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Christian Kyle Baclay Sophia Lorraine Aradanas

Social Science Script

Age of Imperialism and Industrial Revolution



(Phone Call: Industrial Revolution)

: Hey you! How dare you take the credits? We worked together, helped each other, made

each other possible! This is not making sense. I helped more so I must take the credits!

: Funny huh! All you did was sit and stare, waiting for me to make a move you dependent

concept! How dare me? How dare you! How dare you accuse me for taking the credits! I

deserve it, so I must take it!

: No, you do not!

: Yes, I do!

: I deserve more!

: No. I do!

(End Phone Call)

[End Dreaming]

: Lorraine! Lorraine! Wake up.

: (yawn) So weird. I have this dream...(fast forward)

: So weird indeed! But didn’t you know that they both contributed to each other equally?

Just like math, they can be equated! Ergo, without Imperialism, Industrial Revolution is

nothing but a mere concept, and vice-versa. But is it really?


: As the Age of Imperialism intensified around 18th century to early 19 th century,

Industrialization gave birth and ushered its way towards global supremacy and domination.

And as a result, advancing nations continue to advance, while powerless countries

remained powerless.

: From fine-silked textiles to iron and steel. From de facto railroads to steamboats and

large steamships. From maxim guns to cables and telegraphs. And from the development

of banking industry to the emergence of ‘Laissez-Faire’ and ‘Capitalism’ . Industrial

revolution had dramatically refashioned the course of history that contributed not merely

to the economy, but also politically, modifying the mind-set of humanity, that steered us to

the world that we have for the time being.

: Yet, these are nothing more than an abstraction without Imperialism.


: There are various reasons that motivated Imperialism around the world:

: The belief of having the responsibility to educate the uncivilized and spoonfeed the

primitives or the justification of the White Man’s Burden, and its linkage to the unproposed

social theory of Charles Darwin, the ‘survival to the fittest’, where nations of greater

power, wealth and success, will most likely to last long, had bear to the concept of Racism.
Therefore, non-europeans, especially Africans were considered to be of a lower scale of

societal development, to the fact that they were not able to undergo scientific and

technological advancement that Europeans had.

: An empire to be known, is an empire to be succesful. And an empire to be succesful

simply means higher chances of making that empire last long. A decade or a century,

probably. The expansion of European Nations was also motivated by political needs that

associated empire building with national greatness and pride. And to have the best and

biggest empire was like an utopia to these nations.

: Just like the game, tug of war, European nations were also in constant competition in

reaching the summit of economic success. Pulling the rope as hard as one could, driven by

Industrial Revolution, European nations: were determined to look for resources in

sustaining their production, invested capitals in assurance of economic progress, and

competed new markets for goods. Hence, Industrial Revolution stirred ambitions of

European nations by looking at vulnerable countries as a ladder to prosperity, which

helped intensifying Imperialism.

: The equation Industrial Revolution is equal(=) to Imperialism can be explained in to two

main ways:

: (Number one) It made Imperialism more necessary in a way that it prompted a situation;

the need to build large empires from which to extract raw materials and build markets in

which to sell goods produced from factories, thus intensifying Imperialism.

: (Number two) It made Imperialism more possible. Due to large number of technological

and socioeconomic improvement, innovations and ideas aroused, such as machines and

factories, weapons, steamships, and notably, the application of science to industry. As a

result, Imperialists find it easier to conquer every corner of the world, thus intensifying


: On the eve of European domination, most people resided in rural communities with their

daily lives revolving around farming and handicrafting, following cultural traditions and

beliefs. On the advent of Industrialization, factory system replaced agrarian economy to

one dominated by industry and machineries, and due to Imperialism, significant changes

began to impact the world.

: War here. War there. Almost anywhere of Africa was in cyclical war. European

domination didn’t just reduced local warfare but also established uniformity throughout the

empire, uniting hundreds of ethnic and linguistic groups within the empire, notwithstanding

the division of the African continent which promoted the breaking down of traditional

cultures. Famine was also an issue and African lost control of their land and independence.

: Imperialized nations were at “retrogradation” and disadvantage when it comes to

economic prosperity, whilst Europe gained economic power and success, resulting to global

inequality. Nonetheless, productivity soared, technology improved, medical knowledge

broaden, due to Industrial Revolution, fostering Imperialism.


: Imperialism equals to Industrialization would be the perfect equation to describe it as a

whole. Driven by national greatness and economic needs, European nations were the ones

who were greatly advantageous, leaving weaker nations out of the race. However, as time

passes by, consequences emerged that affected not just Europe, but the whole world, and

lead to increased competition and rivalries among nations. By 1914, World peace was

disrupted, paving the way of The 1st World War.

(End Teaser)



(Phone Call: Age of Imperialism)

: Hey besh! Hmmm... about the credits.... I guess we are equal now, right?

: Of course, we are. We always are. I’m sorry, my bad.

: Our bad.....

[Phone Alarm: Nom Nom Nom]

[End Dreaming]

[Continue To Sleep]

Sources: Editors (2009, Oct 9). Industrial Revolution. Retrieved from:

POHNPEI397. How Was Imperialism Linked To Industrial Revolution. Retrieved from:


Modern World History Unit 3: Industrial Revolution and Imperialism. Retrieved from:


Roger B.B. & McDougal Holt (2012). The Age of Imperialism. Scramble for Africa &

Imperialism (pp. 773-785). Orlando, FL. : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pub. Co., ©2012.

The Age of Imperialism (1870-1914). Retrieved from:


Mvastola (2014, Jan 21). Imperialism 1850-1914. Retrieved from:

Mencar C. (2016, Feb 13). The Age of Imperialism. Retrieved from:

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