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Second Year (B'C.Sc/B.C.Tech.)
First Semester Examination
Answer All Time sllowed: 3 hours

Question I
(A) Read the pilrilgt{rph a, b and c, and answer thefollowing questions.

a. Time is one of the fundamental quantities of the physical world, being similar to
lengh and mass in this respect. Three methods of measuring time are in use at
prelent. The first two methods are based on the daily rotation of the earth on its axis.
These methods are determined by the apparent motion of the sun in the sky
time) and by the apparent rnotion of the-stats in the sky (sidereal time). The third
rnethod of m" time is based on the revolution of the earth around the
(ephemeris time).
b. Observational equipment has in the past few years been pushed to the limit
to identify
for astronomers and one
planets orbiting nearby stars. It has become a popular area
that has attracted some of the most wildly ambitious space projects. One of these is
; than the
Darwin, a massive super-telescope for if,t Zltt century, 40 times larger
Hubble Space Telescope. Darwinis objective is to concentrate on Earth-sired
and less than 50 light years
orbiting 3b0 sun-like stars, many visibte to tlxe naked eve
away'. next door in astronomical terms'
times more likely
c. Our sense of humour is huly perplexing' Surveys show we are ten
to be seen sharing u ,o.iri oi luug[t*t than any other form of s6ong emotion'
started to turn their
Humour saturates our lives, yet only reoently have brain scientists
insight that lies
scanilers and electrodes to the task of examining the flash of amused
what you might
at the heart of understanding a joke. And the nnAmgs are not at all
1. What are the topic and main ideaof paragraph a?
2. Write only one summary sentence of paragraph b'
3. Write only one summary seiltence of paragraph c'

{B} Reod thefoltowing Pnssng€.

who put
When it comes to getting on the map, the people of Afton, Wyoming know^exactly
Olympic god'
them there. [It was] RulJn Gardner, ttt* .*utt-to*n wrestler who toppled an
to Afton," says one ]ocal'
[This is] "The biggest thing to ever happen
on the.sfieets of New York and by the likes
inuton irt u Wyoring tarm boy now recognized return
of Letteman and Leni. [He is] Aflon" ,ery own Hercules now ready for a triumphant
to a town whose biggestilaim to date is the world's largest antler arch.
Just about *u*ry .ffi and storefront bears the signs ofi hero's welcome.
At Noodle's Diner
the celebration is the big buzz'
o'People here are so excited to see him; and it is so neat at to have him home' People
watched everything," saYs a diner.
Many here in this to*n or Rteen hundred feel they truly share iu Gardner's victory'
..It's just like one big family here just waiting for him to come home".
of his fainily to
After all, it was the town th; heldd raisi enough m-oney to send 16 members
says, "I',ll share
the otympics. Gardner says he's ready to share his gold with Afton' Gardner
it with everyone. Hopefully everyone will want to attain their goals"'

Page I of4
Wyorning's first-ever-gold medal winner'
Thousands are expected to turn to cheer Gardner,
from fris family's farm and thetr run
He will lead his o*n-pu*C" into t.wn, riding a tracttr
through the streets with the American flag'

Homecoming DaY 10/12i00

Wyoming style' For Rulon Gardner the

Like a god of Oiympus he rode to town on a chariot
trom the Russian champion it was a supef-
farm boy from Afton who wrestled the gold medal
hero,s welcrlms, or*'iir"t ;-"t,, Wyoming's first-ever oiyrnpic gold medal
Gardner stands for things uncommon
With his clean cut looks and attitude, many here say
among athletes these days.'oAmerica ir riu*ing
forihis.guyl!!" "He's just a real person; he
got a
the whole farnily worked hard' They
milked cows growing up. The family *ott o t o:td;
college eclucation, uria itni* he's just a product of
America'," said one Afton resident'
attd his entire family to Sydney'
The townspeople t er* raised *nn.y to ir*fp sencl Cardner
something not forgotten hy the Olympian'
Gardner says he plans on
get there,,. to compete in Greco-Roman wrestling' His
iather alreadl' has predictions of the next medal'
he can make sorne invaluable contributions
Even if he never wins another match, f,* .iiif f**f* and be a role
to the sport. Rulon says,
makes it *ot. gratifying that I can be out there
see me and say I want to be
just like that:
model for these kids. so hopefully they'll be ible to
I want to Push mYself'"
town of Afton more than just 15 minutes
Tolvnspeople here say Gardner has brought the tiny just
of tame. One local summed it up,
[t""gf,, tn! whole tcwn together' and everybody
toves to have him home". Any they w6nt out of
their way to show it'

