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J Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 59-67 (2001)

Anatomy of The Bony Orbit-Some Applied Aspects

Patnaik V.V.G., 2Bala Sanju, 3Singla Rajan K.
Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, 1Patiala. 3Amritsar. 2Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, SGRD
Institute of Dental Sciences & Research, Amritsar.

For Reprints, request the first author.

Abstract. The bony orbit which lodges the visual apparatus is important not only for anatomists but also for ophthalmologists, oral &
maxillo facial surgeons, neurosurgeons & forensic experts. In the present paper, its bony boundaries, walls & various openings are
delineated. Various weak areas in its different walls are discussed which guide the fracture lines. A mention is made of distances of the
globe from important bony land marks which are to be born in mind doing surgery in the region. Last but not least, are discussed the various
age changes & sex differences to help forensic experts.
Key words : Bony orbit, Anatomy, Age changes, Senile changes.

Introduction : walls make an angle of about 90° with each other.

The two orbital cavities are situated on either The direction of each orbit is given by its axis which
side of the sagittal plane of the skull between the runs from behind forwards, laterally and slightly
cranium & the skeleton of the face. Thus situated, downwards. (Last 1968)
they encroach about equally on these two regions. Applied: The fact that the greatest diameter
(Last, 1968). Each orbital cavity essentially is lies within 1.5cm of the orbital margin is important
intended as a socket for eye-ball & also contains when elevating the periosteum from the margins of
associated muscles, vessels, nerves, Iacrimal the rim, since it is necessary to change the
apparatus, fascial strata & soft pad. In nutshell it angulation of the blade of the elevator accordingly
lodges the visual apparatus. (Williams et al, 1999) when entering the orbit if a strictly sub-periosteal
This is an anatomical region which is of clinical & plane of dissection is to be maintained and
surgical interest to many disciplines like penetration of the orbital septum to be avoided.
ophthalmology, oral & maxillofocial surgery & (Williams 1994)
neurosurgery. The present paper is designed to
discuss the bony orbit in detail which will help not Walls of the Orbit :
only the anatomists but also the students of allied 1. Superior Wall or roof is triangular in shape. It
disciplines. is formed in great part by the triangular orbital plate
Each bony orbit is made up of 7 bones namely of the frontal bone and behind this by the lesser
maxilla, palatine, frontal, zygomatic, sphenoid wing of the sphenoid. It is markedly concave
ethmoid & lacrimal so arranged to enclose a roughly anteriorly and more or less flat posteriorly. The
quadrilateral pyramidal cavity with base directed anterior concavity is greatest about 1.5 cm from the
forwards, laterally & slightly downwards orbital margin and corresponds to the equator of the
corresponding to orbital margin & apex directed globe.
postero medially & situated at medial end of It presents :
superior orbital fissure, optic foramen or at the bar
of the bone between these 2 apertures (Whitnall (a) The fossa for the lacrimal gland. This lies
1921) Its comparison with a quadrilateral pyramid is behind the zygomatic process of the frontal bone. It
a rough one because the floor doesn’t reach the is simply a slight increase in the general concavity
apex & so cavity is triangular in section in this of the anterior and lateral part of the roof, and is
region. (Last, 1968) better appreciated by touch than by sight. It contains
not only the lacrimal gland but also some orbital fat
Also, since the orbit is developed around the found principally at its posterior part (accessory
eye, it has a tendency towards being spheroidal in fossa of Rochon-Duvigneaud). It is bounded below
form, and its widest part is not at the orbital margin by the ridge corresponding to the zygomatico-frontal
but about 1.5 cm. behind this. Moreover, this results suture, at the junction of roof and lateral wall of the
in the fact that its four walls are for the most part orbit.
separated from each other by ill-defined rounded
borders, so that Whitnall, 1921 compares the shape (b) The fovea for the pulley of the superior
of the orbit to a pear whose stalk is the optic canal. oblique is a small depression situated close to the
It is important to note that the medial walls of the fronto-lacrimal suture some 4 mm. from the orbital
two orbits are almost parallel, whereas the lateral margin. In 10% cases, the ligaments which attach
the U-shaped cartilage of the pulley to it are
J. Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 59-67 (2001)
60 Bony Orbit

