, Employee Record by HRD of Standard Charter Bank Nepal
 Different published documents of Standard Chartered Bank
 Relevant books, Research papers, Newspapers and Journals relating human resources,
article relating employee training and welfare.
 Website of Standard Charter Bank Nepal.
 Other websites on Current HR Practices.

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7. HRM function covered by the assessment instrument
To identify and analyze the HRM characteristics and capacity of Standard Charter Bank Nepal, a
comprehensive assessment Instrument was developed with the questioner to the senior
management of HRD. This assessment instrument is explained by 6 HRM Characteristics with
altogether 27 questioner with rate of scale in each component as follows:

7.1 HRM capacity

HRM capacity signifies the basic HR infrastructure of the organization. It assesses the HRM
structure, staff, budget, facilities and resources (non-human) and HRM program planning and
delivery capability of the organization.

7.2 HRM climate

HRM climate deals with the top tier HR functions. It assesses the HRM importance, leadership
style and managerial systems, organizational processes and practices in the organization.

7.3 HRM information

HRM information deals with structuring and maintaining information on HR. This assesses
Human resource database, Utilization of HR data for HRM, and HRM resources information
practices in the organization.

7.4 HRM strategy and policy

HRM strategy and policy links HRM to the broader objective of the organization. It assesses
HRM policy, strategy and plan, strategic linkage of HRM, Alignment with HRM of the

7.5 mechanisms and method

HRM mechanisms and methods show how the HR system reflects into the daily working
conditions. It assesses HRD alignment with HRM, HRD evaluation and feedback, HRD program
planning and management, number and variety of training programs, number and variety of
development programs, use of work systems for development, career planning and
development supports, diagnosis of organizational effectiveness and renewal issues,
organizational change and development interventions in the organization.

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7.6 HRM outcome
HRM outcomes deal with the implication of HRM on performances. It assesses the employee
performance capacity, qualitative change in employees, employee performance and
productivity and customer satisfaction as result of HRM policy and practices in the organization.

8. Limitation of the Study

From the intention to make the report realistic and properly accepted this report has been
conducted. However, many problems appeared in the way of conducting the study. During the
study it was not possible to visit the whole area covered by the bank although the financial
statements and other information regarding the study have been considered. Time limitation is
also a big factor, which hinders the data collection process. Due to time limitation many aspect
could not by discussed in the present study.

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9. HRM Practice in Standard Charter Bank Nepal
During this survey we have develop the questioner which we have used for the finding the HRM
practice in Standard Charter Bank Nepal. The HRM Function is divided into 6 HRM
Characteristics with altogether 27 questioner as per mention in Mythology. The finding are as

HRM Component
Indicators 1 2 3 4
HRM Capacity
HRM Structure and planning 
HRM Staff 
HRM Budget 
HRM Facilities and Physical Resources 
HRM Program Planning and delivery capability 
HRM Climate
HRM Importance 
Leadership style and managerial system 
Organizational process and practices 
HRM Information
Human Resource Database 
Utilization of HR data for HRM 
HRM resource information 
HRM Strategy and Policy
HRM Policy strategy and plan 
Strategic linkage of HRM 
Alignment with HRM 
HRM Mechanisms and Methods
HRD alignment with HRM 
HRD evaluation and Feedback 
HRM program, planning and management 
Number and variety of training programs 
Number and variety of Development Programs 

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Use of work system for development 
Career planning and development supports 
Diagnosis of organizational effectiveness and renewal issues 
Organizational change and development interventions 
HRM Outcomes
Employee Performance Capacity 
Qualitative change in Employee 
Employee Performance and Productivity 
Customer Satisfaction 

Summarize overall questioner as per the HRM Characteristics with its function rating is
tabulated as below. From this survey the outcome is nearly 4 which is our optimum value of the
survey i.e. 3.96 is an overall outcome of the survey. This indicate that they follow all the
standard procedure of the HRM as they are one of the Largent International Bank operating in
70 countries.

