AAOS Jurnal Shoulder Dislocation

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Review Article

Shoulder Dislocation in the Older


Anand M. Murthi, MD Approximately 20% of all shoulder dislocations occur in patients
Miguel A. Ramirez, MD aged >60 years. Older patients who sustain a primary shoulder
dislocation are much less likely than younger patients to suffer
from recurrence. However, older patients are more likely than
younger patients to sustain injuries to the rotator cuff, axillary
nerve, or brachial plexus. Rotator cuff tears are significantly more
common than nerve palsies, and rotator cuff tears can be mistaken
for nerve palsies. Older patients with persistent shoulder pain and
dysfunction after dislocation should be carefully evaluated for
rotator cuff pathology. Although dislocation is a common injury in
the older population, these concomitant injuries—especially of the
rotator cuff—are often missed.

A lthough the incidence of shoul-

der dislocation is similar be-
tween young and elderly persons,1
90% in patients in their 20s and 30s,
but it is <10% in patients aged ≥40
years.6 Differences in mechanism of
most of the literature has tradition- injury are largely responsible for the
ally focused on young patients be- increased incidence of instability in
cause of the high rate of recurrent younger patients and the increased
dislocations in this population.2 likelihood of rotator cuff tear in pa-
Shoulder dislocations in older pa- tients aged ≥40 years.
tients tend to occur as the result of In young patients, McLaughlin and
low-energy mechanisms and are as- MacLellan6 describe an anterior
From the Department of Orthopedics sociated with less risk of recurrent
and Sports Medicine, Union
mechanism of injury in the dislo-
Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, MD.
dislocation; however, pain and dis- cated shoulder. In younger patients
ability can persist for years as a re- with strong, healthy rotator cuff tis-
Dr. Murthi or an immediate family
sult of associated rotator cuff tears sue, a high-energy insult results in
member serves as a paid consultant
to or is an employee of Zimmer, and nerve injuries.3,4 Careful patient failure of the weaker anterior static
Ascension, and Arthrex. Neither evaluation and treatment selection restraints (ie, labrum, capsule).
Dr. Ramirez nor any immediate are important to provide adequate
family member has received McLaughlin7 speculated that, in
anything of value from or has stock
care to older patients with shoulder older patients, the posterior mecha-
or stock options held in a dislocation. nism constraints, composed of the
commercial company or institution
related directly or indirectly to the
rotator cuff, are more susceptible to
subject of this article. injury as the result of weakening of
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2012;20: Mechanism of Injury and the cuff tendons caused by degenera-
615-622 Pathoanatomy tion associated with aging. As a con-
sequence, young patients present
JAAOS-20-10-615 Approximately 20% of shoulder dis- with Bankart tears, that is, displaced
locations occur in patients aged ≥60 tears of the anterior-inferior labrum
Copyright 2012 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. years.5 The rate of recurrent shoulder and inferior glenohumeral ligaments,
dislocation is reportedly as high as whereas older patients typically pre-

October 2012, Vol 20, No 10 615

Shoulder Dislocation in the Older Patient

Figure 1

A and B, Illustrations of the posterior mechanism of injury in shoulder dislocation in an elderly patient. A low-velocity
fall on the outstretched hand causes the humeral head to subluxate anteriorly. The force created (large arrows) results
in stretching of the anterior capsule and subscapularis tendon and tearing of the weaker posterior rotator cuff or
supraspinatus tendon.