ossified. Then the fossa is surmounted most often ethmoidal air-cells. The frontal sinus may extend
posteriorly by a spicule of bone (the Spina laterally to the zygomatic process and backwards
trochlearis). Extremely rarely a ring of bone, close to the optic foramen. The sphenoidal sinus or
representing the trochlea completely ossified, may the posterior ethmoidal air-cells not infrequently
be seen. Above the fovea the frontal sinus invade the lesser wing of the sphenoid. (Last 1968),
separates the two plates of the frontal bone ; the Applied Aspect :— We have seen that the roof
cavity extends lateral and posterior from the fovea is thin but reinforced laterally by the greater wing of
to a very variable extent. sphenoid & anteriorly by superior orbital margin so
(c) The fronto-sphenoidal suture, which is the fractures which involve frontal bone tend to pass
usually obliterated in the adult, lies here between the towards the medial side. At junction of the roof &
orbital plate of the frontal bone and the lesser wing medial wall the suture line lies in close proximity to
of the sphenoid. the cribriform plate of ethmoid which may become
The roof of the orbit is separated from the fragmented. Rupture of dura mater causes CSF to
medial wall by fine sutures between the frontal bone escape into either orbit or nose or both. However
above and the ethmoid, lacrimal, and frontal permanent anosmia is unlikely because only lateral
process of the maxilla below. It is separated from fibres of olfactory nerve on one side are involved.
the lateral wall posteriorly by the superior orbital (Williams, 1994)
fissure, anteriorly by the slight ridge that marks the 2. Medial Wall :— It is about ½ the height of
fronto-zygomatic suture. The orbital aspect of the lateral wall since the floor of the orbit inclines
roof is usually quite smooth, but may be marked by upwards to meet it at about 45° (Williams 1994) It is
certain small apertures and depressions. The the only wall which is not obviously triangular. It is
apertures known as the Cribra orbitalia of Welcker roughly oblong, either quite flat or slightly convex
are found most commonly to the medial side of the towards the orbital cavity. It runs parallel with the
anterior portion of the lacrimal fossa. They are not sagittal plane, and consists from before backwards
always present and are best marked in the foetus of four bones united by vertical sutures.
and infant. They give the bone a porous (a) The frontal process of the maxilla.
appearance, and, are for veins which pass from the
diploe to the orbit. (Last, 1958) (b) The lacrimal bone.

In the posterior part of the orbit, in or around (c) The orbital plate of the ethmoid.
the lateral part of the lesser wing of the sphenoid, (d) A small part of the body of the sphenoid.
small orifices may also be found which serve as Of these the orbital plate of the ethmoid takes
communications between the orbit and the cranial by far the largest portion. It often shows a
dura mater and contain vessels during life. characteristic mosaic of light and dark areas. The
Numerous small grooves may be seen in the roof of dark areas correspond to the ethmoidal air-cells,
the orbit. These lead to the above orifices and are while the light lines between them correspond to the
made by vessels or nerves. partitions between the cells.
Structure :— The roof of the orbit is very thin, In the anterior part of this wall is the lacrimal
translucent, and fragile except where it is formed by fossa, formed by the frontal process of the maxilla
the lesser wing of the sphenoid, which is 3 mm. and the lacrimal bone. It is bounded in front and
thick. If the bone be held up to the light, one can behind by the anterior and posterior lacrimal crests.
make out the ridges and depressions on the cranial Above there is no definite boundary, while below the
aspect formed by the sulci and gyri of the frontal fossa is continuous with the bony naso-lacrimal
lobe of the brain. This is especially true of the canal. At their point of junction the hamulus of the
posterior two-thirds. The translucency of the anterior lacrimal bone curves round from the posterior to the
third enables the outline of the orbital extension of anterior lacrimal crest and bounds the fossa to the
the frontal sinus to be seen. lateral side. At this point the fossa is some 5 mm.
Occasionally in old age portions of the bone deep, while it gradually gets shallower as we trace it
may be absorbed, and then the periorbita is in direct upwards. It is about 14 mm. in height. The lacrimal
contact with the dura mater of the anterior cranial bone and frontal process of the maxilla take varying
fossa. It is quite easy, in the disarticulated skull, to parts in the formation of the fossa; and so the
break the roof of the orbit by slight pressure with the position of the vertical suture between them varies
finger. also.
The roof of the orbit is invaded to a varying The anterior lacrimal crest on the frontal
extent by the frontal sinus and sometimes by the process of the maxilla is ill-defined above but well
