Better - Homes.and - Gardens.australia Christmas.2018

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So-cute pots




hristmas Day may come just 1. THE JOY OF GIVING

once a year, but the festive Gifts can be hard to choose, but you can't go

C celebrations last far longer! It's wrong with Ferrero Rocher, as it's a gift they'll

a time for entertaining, for sharing and love unwrapping again and again! As single

for 91v1ng, so make every one of these bites or in beautifully presented gift boxes, it

moments a golden one with Ferrero will delight family and friends when you bring

Rocher. From festive decorating to some along to share or pop under the tree.

personalised gifts, it's the trusted name Either way, you know they'll have the joy of

that makes any occasion a special one. unwrapping the magic this Christmas


Set a beautiful table for your guests

to feast their eyes on. Whether it's a

casual gathering or a tradmcnal family

meal, dusters of festive Ferrero Rocher

and candles create a sumptuous

golden glow. The pretty little balls with

delicious layers of chocolate, hazelnut

and wafer with a crunchy roasted

hazelnut make gorgeous (and dehcrous)



Tnm the tree with gorgeous Ferrero

Rocher Stars containing three Ferrero

Rocher. They may not be spotted at

first, but when they are, expect the

squeals of delight to follow! They

also make terrific stocking stuffers.


This year, make your table centrepiece

extra tempting with a Ferrero Rocher

cone, cube or bell. Each one contains

multiple individual Ferrero Rocher so

there are plenty to share! Or place a

single Grand Ferrero Rocher at every

place setting for an extra surprise. With

its delicious shell of milk chocolate and

hazelnut pieces and Ferrero Rocher

inside, rt is a truly unique experience.

16 Welcome to Christmas

Decorate your way into the

festive season using your

bonus BHG wrapping paper

68 Your seMON1I style Inspiring

ideas to make your home

sparkle this Christmas

90 Make It magkl Whip up

a memorable Christmas

with dazzling decorations

for indoors and out

122 Celebrate good times (come

on!) Put on a jolly picnic

with all the trimmings

170 Chrissy fun for arty kids

Round up the little ones and

let them put their stamp on

Christmas with bespoke cards

174 Easy ways to get crafty

Bring a bit of the Northern

Hemisphere Down Under

with these festive makes

200 Well, hello dolly Create

one of three sew-easy rag

dolls - they're super cute!

98 Arching up Enhance your

outdoor view with an

eye-catching arbour

ON THE COVER 104 It's time for your crafty

16 How to be a wrap star garden Colourful ideas and

with your bonus paper fun projects to transform

30 Christmas joy\ 3 merry your outdoor area

menus Classic, vegie, seafood 118 Fe.tlve pots Personalise

plus divine desserts your present giving this year

90 Spotlight on decorating with home-made garden gifts

Chrissy bling, indoors 'n' out 124 Tree's a crowd! To avoid

112 Hip hack hooray! DIY squabbles, keep your trees

projects to celebrate and vines well separated

the season 126 Garden diary

118 So-cute pots

104 Recycled trea5ures DIY & BUILDING

98 Dreamy arbours. 112 Off the fence Need a project

AND 100+ ideas Wraps, gifts, this summer? Turn old palings

cards and decos you'll adore into a rustic outdoor table


158 Gift5 for her Pressies

to pamper the ladies

160 Gifts for him Grooming

gadgets and products

162 Better heatth

164 Your cool, calm & collected

Christmas How to breeze

through the silly season

with your sanity intact

167 Mind your P's & Q's Manners

really do matter and can get

you out of tricky situations

180 Head to Daydream lsklnd

Visit the Whitsundays

and check out Daydream

Island Resort

30 Christmas goes classic 182 Hit the road for Australia

Celebrate the season m Travel to drought-stricken

style by servmq up a tasty areas and help those in need

twist on traditional fare 184 Loving the outback Support

40 Christmas goes vego Make our country folk by taking a

your fesnve feast meat-free road tnp to one of these areas

and delicious, plus make 186 Oh, Oberon! Explore the

vegan Christmas pud! delights of this quaint town

52 Christmas goes troppo

Wow guests wuh a menu REGULAR FEATURES

of sensational seafood and 14 Editor's letter

show-stopping fruity desserts 204 Better shopping

64 Better wine Team these lovely 206 How to subscribe

drops with your festive feast 208 BHG Shop: Pressies

130 Fast Ed's kitchen Serve up 216 Stockists

these tasty recipes to sail 218 Better pets

through the party season

140 Cooking with Karen You'll be

sweet on these treats, plus a

savoury delight for foodies

146 Celebrate Shanghai style Hit

the sauce - soy and oyster - to

create delicious Asian bites

152 Steamed to perfection\ It's

never been easier to roast and receive

turkey like a professional 6 months free!

154 Pete's kitchen Wild HEMGE206

salmon muffins -yum!

. . '
. . .

Ins t•


Create memorable

gifts that last.

. ······

-- .