l, Complete the following se nlences'

i. the sport of hand to hand combat betr,veen two peoPle is called
A.Boxing C. wrestling
B.Football D" soccer
11. When a hero comes home, his return is ----'----'
A. Quite
C. downcast
B. Triumphant D. slow
iii. A tractor might be called a farrner's
A. Chariot C' wagon
B. Card f)'
would be called
iv' A person who dresses neatly, has short hair, and no beard
A. a hiPPY C" an athlete
B. a slob D" clean eut
v. Because of his win, Rulon hopes to be ----'--- for kids'
A. a chariot C' a role model
Ei. a student D' a famer Bottom of'Form
2. Choose the atrrect ttnswef. Just write down the number and the correct
i. fft* match rvas between Rulon and
a Russian wrestler'
A'"fru*pionship C' an American champion'
B. an Clympic god. D' a Greek wrestler'
ii. Rulon grew uP
A, in New York CitY. C. in Russia.
B. in a large American citv' n. i, small farming town in the US'
Paue 2 of 4
iii,Rulon and Hercules would both he sonsidered
A. weak and cowardly C" strong and courageous
B. mean and dangerous D. lucky and nonathletic
iv.Rulon's family farm was
A. a tree fanm. C. a vegetable farm.
B. a sheep farm, D. a farm with cows and other animals.

Question II
Complete thefallowing pflssage with the words below,
cramped big monumental huge the
dual run not door
When, in 1938,the Smithsonian National Museum,of Natural History, in Washington, DC,
decided it had ...(l)... out of space, it began transferring part of its collection frorn
the .".(2)... attic and basement rooms where the specimens had been languishing to
an out-of-town warehouse. Restoring those specir,nens to pristine conditions was a ...(3)...
task. One member of staff , for example, spent six months doing nothing but gluing the
legs back on to mane files. But 30 million items and seven yeers later, ...(a)... job
was done. At least for the moment, for the Smithsonian owns 130 million plants, animals,
rocks and fr:ssils and that number is gXowing atl-3o/a a year. On an intemational scaie,
however, such numbers are ...(5).., exceptional. The Natural History Museum in London
has 80 rnillion specimens. And, in a slightly different scientific context, the Science Museum
next ...(6)... to it has 300,000 objects recording the history of science and technology.
Deciding what to do with these ...{7)... accumulations of things is becoming ...(8)...
pressing problem. They cannot be thrown a;way, but only a tiny fraotion can be put on
display, The huge, invisible collections behind the scenes at science and natural history
museums are the result of the ...(9).". functions of these institutions. On the one hand, they
are places for the public to go and look at things. On the other, they are places of research -
and researchers are not interested rnerely in the ...(10)..., showy things that curators like to
revealto the public.

Question III
Match the foltowing wordsfrom Colurnn {A) with their ssme meanings from Column (B),
Column (A) Column (B)
l. Prototype (a) cutting down all the trees in particular area.
2. Zero-emission cars (b) really or actually
3. Reagtor (c) to go out of sight
4. Astronomically (d) the first model of a new type or design
5. Vanish (e) huge rnasses of ice made from snow that move
6. Reunite (f) cars discharging no substances into the air
7. Miracle (g) to come together
8, I.iterally (h) a device used for the release ofenergy
9. Glaciers (i) something wonderful which can't be explained
10. Clear-cutting fi) enormously large or great

Page 3 of4
Question IY
Write ufull desuiption of the given chart on student enrolments in selected sabjects,

iversily enrolments in Thousands

degree coursss for 20 4U 60 8S

selected subiects 3002 Biotogirat

and % change from 2001 screncos
. ComFuter
I Parttin:e seiences

Hffi$ h'ultrime t'n'iEitlfl

Businsrs &
Admin studies



Question V
Write fin essily 0t the givefi topic.

"Wonders of Technology"

Department of Advanced science and Technology
UniversitY of ComPuter Studies
B.C"Sc. & B.C.Tech. ( Second Year )
Mid-Term Examination
Data Structure II ( CST-201 )
Muy, 2011
Time allowed: 3 hours.
Answer Alt questions'

1.(ai Define (i) Full Binary Tree (ii) Level of a tree (iii) Ancestors of a node

(b) write a code segment for inordet,tfirver$hl of a binary tree.