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marked below, where it becomes continuous with orbital fissure. At this point the bone curves
the lower orbital margin and here often presents a smoothly but abruptly downwards into infratemporal
lacrimal tubercle. The lacrimal bone separates the fossa to form posterior wall of maxillary antrum. The
upper half of the fossa from the anterior ethmoidal floor is formed by three bones :
air-cells, and the lower part from the middle meatus (1) The orbital plate of the maxilla forms the
of the nose (Last, 1968) largest part.
Structure :— The medial wall is by far the (2) The orbital surface of the zygomatic
thinnest orbital wall (0.2-0.4mm). It is translucent, so forms the antero lateral part.
that if held up to the light, the ethmoidal air-cells can
(3) The orbital process of the palatine bone
be easily seen.
forms a small area behind the maxilla.
The orbital plate of the ethmoid, (lamina
The floor of the orbit is traversed by the
papyracea) is, in fact, as thin as paper, and infection
infraorbital sulcus, which runs almost straight
from the ethmoidal air-cells can easily get into the
forwards from the inferior orbital (spheno-maxillary)
orbit. This is the reason why ethmoiditis is the
fissure. At a variable distance (usually about
commonest cause of orbital cellulitis.
halfway). it is converted into a canal by a plate of
Despite its thinness, the orbital plate rarely bone which grows over it from its lateral side to
shows senile absorptive changes, whereas the meet the medial in a suture (the infraorbital suture),
thicker lacrimal bone, especially that portion which which is but rarely obliterated. The suture can be
forms the lacrimal fossa, is often absorbed. traced over the lower orbital margin to the medial
Variations :— (i) The lacrimal bone may be side of, and into, the infra-orbital foramen. It
divided by accessory sutures into several parts (ii) A sometimes cuts across the zygomatico-maxillary
Wormian bone may develop in its upper and fore suture.
part. (iii) An accessory lacrimal bone, such as is Applied aspect :— The infra orbital groove &
found in many lower animals, may be split off the canal weaken the already thin (0.5mm thickness)
front of the ethmoid. (iv) The hamulus may be floor further. It is immediately medial to this line that
absent, may exist as a separate bone, or may be most blow out fractures of orbital floor occur & for
double. (Last 1968) this reason, infraorbital nerves & vessels are almost
Applied Aspect :— The medial wall is aligned invariably involved either by compression or
contusion or by direct penetration from spicules of
parallel to the anteroposterior axis or median plane
bone. Complete division is uncommon. (Williams,
of the skull and is extremely fragile becuase of the
presence of the adjacent ethmoid air cells and, more
anteriorly, the nasal cavity. Gross disruption usually The infra orbital canal, formed as described
accompanies the more severe type of above, sinks anteriorly into the orbital floor and
nasoethmoidal fracture and lateral displacement, or opens at infraorbital foramen some 4 mm. from the
splaying apart, of the medial walls gives rise to the orbital margin. it transmits the infraorbital vessels
condition known as traumatic hypertelorism. Lateral and nerve. Along its course it gives off the middle
displacement of the frontal process of the maxillae, and anterior superior alveolar (dental) canals, for the
to which the medial palpebral (canthal) ligaments corresponding nerves and vessles. (Last, 1968) The
are attached, results in traumatic telecanthus. The infra orbital foramen is sometimes double or even
two conditions are often combined. Medial multiple, accessory foramina being usually smaller
displacement of the orbital plate of the ethmoid & recorded at incidences of 2-18 % in various
bone is occasionally a sequel to an increase in populations (Harris, 1993).
intraorbital pressure associated with a sudden Lateral to the opening of the naso-lacrimal
posterior displacement of the globe. canal a small pit or roughness marking the origin of
3. Floor of the Orbit :— It is of particular the inferior oblique muscle may (rarely) be found.
interest because of its frequent involvement either in The floor of the orbit is separated from the
isolation as a so called ‘pure’ type of blow out medial wall only by a fine suture; the lateral wall is
fracture or more commonly as an impure fracture in separated from it posteriorly by the inferior orbital
association with other fractures in zygomatic area. (spheno-maxillary) fissure, while anteriorly it is
Its shape is almost triangular with rouded corners continuous with it.
being narrow posteriorly. Contrary to the common Variations : (a) Not infrequently the roof of the
belief, the floor is not horizontal but slopes upwards infraorbital canal and sometimes its floor may be
& medially at 45° & ascends posteriorly at about incomplete, but otherwise only very rarely does floor
30°, to terminate as the anterior margin of inferior of the orbit show holes, the result of senile
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62 Bony Orbit