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- !� Ill' l lllllH -

Explore the print possibilities in-store or online, visit


watch us
122 Celebrate the good

times with a fab picnic

with all the trimmings

170 Get the kids to spread

festive cheer with fun

handmade cards

200 Make a sew-easy rag doll

for the perfect pressie

1 1 8 Turn plain terracotta

pots into cute Christmas·

themed planters

124 Simple solutions to

keep your trees and

vines well separated

130 Fast Ed's Pear and honey­

glazed ham; Tropical fruit

salad with gmger, lime

and vanilla dressing; Soy

bean hummus with black

olive and parmesan crisps;

Lobster, pine nut and white

wine linguine; Barbecued

bream with herb sauce and

flame-grilled squid; Prawn

and cauliflower san choi bao;

Apricot and almond tart;

Mini banana flour pancakes

140 Karen Martini's BrG.leed

brioche with eggnog

custard and berries; Super

simple roasted raspberry

jam; Salmon fish finger

burgers; Lemon and ginger

syllabub with lemon thins

154 Pete', kitchen Wild




C A S A D O M AN I . C O M . A U

Palermo. Available at leading department stores and boutiques nationwide.

H and Gardens.


Edit-� .Julol Zuru,

0.puty IKllto, Md dKO<"a1lnt Hit...- Dot

• P•P-•

c....11... dir.rtor Scon Candy

P,,od..ctlon ffltor Josept, Ken..attl,v

Editor', nolttaint El,.,,. Nu, Enq,ulriff (02) 9J<il• 2496

0.oJ;n dl,.clor Monique llfTK)' 5....,. dfflp,..- Carol T


G,n1..., ..:lltor Roye• Foo. Food ..utor E� 'hmon

OtY wrlt1r Greg F1hey Craft Mltor Sdihen Rogen lk...t)I O'dltor An,,.,. Molar

Actl"9 photo m•• ..i... A11,..,., Mdler Dt<orllt"'9 1tythtV......... T



Gwdenlng Artem>S GoufOI Gardin dM,y Tony F1wc.n M- 9wdenln9 M,�on

He.Ith & buuty S,""n!h,, H1m,on F-1...- .. S.... Whfflt< Peta C..0.-.... bmb,_


Copy dlr.ctoni Ovynol Glnornen. o.r,,.. Moo,.,


8rM<I ""'"""'.,. 11,1....., K>r1<mln (02)939<1 2013

NSW adv1rtloln9 coordlrwotor Lau,. Pon (02) 939<1 2726

Vk ...... dlrKtor F,an Vavallo lOJ

) 8636 7526

Old Mle1 dnctor Nat.he H......,. J>n 3368 7olOS

aid .dvertiolng coordNltor �z- !On 3368 7478

WA ac:counl .......g..- Vll'IC1Courmey (08
) 934-4 0749

SA account mmnA9ff 01n,1U. Coff-,i-Carttr (08) 7231 S909

NZ - Audd.nd {•1>4 9) 979 2100


Studio .._..g1r Ruth Biehle<


Group c1t.g"'}' -,d busln.n manag..- John Bo,g

Group �,tint director Belond. Thomlon M.i<,ttJnv � .Mna W,.....,.

S.nlor buolnHo •nalyot Roull Y'ialk,,.,rns GN>Up Production -..g... Mailt Boorman

O.p,.,ty print operation• """""'9•• Motgan Ham,,, solutlon1 loutta D«tad•an


Hott .Johanna Gr,gg• Gardenln9 ,....,tc1,en v........ Kappos. G<ahame Rowe.

G..,d..,l"!I pr-.oenl•rs Roff, Juon Hodge,, Food ,.....,.ct-., S.rah Alkhun::h, Mamoe Rowe

Food pr••.,.t« Karen Mut,n, 'Food In• ftath• pr...nter Ed Halmagy,

0.<orating ,•n Ka"""'" Je,wel O.«>rating .,........1., T a Denntt


p,.,p, otyll<I .JoaMa G<eenwood DIV .... -.dMn John Rae. Greg Spailte

DIV p•u•nt•r Adam Dov,le P•ts .,.....nt ... Dr HafT)' Cooper C-truction ...._., Scon Marvell

P<flJe« ,,,_,., Kylie Sam• S<o,gm- ptodv<en Cauandra f•lil<. Cathy Foote, Robyn wade,

Stephanoe Walsh, Oanoel Gu.u,fson, Came,on Hartley, Oaryll �n

AHo<l1U ptodv<•rs Tri<h Cunrw:en, Sliaron Field, T na Spele< P

ia ost produ<tlon Rob,n Adamson.

Marl,;u1 S,egl, Matthew Bawden, Pa.ol <WI Roa, IAwr....:• Humphly. Edvin Mancllc.