(c) consider the following tree; draw the internal memory representation
of the binary tree
using (i) s equential (Array) representation (ii) link representation.

(d) write out the preorder, inorder and level order traversals for the above binary tree'
( 20 marks )

2. (a) Define (i) Biconnected component (ii) spanning Tree (iii) cycle
(b) Is the directed graph of the following frgwl strongly connected?
Obtain adjacency'
matrix, adjacericy-list ar.d adjacency-multilist representations of the

graph by using
(c) construct the minimum cost spanning tree of the_following undirected
kruskal,s algorittrm. What is ihe *uii*r*
number of stages for each minimum cost
spanning tree.
under the assumPtion that
(d) write a complete C++ firnction for breadth-first search
( 20 marks )
graphs are represented using adjacency list'

3. (a) Write a code segment for Heap Sort'

984, 55, 9, 271,33) is to be

(b) write on the status of the list F=(1?9, 208, 306, 93, 859,
( 20 marks )
sorted using radix sort.
4. (a) write the search algorithm for hash table with chaining.
that there are
(b) suppose the table has 26 buckets, with two slots per bucket. Assume
n=10 distinct identifiers and thai each identifier Legins with 1 l*I*t.
The loading
will hash all identifiers x into the hash table. The identifiers GA, D, A' G' L'
25' 8' and 4
43, A4, Z, Zi, E will be hashed into bucke!.s 6, 3, 0, 6' 11' 0' 0', 0' 0'
respectively. Show how above these identifiers will appear in
the table and what
problem would occur? How many ways there to handle this problem and describe

two stock
(c) Define hash function. Calculate Z-digit hash addresses for the following
codes: 7920 and3459
Using (i) Mid-square rnethod
(ii) Division method; M=97
(iii) Shift folding and
( 20 marks )
(iv) Folding at boundaries.

5. (a) Defrne deep and the class definition of deep'

(b) Write the function Deap::Insert, to insert the element in a deap'

(c) To delete the element with key 9 from the following 12 elements.min'max
Explain how does the algorithm work and showthe resulting min-max
%; marks )
Department of Advanced Science and Technology
University of Computer Studies
B.C. Sc./B.C.Tech. (Second Year)
Mid Term f,xamination
Mathematics of Computing II (CST-202)

Answeral,I, ouestioru. { I
Jime Allowed: 3 hours.
1. (a) Verify( p
(p'n q)v (p * q')= pv qby using any of the identifies of theorems.
(b) Find a simplified version ofthe Boolean expression: p A (q' v r) v (p' n q v r').
(c) Design a circuit for a half-adder, that is a binary device that accepts two binary digits as
inputs and outputs their 2- digit sum.
(d) Find a logic circuit usingNAND's and NOT's logic gates far pqr v pq'r'v pEr'.
2. (a) Find the area of the region enclosed by the lines --? < x < .l and the curves y = )cz - 4,
\r andy = -xZ - Zx.
(b) Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by the linesy:0
x:2 and the curve T = xz aboutx-sxjs.
3. {a) Findthe length of the curve y = (;)r,,
fiom x = 0 to x:2,
(b) Find the inverse of the curve /(x) = xz 4x 5 and show the graphs of
- - f and f-l
together.Findalsothevalue of df*t/dx atthepoint.r = 0 =/(S).
(c) Show that lim*-,* xi = 1. by using L,Hopital rule.
(d) Does /r x grows "faster" or o'slower" or ooat the sarne rate as .r" as .r-+co .'oln x = o(x)" ot,
,rlnx : O(x)"? Why?
4, (a) Find ttre value af "cot (sec-L(-Z/d3) + csc*1(-Z)),,.
(b) Find the derivative of y with respect to the appropriate variables.
x lP+l
tl) y = g+rp
(ii) y = (sinl)fi
\ (c) solve the initial value probl* :
ffi = sec}t,, y(0) = 0, and y'{0) = l.
5. Evaluate the following integrals.
.i zxz-7x
(a) Jo

{b} sin20 da
(c) J scsc(tt +t) csc(n * f) cot (rc + t) dt
$) J#.nd*
Departrnent of Advanced Science and Technology
University of Computer Studies
B.C.Sc./ B.C.Tech.
Mid-Tenm Examination
CST-203 (Digital System Design I)
Answer AII Questions Time Allowed:3 hours
1.(a) Determine the total tirne require to serially transfer the eight bits contained in waveform A
of Figure 1(a). and indicate the sequence of bits. The left-most bit is the first to be transferred.
The 100 KHz clock is used as reference. What is the total time to transfer the same eight bit in

Figure t (a)

1.(b) Convert each number to binary.

