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Joumul of South Amuicon Eurth Sciences, Vol. 10, No. I, pp.

ZY-38, IY97
Pergamon Q 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd
All nghu reserved. Pnnti in Great Bruin
PII: SO8959811(97)00003-S 08YS-YXlW7 SI7.LX) +o.Ca

Hypothesis on The Cause of Extinction of The South American


‘Department of Earth Sciences, University of Florence Via La Pira 4, 50121 Florence, Italy
*Department of Earth Sciences, University of Siena Via della Cerchia 3,53 100 Siena, Italy
sMuseum of Geology and Paleontology, University of Florence Via La Pira 4,50121 Florence, Italy
4Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales Cane Rumipamba y Avda. de 10s Shirys, Parque La
Carolina POBox 8976, Sue. 7, Quito, Ecuador

Abstract - Paleontological, geomorphological and sedimentological investigations on the Cangahua Formation in the Interandean
depression of Northern and Central Ecuador have provided information on the evolution of the Andean paleoenvironment during
the Late Pleistocene. Pyroclastic and windblown sediments were deposited during cold and dry phases of the last glaciation, inter-
rupted many times by the development of forest-steppe and steppe paleosoils during interstadials. An erosional phase which closed
the Cangahua sedimentation was followed by the deposition of colluvial sediments, characterized by a high number of minor
pedogenetic episodes. The colluviums are confidently referable to the Holocene. The upper part of the Cangahua Formation is rich
in mammal fossils and is probably referable to the Last Glacial Maximum.
The fossiliferous sequences suggest that mastodonts disappeared before mylodonts and equids. We hypothesize that the increased
cold and aridity of the Last Glacial Maximum. which deeply affected the Cordillera. caused the extinction of most of the mega-
fauna and the mastodonts seem to have been the most sensitive to the environmental degradation.
The final history of South American mastodonts, represented by Hupfomustodon and Sregomastodon, spans the latest Pleistocene
and probably the earliest Holocene. Huplomusrodon was dispersed in the highlands within the tropical belt and Sregomustodon in
plains of the southernmost part of Brazil, in Paraguay, Uraguay, Argentine, central and northern Chile.
Both Huplomusrodon and Stegomusrodon suffered the same negative effects of the Last Glacial Maximum when their habitats
underwent intense desertifications under dry and cold conditions. They disappeared in a mosaic way in the course of the latest
Pleistocene, the last representatives probably surviving in favorable restricted areas where however the considerably increased
selective pressure was in the long run devastating. In our opinion the human impact was not a determinant in causing mastodont
extinction. 0 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Resumen - Estudios paleontol6gicos geomorfol6gicos y sedimentol6gicos de la Formaci6n Cangahua, depresi6n Interandina de
la parte Septentrional y Central de Ecuador, han dado interesantes informaciones sobre la evoluci6n de1paleoambiente Andino en
el tardo Pleistocene. Depdsitos pirockticos y e6licos se han depositado durante las fases frlas y aridas de la ultima glaciacibn.
Estos depdsitos se interrumpen varias veces con paleosuolos caraterfsticos de la sfases interglaciales. Un period0 erosivo cierra la
sedimentaci6n de la Formacidn Cangahua a la cual siguen dep6sitos “colluviales” con vatias fases pedogen6tica.s. Estos sedimen-
tos se pueden datar coma holocenicos.
En la parte superior de la Formaci6n Canghaua abundan 10sWsiles de mamiferos referidos al dltimo mbimo glacial.
La sucesi6n fosilifera sujiere la desaparicion de 10s mastodontes antes que 10s milodontes y 10skquidos. Se puede hipotizar que un
aumento del frfo y la desettificacibn durante el dltimo maxim0 glacial pueda haber causado la desaparicidn de la megafauna. Los
mastodontes parecen ser 10s mh sensibles al degrado de1 ambiente.
La historia final de 10s mastodontes suram&icanos, Huplomustodon y Stegomusfodon. se desarrolla en el Pleistocene m&stardio y
el Holocene mh temprano. Huplomustodon ocupa las alturas de1 area tropical y Stegomustr~don las llanuras del sur Brazil, Para-
guay, Uruguay, Argentina y la parte Norte y Central de Chile. Huplomartodon y Stegomusrodon sufrien 10s mismos efkctos en el
tlltimo mbimo glacial quando las condiciones ambientales varian y se instaura una intensa desertiticacidn con un ambiente rni4s
iirido y frfo.
La desaparici6n sigui6 un modelo “a mosaico” durante el Pleistocene mas tardio. Los iiltimos ejemplares sobrevivien en algunas
areas restrictas. En estas areas. sin embargo, el grande acrecimiento de la presidn selectiva ha sido destructive.
Es nuestra opinidn que el impact0 human0 no ha sido determinante en la desaparicidn de 10s mastodontes.