absorption. (b) Rarely infraorbital canal may run in zygomatic bone just within the lateral orbital margin
the suture between the maxilla and the zygomatic and about 11mm. below the fronto-zygomatic
bone. suture. It gives attachment to : (a) The check
Relations and Structures :— Below the floor of ligament of the lateral ractus muscle. (b) The
the orbit for nearly its whole extent is the maxillary suspensory ligament of the eyeball. (c) The
sinus, a most important practical relation. For as the aponeurosis of the levator palpebrae superioris.
bone between them is only 0.5-1mm, thick, tumours (4) Not infrequently there is a foramen in or
of the antrum can easily invade the orbita causing near the suture between the greater wing of the
proptosis. It is in fact thinnest at the inferior orbital sphenoid with the frontal, near the lateral end of the
groove and canal. superior orbital fissure. This leads from the orbit to
More posteriorly is the air-cell inside the orbital the middle cranial fossa, and transmits a branch of
process of the palatine bone, and sometimes the meningeal artery and a small vein (Testut).
extensions from the ethmoidal air-cells may invade (5) Infra orbital sulcus :— It was described Ist
the floor. by Royle (1973) in 22 out of 64 skulls extending
(4) The Lateral wall of the orbit is triangular in from supero lateral end of superior orbital fissure
shape, the base being anterior. It makes an angle of towards orbital floor associated sometimes with an
45° with the median sagittal plane and faces anastomosis beetween MMA & infra orbital artery.
medially, forwards and slightly upwards in its lower Later on Santo Neto et al (1984) confirmed it in 45%
part., It is slightly convex posteriorly, flat at its of 100 orbits.
centre, while anteriorly the orbital surface of the Structure :— Being the one most exposed to
zygomatic bone 1cm. behind the oribital margin is injury, the lateral is the thickest of the orbital walls,
concave. and It is especially strong at the orbital margin.
The lateral wall of the orbit is formed by two Behind this is a relatively weaker part, then comes a
bones : (a) Posteriorly by the orbital surface of the thicker portion, and the most posterior portion,
greater wing of the sphenoid. (b) Anteriorly by the walling in the middle cranial fossa, is thinner again.
orbital surface of the zygomatic bone. The most posterior is, in fact, the feeblest portion.
The sphenoidal portion passes imperceptibly Here on either side of the spheno-zygomatic suture
into the floor, and is separated from the roof by the it is only 1 mm. thick and its lamellar structure
fronto-zygomatic suture, which is roughly horizontal makes it translucent. In 30 percent of cases, there
and often marked by a slight ridge. The suture exist in this area supplementary fissures which
between the two portions of the lateral wall is represent the extensive primitive communication
vertical. between the orbit and the temporal fossa. (Last,
The lateral wall presents : 1968)
(1) The Spina recti lateralis :— This is a small Applied Aspect :— The junction of this wall
bony projection situated on the inferior margin of the with the roof and floor of the orbit are smooth and
superior orbital fissure at the junction of its wide and rounded anteriorly but weakened for about half the
narrow portions. It may be pointed, rounded, or distance by the superior orbital fissure and for some
grooved, and gives origin to a part of the lateral two-thirds of the distance by the inferior orbital
rectus muscle, but it is produced mainly by a groove fissure. At the anterior limit of the latter, the gap
which lodges the superior ophthalmic vein. This becomes wider and its superior margin turns
groove is prolonged upwards, then runs anterior to upwards slightly to join the less dense sutural
the spine. Not infrequently the spine is duplicated. interface between the zygomatic bone and the
greater wing of the sphenoid. This line of relative
(2) The Zygomatic Groove and Foramen :—
weakness extends as far as the frontozygomatic
The groove which lodges the nerve and vessels of
suture and is consistently involved in fractures of the
the same name runs from the anterior end of the
zygomatic bone. By contrast, the anterior limit of the
inferior orbital fissure to a foramen in the zygomatic
superior orbital fissure is strongly reinforced by the
bone. This leads into a canal which divides into two,
one branch opening on the cheek, the other in the cerebral surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid
temporal fossa. Thus the branches of the zygomatic bone as it curves outwards to merge with the
nerve reach their destination. If the nerve divides squamous portion of the temporal bone. Fractures
before entering its canal, there may be two or even passing through this region are rare and are often
three grooves and foramina in the orbit. complicated by an adjacent fracture of the skull.
(3) The Lateral Orbital Tubercle (Whitnall) :— It should be noted that the orbit may easily be
This is a small elevation on the orbital surface of the penetrated through the inferior orbital fissure by the
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point of a circumzygomatic awl if this is allowed to As a rule, inferior ophthalmic vein passes
deviate medially, an error which can easily be made below the annulus.
when the normal anatomy is distorted by (2) The inferior orbital (spheno-maxillary)
displacement and communication of the fragments. fissure lies between the lateral wall and floor of the
(Williams 1994) orbit. Through it, the orbit communicates with the
Fissures & Canals between walls of orbit pterygo-palatine and infratemporal fossa. It
:— Following fissures & canals lie between various commences below and lateral to the optic foramen,
orbital walls. close to the medial end of the superior orbital
1. Superior orbital (sphenoidal) fissure. fissure. It runs forwards and laterally for some 20
mm, its anterior extremity reaching to about 2 cm.
2. Inferior orbital (Sphenomaxillary) fissure. from the inferior orbital margin.
3. Anterior & posterior ethmoidal canals. The inferior orbital fissure is bounded anteriorly
4. Optic canal or foramen. by the maxilla and the orbital process of the palatine
1. Superior Orbital fissure :— It is also known bone; posteriorly by the whole of the lower margin of
as sphenoidal fissure because it is the gap between the orbital surface of the greater wing of the
lesser & greater wings of sphenoid closed laterally sphenoid. In the majority of cases it is closed
by frontal bone. It lies between roof & lateral wall of anteriorly by the zygomatic bone. However in 35-
the orbit. It is wider at the medial end, where it lies 40% skulls, maxilla & sphenoid meet at the anterior
below the optic foramen, and is often described as end of fissure to exclude zygomatic. (Williams et al,
comma- or retort-shaped. Sometimes there is
gradual reduction in size towards the lateral The fissure is narrower at its centre than at its
extremity, but usually it is composed of two limbs, a two extremities, the anterior end sometimes being
narrow lateral portion and a wider medial part. At markedly expanded. The width of the inferior orbital
the junction of the two limbs is the Spina recti fissure depends on the development of the maxillary
lateralis. sinus and thus is relatively wide in the foetus and
The superior orbital fissure is some 22 mm.
long, and is the largest communication between the The lateral border is sharp and may have
orbit and the middle cranial fossa. Its tip is 30 to 40 grooves above and below it; it is higher than the
mm. from the fronto-zygomatic suture. Its medial medial border anteriorly, but lower posteriorly. It is
end is separated from the optic foramen by the closed in the living by periorbita and muscle of
posterior root of the lesser wing of the sphenoid on Muller. The inferior orbital fissure is near the
which is found the infra-optic tubercle. This lies openings of the foramen rotundum and the spheno-
below and lateral to the optic foramen on the middle palatine foramen.
of the vertical part of the medial border of the wide The inferior orbital fissure transmits the
part of the superior orbital fissure. infraorbital nerve,the zygomatic nerve, branches to
The common tendinous ring (anulus tendineus the orbital periosteum from the pterygo-palatine
communis) spans the superior orbital fissure ganglion and a communication between the inferior
ophthalmic vein and the pterygoid plexus.
between the wide medial and narrow lateral parts.
The lateral rectus arises here, from both margins of (3) The ethmoidal foramina lie between the
the fissure. roof and medial wall of the orbit either in the
frontoethmoidal suture or actually in the frontal
One or more fronto-shenoidal foramina may be
bone. They are the openings of canals which are
present in the fronto-sphenoidal suture and transmit
formed in greater part by the frontal but are
an anastomosis between the middle meaningeal and
completed by the ethmoid.
the lacrimal arteries.
(a) The anterior ethmoidal canal looks
Passing within the anulus or between the two
backwards as well as laterally. Its posterior border is
heads of the lateral rectus are the superior division
ill-defined and continuous with a groove on the
of the 3rd nerve, the naso-ciliary and sympathetic
orbital plate of the ethmoid. It opens in the anterior
root of the ciliary ganglion, the inferior division of cranial fossa at the side of the cribriform plate of the
the 3rd, then the 6th (and then sometimes the ethmoid, and transmits the anterior ethmoidal nerve
ophthalmic vein or veins)—in that order from above and artery. Analysis of racial & seasonal variation in
downwards. The 6th nerve is actually passing from position & incidence of ethmoidal canals in 580
below the inferior division of the 3rd to lie lateral and crania from several populations showed the anterior
between the two divisions.
J. Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 59-67 (2001)
64 Bony Orbit