{a) 75269 (b) CFBEI16 (c) 58.62510

Convert each binary number to number.

(d) l r01101.10112 )ro

(e) 11i 1110001011010012 ( )rr
(0 1001i0011010: ----> ( )s

2.(a) The input waveforms applied to a 3-input AND gate arc as indicated in figure 2. Show the
output waveform in proper relation to the input with a timing diagram.


Ittlt Figure 2

Z.ft) Apply DeMorgan's theorErn to each expression:

(i) x:(A+B)+CD
(i i) X=AB+ABC+A(B+AB)
3.(a) Convert the following expression to standard pOS form.
(i) {x + rl{c + a} fiifirt * c) [ds + .4rJ
3.(b) Uselhe KarnatgLmap to
ryinrrrrlze (simplify) the following SOP expressions:
( i) x :EfE +}rFD+ d#ffr +f
Fc fi + r4Fc o +EFrfr"+*srE"+*BtrE +,rE'cE
{iij .fl : rI g r+ rrgC+ Em r +A E T+e,r r
.1.(a) Develop a lruth table for each of"the expre ssion:
(i) X =X+I'i+WZ+X7Z
(iilr = {A+E)(A+s+C)(B+ C+ UtZ+ B +e + D)

4"(b) Draw the timing diagram for the circuit in Figure 3 showing the outputs of Gr, G2 and G3
with the input waveform, A, and B, as indicated.

5. (a) For the circuit in Figure 5, draw the waveforms at each point Yl, Y2, Yg, Y+ and X. The
input (A, B, C, D, E, F) are given below.



Figure 5

5' (b) Use 74HC85 comparators to compare the magnitudes

of two 16 bit numbers, Show the
comparators with proper interconnections.

Inputs output
Department of Advanced Seience and Technology
Jniversity of Computer Studies
B"C,Sc.lB.C.Tech. (Second Year)
Mid Term Examination
Paper CST-204 (DBMS)

4I quFstions. . .

AU$-ver _._ ._.

_ _ Jimt Allowed : 3 hours
I. Define the any F'ive of the following. (l5-marks)
(il Optimization
(iil Trhe catalog
(iii) The relational model
(iv) Database Management System
(v) Data Independence
(vi) Properties of relation
*. (a) List the benefits of the database approach and explain three of them. (10-marks)
(b) Describe major fi:nctions performed by DBMS. (1O-marks)

III. (a) Discuss the external level of the database system architecture in detail. (8-marks)
(b) Give some example of database utilities (?-marks)

IV. (a) Write the data definitions language for the following: (25-marks)
Create the STUDENT table and TEACIIER table which contain the following fields and
choose the suitable key.
STUDENT (Student#, Sname, Year, Address)
TEACHER (Teache#, Tname, Dept#, Salary)
(b) Write a program with embedded SQL statements to list all teachers rurme whose get rnaximum

(c) By using the above IV(a) created table and the following tables
DEPT (Dept#, Dname, Majo#)
\_ MAJOR (fuIajo#, Major-Desc, Student#,)
Write the SQL statements to perform the following operations.
(i) Add a new student number '5-100', name 'Mg Mg', 'second Year' and address is
(ii) Change all teachers' salaries increase 20,000 for each depar-hnent.
(iii) Get a1l teachers rurmes whose name contains seconcl last is ttle 'n'
(iv) Get student names whose take major description oPhysics'
(v) For each department, get all teachers information whose teach second year students.