INTRODUCTION Ledru (1993); Iriondo & Garcia (1993); Hansen et al.

South America underwent significant modifications in the (1984); Hooghiemstra & Melice (1994); Heusser & Shack-
dynamics of landscape moulding due to the widescale cli- leton (1994); Iriondo (1994) proposed reconstructions of
matic deterioration which occurred during the last glacial the possible climatic conditions and relevant geomorpho-
phase. Van Gee1 & Van der Hammen (1973); Shackleton et logic processes affecting South America during the Last
al. (1983); Hooghiemstra (1984); Rind & Peetet (1985); Glacial Maximum. The models proposed are a compen-
Van der Hammen (1978, 1983); Colinvaux er al. (1988); dium of the most important environmental modifications
Van der Hammen & Absy (1994); Clapperton (1993a,b); and of the distribution of the main vegetation belts.


In the northern and central Andes the glaciers seem to In Southern Patagonia and Tierra de1 Fuego Clapperton
have reached their greatest extension between 34.000 and (1993b) hypothesizes, presumably at the Last Glacial
27.000 yr BP, when precipitation increased considerably. Maximum, a thermal decline of at least 10” C than the
This seems consistent with pollen evidence which suggests present day.
a moderate development of highland pluvial forests as a Eolian morphologies suggest that climate in South
consequence of a slight climatic amelioration. All the America was very cold and windy during the Last Glacial
authors agree in recognizing a retreat of glaciers, a fall in Maximum, when almost 25% of the continent was covered
lake levels and a reduction of the flux of moisture from by deserts and much of the continent experienced much
25.000 yr B.P., due to a general cooling. Temperatures drier conditions than now (Clapperton, 1993b).
were about 5”-8°C lower than today and this caused an
expansion of grasslands (Van der Hammen, 1983).
According to Van der Hammen & Absy (1994), during
the last glacial period (ca.22.000-14.000 yr B.P.) the tem-
perature in Amazonia turned about 2”-6” C colder than The highest mountain peaks are covered by glaciers
today and precipitations declined by about 500-l BOO mm. whose tongues stretch down to the altitude of almost
Both had important consequences on the vegetation. The 5.000 m a.s.1. (Hasternath, 1981; Clapperton, 1987;
savanna stretched towards the equator and the pluvial for- 1990). During the last cold phase of the Pleistocene, the
ests contracted. At the same time, wooded savannas were glaciers had their end moraines at about 3.500 m of alti-
replaced by open grassland savannas and other vegetation tude. Areas beyond the glaciers were possibly affected
boundaries also shifted. Opposite shifts occurred when by periglacial processes; however, because of Ecuador’s
temperature and precipitation increased. Alternating open latitude, these processes were probably restricted, since
and wooded savannas thus carefully reflect climatic oscil- no fossil periglacial features have ever been reported
lations. During the last part of the Late Glacial (13.000- from this region.
10.000 yr BP) or at the beginning of the Holocene (10.000
The study of a widespread eolian deposit, the Canga-
yr B.P.), precipitation increased and water levels rose. The
hua Formation, permitted the reconstruction of the envi-
pluvial forest in the tropical areas and the savannas in the
ronmental conditions in the central valley of Ecuador
near desert areas reached their greatest extension.
during the last glaciation (Sauer, 1965; Baldock, 1982;