Luk• Rob,nton, Ste,phan,• LH AuodM• Produ<ff Br-

and Partno,nhiplJeuoca Stone,

l!ucutho• ptoducer Russell Palmer S...leo Produc.,. Rar,o Eaton

Production M""""51•• JMn, Vonten Produ<tlon �-or Mel Gleos..­

Produ<tlon aooht.ol Kur! 00Vlfl, SocW medle c-,11...tor JaoChouhan

Publclot Jonathan Boulos


bhg..:om ..... bhgohof, ......,...,

Dlg t.o l cont..,, .......,... Charlon• l
Da toel

Senior l
d 9ltal contfflt editor Rabecca LOWNy Boyd

Digit.Ill content edl!Of laura Sany


(OZ) 9394 2000, M..:!11 c,iy. 8 c...u.1 A.... Ewle,gh NSW 2015

Chi.1 .... or1:1

,,. offkff Get.un;I l!Qbe,u
Com..-ci.l dJr.<to, N,cole Bence

O,..ratlono director 0..,, Pon.<


Pr•old0<1t ...d chief u-,tlv. offk•r T

om """'Y
Chief d•v.lopm- offkff John S z-
For «>qulrleo, <ont.oct Meredith lnt•mau.....l dlr.ctor Mia L-'

...,......._ l'llnlodn-.... l>)'F,...... W(I !__.,.,.°""" -.,-.NSW21• _,,_oiol>)'Go,,io,,

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r.i.vloion enquirin (02) 9394 2468 Email iv,enqu,nesObhg com 1u

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Wt tali to Pttt about tuhniq1u, tur,ntric and Torquay.

u r collaboration with artist Pete Cromer The range features 12 of Pete's favourite rtlustrcncns

hos resulted in c:i bright ond beautiful across 24 collectable p,eces We hit the rood and headed

O collection featuring native Australian to Torquay so we could chat to Pete about what inspires

onimols re-imagined in colourful collciges. him ond what he loves about life on vrctcnc's surf coast.

How did you come to develop your unique techniques? Whot'a your favourite hot drink?

I've worked with the some rmmmol shapes, colour ond My go-to drmk , s o turmeric tea blend It's o

graphic style since I started creating and over the mixture of turmeric, cmncmon. block pepper, honey

years I've developed ond progressed rt I see something ond lemon I con drmk , t a l l day

1n my head and I Just hove to get 1t out, so I experiment

with mediums - point, collage and sculpture

A Pete c,ome,

l<O<l�Obuua mu9

<Mt bo,ed $995-

Rather than using dull, rainy day
I Pete C,ome,
colours, I mix bright colours together E,h,dnc,mu9

O,h boud $995-

bteause it makes mt happy.
C Pete c,o,ne,

A,u,e l(,n9fi•he•
cooate, $195-

What do you love about living on the coast?

The city is so rushed, but here I con dictate how I

spend my day and move at my own pace Being closer

to nature is really msp1rmg too Mony of the birds I've

created hove vrsrted me at home or down at the studio

- Fairy Wrens. Golohs. Gong-Gongs

View the Pete Cromer collect,on maxw•llondw,ll1am,

Get your weather, calendar, and

commute dt d g l a n c e . Just ask.

Google Home Hub

wrth •·· Google A,.o. tant


hat would Christmas special event. (PS, it is good to

be without wrapping remember you can make low-cost

\T paper? Oh, oh, oh, gifts look like a million dollars,

very little. Christmas wrap says if you wrap with flair!) But most

the season is here! It makes for importantly, a lovingly wrapped

wide-eyed expectations of what gift says, 'You matter to me'. So we

is inside any pressie. And it adore this issue because we get to

presents an exquisite collection rifle through sheets of deliriously

of bright colours, patterns and delightful designs to choose a

merry wishes under the tree, on couple and give them as our gift

cards, around the house and in to you. Our Christmas paper issue

stockings! Chrissy paper? It's vital is our season's wish to set you on

to creating wonderful festivities. your way to a riot of magnificently

Whether it's a $2 roll for 10 metres wrapped presents full of very

or an expensive small glam sheet good cheer. {And we love that you

for around $6, selecting a style and might just think of us while you're

theme for the year - colourful, pale, wrapping!) Twirl it, weave it in and

geometric, floral, festive, cool as, out, partner up two patterns on one

and coordinates everywhere - it's as gift, end with the flurry of a glorious

important for gift giving as the gift ribbon. And watch their eyes light

itself. Because with your creativity, up! So Merry Christmas, good

a little time, a special ribbon and people and see you next month!

embellishment here and there,

you can turn any gift, big, small,

costly or inexpensive, into a really

66 Love the idea of

doing eX}f,a wjtljyour

p9-per? (;,lruk fhe1:e.

,,fiidur,and more

ancf ge the clever

creative who turns

your home

into Christmas

heaven! ••


Subscribe now for big savings and more. See page 206 or call 1300 301 567.
For gifts to make everyone's

Christmas sparkle, visit the

well-read people of Dymocks.

Low, th15

cutt fawn? 60111

han him? You rem

uck - bu1 him froii

bi phop


That's a wrap!

