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REFERENCES (0) Sengupta, D, and Mis, R.A. (1989) ‘Neural solution 6 the mulpe target eeking dat ‘ssocuton probe IEEE Danacons on eraspce and Besrnic Sens, 8 (Gan, 1985, 9-1, B} _BarSialom,¥, sed Foimann, TE. (198) Taking and Date Asacaton. [New York Academic Pres, 1588 [8] Senge, Band Min R.A G93). "Muliple manewering target tracking wang neural eters “etna eport $02, Deparment of Beers and (Computer Engineering, Unveray of Cabo, Sata Barbra, CA 33106, Dee. 1950, (§) Hops, 13, aod Tank. D. W. (985, Neural computation of dso tn optinization problems Budgie Ceres, 52, (985, 11D (5) eu, 2 C99) Malitarget racing in cuter Algrithms for da sssocaton and sae etintion, PRD. dseriation, The Penasyania Site Univer, Deparment of Elecrial and Computer Engineering, ‘Univers Par, PA 16802, May 192 (6) Zaea, Bnd Bowe, N.K. 983) ‘Mutiaret racking i utr Fist lgortins for data {SEE Tasactions om Aerspae and Berni Sten, 12 be pubes ‘The Kinematic Equation for the Rotation Vector Diterent dervatins of the kinematic auton forthe rtation ‘stor are ascused within «common framework. Simpler and more det derialon f this Moca equation are presented (an are fou in the erature. The Rinemate equation ie presented interes ofboth the body-rfrenced angler velcty ‘and the inerly referenced angular velocity. The heratic ‘unions shown to hav the same fre In Bath the paste and sete descriptions ef atide, |. INTRODUCTION ‘A number of derivations [1-6] have been presented of the kinematic equation of the rotation vector defined as, o=68 where @ is the angle of rotation and A is the column vector representing the axis of rotation. These different

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