At about 30.000 yr B.P., in Central Brazil the climatic Clapperton, 1990; 1991; Iriondo, 1994; Ficcarelli et al.,
conditions were equable and more humid than today, while 1992). The formation is made of fine-grained sands and
between 17.000 and 12.000 yr B.P. pollen evidence is sug- silts derived by the intense eolian reworking of pyroclas-
gestive of drier and colder landscapes (Ledru, 1993). tic deposits, containing variable amounts of plagioclases,
Between 13.000 and 11 .OOO yr B.P. the climate turned pyroxenes, amphiboles, quarz, biotite, rock fragments,
cooler and more humid and, again according to Ledru, a pumice and volcanic glasses. However, tephra intercala-
new cold and dry episode, which is correlated with the tions occur in almost all the deposits, sometimes contain-
so-called Younger Dryas, is documented between 11.OOO ing fall-out products of the cordilleran volcanoes, such
and 10.000 yr B.P. as pumice, lapilli and rock fragments, with no evidence
of eolian reworking. Sauer (1965) first described these
While in the northern and central Andes the glaciers deposits and recognized several facies, in particular, an
retreated, those in the southern Andes, fed by Pacific eolian and a lacustrine facies. He correlated these sedi-
western winds, reached their maximum extension ments with interglacial phases and identified three peri-
(20.000-18.000 yr B.P.) when the global climate became ods of deposition including a postglacial period, which
colder (Clapperton, 1993a). However at different times, would correspond, according to Iriondo (1994), to an
during the later part of the last glacial cycle, it seems that extensive pyroclastic cover observed in the Amazonian
the snow-line lowered about 1.OOOm both in the tropical side. Sauer and Iriondo both suggested a humid grass-
and northern part of the southern Andes (Clapperton, land depositional environment for the Cangahua Forma-
1987; Porter, 1981). Since about 12,500-12,000 yr B.P. tion with temperatures slightly warmer than the present.
warmer temperatures and increased humidity gave rise to On the other hand, Clapperton & Vera (1986) and Clap-
conditions which favoured the development of the perton (1990) referred this formation to the last cold
Andean forest (Hansen et al., 1984; Heusser & Shackle- stage of the Pleistocene.
ton, 1994).
In the northern sector near Bolivar and S.Gabriel
According to Iriondo & Garcia (1993), between 18.000 (Carchi Province) (Figs. 1, 2), a composite sequence has
and 8.500 yrs BP the Argentine plains were characterized been described formed by various outcrops, correlated
by an arid and cool climate which shifted the isoclimatic using a number of reference tephra layers. The basal part
lines about 750 km northeast of their present location. lies conformably over fluvial sediments, many hundreds
Later on, between 8.500 and 3.500 yr B.P. a humid, sub- of meters thick, containing rare pyroclastites, debris
tropical and tropical climate was re-established and shifted flows, breccias, agglomerates and lava flows. These
the climatic limits about 800-900 km southwest of their deposits form an extensive plateau whose elevation var-
glacial age position. ies according to the activity of recent normal faults, from
Hypothesis on The Cause of Extinction of The South American Mastodonts 31

tion. A second unconformity, not associated with pale-

osoils, is present in a lower position. Minor unconformities
have also been observed inside the secondary valleys on
the flanks of the Boliche volcano, where stream sediments
are intercalated with eolian deposits.

