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Photogrammetric Surveying

 Introduction
 Basic Principle
 Elevation of a point by photogrammetric measurement
Akshay Jain

 Scale of a vertical photographs

 Tilt and Relief Displacement
 Determination of flying height
 Stereoscopic Vision
 Parallax in Aerial Stereoscope
 Effects of change of elevation and parallax
 Parallax Bar
 Numerical

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

1. Determining the scale of a vertical photograph and estimating
horizontal ground distances from measurements made on a
vertical photograph.
2. Using area measurements made on a vertical photograph to
determine the equivalent areas in a ground coordinate system.
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3. Quantifying the effects of relief displacement on vertical aerial

4. Determination of object heights from relief displacement
5. Determination of object heights and terrain elevations by
measurement of image parallax.
6. Use of ground control points.
7. Mapping with aerial photographs.
8. Preparation of a flight plan to acquire aerial photography.

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 Photogrammetric surveying is the art and science of
obtaining reliable information about physical objects
and the environment through processes of
recording, measuring, and interpreting photographic
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images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant

energy and other phenomena
 The photographs are taken either from the air or
from station on the ground.
 Terrestrial Photogrammetry (fixed position on or near
 Aerial Photogrammetry (camera in aircraft flying over
the area)
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 Aerial Photogrammetry: Photographs of terrain in
an area are taken by a precision photogrammetric
camera mounted in an aircraft flying over an area.
 Terrestrial Photogrammetry: Photographs of terrain
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in an area are taken from fixed and usually known

position or near the ground and with the camera axis
horizontal or nearly so.

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 Definition of photogrammetry includes two areas:

(1) Metric: It involves making precise measurements
from photos and other information source to determine,
in general, relative location of points.
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Most common application: preparation of plannimetric

and topographic maps.
(2) Interpretative: It involves recognition and
identification of objects and judging their significance
through careful and systematic analysis. It includes
photographic interpretation which is the study of
photographic images. It also includes interpretation of
images acquired in Remote Sensing using photographic
images, MSS, Infrared, TIR, SLAR etc.

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 Digital and soft copy photogrammetry are used
interchangeably to refer to any photogrammetric
operation involving the use of digital raster
photographic image data rather than hardcopy
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 Digital photogrammetry is changing rapidly and
forms the basis for most current photogrammetric
operations. However, the same basic geometric
principles apply to traditional hardcopy (analog)
and softcopy (digital) procedures.

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 Photogrammetric analysis procedures can range
from obtaining approximate distances, areas, and
elevations using hardcopy photographic products,
unsophisticated equipment, and simple geometric
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concepts to generating precise digital elevation

models (DEMs), orthophotos, thematic GIS data, and
other derived products through the use of digital
raster images and relatively sophisticated analytical

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Spatial Measurement
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 1851: Aime Laussedat (Corps of Engineers, French Army)
produced first measuring camera.
 Mathematical analysis of photographs as perspective projections
 1858: Aerial photography from balloons began
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 1875: Oscar Messter built the first aerial camera in Germany

 1875: J W Bagloy and A Brock produced first aerial camera in
 1888: Capt. Deville (Surveyor General of Canada) perfected
ground photography
 1898: Scheimpflug (Australian Caption) developed the idea of
double projector
 Originated theory of perspective transformation and incorporated
its principles in the photoperspectograph
 Idea of radial triangulation

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 1901: Pulfrich (Jena, Germany) introduced the
stereoscopic principle of measurement and designed the
 1909: stereoautograph was designed at the Zeiss
workshops, Jena
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 1923: Bauersfeld designed the Zeiss Stereoplanigraph

 World War II: Both sides made extensive use of aerial
photographs for their military operations.
 World War II: Development of Aerial Photography
 Radio control application
 Photoflight navigation application
 Wide-angle lenses
 Devices to achieve true vertical photographs

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Advantages of Aerial Photography

1. Improved Vantage Point
 Aerial photography gives a bird's-eye view of large areas, enabling
us to see earth surface features in their spatial context.
2. Capability of Stop Action
 Aerial photographs are very useful in studying dynamic
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phenomena such as floods, moving wildlife populations, traffic, oil

spills, and forest fires.
3. Permanent Recording
 Aerial photographs are virtually permanent records of existing
4. Broadened Spectral Sensitivity
 Film can "see" and record over a wavelength range about twice as
broad as that of the human eye (0.3 to 0.9 /-Lm versus 0.4 to 0.7 /-Lm).
5. Increased Spatial Resolution and Geometric Fidelity
 With the proper selection of camera, film, and flight parameters,
we are able to record more spatial detail on a photograph than we
can see with the unaided eye.