2 Pile gorgeous gift boxes on an

ottoman and the floor in front

for an eye-catching display. >


' ' ' ,,,




,'' backing adds '\

: the perfect :

� 1ouch of coun1ry ,

', style to simple /

', ornamenls. '

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Under the mistletoe
iir saw
n A delightful confection of

paper mistletoe and leaves, Mommy kissing

complete with a cheeky
Santa Claus,
bird, here's our take on the

traditional kissing bough. underneath the

Hang it in a doorway -
mistletoe last
anything could happen! >

Instructions on page 188

night ... ��

. '

• (1 .

,, , "'.:..j

ii All the pretty wrapping! Gifts that

look almost too good to open ... ��


Bring the joy of

Christmas h o m e .


((J � � � t


• harris scarfe


Great brands. Great prices .

• ChamP39ne cocktail


• Mini beef wellingtons

• Gerhc, lime and honey chicken

with Sriracha mayonnaise


• Pork belly with black

pepper cherry caramel


• Cranberry and herb rwst

lamb with mulled wine gravy


• Dark chocolate and coffee

tart with ln.,it cake ice-creem

Something •-•t
• Raspberry, pistachio

and lemon fnands


Pu�p a! chair and

pour a u{-- w, , 1 ,
this east is worth

settling in for --

CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL 2 ,heets frozen ready rolled GARLIC, LIME AND

Preparation time 10 mins puff pastry, par1lally thawed HONEY CHICKEN WITH

plus 6 hoers freezing 1 free-range egg, lightly beaten SR!RACHA MAYONNAISE

Cooki"9 time nil 2 tsp sesame seeds Preparation time 15 mins

Serves8 Flat-leaf panley leaves, to garnish plus 30 mins marinating

Dijonnaiw, to serve Cooking time 8 mins

Y:z x 1259 punnet blueberries MakH 16

Y.i x 1259 punnet raspberries STEP 1 Dnule 1 tablespoon of the

1/:z mango, finely diced oil over steak to lightly coat, then 2 dovff garnc, finely grated

80ml cognac season. Heat a large frying pan Finely grated zest of Yz lime

750ml bottle champagne, chilled over high heat and cook steak for 4 2 Tbsp lime juice

Edible flowers, to garnish minutes, turning every minute, until 1 Tbsp honey

brow,,ed a11 over. Set aside on a plate 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

STEP 1 Divide blueberries, raspberries to rest until room temperature. Sea-salt flakes and freshly ground

and mango between 2 ice-rube STEP 2 Meanwhile, heat butter and black pepper, to seescn

trays. Top up with water until full, remaining oil i

n a frying pan over high 1 5kinle55 chicken breast,

then freeze for 6 hours or overnight. heat. Add mushrooms and thyme. cut into 1cm cubes

STEP 2 When ready to serve, divide Cook. stirring, for 6 minutes. or until 1 cup Kewpie mayonnaise

cognac among glasses, then put 3 tender and liquid has evaporated. Y
, cup Sriracha chilli sauce

fruit cubes in each glass and top up Add spinach and stir until wilted. Yz mango, flHh finely diced

with champagne. Serve immediately, Transfer to a bowl. Set aside to Finely 5liced red chilli, to garnish

garnished with edible flowers. cool, then stir in breadcrumbs. Micro herbs, to garni5h

STEP 3 Preheat oven to 220"C fan.

MINI BEEF WELLINGTONS forced (240"C cooventiooal). Line an STEP 1 Put garlic, lime zest, juice,

Preparation time 1 S mins oven tray with baking paper. Divide honey and oil in a large bowl and

Cooking time 35 mins mushroom and spinach mixture in mix to combine. seesco and add

Serves 8 half, and spread down the centre of chicken, toss well to coat. Cover and

each pastry sheet, the same thickness refrigerate for 30 minutes to marinate.

2 Tb5P extra virgin olive oil as steak, then top with steak. STEP 2 Preheat a chargrill pan over

380g 3cm thkk-cut beef STEP 4 Brush exposed pastry with egg, medium heat. Thread chicken pieces

porterhous. steak, fat roll pastry up over filling to completely ooto 16 small bamboo skewers. Cook

trimmed, cut Into two lcm­ cover and enclose, then trim off chicken for 8 minutes, turning until

thick, 16cm-long piece5 excess pastry. Transfer to prepared charred all over and cooked through.

Sea-5alt flakH and freshly ground tray, seam side down. Gather in side STEP 3 Meanwhile, roughly swirl

black pepper, to sea50n edges of each, and press to seal. mayonnaise and chilli sauce

25g butter, chopped STEP 5 Brush pastry with a little egg, together in a small bowl. Transfer

200g cup mushrooms, trimmed, scatter with sesame seeds and bake to a zip-lock bag, snip tip and pipe

very finely diced for 25 minutes, or until pastry is puffed mixture amoog 16 shot glasses.