Indicators Scale of HRM

S. No. HRM Component 1 2 3 4 Average

1 HRM Capacity 5 4
2 HRM Climate 3 4
3 HRM Information 3 4
HRM Strategy and
4 3 4
HRM Mechanism and
5 9 4

6 HRM Outcomes 1 3 3.75

Total 1 26 3.96

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10. HRM Capacity Analysis
HRM Capacity is one of the major part of the HRM. Without this there won’t be exist of
organization. It’s consist of Staffing, HRM budget, HRM Facility and resources and overall. The
strength and the weakness of the organization HRM function can be determined with this
function. If the organization is strong in this function then the organization will operate in full-
face without any problem. The analysis of the HRM Capacity of Standard Charter Bank Nepal
can be categorize in 5 group which are as following.

10.1 HRM structure and Positioning

Since Standard Charter Bank Nepal is one of the international bank operated in Nepal. In this
organization HRM is palaces as one of the important factor for the success of the organization.
So they have separate Human Resource Department whose function is only associate with the
HRM function. This department is head by Rajan Udas who is also the member of the executive
committee or strategic management team of Standard Charter Bank Nepal.

10.2 HRM Staff

In Standard Charter Bank Nepal highly qualified HRM staff are employee whose main
responsibility is to maintain the HRM Function. As Standard Charter Bank Nepal have their own
HRM planning which is followed and managed by the HRM staff. Mr. Rajan Udas Head of
Human resources is an experience person in HRM. He have 8 years of experience in this field.
And Ms. Shraddha Joshi Talent Acquisition Manager at Standard Chartered Bank is also an
experience person with 14 years of experience in this field.

10.3 HRM Budget

In Standard Charter Bank Nepal with the separate depart for the HRM as Human Resources
Depart they have separate category for the HRM budget which is utilized for the staff training,
Human Resource Department operation. As the Standard Charter Bank Nepal organize
refreshment training and different function for motivating and improving the quality of the
human resource with this budget. In FY 2015/16 Standard Charter Bank Nepal have budget of
Rs. 14,648,695 in the Training & Development of the staff which is part of HRM

10.4 HRM Facilities and Resources (non-human)

The Human Resource Department of Standard Charter Bank Nepal is located at Head office
Baneshwor. They are operating their HRM function from their own office located at head office

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premises. Since they also need to report directly to the Head office of Standard Charter Bank in
London so they are fully equip to achieve their goal and vision.

10.5 HRM Program Planning and delivery Capability

As the Human Resource staff Mr. Rajan Udas Head of Human resources with 8 years of
experience and Ms. Shraddha Joshi Talent Acquisition Manager with 14 years of experience
qualified for the HRM planning. As Standard Charter Bank have also their own HRM Guidelines
which need to followed they deliver the full range of HRM program and training to the

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11. HRM Climate Analysis
HRM Climate is also the major factor of the HRM Function. The smooth operation of the HRM
function is depend upon this factor. HRM Climate play vital role in employee motivation and
their performance. Since HRM climate is characterized by the tendencies such as
 Treating employees as the most important resources of an organization
 Perceiving that developing employees is the job of every manager
 Believing in the capability of employees
 Communicating openly
 Encouraging risk taking and experimentation
For addressing those factor in this survey we have subcategorize HRM climate in 3 group which
are as following.

11.1 HRM Important

Standard Charter Bank Nepal top manger treat human resources as the most valuable
resources. There separate budget is allocated for the training and development of the
employee. Whenever the new employee is required Standard Charter Bank Nepal provide the
training and also one interesting thing is that in that training they introduce their CEO which
motivate the employee to give their best and their value in an organization. Standard Charter
Bank Nepal have provision of Best Employer Brand awards 2016 which highlight the importance
of HRM importance.