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Applications of photogrammetry
1. Geology: Structural geology, investigation of water
resources, analysis of thermal patterns on earth's
surface, geomorphological studies including
investigations of shore features.
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 Engineering geology
 Stratigraphics studies
 General geologic applications
 Study of luminescence phenomenon
 Recording and analysis of catastrophic events such as
earthquakes, floods, and eruption.

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Applications of photogrammetry
2. Design and construction Data needed for site and route
studies specifically for alternate schemes for
photogrammetry. Used in design and construction of dams,
bridges, transmission lines.
3. Planning of cities and highways New highway locations,
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detailed design of construction contracts, planning of civic

4. Cadastre Cadastral problems such as determination of land
lines for assessment of taxes. Large scale cadastral maps are
prepared for reapportionment of land.
5. Environmental Studies Land-use studies.
6. Exploration To identify and zero down to areas for various
exploratory jobs such as oil or mineral exploration.
7. Miscellaneous Crime detection, traffic studies,
oceanography, meteorological observation, Architectural
and archaeological surveys, etc.

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Information recorded on photographs

 Fiducial marks for determination of principal points.
 Altimeter recording to find flying height at the
moment of exposure.
 Watch recording giving the time of exposure.
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 Level bubble recording indicating tilt of camera axis.

 Principal distance for determining the scale of
 Number of photograph, the strip and specification
no. for easy handling and indexing.
 Number of camera to obtain camera calibration
 Date of photograph

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Akshay Jain

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Akshay Jain

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Types of projections
 Parallel: The projecting rays are parallel.
 Orthogonal: Projecting rays are perpendicular to
plane of projection. This is a special case of parallel
projection. Maps are orthogonal projection. The
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advantage of this projection is that the distances,

angles, and areas in plane are independent of
elevation differences of objects.
 Central: Central projection is the starting point for
all photogrammetry. In this projection rays pass
through a point called the projection center or
perspective center. The image projected by a lens
system is treated as central projection although in
strictest senses it is not so.
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Akshay Jain

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Classification of Photograph
 On the basis of the alignment of optical axis
a. Vertical: If optical axis of the camera is held in a
vertical or nearly vertical position.
b. Tilted: An unintentional and unavoidable inclination
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of the optical axis from vertical produces a tilted

c. Oblique: Photograph taken with the optical axis
intentionally inclined to the vertical.

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Types of photographs
 Black and white photographs
 Panchromatic (minus-blue filter used to eliminate UV and blue
 IR (IR-sensitive film and IR only filter used to acquire
photographs at 0.7- 1.0 m )
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 UV (at 0.3-0.4 m, low contrast and poor spatial resolution due to
serious atmospheric scattering)
 Color photographs
 Normal color (Haze filter used to absorb UV and create true color
0.4-0.7 m, or blue, green, red)
 IR color (Yellow filter used to eliminate blue and create IR color
(or false-color infrared) of 05-1.0 m, or green, red, and IR)
 4 bands (blue, green, red, and IR)

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Normal color
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False-color infrared

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Normal color False-color infrared

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Oblique Photograph
1. High oblique: Oblique which contains the apparent
horizon of the earth.
2. Low oblique: Apparent horizon does not appear.
3. Trimetrogon: Combination of a vertical and two
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oblique photographs in which the central photo is

vertical and side ones are oblique. Mainly used for
4. Convergent: A pair of low obliques taken in sequence
along a flight line in such a manner that both the
photographs cover essentially the same area with their
axes tilted at a fixed inclination from the vertical in
opposite directions in the direction of flight line so that
the forward exposure of the first station forms a stereo-
pair with the backward exposure of the next station.
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Vertical Aerial Photograph

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Low-Oblique Aerial Photograph

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Jensen, 2000 Low-oblique photograph of a bridge on

the Congaree River near Columbia, SC.