2 t5p fresh thyme leeves and golden Rest for S minutes, then STEP 4 Spoon mango on top. then

609 baby 5PiNKh leaves shce. Serve immediately gam1shed with place a skewer into each glass. Garnish

2 Tbsp dried breadcrumbs parsley, with diJoonaise on the side. with chilli and micro herbs. Serve.
I .. -, '
l'I I '
. I ·-.·-., \ "
,}.II , • .; .,

.. coou·s TIP
Garlic, lime and honey chicken

Soak bamboo skewers in

water overnight to avoid

them burning on the grill.

lf you prefer, the chicken

skewers can also be oven­

baked at zoo•c fan-forced for

10 minutes, or until cooked

through when tested.

CRANBERRY AND HERB over mannade Season. Cover tightly 2 tip whole fennel seeds

ROAST LAMB WITH with foil. Roast f

or 2 hours, or until very 1 tsp ground Chinese five spice

MULLED WINE GRAVY tender. Remove foil, increase oven to 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oll,

Preparation time 20 mins 220"C fan-forced (24D°C corwentionaQ. plus e11tra 1 Tbsp

plus overnight marinating Return lamb to oven and bake for 1 5 2 leeks, trimmed, cut into

Cooking time 2 hours 1 5 mins minutes, or until golden brov.,, on top, 2cm-thick rounds

Serves 8 bastmg with pan Juices halfway through 2 carrots, peeled, sliced

cooking Set aside to rest fO( 10 minutes. Into 2cm-thkk rounds

125ml red wine STEP 3 Meanwhile, make gravy. Pour 2 tsp fine satt

3 Tbsp cranberry jelly wine into a small saucepan Stir in 2 tsp MUt-satt flakes

2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar sugar, cinnamon and jelly, then acid Steamed baby corn,

2 tsp dijon mustard 1 cup of pan juices. Bring to the boil sliced into rounds

2 cloves garlic, finely grated and reduce by half. Add stock and Coriander leaves and micro

16 sprigs thyme simmer for a further 3 minutes Mi11 herbs, to garnish

4 x 450g lamb shoulder mini rceses flour and butter in a small bowl until

Sea-salt flakes and freshly ground a paste forms, then add to sauce and BLACK PEPPER CHERRY CARAMEL

black pepper, to season whisk until sauce rs thick and smooth. , cup caster sugar

Garlic mashed potato, to serve STEP 4 Thickly slice lamb and serve 2 Tbsp water

Green beans, to serve on a bed of garlic mash with beans, 1 Tbsp red wine vinegar

Watercress, to serve watercress and mulled wine gravy. 1 cup cherries, pitted and halved

1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

MULLED WINE GRAVY To make garlic mashed potatoes,

125ml red wine boil 2kg peeled potatoes until tender. STEP 1 Use a sharp knife or

2 tsp brown sugar Mash until almost smooth. Meanwhile, Stanley knife to score pork rind, in

1 cinnamon stick put 50g butter and 2 crushed cloves parallel lines, without cutting all

2 Tbsp cranberry jelly garlic in a small saucepan over medium the way through into the meat.

2SOml beef stock heat. Cook, stirring, until butter turns STEP 2 Put polk belly, rind side up,

2 Tbsp plain flour light golden and is fragrant. Add on a wire rack in the kitchen sink and

SOg butter, melted 300ml thickened cream and bnng pour over a kettle full of boiling water.

to a simmer, then add to potatoes, STEP 3 Pat pork rind dry with

STEP 1 Combine w.-ie, jelly, vinegar; mashing until smooth. Season. Serve. paper towel and put on a plastic

mustard and garlic in a large zip-lock tray, uncovered in the refrigerator,

bag. Arrange thyme on top of lamb PORK BELLY WITH BLACK overnight or for 6 hours.

dO'M"i the centre and secure with kitchen PEPPER CHERRY CARAMEL STEP 4 Preheat oven to 2SO"C fan­

Mine. Add lamb to bag, massage to Preparation time 20 rmns forced (270°C conventional). Put garhc,

coat in marinade, and refrigerate for 2 plus overnight drying time fennel seeds, five spice and oil in a

hours or ideally overnight to marinate. Cooking time 1 hour 55 mins small bowi to combine. Rub all over

STEP 2 Preheat oven to 140"C fan­ Serves 8 the polk meat (but not on the rind).

forced (1 W'C conventionaO. Line a STEP S Arrange leeks and carrots

roast1ng pan with baking paper. Arrange 1.25kg boneless pork belly in a large roasting pan, cut sides

lamb 1n a single layer in pan and pour 2 doves garlic facing up. Sit pork belly on top,
. ; · , , . . · , 1 . ,

. . ,..-..., . I''
, r .;... 4 ,.,. 1' j/ 1

STEP 5 Combine coffee with hot

water in a large bowl until dissolved.

Whisk in condensed milk and egg.

followed by melted chocolate and

extra plain flour and whisk again until

combined. Pour into pastry case and

bake for 25 minutes. The filling will

puff up, but will deflate on cooling. Set

aside to cool to room temperature.

