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Talking about interests

Student A

1 Think about your interests. Complete the expressions (1–6) in as many ways as you can to
talk about your interests. Compare your ideas with your partner.
I’d like to 1 ____
I’m interested in 2 ____
I’m good at 3 ____
I’d prefer to 4 ____
In my opinion, 5 ____ looks interesting.
I enjoy 6 ____

Then look at the pictures in the story.

2 Work in pairs. Imagine you are the students at the Join-a-club college open day. Use the
pictures to prepare a conversation in which you express interests, recommend and
encourage. Then act out the conversation.


Talking about interests

Student B

1 Think about your interests. Complete the expressions (1–6) in as many ways as you can to
talk about your interests. Compare your ideas with your partner.
I’d like to 1 ____
I’m interested in 2 ____
I’m good at 3 ____
I’d prefer to 4 ____
In my opinion, 5 ____ looks interesting.
I enjoy 6 ____

Then look at the pictures in the story.

2 Work in pairs. Imagine you are the students at the join-a-club college open day. Use the
pictures to prepare a conversation in which you express interests, recommend and
encourage. Then act out the conversation.

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