EO208 Electromagnetics (1) : B Are Given, Where P A X and B A

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EO208 Electromagnetics (1)

Homework 1

1. Show that, if A‧B = A‧C and A×B = A×C, where A is not a null vector, then B
= C.

2. The position of a point P in cylindrical coordinates is specified by (3, π/4, -4).

(a) Make a detailed plot to show what the following coordinates mean on your
diagram: x, y, z, r, R, θ, φ.
Next, from your diagram, try to find
(b) the Cartesian coordinates of P;
(c) the spherical coordinates of P.
(d) What is the angle between OP and the y-axis? (O is the origin.)
(e) Find the equation for the plane S which contains both the point P and the x-
(f) What is the minimum distance between that plane S and a point Q at (1, 1, 0)
(in Cartesian coordinates)?

3. Prove the law of sines for a triangle.

4. Prove that an angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle.

5. Assuming that A is a known vector, determine the unknown vector X if both p and
B are given, where p = A∙X and B = AX.
(Hint: Expand A(AX) using back-cab formula.)

6. (a) Express the base vectors aR, aθ, and aφ of a spherical coordinate system in
Cartesian coordinates. (Express everything in x, y, and z. Your answer should
not have R, θ, and φ.)
(b) Express the vectors ax in spherical coordinates. (Express everything in R, θ, and
φ. Your answer should not have x, y, and z.)

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