STEP 6 Slice tart into 8 wedges and

arrange each on a serving plate. Oust

with cocoa. Top with Ferrero Rocher

halves, and a scoop of fruit cake

ice-cream on the side. Serve a shot

rind side up, covering vegetables. 1 Tbsp lndant coffee granule• glass of liqueur on the side to pour

Rub scored rind with extra oil, then 1 Tbsp hot water over tart, or sip on it while enjoying

rub in salts. Roast for 40 minutes. 3959 can condensed milk your dessert. Serve Immediately.

STEP 6 Reduce oven to 160"C fan­ 1 rr--range egg

forced (180"C conventional). Roast 100g dark chocolate melt., melted RASPBERRY, PISTACHIO

for a further 1 hour. Increase oven to Cocoa powder, to dust AND LEMON FRIANDS

230�C fan-forced (2SO"C conventional) 8 Ferrero Rocher chocolatH, halved Preparation time 10 mins

and roast for a final 15 minutes, or 160ml coffee-flavoured liqueur, Cooking time 15 mins

until pork is cooked when tested and to 1oerve Make, 36

rind is well blistered Set aside for 15

minutes before carving into 8 pieces. FRUIT CAKE ICE-CREAM Cooking oil t,pray, to grease

STEP 7 Meanwhile, to make black 1 L vanilla ice-cream Plain flour, to dust, plus extra Y.t cup

pepper cherry caramel, combine 1 cup fruit cake, crumbed 150g almond meal

sugar, water and vinegar in a small 2 Tbsp brandy 1Y.t cups icing sugar mixture,

saucepan over high heat, stirring 5ifted, plus extra to dust

until sugar dissolves, then cook, STEP 1 To make Fruit cake ice-cream, Finely grated zHt of 1 lemon

stirring occasionally, until caramel put ice-cream in a large bowl and set 150g un1oalted butter, melted

in colour. Stir m chemes and aside for 10 minutes to soften slightly. 5 free-range egg whites

pepper, and remove from heat. Beat with a wooden spoon until 36 frozen raspberries

STEP 8 Spoon a little of the black almost smooth, then stir in cake and 2 Tbt,p finely chopped pi,tachios

pepper cherry caramel onto 8 brandy until well combined. Return

small plates. Arrange leek, carrot, ice-cream to ice-cream contamet STEP 1 Preheat oven to 180°C

corn and pork on top. Garnish with Freeze for 6 hours or overnight. fan-forced (200°C conventional).

coriander and micro herbs. Serve STEP 2 Preheat oven to 200"C Grease 36 holes of two 24-hole 40ml­

with remaining caramel sauce on fan-forced (220°C conventional). capacity mini muffin pans with oil

the side to add as desired. Grease a 25cm (base measurement) spray, then dust lightly with flour.

loose-bottomed flan tin with STEP 2 Combine almond meal,

DARK CHOCOLATE AND butter. Put flours, icing sugar icing sugar mixture, zest and extra

COFFEE TART WITH mixture and extra butter in a food flour in a large bowl. Make a well

FRUIT CAKE ICE-CREAM processor and process until mixture in the centre. Stir in butter.

Preparation tlm• 25 mins resembles fine breadcrumbs STEP 3 Put whites in a large bowt, whisk

plus 6 hours freezing STEP 3 Add iced water and until foamy. Gently fokl through almond

Cooking tlm• 35 mins process again until mixture comes meal mixture in 3 batches until smooth

S•rv•• 8 together to form a soft dough. STEP 4 Divide batter among prepared

STEP 4 Roll out pastry between 2 pan holes. Put a frozen raspberry in

M•lted butter, to grease, plu• extra sheets of baking paper until large centre of each. Sp<inkle with pistachios.

1259 butter, chof)p4MI, chilled enough to line the base and stdes of Bake for 15 minutes, or until goklen

• cup plain flour, plu, extra 1 Tbt,p pmpared tin. Trim edges. Refrigerate for and cooked throogh. Set aside in tin for

• cup self·rai5ing flour 10 minutes, then bake for 10 minutes. 5 minutes to cool, then remove from

2 Tbt,p icing MJgar mixture Remove from oven, reduce oven to pan and transfer to a wire rack to cool.

2 Tbt,p iced water 180°C fan-forced (220°C conventionaf]. Oust with extra icing sugar. Serve. •

• Blood or.inge, lime .ind

pusionfruit mojitos


• Feta and oreg.ino swffed

cherry tom1toes


• Tom,to, haloumi and

pomegranate salad
• Beetroot and orange salad


• Roasted carrot and red onion

risotto with sherry currants

• Vegetable roast with stuffing


• M1m vegan Chnstmas puddings

• Raspberry Aperol mousse

with cranberry Jelly

Something sw-t

• Chocolate peppennint

$ '

Make your feast day deliciously meat-free-..::1:!!:.-"

ruit and veg never looked- or

r tasted - so festive! Colourful

and zesty, this menu offers the

flavours of the Mediterranean, including

juicy tomatoes and oranges, aromatic

herbs and lots of yummy cheeses! >


- • •

with dishes of red,
white, orange and

green for a very

merry scene 99




ii Fresh g.r
� nerb
leaves and f,r. · reu(
/,err� make go eous -

and delicious - garnishes

and decorations,,

erol mousse
Raspberry Ap .elly

•th cranberry J of

wi layer out

Take the sponge u left with?

d hat are yo
trifle an w eert! Lots of

This luscious des to.pped with

I f lty cream h

love y rui h . lly, finished wit

just enoug Jr Divine! >
berries and b com 5.