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High-oblique Aerial Photography

High-oblique photograph of the
grand Coulee Dam in Washington
in 1940
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Jensen, 2000

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Type of Photo Vertical Low-Oblique High Oblique

Characteristics Tilt < 3% Horizon does not Horizon appears

Coverage Least Less Greatest
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Area Rectangular Trapezoidal Trapezoidal

Scale Uniform if flat Decrease from Decrease from

foreground to foreground to
background background
Difference with Map Least Less Greatest

Advantage Easiest to map - Economical and


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Akshay Jain

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Introductory Definitions
 Focal length (f): Distance from front nodal point to the plane
of the photograph (from near nodal point to image plane).
 Exposure station (point L): Position of frontal nodal point at
the instant of exposure (L)
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 Flying height (H): Elevation of exposure station above sea

level or above selected datum.
 X-axis of photo: Line on photo between opposite collimation
marks, which most nearly parallels the flight direction.
 Y-axis: Line normal to x-axis and join opposite collimation
 Principal point (o): The point where the perpendicular
dropped from the front nodal point strikes the photograph or
the point in which camera axis pierces the image plane.

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Focal Length
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Focal Length
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Focal Length in Camera

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Focal Length
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Focal Length in Aerial Photography

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Vertical Aerial Photograph

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Basic Diagram
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 Camera axis: It is a ray of light incident at front nodal
point in the object space and at right angles to the image
 Fiducial marks or collimation marks: Index marks
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usually four in number, rigidly connected with the

camera lens through the camera body and forming
images on the photographs to which the position on the
photograph can be referred.
 Photographs center: The geometrical center of the
photograph as defined by the intersection of the lines
joining the fiducial marks.
 Format: It is the planar dimension of photograph (9" x 9",
7" x 7", 23 cm x 23 cm, 18 cm x 18 cm, 15 cm x 15 cm).

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 Photogram: Photograph taken with a photogrammetric
camera having fixed distance between negative plane
and lens and equipped with fiducial or collimating
marks. For photograms the bundle of rays on the object
side at the moment of exposure can be reproduced. To
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achieve this the following data known as the elements of

interior orientation must be known:
 Calibrated focal length
 Lens distortion data
 Location of the principal point with reference to the
photograph center (normally these two coincide)

Hence, a photogram is a photograph with known interior

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Difference between near vertical

photographs and map
 Production: Quickest possible and most economical method of
obtaining information about areas of interest. Boon for difficult
areas. Enlarging and reducing easier in case of photographs than
 Content: Map gives an abstract representation of surface with a
selection from nearly infinite number of features on ground.
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Photograph shows images of surface itself. Maps often represent

non-visible phenomenon (like text) This may make interpretation
difficult for photograph. Special films like color and infrared films
can bring about special features of terrain.
 Metric accuracy: Map is geometrically correct representation, photos
are generally not. Maps are orthogonal projections, photo is central
projection. Map has same scale throughout photo has variable scale.
Bearing on photographs may not be true.
 Training requirement: A little training and familiarity with the
particular legend used in the map enables proper use of map. Photo-
interpretation requires special training although initially it may
appear quite simple as it gives a faithful representation of ground.

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Relationship of focal length to area coverage

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Large Scale/ Small Scale

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Determining Photo Scale

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First known photograph, taken in 1827

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Joseph Niepce
 In 1827, Joseph Nicephoce Niepce reportedly took
the first photograph.
 He called it Heliographs.
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 His first picture shows a view from his studio

window and required eight hours of exposure time.
 The picture is difficult to decipher. With the
exposure lasting eight hours, the sun had time to
move from east to west, appearing to shine on both
sides of the building.

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Who took the first Aerial Photograph?

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Revolving Self Portrait of Nadar

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 The first aerial photographs were created in 1858
by Gaspar Felix Tournachon who was also known
as "Nadar" when he photographed the houses of the
French village of Petit-Becetre. The images were
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captured from a balloon tethered at a height of 80


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First Aerial Photograph from Air

 Taken by James Wallace Black and Samuel Archer
King on October 13, 1860, it depicts Boston from a
height of 630m. Kite aerial photography was
pioneered by British meteorologist E.D. Archibald in
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1882. He used an explosive charge on a timer to take

photographs from the air.

