Evolution of KP Readers

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Evolution of KP from the KP original 2 volumes to the KP Readers I-VI

by Tin Win
Courtesy of KPE-zine and Astrovision (September 2008 issue)


1. After having started reading the astrological books from July 1927, doing the research
on the practical horoscopes from 1934, with the assistants from 1939, Guruji KSK found
the method of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati in 1951 by Divine Grace and in 1958 he met
Dr. B.V. Raman and explained his method. He published the first issue of the Astrology
& Athrishta magazine on March 20, 1963, the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, 2 volumes in late
1966 by Sagar Publications and then the KP Readers I to VI in 1970-71 in his life time by
Mahabala Publishers, Hariman Publications.

KP Reader I

2. Almost the whole KP Reader I is taken from the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 1,
1966.The “Preface and Introduction, Ayanamsa-Verification (pp 61-74), To make use of
Krishnamurti Ephemerid and Casting of a Horoscope” and so on are added in the KP
Reader I, 127-147. The “Table of Longitude and Latitude of various places (in India) (pp
68-92)”, “Table showing the sub period of dasa” (pp 161-173) and “Fortuna” (pp 471-
474) in the the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 1 are not included in the KP Reader I.

KP Reader II

3. The whole KP Reader II is the reprint from the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 1, 1966,
except the “Letters to the Author and An Iterview with the Author” at the beginning of the

KP Reader III of 1971 Original/Old Edition

4. There are 2 parts, “Theoretical and Practical”, with separate paging. In the
“Theoretical Part” of the KP Reader III, the contents in pp 1-59 are taken from the
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 1 pp 475-533 and pp 60- 76 from the Krishnamurti
Padhdhati, Vol. 2 pp 1-17; then in pp 77-108, it is the continued write up about Leo to
Pisces lagnas as it was written up to Cancer lagna only in the Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
Vol. 2. After that, the “Sub Useful for Detailed Reading” is added in pp 105-8. The
contents in pp 108-130 are taken from pp 18-42 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2.
The “Cusps and Subs- How to Judge” at the end of the “Theoretical Part”, pp 131-144, is
added. It is Guruji KSK’s crowing part saying, “This discovery (of the sub-lord) has
crowned me with success.” simultaneously appearing in the KP Reader V pp 131-144 and
KP Reader VI pp 77-87, which was not included in the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, 2
Volumes. There is not any significant change in the Theoretical Part.
5. Generally in the “Practical Part” of the KP Reader III, the contents in pp 1-107 are
taken from the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol . 2 pp 43-169. But the “Theft and Chances of
Recovery” in pp 116-122 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2 is not included in the KP
Reader III and the “Theft and Recovery” in pp 234-236 of the Reader III is a shortened
presentation. The contents in pp 148-181 are taken from pp 276-318 of the Krishnamurti
Padhdhati, Vol. 2 and it is more comprehensive in the Reader III, for instance “Overseas”.
“The Profession- KP Principles” etc are added in pp 182-198. The “Time of Transfer” in
pp 318-320 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2 with the “sub” in the order of
significators is replaced by the write up without the “sub” with two example charts in pp
205-208. The “Politics’’ is presented in more details in pp 220-227 than a short
presentation in pp 324-326 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2 . The contents in pp
228-236 are taken from 327-336 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2. The additional
write up on “Spiritual Life, Choice of Gems etc is added in pp 236-271. The contents in
pp 271-347 are more or less the same in 336-348 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2.
One interesting reminder in p 371 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2 is “not to carry
away by any single statement, which will be similar to the story of blind men describing
an elephant by feeling any one part of it”. There are significant changes between the
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2 and the Practical Part of KP Reader III.

KP Reader IV

6. The contents in pp 1-74 are taken from pp 170-228 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol.
2. At the end of Mars Dosha, in p 69, three important paras are added, starting “ To cause
difference of opinion,---“. The “Marriage-Punarphoo” is added in pp 74-80 and the
contents in pp 80-86 are taken from pp 249-254 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2,
pp 126-133 from pp 235-242 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2. The example 2 for
“Time of Marriage” is added in p 134. The contents in pp 205-206 are taken from pp 247-
249 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2. The content in pp 267-272 of the
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2 is shortened in pp 222-3 of KP Reader IV. The “Child
Birth” in pp 209-223 of Reader IV is taken from pp 254-272 of the the Krishnamurti
Padhdhati, Vol. 2. The “Child Birth- When” in pp 272-275 of the the Krishnamurti
Padhdhati, Vol. 2 with the “sub” in the order of significators is not included in the KP
Reader IV. Some more rules and examples on divorce, more than one marriage etc not
included in the Krishnamurti Padhdhati 2 Volumes, are added in the KP Reader IV.