V. (a) Explain the insert, delete and update anomalies found in normalization (INF,zNF, 3NF).
ft) ) Normalize the following table into the third normal form" Explain each step in detailed.
SPC(S#, STATUS, CITY, P#, QTY) (l5-marks)
Department of Advanced Science and Technology
University of Computer Studies
B.C.Sc.IB,C.Tech. Second Year, Mid Term Examination
CST-205 Computer Application Technique II
M*y, 201,1
,tnswer all questions _Time Allqwed: 3 hours
1" Cr.ut.
The first page
Create a function named welcome_site$ that pops up an aleri says : ooWelcome to fuIy Site".
(i) And then execute this function at every 15 seconds.
(ii) Create a function narned new_window that open a new window with site,htmi. Give it dimension
of 300 x 400 pixels, and give it an initial position on the screen of (50,50). Also give it a status bar
and scroll bar. Give it name "new_win".
(iii) Create a button that calls the new_window $ function when clicked to open a new window. Labsl
it "Open New Window".
-The second page(site.html)
(i) Write the following text in the Javascript block with heading 1 style. 'This is my web page'.
(ii) Create a text link in the Javascript that links to the URL: http#www, Make the text
for the link read, "Web Site Link".
(iii) Create a javascript statement that displays the following text with bold and italic. 'oThis text can be
affected by bold."
(iv) When the page finishes loading, "I'm done loading now" to display the viewer.
(v) Create a text link that does not link to actual page, however, when a viewer clicks this linh, send the
viewer an alert "I'rn empty link."
(vi) Create a form that can be submitted with a submit button. When the viewer submit the form,
'oThank You" alert to the viewer.
(vii) Add the select box that has two options 'Male' and 'Female'. Set oMale' as default option. If the
user changes the default option by choosing a rew one, you send an alert'fue you Female?'
(viii)Create a button that will ohange the value of the status properties of window with 'My new Status'.
(ix) Create a button that will link the '' , when the viewer clicks it .Use a value
'Go Searching'. (15 Marks)

2. Create an HTML page with following contents:

(i) Create an object named Trip that has two properties named car_type, and distance_miles and a method
named the_cost"
(ii) Create a function named get-cost$ that will calculate the cost of Trip, The basic cost of a trip is 1000
and should be assigned to a variable named thecost. If the car type is osaloon', add 1000 to the thecost. If the
oar type is 'Van', add 800 to the thecost" If the car type is 'Minibus', add 500 to the thecost. Otherwise, add
300 to the thecost. fuid then add (distance miles * 300) to the thecost. End the function with a refurn
statement that returns the value of the variable thecost. Use this function as a method of Trip object.
(iii) Create two variablesl the*carJype, and theJistance_miles and assigns the values by the viewer ui,ith a
(iv) Create an instance of the car object named it 'viewer_offered_trip'. Send the two variables
(the_car_type, and the distance_miles) as the parameters,
(v) Write the features and cost for the viewer offered trip to the browser smeen.

The information on the trip you

(lqv. Trrnp .
(15 marks)
3(a). Create an html page with following:
(i) Create a function n1m1d change-color-back( that will change the background
) color of document with
its parameter vaiue. Before updating the background color, confirm tlie viewer agrees, change the
background color.
(ii) S.t the default status of winclow with 'My old status!', original font color with darkblue.
(iii) Create three buttons to change the background color with 'Red', 'Green', or 'Blue, when viewer clicked
on them. Label them color's names. These button call the change_coiorJack( function.
(iv) Create a button that changes ihe text in status bar of browsirG 'This is n# status.' when clicked by the
viewer. Use a value ='oChange Status',.
(v) Create a text link that changes the window location when the viewer moves the mouse over it but before
the viewer clicks it. Make the text for the link read, ooNo need to clicks this links.,, (10 marks)
(b). Create an HTML page with following:
(i) Create a function name show3age( ). Be sure it assigns the values of the text boxes on the form to
variables narned thephone, and thacornpany. Then confirm the viewer to open the new document
in the browser window. If the viewer agrees to open new document, displays a page with viewer,s name,
.phone no. and company as look tike this:
Narne: [thename]
Phone No: [thephone]
Company : fthe company]
(ii)Create a form named myform. a text box that asks the name of viewer. Set
blw it up so that when a
occurs, an aleft to the viewer..Thanks, if that is your
lvent real namel,,
(iii) create anotlier text box that asks the phonl no. set it up
,o that when the viewer gives the text box
focus, "Format is xxx-xxxx" &lert pops up,
(iv) create another text box that asks th. .o*puny
of viewer.
(v) create a button that calls the functio, nu*id
paget'' showiage( /) when is clicked. Label it o,show New
it rD
yyuvrt rl
(10 marks)
4(a)' Draw up the balance sheet to record the
following items using the standard Layou;
capital 110,000
Premises 99,000
Debtors fi,40}
Motor vehicle 35,200
Bank tJ2A
Furniture 16,550
Cash 900
Drawing 16,300
Creditors fi,675
Stock I2,}SS
Profit 22,300
Bank overdraft 650
Bank 10an 49,000
( 5 marks)
(b)' show how the following would
be recorded in the double- entry accounts
Dec 1: owner invested $ 7500in a bank and extract a trial balance.
account, motor vehicle $ 3500, and
Dec 2: Business sold g 2000 worth cash in hand $ 1200.
of goods on credit to ABC C. and another
$ I000 worth of goods by cash
Dec 3: Business purchased $ 1500,*,orth
of goods on sredit from Gold Star Ltd.
Dec 6: ABc co. returned $ 200 worlh
of stock because the quality is iousy.
Dec 8: Paid $ 1450 to Gold Star Ltd. by cheque, the remaining balance is the discount received from Gold
Star Ltd.
Dec 9: ABC Co. paid $ 1700 by cash, the remaining halance is written off as bad debt.
Dec 12: Business borrowed from the bank of $ 4000 and hold in hand.
Dec 14: Owner withdraws $ 200 cash for his own personal used.
Dec 15: Paid for wages $ 300, electricity $ 200, rent of $ 1000 by cash.
Dec 16: Paid interest 5% on bank loan by cash. (20 marks)

