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EO208 Electromagnetics (1)

Homework Problem Set #5

1. A parallel-plate capacitor (area = S; separation = d) filled with a dielectric (permittivity = ε) is

applied with a voltage difference V between the two plates. Neglect the fringing effect.
(a) What is the energy density we everywhere in the capacitor?
(b) What is the total energy We stored in the capacitor?
(c) Determine the capacitance C from the total energy We.
(d) Find the total charge on each plate.

2. Continued from problem 1. Find the force between the two plates
(a) assuming the voltage is fixed;
(b) assuming the charge is fixed.
Please indicate whether the force is attractive or repulsive.

3. A parallel-plate capacitor of width w, length L, and separation d has a solid dielectric slab of
permittivity ε inserted in the left part of the space between the plates. The capacitor is charged to
a voltage V0 by a battery, as indicated in Fig. 1.
(a) Find D, E, and ρs in the two regions.
(b) Find the capacitance C.
(c) Determine the force acting on the slab with the switch closed; and
(d) after the switch is first opened.
Please indicate in (c) and (d) the direction of the force.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

4. A cavity surrounded by conducting material is itself empty of charge (see Fig. 2). Argue that the
E-field within the cavity is zero using
(a) the electric field line argument in Chapter 3 (see the handouts); and
(b) the uniqueness theorem.
5. A capacitor consists of two concentric spherical shells of radii Ri and Ro. The space between
them is filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity 3εr from Ri to b (Ri < b < Ro) and another
dielectric of relative permittivity εr from b to Ro. Assume that charges of +Q and –Q are on the
inner and outer shells, respectively.
(a) Determine D everywhere for Ri < R < Ro in terms of Q.
(b) Determine E everywhere for Ri < R < Ro in terms of Q.
(c) Determine P everywhere for Ri < R < Ro in terms of Q.
(d) Express the voltage difference V between the two shells in terms of Q.
(e) Determine the capacitance C from Q and V.
(f) Calculate the electrostatic energy We stored in the capacitor by integrating the energy
density we. (DO NOT use other methods!).

6. Calculate the amount of electrostatic energy of a uniform sphere of charge with radius b and
volume charge density ρ stored in the following regions:
(a) inside the sphere.
(b) Outside the sphere.
(Check your results with those in Example 3-22.)
(c) Einstein’s theory of relativity stipulates that the work required to assemble a charge is stored
as energy in the mass and is equal to mc2, where m is the mass and c  3×108 (m/s) is the
velocity of light. Assuming the electron to be a perfect sphere, find its radius b (in meter)
from its charge and mass (9.1×10-31kg).

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