At the top of the sequence, on the ridges (Fig.2, section

c), a black andosoil developed under Holocene climatic
conditions. The upper part of this paleosoil is marked by
increased conditions of profile aridity which led to the for-
mation of carbonate crusts a few decimeters thick. It seems
likely that this profile aridity has to be connected to the
strong deforestation which occurred in the area since Pre-
Colombian times. The profile is also locally truncated and
divided into two subunits by the presence of colluvial sedi-
ments which contain archaeological remains (Negative
Carchi Culture, 500-1500 AD). Contemporaneously, the
small valleys of the plateau were filled with colluviated
sediments at places containing stone artifacts suggesting
the presence of widespread preceramic occupation. Before
human intervention, a general downcutting of the Canga-
Fig. 1. Location map of the studied stratigraphic sections. 1) hua was under way.
Casario ‘IIquer, 2) Panamerican Highway, 3) Quebrada Cuesaca,
4) Rio Chiche, 5) Quebrada Chak. Mammal remains come from three fossiliferous layers
in the upper part of the Cangahua Formation. The lower-
most level is characterized by a high amount of masto-
2,800 to over 3,000 m a.s.1.. Breccias, agglomerates and donts (Haplomastodon chimborazi) and a slightly lesser
lava flows increase progressively toward the cordillieras abundance of mylodonts (Glossotherium). In the second
and interfinger with the products of the Boliche and level, which lies directly above, Glossotherium is well
Mangus volcanoes. The transition to the Cangahua For- represented, cervids (Matama rujina) are rare, while
mation is realized through the progressive reduction of mastodonts apparently disappeared. A rich micromam-
the elastic coarse sediments and the increase of pyroclas- ma1 assemblage, mostly represented by pastoral cri-
tic and eolian deposits. In the Casario Tuquer sequence cetids, such as Phyllotis and Akodon, was recovered from
(Fig.2, section a), lahars, mud flow, ash fall and eolian the upper level, where a Smilodon canine was also found.
sediments are present at different levels. These sedi- Few isolated equid cheek teeth were recovered in the
ments are in many cases weathered by pedogenesis and uppermost part of the outcropping sequence. The present
form paleosoils which constitute an important source of record is suggestive of a succession of extinction waves,
information on the past climatic environment. They are which first affected the mastodonts, then the mylodonts
represented by evolved and non evolved soil profiles. and, finally, the equids. On the contrary, cervids and
The former, which can be more than 2 m thick, are micromammals survived these extinction events without
leached, rubified and contain argillic horizons, and were apparent modifications, since the same species are
developed under a forest cover during long lasting Inter- present in Holocene deposits (Fejfar et al., 1993). On the
glacial conditions. The less evolved soils are represented
basis of geomorphological, sedimentological and pale-
by chernozems, vertisoils and brunizems which testify a
ontological evidence, the fossiliferous levels are confi-
forest-steppe or a praire environment. The occurrence of
dently referred to the latest Pleistocene.
a Ca horizon made of pseudomicium and/or of thin nod-
ules or crusts is common. The brunizems may include a Close to Quito, the Rio Chiche Sequence, already
thin argillic horizon frequently mixed with calcium car- described by Sauer (1965) and Clapperton & Vera (1986),
bonate (Bca). These paleosoils have been connected to represents the most complete sequence of Central Ecuador.
Interstadial conditions. Sometimes, a horizon made up of It was investigated in this study with respect to the pale-
calcium carbonate platy veins may occur at the base or at osoils present in it (Fig.3, section a). The transition from
the top of the profile revealing changes to open steppe or
underlying fluvial and laharic sediments is gradual, as in
even to desert environment (Gile et al., 1966).
the Car&i area. The Cangahua Formation contains many
The Cangahua sequence in the Carchi Province is com- pyroclastic layers and paleosoils formed under forest-
pleted by some sections along the Panamerican Highway steppe and steppe vegetation. A rubified horizon, which
(Fig.2, section b). A rubified argillic horizon, located at the could be connected to an interglacial paleosoil, is present in
top of the sequence and truncated by an unconformity, rep- the lower part of the formation. No unconformities have
resents the most developed paleosoils below the present been observed. However, like in the Carchi Province, they
day surface and could correspond to the last Interglacia- can be locally masked by paraconformities. Close to Rio





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Fig. 2. Stratigraphic sections of the Casario Tuquer (a), Panamerican Highway (b), and Quebrada Cuesaca (c) sequences and their correlations.
Legend: 1 andosoils; 2 colluvial soils; 3 tephra; 4 tephra, scoria falls; 5 chemozem; 6 chernozems containing “bolas de Canghaua”; 7 K-Horizon - Desert open steppe soil; 8 vertisoils; 9 fine lahars;
10 coarse lahars; 11 brunizem with Bt-Horizons (forest steppe soils); 12 fragipan horizon; 13 Ieaches reddish paleosoils (tropical forest); I4 sands; 15 sands and gravels; 16 boulders; 17 gravels and
conglomerates; 18 silts and sands; 19 Cretaceous marls; 20 weathered granite; 21 unconformity. Solid triangles indicate Carchi culture level.
Hypothesis on The Cause of Extinction of The South American Mastodonts 33