KP Rader V

7. The same “Theoretical Part” of the KP Reader III of 1971 is reprinted in pp 1-144 of
the KP Reader V and the rest is about Transit in more details than in the Krishnamurti
Padhdhati 2 Volumes.

KP Reader VI (first published in 1970)

8. Only around 15 pages in the introduction part are taken from the Krishnamurti
Padhdhati, Vol. 1. This Reader is the comprehensive Reader in addition to Reader III for
practical prediction in deciding which cuspal sub-lord and which house grouping are for
which matter.

Major Changes between KP 2 Volumes and KP Reader III of 1971

9. In the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2, it was ascertained whether Lagna is strong or

the Moon sign is strong in the examples of pp 82, 89-91, 118, 255, 261-2, 264, 313, 316,
and the Moon sign was taken as the first house in the two examples of pp 118 and 264.

10. However, based on further research and findings, Guruji KSK had modified “to
consider always only Lagna and never the Moon sign”, giving the reasons in the KP
Reader III, Old Edition, Practical Part, p 85 (New Edition pp 243-4), KP Reader III, Old
Edition, Practical Part, p 259 (New Edition pp 432-3) and Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
Preface, Astrological Tables for All by R. Eshwara Manu.

11. Accordingly those earlier writings “to consider whether Lagna is strong or the
Moon sign is strong” in the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2 are deleted in the OE of the
KP Reader III.

12. The inclusion of the word “sub” in the grade A & C of the order of KP significators
of the following two examples and a write up in the 3rd example has caused a
controversy of whether the sub is taken as a significator.
1) In the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2, pp 113-4, “According to Krishnamurty
Paddhathi, one can borrow money during the dasas and bukthies of:
a) planets in the star or “sub” of occupants of 6th house;
b) occupants of 6th house;
c) planets in the star or “sub” of lord of 6th house;
d) the lord of 6th house;
e) planets conjoined with or aspected by any of these planets.”

2) In the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2, , p 274, “Houses 2, 5 and 11 are to be

judged (for child birth). Therefore follow the order below:-
a) The planets tenanted in the constellations or “subs” of the occupants of the
Bhavas 2, 5 and 11,
b) Occupants of 2nd, 5th and 11th Bhavas,
c) Planets in the constellations or “sub” of the lords of the houses 2, 5 and 11,
d) Lords of 2, 5 and 11,
e) Those conjoined with or aspected by any of significators.”

3) In the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2, 1966, pp 319-320, Now about the

Transfer, consider houses 3, 10 and 12------The 10th house is occupied by Venus.
The constellations ruled by Venus are Bharani, Pubba and Poorvashada. Mercury
is in the “sub” of Venus. So Mercury is the significator.”

13. Against the above 3 examples with the “sub”, there are 13 other examples of the A to
E standard order of significators without mentioning “sub” in the same Krishnamurti
Padhdhati, Vol. 2, as follows: 1) p 57 for Badhaka house; 20 p 74 for 2,6,10,11 houses;
3) p 118 for 12,7,5,8; 4) p 139 for 4; 5) p 236 for 2,7,11; 6) p 244 for 2,7,11; 7) p 256 for
2,5,11; 8) p 269 for 2,5,11; 9) pp 276-7 for 4 & 3; 10) p 301 for 2,6,10; 11) p 303 for
2,6,10; 12) p 308 for 2,6,10 & 13) p 333 for 2,3,6,10 houses.

14. This controversy is cleared by 1) deleting the write up with “sub” in the 1st example
chart, born on 9-3-1923, between the 1st para and 2nd para in p 61 of KP Reader III, Old
Edition (between the 2nd para and 3rd para in p 218 of New Edition) and 2) excluding
the 2nd and 3rd examples in the KP Readers.

15. As per the fundamental KP principle “The planet is the source, constellation indicates
nature of the result and the sub is a “deciding factor” whether the matter is favorable or
not.” (Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2, p 41), the sub is the deciding factor, not

16. However, for better prediction results, the significators at all three levels of planet,
star and sub are to be jointly considered like C. R. Bhatt (Nakshatra Chintamani, Further
Light on Nakshatra Chintamani ), K.M. Subramanium (Sub Lord Speaks articles), Kanak
Bosmia, Umang Taneja (Nadi Astrology: Accurate Predictive Methodology), and in some
cases, the houses strongly signified at the sub level only, although not signified in the first
two levels, can give the desired result.

