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Designed to

wow. Created to live

in luxury. Priced
to surprise.
“I work in the IT sector in Electronic City and spend 2. 5 hours in traffic every day. Leaving me with little time to watch a movie
We heard you. We spoke to many people like you. We know
with my wife, play cricket with my son or go for walks with my old parents. I’ve travelled abroad a few times and I’ve seen how they
live. It’s a better lifestyle. I want my family to experience that too. I want them to live in a small well-connected neighbourhood
what your needs are. We understand your dreams and
that’s spacious, safe and secure with the conveniences of a city.” aspirations. We have taken each one of your concerns and
Anand, 43, IT Professional
addressed them in our new project. We know you want a
“We live in an apartment in JP Nagar. I’m very independent here. Just a short walk and I find everything I need from home that offers an upgraded lifestyle at a realistic price
groceries to the doctor. In fact that’s the only thing I like about this place. Everything else seems too chaotic and stressful.
point, which is not available today. It is either packed with
My husband has to drive from Hosur road in peak traffic so he comes home tired and even my son is exhausted after attending extra
classes, sports practice and hobby classes.” amenities you don’t really need and too expensive, or
Anita, 38, Housewife affordable but sparse on features and quality.

“I like extracurricular activities more than studies. But there’s no place to play games around my house. That’s why I prefer We did away with the standard template of offerings that
playing video games now. Ma takes me to the cricket ground and on some days for music classes. We drive through traffic which gives
most builders provide. What we finally have is a design that
her a headache. I wish I could go on my own. Pa has no time for me. In our old house, when I was small, I remember he
used to play cricket with me, he’s a good bowler.” offers a new lifestyle, a ‘City of Life’ with everything you
Prasanna, 8, Student asked of us. Yes, at an affordable price point too. It’s the first

“We moved into this rented apartment after I sold my independent house, because it wasn’t safe there. of its kind in many ways. You have to come see it to believe
But this apartment is small, has no sunlight, no place for me to walk. I feel caged. I can’t even go for walks it. Browse through some of our unique features which were
in the evening without worrying about traffic, thieves etc.”
unheard of until now.
Harish Rao, 72, Retired Pensioner
The Expat
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E x E Expat
The Expat group was envisioned in 1994. We are determined to make a global statement by making a
positive impact in the lives of millions of people. We achieve this through our innovative relationship-based,
integrated services model that addresses investments in land and developed property, construction and
contracting, turnkey project and management consultancy, as well as lease, purchase and sale. This model
The Expat group was envisioned in 1994. We are determined to make a global statement by making a
positive impact in the lives of millions of people. We achieve this through our innovative relationship-based,
integrated services model that addresses investments in land and developed property, construction and
contracting, turnkey project and management consultancy, as well as lease, purchase and sale. This model
offers a personal, transparent and service-based approach in every point of our customers’ need. It has also offers a personal, transparent and service-based approach in every point of our customers’ need. It has also
helped us in establishing the Expat Group in the highly competitive real estate domain. helped us in establishing the Expat Group in the highly competitive real estate domain.

Today we have 13 offices in 7 countries and more than 11000 of satisfied customers across the globe. We Today we have 13 offices in 7 countries and more than 11000 of satisfied customers across the globe. We
have successfully completed 12000+ acres of development. That means we have plenty of experience, have successfully completed 12000+ acres of development. That means we have plenty of experience,
expertise and resources to deliver your dream home. What’s more we provide a relationship manager for expertise and resources to deliver your dream home. What’s more we provide a relationship manager for
each customer true to our legacy of building relationships. each customer true to our legacy of building relationships.
p at Expat
a The Expat group was envisioned in 1994. We are determined to make a global statement by making a
positive impact in the lives of millions of people. We achieve this through our innovative relationship-based,
integrated services model that addresses investments in land and developed property, construction and
contracting, turnkey project and management consultancy, as well as lease, purchase and sale. This model
The Expat group was envisioned in 1994. We are determined to make a global statement by making a
positive impact in the lives of millions of people. We achieve this through our innovative relationship-based,
integrated services model that addresses investments in land and developed property, construction and
contracting, turnkey project and management consultancy, as well as lease, purchase and sale. This model
offers a personal, transparent and service-based approach in every point of our customers’ need. It has also offers a personal, transparent and service-based approach in every point of our customers’ need. It has also
helped us in establishing the Expat Group in the highly competitive real estate domain. helped us in establishing the Expat Group in the highly competitive real estate domain.

Today we have 13 offices in 7 countries and more than 11000 of satisfied customers across the globe. We Today we have 13 offices in 7 countries and more than 11000 of satisfied customers across the globe. We
have successfully completed 12000+ acres of development. That means we have plenty of experience, have successfully completed 12000+ acres of development. That means we have plenty of experience,
expertise and resources to deliver your dream home. What’s more we provide a relationship manager for expertise and resources to deliver your dream home. What’s more we provide a relationship manager for
each customer true to our legacy of building relationships. each customer true to our legacy of building relationships.

Self-sufficient township for an Your local waterhole – A Water Body.

independent you.
To keep the temperatures low and to give our residents a place to

We want every single member from every household to enjoy his or her hangout, we have a water body in the heart of our campus.

independence. Which is why we have as many recreation and lifestyle

needs as possible on our campus. So women, children and senior
citizens can do their daily chores in a safe environment.
1.5 BHK 889 sq.ft. - Left 1.5 BHK 889 sq.ft. - Right

Upper Floor Upper Floor

Lower Floor Lower Floor

2 BHK 1114 sq.ft. - Left 2 BHK 1114 sq.ft. - Right

Upper Floor Upper Floor

Lower Floor Lower Floor

2.5 BHK 1157 sq.ft. - Left 2.5 BHK 1157 sq.ft. - Right

Upper Floor Upper Floor

Lower Floor Lower Floor

3 BHK 1373 sq.ft. - Left 3 BHK 1373 sq.ft. - Right

Lower Floor Lower Floor

Upper Floor Upper Floor

3.5 BHK 1386 sq.ft. - Left 3.5 BHK 1386 sq.ft. - Right

Upper Floor Upper Floor

Lower Floor Lower Floor

3.5 BHK - Large 1815 sq.ft.
Upper Floor

Lower Floor
Disclaimer: The brochure is conceptual in nature and is by no means a legal offering. Expat has the right to change, alter, delete
or add any specification or amenities mentioned here in. For latest information, please contact your sales representative.

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