ENG 1 Block 1 Units 1-3 Revision Quiz

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English 1 Name __________________________________

Quiz 6 Class Number ______________

Circle the correct verb in each sentence. Then re-write the sentence to use the alternative
(the ‘wrong’) verb.

1. Sales staff who are impolite disrupt / improve the reputation of a company.
2. Relations with customers have been fostered / undermined recently by poor after-
sales service.
3. We could not agree on several points, so we broke off / established talks regarding a
joint venture.

Rephrase these comments using phrasal verbs.

1 We can't hold the meeting tomorrow.
We'll have to call off the meeting tomorrow.
2 They've postponed the presentation until Thursday.

3 I'm sorry I've disappointed you.

4 She's arranged the conference call for nine o'clock.

Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the PRESENT or PAST TENSE, simple,
continuous or perfect.

1. The CEO, Mr. Black ___________ (meet) with the board every Monday morning.
Last week, while he ___________ (open) the meeting, the connection
___________ (disrupt). Mr. Black ___________ (just introduce) the newest
member of the board. It ___________ (be) very awkward, and ___________
(make) Mr. Black seem unprofessional. Now, he ___________ (insist) he will
never use Skype again. He ___________ (look into) different conferencng

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