Recipe -,,
on.-- St


1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil,

plus extra to serve

1 bunch baby radish,

trimmed, quartered

Preparation time 10 mins Mkro herbs, to garnish 2 green shallots, thinly sliced

Cooki"9 time nil Arils (seeds) of Yz pomegranate

Serves8 STEP 1 Preheat oven to 200°C 250g block haloumi, finely diced,

fan-forced (220°C conventional). drained on paper towel

125ml whtt:e rum line an oven tray with baking paper. Yz cup flat-leaf parsley leaves

Y.i cup mint laavH, plus Put tomatoes, stem side down, on a Y, cup oregano leaves

extra sprigs to garnish chopping board Use a small serrated

2 limes, cut into thin wedges, plus knife to cut a cross into each tomato, STEP 1 Slice one-third of the cherry

extra 1 lime thinly il'

tced into rounds about one-third of the way through, and grape tomatoes in half, slice

6 x 375ml bottles blood orange and arrange on prepared tray. one--third in quarters and leave

flavoured sparkling drink STEP 2 Combine feta and oregano remaining ....+iole, and transfer all to

8 scoops pnsionfruit sorbet in a small bowl, stir in zest and a large serving bowl Roughly chop

Cnished lee, to wrve season Spoon into a small zip-lock truss tomatoes and a quarter cup

bag and snip the tip Pipe into the of the semi-dried tomatoes, then

STEP 1 Put rum, mint and lime wedges cross of each tomato, to fill. Drizzle add to serving bowl, along with 2

in a large jug. Use the end of a rolhng with oil, then season again. tablespoons of ml from the serm­

pin or cocktail muddler to squash limes STEP 3 Bake for 10 minutes or unt,I dried tomatoes jar. Add olive od,

and slightly mash ingredients together. tomatoes begin to blister and feta is vinegar, garlic and dried mint Season,

Add sparkling drink, slir to combine light golden. Serve warm, or cool to then toss lo combine. Se! aside for

STEP 2 Spoon sorbet into 8 room temperature, drizzled with extra S minutes to allow flavours lo infuse.

glasses. Top each with lime rounds, 011 and garnished with micro herbs. STEP 2 Stir in capsicum, radish,

then top up glasses with mojito shallots and pomegranate.

mixture. Garnish with extra mint. TOMATO,HALOUMIAND STEP 3 Heat a large frying pan over

Serve with crushed ice. POMEGRANATE SALAD high heat. Add 1 teaspoon of oil

Preparation time 1 S mins from the semi-dried tomato jar, and

FETA AND OREGANO Cooking time 5 mms cook haloumi for 2 minutes, stirring

STUFFED CHERRY Serves 8 occasionally, until golden. Scatter

TOMATOES haloumi over the salad, then top

Preparation time 1 S mins 400g mixture of assorted with pal"Sley and creqano. Serve.

Cookl"9 time 10 mins cherry and grape tomatoes

Serves8 400g large truH tomatoes ROASTED CARROT AND

-- 270g jar Hml-drled tomatoes In oil RED ONION RISOTTO

24 cocktail tomatoes 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil WITH SHERRY CURRANTS

100g Danish feta, crumbled 2 Tb� red wine vinegar PreparaUon time 15 mins

2 Tbs,p fresh o...gano Yz clove garllc, finely grated Cooking time 30 mins

leaves, finely chopped 1 t� dried mint Serv-s

Anely grated zest of Y• lemon SelHalt flakes and freshly ground

Se&-N1lt flakes and freshly ground black pepper, to season , cup currants

black pepper, to seuon 1 small green capsicum, finely diced 2 Tbsp sherry


� cup finely grated parmesan

1 tsp smoked paprika

S.e-sah flakes and freshly ground

bleck pepper, to season

120g baby spinach ktavH

Pinch of nutmeg

3 fire-roasted peppers (from

the jar), drained well,

seeds removed, halved

� cup dried cranberriH

SOg natural almonds, roasted

, red cabbage, thickly sliced

2 cups watercress sprigs

1 Tbsp red wine vinegar Add brown onion and extra garlic STEP 1 Preheat oven to 17Cf'C fan­

2 bunches Dutch carrots, and cook, stirring, for 4 minutes forced (190"C conventional). Line a

trimmed, peeled or until onion is soft. Add rice and large roasting pan with baking paper.