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This Picture of Boston, Circa 1860

The World's Oldest Surviving Aerial Photo
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Vertical Photography !!
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Procedure of Aerial Photogrammetry

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Basic Geometric Characteristics Of

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Aerial Photographs

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Taking Vertical Photograph

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Taking Vertical Photograph

 Most vertical aerial photographs are taken with
frame cameras along flight lines, or flight strips.
 The line traced on the ground directly beneath the
aircraft during acquisition of photography is called
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the nadir line. This line connects the image centers of

the vertical photographs.
 Successive photographs are generally taken with
some degree of endlap.
 Not only does this lapping ensure total coverage along
a flight line, but an endlap of at least 50 percent is
essential for total stereoscopic coverage of a project area.

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 Stereoscopic coverage consists of adjacent pairs of

overlapping vertical photographs called stereopairs.

 Stereopairs provide two different perspectives of the

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ground area in their region of endlap. When images

forming a stereopair are viewed through a stereoscope,
each eye psychologically occupies the vantage point from
which the respective image of the stereopair was taken in
flight. The result is the perception of a three-dimensional

 Invervalometer
 stereoscopic overlap area.

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Taking Vertical Photograph

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Acquisition of successive photographs

yielding a stereo pair
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Akshay Jain

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Typically an application for aerial

Flightline of Aerial Photography
Direction of Flight
Exposure station
#1 #2 #3

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level, H

60% overlap
stereoscopic model
Coverage of photograph
terrain recorded on three
successive photographs
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Aerial photography block

Block of Aerial Photography
oblique photography may be
acquired at the end of a
flightline as the aircraft
Flightline #1
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banks to turn

Flightline #2

20 – 30%
Flightline #3

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Geometric Elements of a Vertical Photograph

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of an
image over
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flat terrain

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 Light rays from terrain objects are imaged in the

plane of the film negative after intersecting at the
camera lens exposure station, L.
 The negative is located behind the lens at a distance
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equal to the lens focal length, f.

 Assuming the size of a paper print positive (or film
positive) is equal to that of the negative, positive
image positions can be depicted diagrammatically in
front of the lens in a plane located at a distance r This
rendition is appropriate in that most photo positives
used for measurement purposes are contact printed,
resulting in the geometric relationships shown.

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Precision Coordinate Digitizer

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Photographic Scale
 A photograph "scale," like a map scale, is an
expression that states that one unit (any unit) of
distance on a photograph represents a specific
number of units of actual ground distance.
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 Scales may be expressed as unit equivalents,

representative fractions, or ratios. For example, if 1
mm on a photograph represents 25 m on the ground,
the scale of the photograph can be expressed as 1mm
= 25m (unit equivalents), or 1/25,000 (representative
fraction), or 1: 25,000 (ratio).

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 Quite often the terms "large scale" and "small scale" are
confused by those not working with expressions of scale
on a routine basis. For example, which photograph
would have the "larger" scale-a 1: 10,000 scale photo
covering several city blocks or a 1: 50,000 photo that
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covers an entire city? The intuitive answer is often that

the photo covering the larger "area“ (the entire city) is the
larger scale product. This is not the case. The larger scale
product is the 1: 10,000 image because it shows ground
features at a larger, more detailed, size. The 1: 50,000
scale photo of the entire city would render ground
features at a much smaller, less detailed size. Hence, in
spite of its larger ground coverage, the 1: 50,000 photo
would be termed the smaller scale product.

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 A convenient way to make scale comparisons is to

remember that the same objects are smaller on a
"smaller" scale photograph than on a "larger“ scale photo.
 Scale comparisons can also be made by comparing the
magnitudes of the representative fractions involved.
(That is, 1/50,000 is smaller than 1/10,000).
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 The most straightforward method for determining photo

scale is to measure the corresponding photo and ground
distances between any two points. This requires that the
points be mutually identifiable on both the photo and a
map. The scale S is then computed as the ratio of the
photo distance d to the ground distance D,

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 Assume that two road intersections shown on a
photograph can be located on a 1 : 25,000 scale
topographic map. The measured distance between
the intersections is 47.2 mm on the map and 94.3 mm
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on the photograph. (a) What is the scale of the

photograph? (b) At that scale, what is the length of a
fence line that measures 42.9 mm on the

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Akshay Jain

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Scale of a Vertical Photographs