Major Changes between KP 2 Volumes and KP Reader III -VI

17. More details for practical prediction in deciding which cuspal sub lord and which
house grouping are for which matter, for instance judging the 12th cusp sub lord for
foreign going, the sub lords of 7th and 2nd cusps for more than one marriage. For
example, for foreign going more emphasis is given to the signification of 3,9,12 houses
by the 9th cuspal sublord other than judging houses 3,9,12 in Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
Vol. 2. In judging the cuspal sublord, the sublord’s star and sub become more crucial than
the cusp star or sub.

18. The experimental application of the Western aspects and progression, and the use of
traditional navamsa charts, exaltation, debilitation, vargottama, malefics, benefics, friend
and enemy etc in judging the strength of planets are significantly reduced.

19. The general rule “if a planet occupies a sign which is the 6th or 8th or the 12th from
the sign which it owns, it loses strength to offer such results as are indicated by that
house, but will give results just opposite to the indications of the house owned by it.” in
page 356 of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2 is not taken off in the KP Readers, and it
appears the same in page 290 of the OE and page 465 of the NE of the KP Reader III.

Minor Differences between 1971 Edition and New Edition of KP Reader III

20. The Guruji KSK’s pictures of 1) The author, Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti coaches up his
son in Steller Astrology, 1952- June, 2) Dr. Cherian, His Excellency, the Governor of
Bombay confers the title Jyothish Marthand on Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti, and offers a
Gold medal for the outstanding service done in Stellar Astrology (on behalf people for
giving lectures, not for the KP 2 volumes as a thesis), 3) Mr. T. Sivapragasam,
S.M.S.P.J.K., M.B.E., O. St J,. pins the gold medal to the author on 29-6-70 in a large
gathering and confers the title Sothida Mannan, and 4) Jyothish Praveen Sri A. Siva
patham of Ceylon welcomes the author to Ceylon where the author delivered lectures
daily, Nov 1970 are no more in the New Edition of the KP Reader III.

21. A new preface “ABOUT THE AUTHOR” gives the life sketch of our Guruji KSK
who passed away in March 1972. The KP Reader III of 1971 and other Readers were
published in his life time. The New Edition of Reader III is revised to some extent.

22. The paging for the 2 parts in the Old Edition is not continuous and it is continuous in
the New Edition. There is no change in the Theoretical part , pp 1-150 in the NE
corresponding pp 1-144 of the OE.The Practical part has 1-356 pages in the OE and 153-
540 pages in the NE.

23. In page 185 of NE, the “malefics and 6 or 8 to 2 or 6 or 10 house” are omitted and
more importance is given to “12 to 2 or 6 or 10, i.e. 1,5, and 9”.

24. From page 219 of NE, it is found that Guruji KSK has given the results of Horary no
16 (of 108). The evolution of horary no 108 to 249 is explained in the KP Reader VI.

25. In page 314 of NE under “Overseas-Astrological Analysis”, it is said, “One will have
the opportunity to go overseas only when the 12th cusp sublord is a significator of houses
3 or 9 or 12…” In the OE, “ To ascertain whether one will have the opportunity to go
overseas or not, the houses 3,7,9 and 12 are to be considered”. The 7 th indicates break in
journey and in old days one had short breaks in Aden, Cairo before reaching London by
ship. This is understandable as means of travel abroad had changed after 1960.

26. In page 339 of NE, in judging a matter signified by a house, the write up of
considering the signlord, star and sub of the cusp along the order of significators is
replaced by the lord of the sign, the star and sub only.
In page 345 of the NE, below the para ”What next”, the traditional rules of Karaka
planets for different profession giving positive results during their dasa period, malefics
and taking Moon sign as first house are omitted.

27. In page 372 of the NE (202 of the OE), the para “When this position arises, our
Gurujee has suggested to us to eliminate those which are not ruling planets at time of
judgment,” casts a doubt that the KP Readers contain text or examples not written by
Guruji KSK.

28. In page 376 of the NE, the para “For transfer we have to consider houses 3,9,12…” is
changed from “3,10 12” in the OE.

29. Other KP Readers I, II, IV, V & VI are found just reprinting without changes.

30. As Shri Raichur has said the KP Readers I to VI are more comprehensive and better
than the original Krishnamurti Padhdhati 2 Volumes in all aspects. It’s not important
whether some examples are written by others and the real thing is what is written and
approved by Guruji KSK to learn KP. Maintaining the errors and mistakes as untouchable
is the proof of the originality of Guruji KSK’s work.


Krishnamurti Padhdhati, 2 Volumes, 1966, Sagar Publications

KP Reader III of 1971 Edition
KP Reader I to VI
Astrological Tables for All by R. Eshwara Manu
Notes on Differences between OLD 1971 edition and 2004 edition Of KP Reader III by
Mr. Anant Raichur

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