11.2 Leadership Style and manager systems

Standard Charter Bank Nepal management believe in leadership then management. Most of
the managers encourage their colleagues to perform their best. Even in the Group code of
conduct of Standard Charter Bank Nepal it address the leadership style and management
systems such as
 Do the right thing — the importance of the Code
 Act responsibly and within authority
 Use good judgment
 Speaking Up
 Comply with laws, regulations and Group standards
 Manage conflicts of interest
 Treat colleagues fairly and with respect

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 Respect our communities and the environment

11.3 Organization process and practices

Standard Charter Bank Nepal have clear guidelines on the HRM planning and processing for
there is equal opportunity for the employees. Since they follow the leadership style of
management for the employee are encourage by their managers. And also the refreshment
training are organized for the development and process of the employee and promotion are
encourage then hiring new employees in top level. Team work are encourage and give the
opportunity for the learning to the employee.

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12. HRM Information Analysis
In every decision information play vital role. In HRM also information are very important for
developing planning, strategy, placement, requirement, training, budget etc. Standard Charter
Bank Nepal also have the importance of HRM information which can be describe with following

12.1 Human Resource Database

Standard Charter Bank Nepal maintain the Human Resource Database which is update on
regular basis. Since they have proper guideline on the requirement, promotion or placement
which will be recorded in the Database. Standard Charter Bank Nepal is using the PeopleSoft as
Human Resource Information System which is maintained by Singapore. Standard Charter Bank
is using this software worldwide as their Human Resource Information System or Human
Resource Database. In this database they also record the employee performant and their
participation in corporate social responsibility and employee voluntary participation for the
future reference.

12.2 Utilization of HR Data for HRM

During the development of HRM policy and strategy Standard Charter Bank Nepal use their HR
data as the major source of information. Even for requirement, promotion and placement of
the employee the data is widely used to know the history of the employees. And also for
announcing Best Employee Brand Awards they use this information.

12.3 HRM Resource information

Standard Charter Bank Nepal have the Human Resource Information System of PeopleSoft
which provide wide range of analyzing Human Resource Data which can be utilizes in different
means. This system is not only used in Nepal this is used in worldwide by the Standard Charter
Bank sue to witch this system is update and generate wide range of report which is utilized for
the planning and structuring etc.

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13. HRM Strategies and Policy Analysis
HRM Strategy and Policy defines both short-term goal and long term goals which are important
for any organization for their success and regarded as indicator of their growth. Standard
Charter Bank Nepal updating and monitoring its HRM Strategy and Policy in regular basis. The
various sub-tools under this category are utilize to measure the over HRM strategy and policy.

13.1 HRM Policy, Strategy and plan

A comprehensive HRM policy and strategy document is available. HRM plan, focusing on short-
term and long- term business goals, and strategies, is prepared. All HRM actions are guided by
the plan. It is updated on regular basis. Trainings are more focused on technical aspect,
personal development, leadership, communication skills, project management, and
presentation skills, sustainability trainings which are conducted by specialist international
consultants which indicate a long term planning on the overall and personal development of
the employees. Standard Charter Bank Nepal providing an opportunity and platform to enhance
employee public speaking and leadership skills and benefit on their personal developments
“Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Toastmasters Club” (SCBNTC) has been formally established
on February 1, 2017. Standard Charter Bank Nepal have quote on our People “Our Success is
built on our People”

13.2 Strategic linkage on HRM

Corporate/ business goals, strategies and plans are translated into HRM strategies and goals.
HRM plan is critical part of corporate/business plan and it proactively responds to its capacity
development needs. HRM outcomes are related to business performance goals. HRM influence
corporate strategy choice. Standard Charter Bank Nepal being one of the most trustworthy
Banks not only in Nepal but also in 70 other countries is because of the strategic linkage to the

13.3 Alignment with HRM

HRM and HRM policies and practices are fully integrated into HR strategy. They mutually
reinforce each other. HRM systems are developed with focus on development of people and
HRM actions meet development need of other HRM functions. But limitations have been found
where because of the law of the land and other local policies, not all the strategic plans can be

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14. HRM Mechanism and Methods Analysis

The overall work performed by the Human Resource Department depends upon the HRM
Mechanism and Methods developed by the organization. The comprehensive HRM policy and
system should be translated into the Human Resource Department program. Overall program
and planning that are going to be adopted by Human Resource Department in regard with staff
management, training program, developing a career planning mechanism is catered by the
HRM Mechanism and Methods. The indicator under this category as defined by Standard
Charter Bank Nepal is mentioned with the following details.