sent with rotator cuff tears (Figure partment or physician’s office, a pa- Examination of shoulder passive
1). tient with a suspected shoulder dislo- range of motion is crucial. Loss of pas-
This difference in injury mecha- cation should receive a standard sive range of motion may be suggestive
nisms explains the different recur- radiographic trauma series consisting of fracture, shoulder subluxation/
rence rates between the two popula- of a true AP view of the shoulder in dislocation, or glenohumeral joint stiff-
tions. In the young, Bankart tears the scapular plane (ie, Grashey), an ness, such as arthritis or adhesive cap-
render the shoulder inherently unsta- axillary lateral view, and a true sulitis. Inability to externally rotate the
ble with the loss of the static re- scapulolateral view. Images should arm may suggest posterior shoulder
straints. In patients aged ≥40 years, be critically evaluated for evidence of dislocation in which the dislocated hu-
the rotator cuff usually tears. How- glenohumeral joint reduction and for meral head is mechanically blocked by
ever, the rotator cuff plays a lesser subtle signs of previous dislocation the glenoid. Isolated loss of active range
role in shoulder stability, and, in gen-
(ie, glenoid rim fractures, erosions), of motion may suggest rotator cuff tear
eral, only massive tears result in re-
such as a Hill-Sachs lesion or a bony rather than nerve palsy. The acromio-
current instability.8 Therefore, older
Bankart lesion. The greater tuberos- clavicular joint, greater tuberosity, bi-
patients tend to redislocate at a
ity of the humerus should also be ceps groove, and coracoid are potential
much lower rate than do their
closely evaluated because subtle frac- sources of shoulder pain and should be
younger counterparts.2 Hence, surgi-
tures may be missed on overpene- palpated.
cal management of shoulder disloca-
trated radiographs. The rotator cuff should be thor-
tion in older patients should focus on
Physical examination is done with oughly examined. Resisted thumb-
reconstruction of the rotator cuff
the goal of measuring joint stability down shoulder abduction in the
rather than on capsulolabral recon-
and diagnosing associated injuries. scapular plane suggests supraspina-
Inspection may reveal muscular atro- tus pathology. Similarly, weakness on
phy, which may be an indicator of a resisted external rotation in adduc-
Patient Evaluation and chronic problem such as chronic ro- tion and at 90° of abduction is sug-
Physical Examination tator cuff tear or nerve palsy. Obvi- gestive of infraspinatus and teres mi-
ous deformity, such as loss of the nor pathology, respectively. Several
Careful physical examination is cru- contour of the coracoid, indicates an physical examination tests have been
cial because shoulder dislocation can anterior dislocation, whereas a described to assess for subscapularis
be missed on initial presentation.10 prominent coracoid may suggest pos- tears, but the most commonly used
Upon arrival to an emergency de- terior shoulder dislocation. tests are the belly press and modified