Fig. 3. Stratigraphic sections of the Rio Chiche (a) and Quebrada ChaMn (b) sequences. For the legend, see Fig.2

Chiche, at Tumbaco, fauna1 remains were observed in col- abundance of mylodonts (Glossotherium), while cervids
luvial deposits within the Cangahua, a few meters below a and equids are poorly represented.
black andosoil similar to the one observed in the Carchi
A preliminary study of the sedimentary sequence of
Quebrada Chal& (Fig.3, section b), in the area of Punin,
On a wide-scale view, the megafauna of the northern south of Riobamba (Chimborazo Province) celebrated for
part of the Ecuadorian Cordillera (Carchi, Imbabura and its fossil mammal content (Hoffstetter, 1952), has also
Pichincha Provinces) is characterized by a predominance been carried out by the writers. The 14 m thick sequence is
of mastodonts (Haplomasbdon chimborazi) and a large subdivided into two cycles by an unconformity. The fauna
34 G. FICCARELLI et al.

is preserved about 7 m from the top of the outcropping interpretation of the La Carolina sequence. Spillmann
sequence. Eolian deposits weathered by forest-steppe and (1942) quoted the occurrence of three successive fossilifer-
steppe soils characterize the upper part of the sequence. ous layers, the lowest characterized by large-sized mam-
Soils with a similar degree of evolution have not been mals, the upper ones by smaller-sized forms. On the other
observed in the upper part of the Carchi sequences. hand, Hoffstetter (1952) believed that all the specimens
came from a single geological horizon. Spillmann’s view is
The paleontological investigations revealed a remark-
consistent with the succession observed in the Carchi area.
able abundance of equids and cervids and a modest occur-
However further geological investigations and a deeper
rence of camelids. Extremely scanty element of mastodont
knowledge of the stratigraphic characters of the sequence
and mylodonts were found during these field surveys. In
are needed.
literature mastodont remains are reported from the Punin
area, including the type specimen (presently lost) of the In the light of the evidence from Carchi and Punin, the
Late Pleistocene mastodont, Haplomastodon chimborazi. writers believe that the successive disappearance of mas-
In any case, the occurrence of mastodonts in the Punin area todonts, mylodonts, and, finally, equids was widespread
seems very rare. Hoffstetter (1952) reported the recovery in the Interandean Cordillera of Ecuador. In the Cordill-
of a partial left femur of Cuvieronius tarijensis (= Cuviero- era no human remains or artefacts were found in associa-
nius hyodon) (Ficcarelli et al., 1995) during the excavation tion with mastodonts. This suggests that these
of a trench in the Quebrada Colorada. The trench cuts megafauna elements may have died out before the arrival
through the sequence and therefore the stratigraphical posi- of Man. Even the famous human skull from Punin was
tion of the find is unknown. Unfortunately, most of the his- found as an erratic and its stratigraphical position is
torical data from Ecuador are doubtful. The mastodont therefore unreliable.
femur from Punfn belongs to a juvenile individual; for this
Palynological analyses have been performed on sam-
reason a possible attribution to H. chimborazi should thus
ples collected in Carchi and Punin. Unfortunately, the
not be ruled out. The only true C. tarijensis material (two
results have been disappointing, at the moment.
adult fragmentary tusks) presently known from Ecuador
Although a high density of samples was taken and heavy
was donated by anonymous collectors to the Colegio
liquid enrichment techniques have been used because of
Benign0 Malo, at Cuenca, where it is still preserved today.
the peculiar nature of the sediments, all the samples
This material is reported from Bafios de Cuenca but with-
proved sterile.
out reliable stratigraphical information. Some of the
present authors, revising the mastodont material of Ecua-
dor (Ficcarelli et al., 1995), have already stressed the erro- DISTRIBUTION OF SOUTH AMERICAN
neous stratigraphical and systematical attributions reported MASTODONTS DURING THE LATEST
in literature, and the uncertain provenance of part of the PLEISTOCENE
fossil material known until now.
Outside Ecuador, the geographical distribution of mas-
On the basis of paleontological evidence, it is difficult todonts in other parts of South America seems to outline
to ascertain how the Carchi and Punin fauna1 successions two different fauna1 provinces: a northern one, extending
are correlated. The contrasting amounts of the faunas may along the tropical belt, from the Pacific to the Atlantic
reflect different environmental conditions existing in the coasts, and a southern one including Southern Brazil, Para-
two areas, the Punfn territory being more arid than Carchi, guay, Uruguay, the Argentine plains and part of Chile (Fig.
as it is today, and/or a somewhat difference in age. 4). The first is characterized by the occurrence of Haplo-
mastodon, the second by Stegomastodon. This distribution
From the stratigraphical and sedimentological point of
may reflect the different ecological preferences of the two
view, it is possible to conclude that: 1) the Cangahua is
genera. Elephants are our only living reference, although
mainly composed of volcanic deposits, largely reworked
they differ considerably from mastodonts, especially in the
by eolian and colluvial activity, laid down during the cold
dentition. Loxodonta and Elephas show broad habitat toler-
phases of the Pleistocene; 2) its deposition was interrupted
ance, since they live from near desert areas to savannas, to
by the evolution of paleosoils sometimes associated with
woodlands, to tropical forests (Haynes, 1991). Unfortu-
unconformities; 3) it contains leached and rubified hori-
nately, a major problem in comparing with extant species is
zons which represent interglacial soils testifying that the
that present ranges are controlled by the severe pressure of
deposition occurred during more than a single cold phase;
anthropic activity, and therefore some habits and some
4) it is thicker in the northern part of the country and tapers
relations with the environments are probably unnatural.
The dentition, skull and mandible structure and the
The most significant fossil assemblages from the coastal arrangement of the masticatory apparatus of South Ameri-
area are those from La Carolina (Santa Elena Peninsula, can mastodonts, as well as the fauna1 assemblages in which
Guayas Province), where, according to literature, masto- their remains are usually found, suggest that these animals
donts, megatherids, equids and cervids are well repre- may have been prevalently woodland to open woodland
sented. These finds are also referable to the latest dwellers; however it cannot be excluded that, like
Pleistocene. At present, inferences can be only drawn from elephants, their range of habitats may have been broader,
literature, in the absence of direct observations by the writ- including grassland savanna. In particular, functional mor-
ers. Spillmann (1942) and Hoffstetter (1952) contrast in the phological analyses of the dental structures suggest that
Hypothesis on The Cause of Extinction of The South American Mastodonts 35