14.1 HRD alignment with HRM

Comprehensive polices and systems are in place to assess development needs of all human
resources. Assessment is done throughout the year as part of identifying core capabilities and is
linked with the needs of the business, job and individuals. Needs are translated into HRD
program. We found that clear policies and guidelines for HRM and Human Resource
Development (HRD) in Standard Charter Bank Nepal exist and circulated well among its
employees in the form of HR guidelines and Code of Conduct.

14.2 HRD evaluation and feedback

Comprehensive evaluations of the HRD function and programmes are done regularly as a part
of HRM policy and plan. The focus is on HRD process, outcomes and utilization from the
perspective of performance improvement and business goals achievement. Feedback is used
for continuous improvement in the effectiveness of HRD. Feedback are taken as the guidelines
for the development and evaluation is done with the system. And the Standard Charter Bank
Nepal conduct the global survey called “My Voice” for the collection of the feedback form

14.3 HRD program planning and management

All HRD programs are planned, designed and implemented fully professionally following the
best approaches, methods and procedures. They are regularly improved. The quality of
programs is excellent. With the experience HR employee the planned program are properly
implemented and managed.

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14.4 Number and variety of training program
Training opportunities are available both in- house and outside to all staff categories, including
senior managers, according to the need and as a part of employee development and of the
organization. They are planned and offered regularly within the framework of the training plan.
Trainings are more focused on technical aspect, leadership, communication skills, project
management, presentation skills, sustainability trainings which are conducted by specialist
international consultants (they are in house and external as well) which indicates a long term
planning on the overall and personal development of the employees. All employees receive
mandatory conduct trainings and their performance objectives and reward mechanism are
explicitly linked to behaving appropriately. In 2017 first and second quarter two successful
learning weeks were conducted by senior facilitators of Standard Charter Bank Indian and Nepal
which provide the learning opportunities to over 95% of their employees.

14.5 Number and variety of development program

A large number of development opportunities are available, both on site and off site, to all staff
categories, including senior managers, according to the needs of individuals and of the
organization. They are planned and offered regularly within the framework of the development
Developing a learning culture is not merely an option but an absolute necessity in today’s
competitive world. Standard Charter Bank Nepal recognize the importance of learning and
development to each staff and as it is equally important to develop their internal leadership
pipeline learning and development has always been given very high priority. Standard Charter
Bank Nepal provide learning and development opportunities to our people to create an
engaged and value driven team and likewise staff are making learning and development as
much a normal part of their working lives as any other activity in which they indulge at work.

14.6 Use of work systems for development

A clear policy and emphasis exists to design and use various work systems for providing
employees with development opportunities. The policy is fully practised by all Managers. The
supervisors work closely with the operatives so that the targets are aligned with the
performance, on the job trainings are also conducted as and when required, placements are
also done by reviewing the performance and key strengths of the employees. The outstanding
performers are also recognized and rewarded from time to time. Respecting the work life
balance of its employees, 5 working days in a week, crèche or child day care facilities well

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managed cafeteria, availability of 24 hours bank’s doctor, 3 days paid employee volunteering
leave are some of the initiatives that Standard Charter Bank Nepal have provided to employee

14.7 Career planning and development supports

Clear policies and commitment as well as adequate resources for career planning and
development supports are available in the organization. Career support programs are regularly
planned and implemented. They are integrated with other HRM plans. Many employees are
taking benefits from them. Focus is given to improve more on career planning in the
organization. Career planning and development support policies and practices (e.g. career
counselling, workshops, job posting, outplacements, career-related training and educational
programs) exist for employees’ career growth. Standard Charter Bank Nepal have sharpened
focus on quality performance and career coaching. For this Standard Charter Bank Nepal
launched a new approach for developing our Managers with new career development guides
and toolkits.