616 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Anand M. Murthi, MD, and Miguel A. Ramirez, MD

Figure 2

AP (A) and scapular Y (B) radiographs of a 70-year-old man with anterior shoulder dislocation. C, T2-weighted coronal
magnetic resonance image of the same patient demonstrating a massive, retracted supraspinatus tear (arrow).

lift-off.11 Provocative testing is com- thology. However, they can identify In patients in whom medical co-
pleted with testing for shoulder associated pathologies, such as tu- morbidities or indwelling metallic
apprehension/relocation signs to ob- berosity excrescences. A high-riding implants preclude MRI, CT arthrog-
tain evidence of existing shoulder in- humeral head may also suggest un- raphy is a reasonable modality to as-
stability. derlying chronic rotator cuff pathol- sess rotator cuff and labral integrity
Finally, a thorough neurovascular ogy. MRI has become the preferred and can be used to evaluate muscle
examination is performed, with spe- modality to evaluate rotator cuff atrophy. In a study of 33 patients as-
cial attention paid to the axillary tears and assess associated shoulder sessed 4 to 6 weeks following pri-
nerve. Axillary nerve palsy usually injuries (Figure 2). mary shoulder dislocation, Ribbans
presents as a painless loss of shoul- Ultrasonography is a cost-effective et al13 visualized labral tears in
der abduction and loss of sensation 100% of the young patients (aged
and noninvasive imaging modality
in the proximal-lateral aspect of the <50 years) and in 75% of the older
for evaluating rotator cuff tears. In
arm. The arm is evaluated for bra- patients (aged ≥50 years) with dislo-
one study, ultrasonography correctly
chial plexus injury, which usually cation. Rotator cuff tear was found
identified 45 of 46 full-thickness ro-
manifests as sensory and/or motor in 63% of older patients and none of
tator cuff tears and predicted the de-
weakness distally in the arm. Vascu- the younger patients.
gree of retraction and width of rota-
lar injury is assessed by inspecting
tor cuff tears with accuracy similar
for evidence of expanding hema-
to that of MRI.12 Ultrasonography al- Associated Injuries
toma, which may indicate arterial/
lows for dynamic evaluation of the ro-
venous injury after a recent disloca-
tator cuff and may be especially help- Concomitant rotator cuff tear with an-
tion. Distal radial and ulnar pulses
ful in patients in whom MRI findings terior dislocation of the shoulder is well
should be evaluated and compared
are equivocal. Results are operator- documented in older patients.3-5,9,14,15
with those of the contralateral side.
dependent, however, and ultrasonogra- The incidence of rotator cuff tear in
phy does not provide adequate infor- conjunction with shoulder disloca-
Imaging Studies mation regarding glenohumeral bone tion in patients aged ≥40 years
loss and arthritis, which can influence ranges from 35% to 86%.3,5,14,15 In
Radiographs play a limited role in treatment decisions in persons with ro- older patients, a posterior mecha-
direct evaluation of rotator cuff pa- tator cuff tears. nism of failure is observed with