foramen to lie outside the fronto-ethmoidal suture in by an ethmoid cell; Van Alyea (1941) in a study of
10-20% of several modern races & 62% out of 53 100 sphenoid sinuses, found the wall of the optic
Pervian crania. (Williams et al, 1999). canal actually projecting into the sinus in 40, and
(b) The posterior ethmoidal canal transmits the Dixon (1937) found it projecting deeply, so as to be
posterior ethmoidal nerve and artery. sometimes almost completely surrounded, in 7
Supplementary foramina are common. percent of 1600 skulls. Whitnall (1921) quotes
another worker as having found the sphenoid sinus
(c) The Middle ethmoidal formen—Downie et al projecting into the lesser wing of the sphenoid,
(1995) encountered a middle ethmoidal foramen in above the optic canal,in about one third of skulls
28% of skulls examined by them. examined, and refers to the fact that the optic canal
(4) The optic foramen, or rather the optic may be completely surrounded by the sphenoid
canal, leads from the middle cranial fossa to the sinus, so that it forms a very thin-walled tube
apex of the orbit, and it is formed by the two roots of passing through the sinus. A similar relationship to a
the lesser wing of the sphenoid. It is directed posterior ethmoid cell has been described by
forwards, laterally, and somewhat downwards, its Goodyear (1948), who stated that he has seen
axis making an angle of about 36° with the median complete blindness follow surgical opening of the
sagittal plane. If produced forwards, the axis passes sphenoid sinus and of posterior ethmoid cells. Less
approximately through the middle of the infero extensive growth of a posterior ethmoid cell may
lateral quadrant of the orbital opening. Hence it is bring it into relation with the optic canal only
neither in the axis of orbit nor of its lateral wall. If medially, or, through invasion of the bone between
produced backwards it would meet its fellow at the the canal and the superior orbital fissure, inferiorly
dorsum sellae of the sphenoid. The canal is funnel- and laterally; Van Alyea (1941) found the canal
shaped, the mouth of the funnel being the anterior projecting into an ethmoid cell in 5 per cent of 100
opening. This is oval in shape,with the greatest cases. In any case the bony wall between the
diameter vertical. The cranial opening, on the other cavities of the canal and sinus may be quite thin
hand, is flattened from above down, while in its (0.5 mm or less), or may even present dehiscences.
middle portion the canal is circular on section. With Vail (1931) has pointed out that this wall may also
regard to the intracranial opening, the upper and vary in character, as it may be quite dense or may
lower borders are sharp, the medial and lateral present large sponge like marrow spaces.
rounded. The inter-optic groove is thus continuous The optic canal is separated from the medial
with the medial wall without line of demarcation. end of the superior orbital fissure by a bar of bone,
The lateral border of the orbital opening is on which there is a tubercle or roughness for the
more or less well defined. It is formed by the anulus tendineus.
anterior border of the posterior root of the lesser The optic canal transmits the optic nerve and
wing of the sphenoid. The medial border is less well its coverings of dura, arachnoid, and piamater; the
defined. ophthalmic artery which lies here below than lateral
The distance between the intracranial openings to the nerve and embedded in its dural sheath and a
of the two canals in 25mm. The distance between few twigs from the sympathetic which accompany
the orbital openings is 30mm. the artery. Separating artery and nerve is a layer of
The roof of the canal reaches farther forwards fibrous tissue which may (rarely) be ossified.
than the floor, while posteriorly the floor projects The orbital margin
beyond the roof. This gap in the roof is filled in by a It has the form of a quadrilateral with rounded
fold of dura mater with a free posterior edge (the corners. The orbital margin usually has the form of a
falciform fold). spiral; the inferior orbital margin is continuous with
We have seen that optic canal is formed the anterior lacrimal crest, while the superior is
medially by the body and laterally by the lesser wing continued down into the posterior lacrimal crest. The
of the sphenoid bone. The walls of this canal thus lacrimal fossa thus lies in the orbital margin.
have an important but varying relationship to the Each side measures some 40mm., but usually
sphenoid sinus and to posterior ethmoid sinuses, the width is greater than the height; the relation
depending upon the extent to which these sinuses between the two is given by the orbital index, which
may have invaded the lesser wing and the varies in the different races of mankind.
anterolateral aspect of the body of the sphenoid.
The medial wall of the optic canal is rather regularly Height of orbit  100
The orbital index =
adjacent to the sphenoid sinus, unless this is Width of orbit
particularly poorly developed, or partially replaced
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Patnaik, V.V.G. et al 65