L _ Savono 7

Arnozon Cane

Arid 8 Flarh
Floods a MIII Savono, Coatlngor
a Campor Cbrrodos A-
ICE UPS a . . A.

Aroucorla ford

Limit of S~a~natly/P~rrnniolly
PotaQonian Ice Cap Froxrn Ground

A Haplomastodon chimborazi
W Stegomastodon ex gr. piatensis-superbus

Fig. 4. Distribution of mastodonts in South America during the Last Glacial Maximum (modified from Clapperton, 1994).

Haplomastodon was primarily a woodland dweller and that forests, to the north, and by the hostile conditions of the
Stegomustodon probably preferred environments ranging southernmost parts of Patagonia and Chile.
from woodland to a more open grassland savanna with
trees and shrubs. The mastodonts of the tropical belt were As in Ecuador, mastodonts seem to have disappeared
probably confined by desert areas, like the ones now occtr- from Argentina before equids (Tonni, pers. comm.), since
ring in Peru and northern Chile, and pluvial forests. The their remains have never been found in latest Pleistocene
mastodonts farther south were likely blocked by pluvial deposits. This seems to reflect the progressive climatic
36 G. FICCARELLI et al.

deterioration, with increasing aridity, which developed In the Argentine plains, Stegomastodon is not reported
during the Last Glacial Maximum (Van der Hammen, from the youngest deposits of the Last Glacial Maximum
1983; Ledru, 1993; Heusser & Shackleton, 1994) and and anyhow, even in these areas, it became extinct before
which is the most probable cause of these successive waves the other megafauna representatives.
of extinctions. The occurrence of Stegomastodon in the
Paleontological evidence from Chile suggests the
Tagua-Tagua deposits of central Chile and at Monteverde,
occurrence of Stegomastodon until about 11.000 yr B.P.
in the northern part of southern Chile, dated to some
13.000-11.000 yr BP. (Nuiiez Atencio, 1994; Politis etaf., Some researchers believe that the anthropic impact of
1995), may attest to the fact that this particular area at the the so-called hunter-gatherers may have been the main or
end of the Pleistocene was more humid than today and may an additional cause of extinction of the megafauna in South
therefore have been characterized by a richer vegetation America and in general on a world-wide scale during the
cover. Also today, Patagonia and the westernmost part of latest Pleistocene and the onset of the Holocene. In the
northern Argentina are more arid than central-southern opinion of the present authors there is enough evidence to
Chile as a consequence of the fact that the prevailing air exclude Man as a possible cause of extinction of masto-
masses from the Pacific Ocean rise on the windward side of donts. In the Ecuadorian Andes, and in the Ecuadorian and
the Cordillera, precipitate their humidity and cause the for- northern Peruvian Coasts, mastodonts became extinct
mation of a dry rainshadow desert on the lee side of the before Man arrived. The same occurred in the Argentine
Cordillera, in Argentina. This might have been even more plains. Man apparently colonized the Argentine plains and
intense during the Last Glacial Maximum because of a central-southern Chile, the so-called “Southern Cone”,
northern shift of the Pacific anticyclone. about 13.000-11 .OOOyr B.P.(Politis et al., 1995). However,
in a few localities, mastodonts actually coexisted with Man
The reconstruction of the paleoenvironment of Brazil for a certain lapse of time before their complete disappear-
and of the Amazon Basin is even more complex, due to the ance. Haplomastodon is associated with Man in northeast-
transition from pluvial forests to steppes. Haplomastodon ern Brazil (Guerin et al., 1993; Guidon et al., 1994) and at