October 2012, Vol 20, No 10 617

Shoulder Dislocation in the Older Patient

weakening and disruption of the ro- function. It is important to obtain a and occurrence increases with in-
tator cuff, but the anterior capsulo- thorough history of preinjury pain creasing age.2 Several authors have
ligamentous complex remains in- and disability to elucidate whether found that patients with isolated
tact.7 Tearing of these structures is the patient had a symptomatic rota- greater tuberosity fracture have a
more prevalent in the older patient tor cuff. Once adequate assessment is better prognosis than do patients
because rotator cuff degeneration is made of past and current disabilities with rotator cuff tear.2,20 There is a
correlated with increasing age. In attributable to the rotator cuff, a decrease in the incidence of recurrent
fact, Yamaguchi et al16 demonstrated treatment decision can be made. In shoulder dislocation in older patients
a 50% chance of bilateral rotator our practice, older patients who have with greater tuberosity fracture be-
cuff tear in patients aged ≥66 years. minimal pain and intact strength are cause the rotator cuff mechanism is
As a result, in older patients, the de-
treated nonsurgically. Only tears that effectively repaired when the fracture
generative cuff is more likely to tear
cause significant pain and/or disabil- unites.2,20 Hovelius et al2 observed no
than are the much stronger capsular
ity are managed surgically. recurrence in patients with a greater
attachments. A study by Porcellini
tuberosity fracture compared with a
et al17 supports this hypothesis. They
found a strong correlation between
Associated Fractures 32% recurrence rate in patients
Bony injuries associated with shoulder without a fracture.
dislocation and supraspinatus tear in
150 patients between 40 and 60 dislocations include compression frac- It is our current standard practice
years of age who underwent arthros- tures of the humeral head (ie, Hill- to manage nondisplaced fractures
copy for rotator cuff tears, instabil- Sachs lesion), anterior glenoid rim frac- nonsurgically and to operate on frac-
ity, or both. No correlation was ob- tures, and greater tuberosity fractures. tures displaced >5 mm, especially
served between dislocation and Older patients, especially elderly pa- those displaced into the subacromial
capsular or Bankart lesions. tients with osteoporosis, may sustain space. However, the decision for sur-
Although older patients with ante- large Hill-Sachs lesions from even low- gical versus nonsurgical treatment
rior shoulder injuries are at higher velocity falls. These lesions may predis- should take into account the activity
risk of nerve injury than are younger pose them to increased instability and level of the patient. Special attention
patients,18 care must be taken not to to the need for shoulder arthroplasty to should be paid to the individual pa-
misdiagnose rotator cuff tears as address loss of articular congruity and tient’s preoperative function as well
nerve palsies in older patients.4 In a relatively easy engagement during for- as his or her postinjury goals. Pa-
study of 31 patients (average age, ward elevation and external rotation, tients who are poor surgical candi-
57.5 years) who were unable to ab- which leads to anterior shoulder sub- dates and those with low postinjury
duct their arms following reduction luxation or dislocation. functional goals should be treated
of an anterior glenohumeral disloca- The Hill-Sachs posterolateral hu- nonsurgically.
tion, 29 were presumed to have an meral head defect is a compression Glenoid fractures associated with
axillary nerve injury; however, this fracture caused by the anterior gle- humeral head dislocations are typi-
was actually the case for only 4 pa- noid rim as the humeral head dislo- cally avulsion fractures that occur
tients. All 31 patients underwent cates from the glenoid fossa. This le- when the humeral head impacts the
single-contrast arthrography of the sion is seen in most anterior inferior anterior capsule and labrum. In older
shoulder, and each study showed ex- shoulder dislocations and is largest patients, the glenoid fractures be-
travasation of the contrast material, in recurrent and chronic disloca- cause the bone is weaker and osteo-
confirming a rotator cuff tear. Rota- tions. Special radiographic views, porotic.20,21 If fracture is suspected or
tor cuff injury should be ruled out in such as the AP in internal rotation if there is evidence of potential insta-
all patients older than age 40 years view and the Stryker notch view, are bility, an axillary radiograph and/or
who present with signs and symp- useful to identify humeral head de- CT scan may reveal the glenoid le-
toms of nerve palsy after shoulder fects. MRI can show bony pathol- sion, which can be associated with
dislocation. ogy, but CT, with or without three- recurrent instability.22
Many older patients have age- dimensional reconstruction, is best
related attritional tears that were to determine the extent of the le- Peripheral Nerve Injury
asymptomatic prior to shoulder dis- sion.19 Nerve injury associated with anterior
location. Therefore, it is crucial to Greater tuberosity fractures are the shoulder dislocations is more common
obtain a careful history of any preex- most common fractures associated in older persons than in their younger
isting symptoms of rotator cuff dys- with anterior shoulder dislocation, counterparts.18 The axillary nerve is