Taking the orbital index as the standard, three and not to reach as far forward as the medial
classes of orbit are recognised : margin.
1. Megaseme (large) :— The orbital index is Applied Aspects :— The lateral orbital rim is
89 or over. This type is characteristic of recessed on its deep aspect approximately 0.75 cm
the yellow races, except the Esquimaux. above the rim margin to accommodate the lacrimal
The orbital opening is round. gland and this occasionally leads to a segmental
2. Mesoseme (intermediate) :— Orbital fracture in this region. The insertion of a screw pin
index between 89 and 83. This type is into the external angular process requires
found in the white races (European 87, considerable care with its orientation if penetration
into the orbit, or more significantly into the anterior
English 88.4).
fossa, is to be prevented. The pilot hole should be
3. Microseme (small) : Orbital index 83 or commenced 1.5 cm above the frontozygomatic
less. This type is characteristic of the suture and 0.5 cm behind the rim. The angulation
black races. The orbital opening is should be posteriorly at 45° to the long axis of the
rectangular. skull and inferiorly at 30° to the horizontal axis,
The opening is directed forwards and slighly limiting the penetration to 0.75 cm.
laterally, and is tilted so that the upper and lower The narrowest and weakest part of the lateral
margins slope gentle down-wards from the medial to rim corresponds to the frontozygomatic suture and,
the lateral side. as previously pointed out,this is in continuity with the
The orbital margin is made up of three bones, line of least resistance in the lateral wall which is
the frontal, zygomatic, and maxilla. situated at the junction of the greater wing of the
sphenoid and the zygomatic bone. Consequently,
(a) The superior orbital margin is formed
separation at the frontozygomatic suture to a
entirely of the frontal bone, i. e. by its orbital arch. It
varying degree is a frequent finding following
is generally concave downwards, convex forwards,
trauma in this region. (Williams, 1994).
sharp in its lateral two-thirds, and rounded in the
medial third. At the juction of the two portions, some (c) The inferior orbital margin is raised slightly
25 mm. from the mid-line and situated at the highest above the floor of the orbit. It is formed by the
part of the arch, is the supraorbital notch, whose zygomatic bone and the maxilla, usually in equal
lateral border is usually sharper than the medial. Not portions.
in-frequently it is converted into a foramen by the The zygomatic portion forms a long thin spur
ossification of the ligament which closes it below. (the maxillary or marginal process) which lies on the
The posterior opening then is 3 to 6 mm. from the maxilla. The suture between the two, which is not
orbital margin. It transmits the supraorbital nerve infrequently marked by a tubercle, can be felt lying
and vessels. Notch and foramen are easily palpable usually about half-way along the margin just above
in the living. the infraorbital foramen. Sometimes, however, the
zygomatic (malar) may reach the anterior lacrimal
Sometimes medial to this a second notch (of
crest, thus excluding the maxilla, or may take only a
Arnold) or foramen is found. This transmits the
very small part itself in the formation of this margin.
medial branches of the supraorbital nerves and
(Last, 1968).
vessels where these have divided inside the orbit.
Supraorbital grooves leading from these notches or Applied Aspect :— The inferior orbital margin
foramina are sometimes seen. A groove may also is clearly defined on its outer aspect and is readily
be present some 10 mm. medial to the supraorbital palpated but the inner third, like the superior rim of
notch for the supratrochlear nerve and artery. the orbit, is more rounded. It is, however, not able to
withstand direct force in the central and medial
A supraciliary canal (Ward) is found in about
areas because of the proximity of the underlying
half the cases. It is a small opening near the maxillary antrum and the closely related infraorbital
supraorbital notch, and transmits a nutrient artery canal. Just within the rim, at the junction of the outer
and a branch of the supraorbital nerve to the frontal two-thirds and the inner one-third, there is a small
air sinus. depression which marks the origin of the inferior
(b) The lateral orbital margin being the most oblique muscle, the only extra ocular muscle which
exposed to injury, is the strongest portion of the does not arise from the back of the orbit. This part
orbital outlet. It is formed by the zygomatic process of the inferior orbital rim is often fractured producing
of the frontal and by the zygomatic bone. If looked associated disruption of the muscle and subsequent
at from the side it appears to be concave forwards diplopia. Penetrating wounds in this area may
J. Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 59-67 (2001)
66 Bony Orbit