5(a). The following Trial balance has been drawn up by an inexperienced Account clerk, redraft the Trial
balance to show the correct entries.
Dr Cr
Capital 24927
Drawing 8465
Cash 199
Bank 2197
Creditors 4380
:-' Debtors 6340
General expenses 21 8s0
Wages 1 5300
Return to supplier 531
Discount received 1 150
Retum from customer 761
Discount allowed t324
Purchase 48760
Sale 101890
Machinery 36424
Accumulated depreciation 14568
Opening stock 5830
1061 14 1 88778 (5 marks)

XYZ Co.has the following Trial balance at 3lll2l06.Prepare the Trading, Profit & loss aocount for the
year ended and balance sheet at that date.
Dr Cr
Bank 1,000
Rent 274
Debtors & Creditors 2,580 1,870
Wages and Salaries 224
trnsurance 23t
Discount received 510
Fixture & fitting cost 23,000
Motor vehicle cost 48,000
Sales & Purchases 2,000 19,870
Capital 51,456
Opening stock s00
Retum-out 100
Cariage inwards 235
Caniage outwards
Bank loan
Motor l'ehicle expensos
Commision received
Drawing 275
Light & heat 348

Accumulated dePreciation :
Fixture & fitting
Motor vehicle
Provision for bad debts
82,213 82,273

(a) Rent owing $ 455
(b) Light & heat paid in advance $ 210
(c) Provision for bad debt are to be increased to 5% ofdebtors.
(d) Depreciation is to be calculated at l0 % of cost for fixture & fitting
and 10 % NBV for motor vehicle -
(20 marks)
(e) Closing stock $ 900.
Departmcnt of Advanced Science and Technology
University of Computer Studies
B.C.Sc. (Second year)
Mid Term Examinatiorn
Paper CS-206 (software Engiineering)

I. Answer auy threg of the following.

(15 marks)
(i) Discuss two moders for software creveropment,
(ii) List the different types of system model which might
berproduced during the analysis process.
(iii)what are the purposes of cleveloping software system moders?
(iv)What are Enduring and Volatile requirement?

II'(a) The procurement process is closely related to the system engineering

process. Discuss the
system procuement process. (10 marks)
(b) What are the principle stages of the 'waterfall'
model map onto fundamental development
activities? (10 marks)

IIr'(a) Briefly describe the different rypes of non-functional requirement in

software system
requirement. (10 marks)
(b) Briefly explain about the context model, (lOmarks)

IV'(a) W'hat is the software protoffie? Briefly explain one of rhe prototypes
for the software
system development. (10 marks)
(b) Briefly describe the advantages and clisadvantages of a
shared repository in repository
model. (10 marks)
Discuss the requirement engineering process in detail.

v'(a) System requirements are more detail descriptions of the

user requirements. Briefly explain it.
(10 marks)
(b)Briefly explain how VORD works for requirements
elieitation and analysis.
(15 marks)

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