14.8 Diagnosis of organizational effectiveness and renewal issues

Reflection and analysis of key organizational effectiveness and development issues is a
continuous process at the top level. Professional supports for the diagnosis are internally
available and required external supports are sought and used. The issues and the process of
generating them are taken seriously.

14.9 Organizational change and development interventions

There is a fully developed internal system and capacity for designing and implementing planned
change programs organization effectiveness issues are regularly addressed through carefully
planned change programs involving a participatory and empowering process.

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15. HRM Outcomes Analysis
The overall HRM outcomes are measured on Employee performance capacity, various
development program developed by the organization. All these elements lead to the
customer’s satisfaction, which is kept by the Standard Charter Bank Nepal on its top-most

15.1 Employee performance capacit27y

Organizational members have a high level of performance capacity in core capabilities
necessary for the business as a result of HRM activities. Their potential has substantially
enhanced and they have flexible and adaptable ability to learn and change. With the activities
performed by HR, people are now more competent in what they do and are more willing to
learn. The trainings conducted have led to increment in the employee performance capacity.

15.2 Qualitative change in employees

Organizational members have developed a whole range of job behaviors that support for high
quality performance as a result of HRM activities. Standard Charter Bank Nepal have been
consistently using the newly acquired behaviors.

15.3 Employee performance and productivity

Organizational members now perform at a substantially higher level and quality of performance
as a result of HRM activities. Productivity has substantially increased. The organization has
attained a new level of HR performance and productivity.

15.4 Customer Satisfaction

Customer/Client is of topmost priority for the Standard Charter Bank Nepal even though they
are not been able to satisfy their all customer. As Standard Charter Bank Nepal is the private
and international Bank so they high highest priority towards customer satisfaction. The
organization conducts training, face to face interviews with the customers, and social media.
The organization then, uses the feedback and tries to improve on the lagging points. Regular
check and tracking was carried out to assure and improve every aspect of customer satisfaction.
Even though due to some factor all customer are not been able to be satisfy. Due the policy of
minimum balance i.e. Rs.10,000 and Rs. 50,000 depending upon the branch and account type
and more documentation policy.

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16. HRM Profile and level
In Standard Charter Bank Nepal the Human Resource Department is locate at head office
Baneshwor office. Mr. Rajan Udas is the Head of this department. He is working at Standard
Charter Bank Nepal in HR service delivery since 2010. And he report to Chief Executive officer
Mr. Joseph Silvanus. Head of Human Resource is also the member of Executive committee of
Standard Charter Bank Nepal. And Ms. Shraddha Joshi is Talent Acquisition manager at
Standard Charter Bank Nepal. She is working in Standard Charter Bank Nepal since 2005.
Dichhya Amatya as Talent acquisition Specialist at Standard Charter Bank Nepal. She is working
in Standard Charter Bank Nepal since 2014. All of the employee in the Human Resource
Department is experience and qualified and they have made their own portfolio. With this
qualification the Human Resource Department qualified for making decision and developing
planning and strategy for the company. The important is they can handle the dispute easily.
The budget is allocated annually as per the requirement to carry out HRM functions, but
reviewed quarterly and if needed adjusted quarterly. The employees are facilitated with all
kinds of necessary physical resources to carry on their day-to-day work like desktops, laptops,
mobiles, proper working setup, emails, internet etc.
The HR personnel are trained in their specific job responsibilities. In-house trainers are
developed through trainer’s trainee program and many HRM related programs are delivered by
them. The department stills operates in traditional ways to facilitate the works like leave
approvals, travel approvals/clearing forms, requisite forms, etc. They are planning to go the
digital process. The HR staff organized the workshop where they trained the managers and
employees about the tool functions and operations. Besides, they are providing their support
for all kinds of queries related to the tool and taking feedbacks from the users to optimize the
tool functions. The HR staffs also provide annual training session on performance management
and appraisal system to make sure that they are carried out effectively by appraiser as well as

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17. Strengths and weakness of HRM
Strengths of the HRM at Standard Charter Bank Nepal can be pointed as follow:

 HR Department with valuable international experience.