involve the lacrimal fossa and sac and severe the Age Changes in the Orbit :
lacrimal passages. (Williams 1994) The changes in the orbit during the period of
(d) The medial margin is formed by the anterior growth depend partly on the development of the
lacrimal crest on the frontal process of the maxilla cranium and skeleton of the face, between which the
and the posterior lacrimal crest on the lacrimal orbit is placed, and also on the growth of the
bone. These crests overlap; the medial margin is neighbouring air sinuses.
thus not a continuous ridge, but runs up from the (i) The orbital margin is sharp and well ossified
anterior lacrimal crest across the frontal process of at birth. The eyeball is therefore well protected from
the maxilla to the superior margin. stress and injury during parturition. At seven
Rontal et al. (1979) studied 48 orbits in 24 years,except at its upper part, it is less sharp, and
skulls to determine the relationship of important as the supero-medial and infero-lateral angles are
structures to well-defined landmarks in the walls. better marked than the others the orbital opening
From their observations they were able to arrive at tends to be triangular.
mean values for their measurements of which the (ii) The form of the orbit on coronal section
following are of particular interest. behind the orbital margin is that of a quadrilateral
1. Infraorbital foramen to the midpoint of the with rounded corners. In the newborn it has the form
inferior orbital fissure : 24 mm. 2. Anterior lacrimal of an ellipse higher on the lateral than on the medial
crest to anterior ethmoidal foramen : 24 mm. 3. side.
Anterior lacrimal crest to medial aspect of optic (iii) The infantile orbits look much more
canal : 42 mm. 4. Frontozygomatic suture to the laterally than the adult, i.e. their axes,or the lines
superior orbital fissure; 35 mm. 5 Supraorbital notch drawn from the middle of the orbital opening to the
to the superior orbital fissure: 40 mm. 6. supraorbital optic foramen, make an angle of 115°, and, if
notch to the superior aspect of the optic canal : 45 produced backwards, meet in the middle at the
mm. nasal septum. In the adult the axes make an angle
of 40°-45° with each other, and, if produced
These authors advice that dissection within the
backwards, meet at the upper part of the clivus of
orbit should be limited to certain measurements and
the sphenoid, These axes, too, lie in the horizontal
suggest that the lateral portion of the orbital floor is plane in the infant, whereas in the adult they slope
a safer area for commensing an exploration in this downwards from 15° to 20°.
region. They consider that the anterior margin of the
inferior orbital fissure, found 25 mm from the (iv) The orbital fissures are relatively large in
infraorbital foramen, should limit the operative field the child owing to the narrowness of the orbital
surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid, and the
in this part of the orbit. They further advise that
wide and narrow portions are not well differentiated.
dissection should be restricted to 25 mm posterior to
the frontozygomatic suture. The periosteum may (v) The orbital index is high in the child, the
safely be elevated along a line extending from the vertical diameter of the orbital opening being
frontozygomatic suture laterally, to the practically the same as the horizontal, but later the
frontoethmoid suture medially, as far back as 30 transverse increases more than the vertical.
mm from the superior orbital rim without risking (vi) The interorbital distance is small. This is of
injury to the important structures passing through some practical importance. Children are not
the superior orbital fissure. infrequently brought to the ophthalmic surgeon
To summarise the useful measurements, it because they are thought to squint when the
may be stated that a subperiosteal dissection may strabismus is apparent only. This appearance is due
safely be extended for a distance of 25 mm to the narrow interorbital distance,which makes the
eyes look too close together. With the growth of the
posterior to the inferior and lateral rim and for a
frontal and ethmoidal air-cells the interorbital
distance of 30 mm from the superior rim and the
distance increases, and so causes the squint to
anterior lacrimal crest. Due care must, however, be
taken to avoid damage to the medial palpebral
(canthal) ligament, lacrimal apparatus pulley of the (vii) The infraorbital foramen is usually present
superior obique muscle, supraorbital nerves and at birth; but at times it may be represented by the
vessels, the structures attached to the orbital terminal notch of an infraorbital groove whose roof
(Whitnall’s) tubercle and the origin of the inferior has not grown over to convert it into a canal and
oblique muscle. which thus reaches to the orbital margin.

J. Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 59-67 (2001)

Patnaik, V.V.G. et al 67

(viii) The orbital process of the zygomatic ‘The female orbit is more elongated and
(malar) bone may almost reach the lacrimal fossa, relatively larger than the male.
and this condition may persist to ten years.
(ix) The roof of the orbit is relatively much References :
larger than the floor at birth compared with large the 1. Dixon, F. W. (1937) : A comparative study of the sphenoid
sinus : A study of 1600 skulls. Annales of otology. Rhinology
adult proportions. The foetal skull has a large
Laryngology: 46: p. 687
cranium (orbital roof) and a small face (orbital floor).
2. Downie, I. P.: Swans, B. T; Mitchell, B. (1995) : The middle
The fossa for the lacrimal gland is shallow. But the ethmoidal foramen & its contents. an anatomical study.
accessory fossa is well marked. Clinical Anatomy 8 : 149.
(x) The optic canal has no length at birth, so 3. Good year, H.M. (1948) : Ophthalmic conditions referable to
that it is actually a foramen : at one year it measures diseases of the paranasal sinuses. Archives of
otolaryngology 48 : p. 202.
4 mm. The axis also changes with age ; essentially
4. Haris, H. A. : Bone Growth in Health & Disease.Oxford
while facing forwards and laterally it looks much
University Press London (1933).
more downwards at birth than in the adult.
5. Hollinshead, W. H.: Anatomy for surgeons In : The Orbit,Vol.
(xi) The periosteum or periorbita is much 1, Hoebner Harper Bork New York.pp 109-113. (1958).
thicker and stronger at birth than in the adult. 6. Last, R. J.: Eugene Wolff’s Anatomy of the Eye & Orbit in :
The orbit & paranasal sinuses. 6th Edn, H. K. Lewis & Co.
(xii) In old age, the changes are due to
Ltd, London pp. 1-29 (1968).
absorption of the bony walls (a) Thus in the skulls of
7. Rontal, N. L; Rontal, M; Guilford, F. T. (1979) : Surgical
old people holes are sometimes found in the roof of anatomy of the orbit. Annals of otology, Rhinology &
the orbit. In such cases the periorbita is in direct Laryngology 88 : p 382.
contact with the dura mater. 8. Royle, G (1973) : A groove in lateral wall of orbit. Journal of
(b) The medial wall, although normally very Anatomy 115 : 99. 461-5.
thin, rarely shows senile holes in its ethmoidal 9. Santo Neto, H; Penteado, C. V.; de Carvath, V. C. (1985):
Presence of a groove in the lateral wall of human orbit.
portion. Parts of the lacrimal bone are, however,
Journal of Anatomy 138: 631-3
commonly absorbed.
10. Vail, H. H. (1931): Retrobulbar optic neuritis originating in the
(c)The lateral wall not uncommonly shows nasal sinuses : A new method of demonstrating the relation
holes or such marked thinning that it becomes very between the sphenoid sinus & the optic nerve. Archives of
otolaryngology. 13 p. 846
fragile in these places.
11. Van Alyea, O. E. (1941) : Sphenoid sinus: anatomic study
(d) As regards the floor, senile changes very with consideration of the clinical significance of the structural
rarely produce holes apart from those in the roof or characteristics of the sphenoid sinus. Archives of
floor of the infraorbital canal. Otolaryngology. 34 : p. 225.
12. Whitnall S. E. : The anatomy of the human orbit & accessory
(e) In old people, too, the orbital fissures,
organs of vision. OXford Press, New York (1921).
especially the inferior, become wider owing to
13. Williams, J. L. : Rowe & Williams Maxillo facial Injuries In :
absorption of their margins. Fractures of the zygomatic complex & orbit. 2nd Edn. Vol.I,
(xiii) In longheaded (dolichocephalic) skulls Churchill Livingestons Edinburgh, London : pp: 475-9.
the orbits tend to look more laterally than in the
shortheaded (brachycephalic). 14. Williams, P. L; Bannister, L.H; Berry M. M; Colllins, P; Dyson,
M; Dussek, J. E; & Ferguson, M.W. J: Gray’s Anatomy In :
Sex differences :— Up to puberty there is Skeletal system. Edtd by Saoemes R. W. Churchill
little difference between the orbits and, in fact, the Livingstone, Edinburgh, London. pp. 555-560 (1999).
skulls of male and female.
After this the male skull takes on its secondary
sexual characters, seen especially in the formation
of the lower jaw and in the forehead region.
The female remains more infantile in form.
The orbits tend to be rounder and the upper margin
sharper than in the male. The glabella and
supercilliary ridges are less marked or almost
absent. The forehead is more vertical and the frontal
eminences more marked. The contours of the region
are rounder and the bones smoother. The zygomatic
process of the frontal bone is more slender and
J. Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 59-67 (2001)
68 Office Bearers, 2001


President : Dr. P.N. Jain (Jhansi)

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10. Dr. (Mrs.) Sharda S. Joshi (Loni)
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12. Dr. Virendra Kumar (Kanpur)

J. Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 68 (2001)

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