618 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Anand M. Murthi, MD, and Miguel A. Ramirez, MD

the most commonly affected, with a plexus at risk during anterior shoul- ing of the arteries. A mechanism has
reported incidence of 9.3% to der dislocation. Brachial plexus inju- been described in which the hyperab-
63%,5,8,15,18 followed by the suprascap- ries resulting from anterior shoulder ducted humeral head exposes the axil-
ular nerve (29%), musculocutaneous dislocation are typically infraclavicu- lary artery and pushes it against the
nerve (19%), radial nerve (22%), and lar lesions and mainly affect the axil- pectoralis major muscle, which acts as
ulnar nerve (8%).18 The increased in- lary nerve and the posterior cord.24 a fulcrum and contributes to arterial
cidence in older patients may be at- The primary mechanism of injury is injury.33 The third part of the axillary
tributable to age-related degenerative stretching of the brachial plexus, artery, defined as the segment below
changes in neural tissue, which ren- which can occur during anterior dis- the lower edge of the pectoralis minor
der the nerve more susceptible to in- location, causing neurapraxia that muscle, is the location of injury in up
jury in closed trauma.5 typically resolves completely in 4 to to 86% of patients.31 Most axillary ar-
Clinical features of axillary nerve 6 months in 80% of cases.24,25 If no tery injuries occur when chronically
palsy include deltoid weakness or wast- sign of nerve recovery is documented dislocated shoulders in older patients
ing that may be accompanied by sen- on electromyography at 3 to 4 are reduced closed. In chronic unre-
sory deficit on the lateral shoulder. Al- months, exploration of the plexus is duced shoulders, the axillary artery is
though suggestive, these features are recommended.24,26,27 scarred down and tethered by the pec-
not diagnostic in older patients. It is toralis minor muscle. The excessive
critical to rule out massive rotator cuff Terrible Triad of the force required to reduce a chronically
tear before diagnosing a nerve palsy. Shoulder dislocated shoulder is enough to cause
For patients with persistent symptoms The concurrent incidence of anterior injury to the axillary artery.19
3 to 4 weeks after dislocation and with shoulder dislocation, rotator cuff Signs and symptoms of damage to
MRI findings that are negative for ro- tear, and brachial plexus injury has the axillary artery include pallor, par-
tator cuff tear, it is reasonable to obtain been coined the terrible triad of the esthesia, decreased temperature, di-
electrodiagnostic studies to evaluate shoulder.28 The first documented case minished or absent radial pulse, and
the axillary nerve.8,20,23 Gumina and reports noted the difficulty of diag- an expanding axillary hematoma.
Postacchini5 used electrophysiologic nosing rotator cuff tear in the pres- Prompt diagnosis and management
studies to evaluate nerve palsies in ence of brachial plexus palsy.29 This are crucial to prevent irreparable
patients with shoulder dislocations. has important functional conse- harm to the extremity. Exploration is
Of the 545 patients with anterior quences because the results of early obligatory in any patient with hema-
shoulder dislocations, 108 were aged rotator cuff repair are better than toma, ischemia, and absence of a ra-
≥60 years. Of these 108 patients, those of delayed repair.29 In a study dial pulse.32,34 In patients with dimin-
9.3% experienced weakness on of six patients with a mean age of 57 ished distal pulses, angiography
shoulder abduction and decreased years and with terrible triad injury, should be obtained because collat-
sensation in the deltoid region. Elec- approximately 74° of forward flex- eral flow could be responsible for the
trophysiologic studies established ion and 9 lb of forward flexion presence of a radial pulse.31 Vascular
that seven patients (6.5%) had strength was gained by a mean of 5.6 surgery consultation is warranted in
neurapraxia of the axillary nerve, years after rotator cuff repair.30 Five these patients.
whereas three (2.8%) had axonotme- patients recovered from their nerve In the presence of subclavian or
sis. All recovered completely within injury. axillary artery injury, the treating
1 year without further intervention. surgeon should also have a high in-
Formal management of these le- Vascular Injury dex of suspicion for associated bra-
sions is usually unnecessary. Most Vascular injury to the axillary artery is chial plexus injury.35 If there is con-
patients with nerve dysfunction an uncommon but well-described se- cern for brachial plexus injury,
spontaneously recover without inter- quela to anterior shoulder dislocation brachial plexus exploration should
vention.8,18 in the elderly.31 More than 90% of be performed at the time of arterial
axillary artery injuries resulting from exploration rather than waiting 2 to
Brachial Plexus Injury shoulder dislocations occur in pa- 3 months, as is classically taught.32
The brachial plexus lies immediately tients aged >50 years.32 The proposed
anterior, inferior, and medial to the mechanism is aging-related sclerotic Recurrent Instability
glenohumeral joint. This anatomic changes in arteries and loss of elastic- The recurrence rate after initial shoul-
relationship places the brachial ity, causing tearing rather than stretch- der dislocation is much lower in older