dwelt at higher altitudes suggesting that woodland condi- Taima-Taima, in the Coro Peninsula, Venezuela (Bryan et
tions existed in these areas; Stegomastodon lived more to al., 1978; Bryan, 1986); Stegomastodon occurs with Man
the south (Rio Grande do Sul), in lands where the vegeta- at Tagua-Tagua and at Monteverde, Chile (Montane, 1968;
tion was probably more open. The only well dated masto- Dillehay, 1986; Dillehay & Collins, 1988; Nufiez Atencio,
dont finds are those collected in Late Pleistocene deposits 1994). Correal Urrego (1981) reported an archaeological
at Barra do Antonilo and Toca de Garrincho in the Sao site at Tibito, Bogota Sabana in Columbia, where artifacts
Raimundo Nonato region, State of Piaui (NE Brazil), and are associated with mastodont remains (cfr. Marshall et al,,
referred to Haplomastodon (Guerin et al., 1993; Guidon et 1984). This last fauna1 assemblage is however unreliable
al., 1994). According to these authors, Haplomastodon dis- because of the occurrence of taxa which seem to be sugges-
appeared from these localities at the end of the Late Pleis- tive of different stratigraphical provenance.
tocene. The poor information prevents a reliable
The writers believe that the extinction of mastodonts in
reconstruction of the stratigraphical distribution of the two
South America is connected with significant climatic
genera and also any conclusive remarks relative to their
changes which caused intense and abrupt environmental
contemporaneity, to their possible ecological limits and to
modifications, too extreme for their adaptive capacity.
the timing of their extinction.
These marked climatic modifications, certainly triggered
by the Last Glacial Maximum cooling, deeply affected the
distribution and amount of precipitation. This in turn had
CONCLUSIONS important consequences on the distribution of foraging and
arid areas and, finally, on the survival of mastodonts, which
In the present state of knowledge, finding the causes and
disappeared in a mosaic way. Mastodonts were probably
precise time of extinction of South American mastodonts
forced to leave the regions characterized by a dry and cold
certainly is not an easy task. There is no doubt that Haplo-
climate and to concentrate in favorable restricted areas,
mastodon disappeared from the Northern Ecuadorian Cor-
where however the resulting selective pressure consider-
dillera in the course of the Last Glacial Maximum and that
ably increased. As these large-sized animals require wide
its extinction preceeded that of mylodonts and equids. This
foraging areas, most suffered the negative consequences of
seems to have occurred, in the same order, also in the Cen- this drastic environmental choking, which may have given
tral Cordillera (Punin, Chimborazo Province). In the light rise to delays in sexual maturity and decrease in fertility, as
of our present knowledge it is not possible to ascertain if has been observed in extant elephants confined within
the extinctions in the megafauna have been successive also restricted areas (Haynes, 1991). The imbalance between
in the coastal area (La Carolina, Santa Elena peninsula, feeding requirements and territory productivity may have
Guayas Province) of Ecuador. been as devasting. In these critical circumstances the
human impact may have hastened an anyway unavoidable
At the moment it is unknown if the megafauna distrib-
fa@ for these large-sized mammals.
uted throughout the tropical belt underwent differential
extinctions because of the progressive increase in aridity of In this scenario Haplomastodon probably disappeared
the Latest Pleistocene. from the highlands during the Last Glacial Maximum and
Hypothesis on The Cause of Extinction of The South American Mastodonts 37