 Since a photograph is the perspective projection, the
images of ground points are displaced where there
are variations in the ground elevation.
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 There are two case while considering scale of a

vertical photograph
- When the ground is horizontal
- When the points are not having the same elevation

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 For a vertical photograph taken over flat terrain,

scale is a function of the focal length f of the camera
used to acquire the image and the flying height
above the ground, H', from which the image was
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taken. In general,

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Detailed geometry over flat terrain

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Scale 

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Scale of a Vertical Photographs

S = f / (H-h)

Max scale, minimum scale, and

average or nominal scale

 A camera equipped with a 152-mm -focal-length lens
is used to take a vertical photograph from a flying
height of 2780 m above mean sea level. If the terrain
is flat and located at all elevation of 500 m, what is
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the scale of the photograph?

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 Assume a vertical photograph was taken at a flying
height of 5000 m above sea level using a camera with
a 152-mm-focal-length lens. (a) Determine the photo
scale at points A and B, which lie at elevations of
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1200m and 1960m. (b) What ground distance

corresponds to a 20.1mm photo distance measured
at each of these elevations?

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Akshay Jain

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Ground Coverage Of Aerial Photographs

 The ground coverage of photography obtained with
any given format is a function of focal length and
flying height above ground, H.
 For a constant flying height, the width of the ground
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area covered by a photo varies inversely with focal

length. Consequently, photos taken with shorter
focal length lenses have larger areas of coverage
(and smaller scales) than do those taken with longer
focal length lenses.
 For any given focal length lens, the width of the
ground area covered by a photo varies directly with
flying height above terrain, with image scale varying
inversely with flying height.
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Scale 1: 210,000
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Scale 1:35,000
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Scale 1:10,500
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Area Measurement
 The accuracy of area measurement is a function of not
only the measuring device used, but also the degree of
image scale variation due to relief in the terrain and tilt in
the photography.
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 Although large errors in area determinations can result

even with vertical photographs in regions of moderate to
high relief, accurate measurements may be made on
vertical photos of areas of low relief.
 Simple scales may be used to measure the area of simply
shaped features. For example, the area of a rectangular
field can be determined by simply measuring its length
and width. Similarly, the area of a circular feature can be
computed after measuring its radius or diameter.

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

 A rectangular agricultural field measures 8.65 cm
long and 5.13 cm wide on a vertical photograph
having a scale of 1: 20,000. Find the area of the field
at ground level.
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 The ground area of an irregularly shaped feature is

usually determined by measuring the area of the
feature on the photograph.
 The photo area is then converted to a ground area
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from the following relationship:

Ground area = photo area X (1/S2)

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 The area of a lake is 52.2 cm2 on a 1: 7500 vertical
photograph. Find the ground area of the lake.
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Dot Grid Method

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Area Measurement
 One of the simplest techniques employs a
transparent grid overlay consisting of lines forming
rectangles or squares of known area. The grid is
placed over the photograph and the area of a ground
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unit is estimated by counting grid units that fall

within the unit to be measured.
 The most widely used grid overlay is a dot grid
(Figure). This grid, composed of uniformly spaced
dots, is superimposed over the photo, and the dots
falling within the region to be measured are counted.
From knowledge of the dot density of the grid, the
photo area of the region can be computed.
CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar


Dot Grid Method

Akshay Jain

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

 A flooded area is covered by 129 dots on a 25-
dot/cm2 grid on a 1: 20,000 vertical aerial
photograph. Find the ground area flooded.
Akshay Jain

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

Dot Grid Method

 The dot grid is an inexpensive tool and its use requires
little training. When numerous regions are to be
measured, however, the counting procedure becomes
quite tedious.
Akshay Jain

 An alternative technique is to use either a coordinate

digitizer or digitizing tablet (Figure). These devices are
typically interfaced with a computer such that area
determination simply involves tracing around the
boundary of the region of interest and the area can be
read out directly.
 When photographs are available in softcopy format, area
measurement often involves digitizing from a computer
monitor using a mouse or other form of cursor control

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Digitizing Tablet
Akshay Jain

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Coordinate Digitizer
Akshay Jain

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Akshay Jain

Relief Displacement Of Vertical Features

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Orthographic and Perspective Projection

Akshay Jain

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Orthographic and Perspective Projection

Akshay Jain

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Relief Displacement Of Vertical Features

Akshay Jain

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Akshay Jain

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

 Take a look at the buildings on the detailed images

of the aerial photograph above.
 Do you see anything remarkable about the position of
the top and bottom of the buildings?
Akshay Jain

 How does this position change depending on the

location in the aerial photograph?