October 2012, Vol 20, No 10 619

Shoulder Dislocation in the Older Patient

patients than in younger ones, possibly cation should be confirmed radio- aged with hemiarthroplasty.38 With
because older patients tend to sustain graphically. Further imaging with this procedure, retroversion of the
rotator cuff ruptures whereas younger standard and three-dimensional CT humeral component can be de-
patients tear the anterior stabilizing is useful to evaluate the associated creased to reduce the tendency of the
structures and glenohumeral liga- bony injuries. head to subluxate posteriorly in pos-
ments.7 In one study of patients aged Not all patients with chronically terior dislocation. In a study of 11
≥40 years, only 4% experienced re- dislocated shoulders require treat- patients (12 arthroplasties) treated
current shoulder dislocations.14 An- ment. Patients with a functional up- with hemiarthroplasty for chronic
other study found the average age of per extremity despite slight discom- shoulder dislocation, significant im-
patients with recurrent dislocations fort and limited motion may opt to provement in flexion (P = 0.021), ab-
leave the shoulder dislocated. Non- duction (P = 0.007), and external ro-
to be 55 years, with an incidence of
surgical treatment should be consid- tation (P = 0.003) range of motion
ered for patients who are poor surgi- was noted at an average 37-month
In the patient with a combined dis-
cal risks. Pain relief is the primary follow-up.39 Reverse shoulder arthro-
placed anteroinferior labral tear (ie,
indication for reduction of a chroni- plasty should be considered for pa-
Bankart tear) and acute rotator cuff
cally dislocated glenohumeral joint. tients aged ≥70 years who present
injury, the surgeon should consider
Restoration of motion is secondary. with chronic, symptomatic shoulder
performing a combined repair to The first treatment option to con- dislocations with humeral head bone
promote shoulder stability. Our algo- sider is closed reduction. Patient age, loss and rotator cuff deficiency.
rithm is to repair the labrum with duration of dislocation, vascular sta-
minimal capsular shift and address tus, and degree of humeral osteopo-
the rotator cuff tear. Postoperative rosis must be considered before per- Management
stiffness is a concern with such a forming this maneuver. Closed
combined repair; thus, the appropri- reduction should not be attempted Management of shoulder dislocation
ate therapy should be promoted to on a shoulder with a ≥20% impres- in the older patient begins in the
begin early motion within a pro- sion defect of the humeral head or emergency department with prompt
tected range. on a shoulder that has been dislo- closed reduction of the dislocation.
cated longer than 4 weeks.36 Closed Most acute dislocations are readily
Chronic Unreduced reduction should be done under gen- reducible under sedation in the emer-
Dislocations eral anesthesia with total muscle re- gency department. Chronic disloca-
Chronic shoulder dislocation is un- laxation and minimal traction with- tions (ie, treated 3 to 4 weeks postin-
common. These injuries are typically out leverage to avoid fracture of the jury) may require closed reduction in
found in older patients, and trauma proximal humerus or rupture of the the operating room under complete
is the most common etiology. Shoul- axillary artery. muscular paralysis. In one study,
der dislocation is considered chronic If closed reduction is not possible, 88% of patients had uneventful
when the glenohumeral joint is dislo- open reduction should be consid- closed reduction in the emergency
cated for several days. The primary ered. This surgery is difficult for department, 5% needed general an-
complaint of patients with chronic many reasons. First, there is poten- esthesia, and only 3% required open
shoulder dislocations is loss of mo- tial difficulty in reducing the humeral reduction.8
tion with pain. On physical examina- head into the glenoid fossa because Thorough neurovascular examina-
tion, old anterior dislocations pre- of fibrosis and capsular bowstringing tion should be performed, and vascu-
sent with restriction of abduction across the glenoid.37 Second, contrac- lar surgery consultation should be
and internal rotation and old poste- tion of rotator cuff muscles and the obtained if warranted. The patient is
rior dislocations demonstrate restric- usual humeral head defect make discharged in a sling for comfort.
tion of abduction and external rota- maintenance of the reduction diffi- Early range-of-motion exercises and
tion. The most common neurologic cult. Neviaser37 recommends a strip- physical therapy are started within
deficit involves the axillary nerve and ping operation wherein the capsule, the first week to prevent posttrau-
presents as deltoid weakness. Disuse rotator cuff, and fibrous adhesions matic shoulder stiffness. Patients be-
atrophy can be apparent depending are stripped before reduction is at- gin with passive pendulum and Cod-
on the length of time the shoulder tempted. man exercises and add progressive
has been dislocated. Large humeral head defects (>45% passive and active range of motion
Suspected chronic shoulder dislo- of the humeral head) are best man- under the supervision of a therapist

620 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Anand M. Murthi, MD, and Miguel A. Ramirez, MD

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weakness exists, earlier imaging may 8. Stayner LR, Cummings J, Andersen J,
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