probably survived slightly longer in some restricted areas Dillehay, T.D., 1986. The Cultural Relationships of Monte Verde: Late
of the Amazon Basin andfor the lowlands of Brazil. If the Pleistocene Settlement Site in the Sub-Antartic Forest of South-
Central Chile. In: New Evidence for the Pleistocene Peopling of the
age of the sequence is younger than that of Carchi, La Americus (edited by A. Bryan), Center for the study of Early Man.
Carolina could have been another possible refuge area. University of Maine, 3 19-337.
However a post-Pleistocene persistence of Huplunmtodun
Dillehay, T.D.& Collins, M., 1988. Early Cultural Evidence from Monte
in the above mentioned areas is only speculative as at
Verde in Chile. Nurure, 332, 150-152.
present no data justify such a conclusion. Stegomastodon
certainly disappeared from the Argentine plains before the Falgu&es, C., Fontugne, M., Chauchat, C.. Guadelli, J.L., 1994. Datations
radiom&riques de I’extinction des grandes faunes pl&stoc&nes au
end of the Last Glacial Maximum but survived in limited Wrou. Camptes Rendus de 1’Acudemie des Sciences, Puris, 319, (III),
areas of central Chile and perhaps in southern Brazil if it 26 l-266.
would be proved that the finds from Rio Grande do Sul are
Fejfar, 0.. Blasetti, A., Calderoni, G., Coltorti, M.. Ficcarelli, G., Masini,
more recent. E, Rook, L. & Terre, D., 1993. New fossil finds of Cricetids in North-
em Ecuador. Documents des Luborutaires de GPoiagie, Lyan, 125,
Acknowledgments- The authors express their deep gratitude to Dr. R. 151-167.
Pascual and E.P Tonni of the Departamento Cientifico de Paleontoiogia
des Vertebrados. Museo de La Plata, Argentina; Dr. A.Ramos, Museo Fejfar, 0.. Ficcarelli, G., Mezzabotta, C., Moreno Espinosa, M.. Rook, L.
Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” de Buenos & Terre, D., in press. First record of a Copemyne-Peromyscine form
Aires; Dr. D. Frassinetti C., Museo National de Historia Natural de San- in South America. Hypotheses on its ancestry in Palearctic. Actu Zoo-
lagica Cracoviensiu, 38.
tiago del Chile; Dr. S.A. Azevedo, Museo National de Rio de Janeiro, for
granting them access to the collections of their Institutions. Ficcarelli, G., Azzaroli, A., Borselli, V., Coltorti, M.. Dramis, F., Fejfar,
The work was financially supported by C.N.R. and M.U.R.S. grants. 0.. Hirtz, A. & Terre, D. 1992. Stratigraphical and Paleontological
aspects of Late Quatemary deposits in the Interandean Depression of
Coltorti M. dealt with Geomorphology and Stratigraphy Ficcarelli G, Northern Ecuador. Journal of South American Eurth Sciences, 6 (3).
Azzaroli A., Bertini A., Mazza P., Mezzabotta C., Moreno Espinosa M., 145-1.50.
Rook L. and Terre D. dealt with Paleontology and Stratigraphy.
Ficcarelli, G., Borselli, V., Moreno Espinosa. M. & Terre. D. 1993. New
Hapbmastudon finds from the Late Pleistocene of Northern Ecuador.

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