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Center for Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia (MASSA)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture


Credit hours :3
Prerequisite : BUILDING SCIENCE 1 (BLD60803)
Issuance date : 28/08/18 (Week 1)
Semester : 05 / AUG 2018

Presentation and
PROJECT 1 Type Weightage

Auditorium : A Case Study on Week 7

Room Acoustic Grouping 09/10/2018


An auditorium is a special room built to enable an audience to hear and watch performances at venues such
as theatres and music halls. For movie theatres, the number of auditoriums is expressed as the number
of screens. Auditorium can be found in entertainment venues, community halls, and theatres, and may be
used for rehearsal, presentation, performing arts productions. Apart from entertainment, an auditorium also
used for a space for speech delivery such as lecture theatres. A successful design of auditoriums muchly
depend on its acoustic design which include the auditorium layout plus absorption materials used. It is
essential to preserve and enhance the desired sound and to eliminate noise and undesired sound.

P R O J E C T I _a u d i t o r i u m ARCHITECTURE_AUG 2018
The Task

In group of SIX (6), students are to conduct a case study on auditorium locally. It is going to be an ‘observe
and report’ case study. Each group need to get permission from the responsible personnel of the building.

Each group has to comply the following tasks:

1. Historical background of auditorium/hall.
2. Drawings of the auditorium (floor layout, significant sections).
3. Construction materials used (floors, walls, ceilings).
4. Sound absorption materials (treatment) used (floors, walls, ceilings).
5. Sound reflectors at ceilings or walls (first 1/3)
6. Sound source (in the auditorium – can be shown in drawings).
7. Numbers and position of speakers in the auditorium/hall.
8. Sound propagation (in the auditorium – can be shown in drawings).
9. Potential of noise intrusion and noise sources.
10. Sound shadow area (if any).
11. Sound reading (dB) from sound level meter.
12. Reverberation time.
13. Compile information into a report & present.

Submission Requirement

 A4 report complete with relevant visuals and drawings inclusive of the detailing and documentation
of your project. (drawings can be in A3 size and to be put together in the report)
 There will be an oral presentation for each group

Format of A4 Report
 Cover page – Students’ name and ID number together with TU’s Logo
 Table of Content
 Introduction (on case study)
 Methodology
 Observations and analysis (with relevant visuals/ photos)
 Reverberation Time calculation
 Conclusion
 References

Assessment criteria

The assessment will be based on the followings:

 Demonstrated understanding of the brief.

 Quality of the documentation
 Creativity and clarity of ideas, and richness of content.
 Clear visual and verbal communication of your understanding of the projects.
 Quality and clarity of your drawings.

P R O J E C T I _a u d i t o r i u m ARCHITECTURE_AUG 2018
Weightage %

 Choice of case study – 5%

 Introduction of case study – 10%
 Drawings – 15%
 Observation, Analysis and RT calculations – 30%
 Oral presentation – 25%
 Conclusion – 10%
 Peer assessment – 5%


1. Grondzik, W.T. & Kwok, A.G. (2015). Mechanical and electrical equipment for buildings. New Jersey:
John Wiley & Sons
2. McMullan, R. (2012). Environmental science in buildings. 7th. Ed. Basingstoke: McMillan.
3. Verges, M. (2007). Light in architecture. Antwerp: Tectum Publishers.
4. Storey, S. (2002). Lighting design. London: Pavilion Books.
5. Karlen, M. & Benya, J. (2004). Lighting design basics. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
6. Gordon, G. (2003). Interior lighting for designers. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
7. Philips, D. (2004). Daylighting – natural light in architecture. Oxford: Elsevier.


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Date: 20/08/2018 Date: Date:
Email: Stream Coordinator Programme Director
Office No.: 0356295624
Office Location: Academic Suite C5

P R O J E C T I _a u d i t o r i u m ARCHITECTURE_AUG 2018

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