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ET first selected 25 ideas which, according to editorial judgement, had gone beyond being
mere business ideas and pushed human minds to new levels

Needless to say, ideas which have played vital roles in shaping our lives got into the top 25
list. The 25-Ideas list was then presented to 50 top chairmen/managing directors and CEOs
of leading Indian companies to rank each idea as per three parameters, namely
--> Originality
--> Impact on Stakeholders
--> Relevance Over Time


To understand if the idea was merely an upgrade of an existing thought or truly singular in its
concept at the time when it was launched.

Impact on stakeholders

By stakeholders we mean not just those whose idea it was but the larger universe of
consumers, employees and even competition. How successful was the idea in touching and
changing the lives of these stakeholders? Did this happen immediately or over time? Was it
able to become a part of people's habits/lifestyle?

Relevance over time

There are certain ideas whose impact may not have been immediate but they gradually
entered people's lives over time. Conversely, there are some ideas which may have made
an immediate splash but faced obsolescence with the passage of time. There are still more
ideas whose impact remai ns as big today as it was on the day they were announced. Which
of these scenarios does the idea fall in and to what extent?

1> World Wide Web : 1989-90 Berners-Lee

2> Mobile Phones : Martin Cooper
3> Microchips: Jack Kilby
4> Google Search: Dr. Larry Page
5> Plastic Money : Diners Club International
6> Human insulin : Dr Frederick Banting and his assistant Charles Best
7> Outsourcing is king : arge-scale sub-contracting of production work to
suppliers in Asia by companies like Nike in the 1970s
8> Video Conferencing : Bell Telephone Laboratories
9> GPS Tracking :
10> Free Mail : Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
11> Air Conditioning: Willis Carrier, first modern electrical air -conditioning device
in 1902 in the US.
12> Digital Cameras
13> Cable TV: James Y. Davidson, Leroy "Ed" Parsons, John Walson and Martin
Malarkey in the US.
14> Night Games:big league baseball club
15> Memory Sticks:
16> Packaged Food:American entrepreneur Clarence Birdseye 1930s.
17> Universal Franchise: Isaac Singer-a sewing machine specialist
18> Low Cost Airlines: Freddie Laker, 1970s
19> Baby Diapers: Swedish company Paulistorm.
20> Digital Music Players: Apple Inc.
21> Online Shopping: Charles Stack in 1992
22> Online Social Networks: Duke University-Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis
23> Contact Lenses: Czech chemists Otto Wichterle and D hrahoslav Lim
24> Vending Machines: reek engineer -mathematician called Hero of Alexandria
26> Viagra Pills:Peter Dunn and Albert Wood ???.......... Pfizer««?



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