 Head of Human Resource is member of Executive Committee
 Separate HR budget allocated for employee development activities which are
tracked quarterly.
 E-learning (Code of Ethics & Conduct, Customer’s Privacy, Anti- corruption
 Planning and Implementation of HRD activities on regularly and effectively
 Highly productive employee performance
 Always looking for the future employees, awarding the best employees.
 Digital system is implementation of HRIS

Weakness of HRM can be assembled as below:

 For employee development programs, much focus has not been given at
individual level. Only at group level, the programs are run.
 Due to the country’s poor policies, not all the HRD activities could be conducted
as planned.
 Challenge in implication of performance management system
 Unorganized Political system interference

18. Linkage between HRM and organizational performance

The concept of Human resource management implies that employees are resources of the
employer. As a type of resource, human capital refers to the organization’s employees,
described in terms of their training, experience, judgment, intelligence, relationships, and the
employees’ attitudes. These attributes basically contribute for adding economic value in the
organization and its success. At the same time they are influenced by the HRM policies,
practices, and systems.
HRM process begins from creation of a job to use of human resources in an effective way.
Finding an employee with right competency and skill matching to a job is crucial to perform the
tasks required to attain the organization’s strategic goal. Management decisions and processes
for dealing with employees are critical to ensure that the organization gets and keeps the right
staff. In order to get the most out of staff, human resource management integrates all
processes, programs, and systems in an organization designed to ensure that employees are
acquired and used in an effective way.

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HRM not only can be a strategic tool, it can also help establish an organization’s sustainable
competitive advantage. Retaining good workers has become even more important and
challenging in today’s workforce market. Achieving competitive success through people
requires a fundamental change in how employers think about their employees and how they
view the work relationship. The effective implementation of HRM helps to establish a good
relationship between the employer and employee.
Standard Charter Bank Nepal appears to be clear on this front. The achievement of Standard
Charter Bank Nepal as one of the employee brand in today’s context comes out with the notion
that HRM practice is well establishment in Standard Charter Bank Nepal. With time
advancement and building of more competitive market the HR functions have to be more
streamlined and increased in order to obtain the best output from the link between HRM and
organization performance.

19. Recommendations
In order to improve upon the weaknesses, the following recommendations are made:
a) The human resource executives should be provided with more opportunities to be
exposed variety of HR management programs.
b) Experienced senior executives should be involved in training and development activities
and share their knowledge and experience with junior colleagues.
c) The employees should be encouraged to be updated on HR policies, objectives of and
criteria for selection to the training programs.
d) Training should be imparted to the employee based on promotion policies, not just only
for the employees who are found inefficient. This helps in enhancing the level of
motivation on the part of employees and maintains the effectiveness of training.
e) The ROI – The return on investment made towards training and development activities
need to be measured. Employee has to be aware of the cost invested by company
indirectly so that they are motivated to get the desired outputs of the training.
f) All the line managers should be engaged in overall strategy and policy making process.
The line managers should make sure that the staff members working under them are
also effectively consulted and their views and opinions obtained before feeding the
strategic and policy process.
g) Finally, the existing HR mechanisms and methods should be continuously sharpened
through periodic consultation with staff members, and the communication system
should be improved to achieve this.

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20. Conclusion
The Assessment of the HRM functions at Standard Charter Bank Nepal has helped us uncover
major HR functions, practices, policies, adopted by the organizations. The study also has
provided with an opportunity to make in depth analysis of the various HRM functions’ dynamics
and its outcomes. Based on the study it can be concluded that Standard Charter Bank Nepal has
adopted HRM as one of the key strategic functional units in the organization and is
continuously developing its HRM functions in the organization acquiring as per their parental
company norms.
There are areas where the organization has excelled in terms of HRM functions as outlined in
the strengths section and there are areas where the organization needs to improve the HRM
functions for the overall effectiveness in terms of overall productivity and performance.

21. Reference

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