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

How come?
 You probably noticed that, except for the features on
the nadir point, the buildings are perceived under a
certain angle and that this angle changes depending
on the location in the image. The following figure
Akshay Jain

illustrates how this came about.

Illustration of deformation of an aerial image
according to the distance from the nadir point, i.e.
the centre of the image.

A vertical object (such as a building, for instance)

will appear to be lying along a line radial to the
image nadir point. This deformation is called relief

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar


 This relief displacement underlie the following

 Objects will tend to lean outward, i.e. be radially displaced.
 The taller the object, the greater the relief displacement.
Akshay Jain

 The further the object is from the principal point, the greater
is the radial displacement.

 Relief displacement can be hundreds of meters. For

example, if the IKONOS satellite sensor acquires image
data over an area with a kilometer of vertical relief, with
the sensor having an elevation angle 30° from Nadir, the
image product will have nearly 600 meters of relief

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

Something to think about..

 If you have read the chapters about perspective
projections and orthographic projections, in which
projection is relief displacement more likely to
Akshay Jain

 If you compare a map with a photo, which one is

more likely to show relief displacement?

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

Relief Displacement
 An increase in the elevation of a feature causes
its position on the photograph to be displaced
radially outward from the principal point.
Hence, when a vertical feature is photographed,
Akshay Jain

relief displacement causes the top of the feature

to lie farther from the photo center than its base.
As a result, vertical features appear to lean away
from the center of the photograph.

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Relief Displacement
 Relief displacement is the shift in an object's
image position caused by its elevation above a
particular datum. For vertical or near vertical
photography the shift occurs radially from the
Akshay Jain

nadir point. This effect is demonstrated in the

diagram in next slide. Though the distances
between A-B and C-D are identical on the datum
plane, their corresponding representations on the
photo plane are not (i.e. distances between a-b
and c-d are not equivalent).

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

Relief Displacement
Akshay Jain

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Relief Displacement: Calculating Height

 The magnitude of the displacement in the image
between the top and the bottom of an object is its
relief displacement and is related to:
 the height of the object
Akshay Jain

 the distance from the nadir point

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Image Nadir Point

 Remember the image nadir point is the point located
on the surface exactly below the perspective center.
Akshay Jain

A is the image nadir point.

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We can derive an expression for the relationship between object height and
relief displacement using the geometry depicted in following picture.
Akshay Jain

X is the perspective center,Y is the image nadir point

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We may write two expressions for distance D in this figure, in

terms of radial image distances rB and rT.


and set the two expressions for D equal to each other,

Akshay Jain

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 The last equation tells us that the flying height above

the base of the object (H) times the relief
displacement in the photograph (Δr) divided by the
radial distance from the principal point to the top of
Akshay Jain

the object (rT) is equal to the height of the object (h).

 If all object units are the same (e.g., meters) and all
image units are the same (e.g., millimeters), the units
of the equation will be consistent.
 Hence, if we know the flying height, we can
calculate the height of any object in a photograph!

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

Height inferred from relief displacement

b’ a’ o’ Negative

f Principal point

Exposure station, L
Akshay Jain

h d
= r
H r
dxH Positive o a b
h =

r = 2.23 in.
d = 0.129 in. B
H = 2978.5 ft above local datum
h = 172 ft

local datum PP A

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Example: height from relief displacement

Akshay Jain

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 The flying height above the base of the building
shown in the following figure is 500 m for a vertical
photograph H. When measuring the image, the relief
displacement of the building (Δr) is 4 mm and the
Akshay Jain

radial distance from the principal point to the top of

the object (rT) is 75 mm.
 What is the height of the building?

CE 211T Advanced Survey Unit III Photogrammetry PDPU-Gandhinagar

Akshay Jain

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Height inferred from shadow length

Measurement of the Height of
Objects Based on Shadow Length
Akshay Jain

opposite Su
tan a = n's
adjacent ra y
height, h h
shadow, L a
h = L x tan a


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height inferred
Akshay Jain

from shadow


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