3 red onions, sliced into cook, stirring, for 2 mmutes or until Driule cut side of pumpkin halves with

2cm thick rounds rice begins to tum translucent Add 2 tablespoons of the oil, arrange cut

4 cloves gartic, unpeeled, plm. extra wine. Cook, snmng. until wine is side down in prepared pan and roast

2 doves garlic finely grated absorbed. Ladle in 125ml hot stock for 45 mmutes, or until just tender.

4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, and cook, stirring constantly, with a flat­ Set aside to cool for 5 m,nutes, then

plus e,:tra 1 Tbsp bottomed wooden spoon until liquid scoop out the flesh, leaving a 2cm

2 tsp fennel seeds is abSOfbed. Repeat with remaining border of pumpkin around the edge.

2 tsp dried oregano stock (takes about 20 minutes). Put flesh into a large bowl. Discard

2 tsp smoked paprika STEP 4 Spoon risotto onto a large Juices in the bottom of the pan.

Se•salt flakes and fTeshly ground platter, top with roast vegetables, pan STEP 2 Meanwhile, put 2 tablespoons

black pepper, to seaM>n Juices, currants and fresh herbs. Serve. of the oil in a large frying pan set over

1.SL vegetable stock medium heat. Add onion and cook -

1 brown onion, finely chopped for 6 minutes or until softened, then

2 cups arborio rice coo� ·s TIP add mushrooms, garlic and thyme

250ml dry white wine If you're not catering for vegans and cook a further 5 minutes or until

Handful mint leaves, to garnish or vegetarians, swap vegetable mushrooms are soft. Set aside to cool.

Handful flat-leaf paBley stock for chicken stock, and STEP 3 Stir parsley, parmesan

leaves, to garni5h stir 2Sg finely grated parmesan

though the risotto at the end of

and paprika into reserved

pumpkin flesh and season.

STEP 1 Preheat oven to 180°C cooking to make it extra tasty. STEP 4 Put spinach and 1 tablespoon

fan-forced (200°C conventional). water in a large microwave-safe

Put currants in a small heatproof bowl and cover with plastic wrap. •

bowl. Heat sherry and vinegar in VEGETABLE ROAST Microwave for 1 minute oo high/100%,

a small saucepan until hot, then WITH STUFFING then set aside covered for 1 minute.

pour over currants. Set aside to Preparation time 20 mms Drain well and, when cool enough

allow currants to marinate. Cooking time 1 hour S mins to handle, squeeze out excess

STEP 2 Meanwhile, arrange S.rvH8 moisture. Stir in nutmeg and seasoo.

carrots, red onion and unpeeled STEP S line the inside of pumpkin

garlic in a large roasting pan and 2kg whole butternut pumpkin, halves with a layer of spinach, peppers,

drizzle with oil. Scatter with fennel halved lengthways, seeds removed mushroom mixture, cranberries and

seeds, oregano and paprika, toss 5 Tb5p extra virgin olive oil almonds. Then fill each half with

to coat, and season. Roast f0< 30 1 red onion, finely diced pumpkin flesh until level. Join halves

minutes or until just tender. 200g button mushrooms, together to reform the pumpkin

STEP 3 Meanwhile, to cook risotto, thinly sliced shape. Secure closed with lengths

put stock in a medium saucepan 2 cloves garlic, finely grated of kitchen twine. Insert extra thyme

and bring to a simmer over medium 2 hp thyme leaves;, plus. extra sprigs under twine. Return pumpkin to

heat. Heat extra oil in a large heavy­ 1

1z cup flat-leaf parsley roasting pan and bake for 20 minutes

based saucepan over medium heat. leavH, finely chopped until pumpkin is hot and tender. >


- -- . t

---- � � ������-

STEP 6 Meanv,+nle, heat remaining STEP 2 Put oil, vinegar, honey, dried 1 hp mixed 1pke

oil in a large frying-pan over high mint and dried oregano in a jar and 1 t,p ground cinnamon

heat. Add cabbage and cook or 5

f secure with lid. Shake well to combine. Y.i tsp fine salt

minutes or until lightly browned, but so Season, then pour over warm beetroot 1 gr.en apple, peeled,

cabbage still holds its shape. Season. and toss t

o coat. Set aside for 10 cored, coarsely grated

STEP 7 Transfer pumpkin to a serving minutes t

o allow flavours to mfuse. 1 Tblp

plate, arrange cabbage around it, and STEP 3 Meanwhile, combine 40g dried breadcrumbs

scatter watercress on top. Serve. yoghurt, lemon zest, Juice and half Raspberries, to garnish

of the feta in a small bcwt, stirring Holly, to decorate (not for eating)

BEETROOT AND until feta is almost smooth. Season.

ORANGE SALAD Spread onto a large flat planer ICING

Preparation time 20 mms and top with orange and beetroot, 5 Tbsp icing sugar mixture

Cooking time 10 rnms reseiving bowl juices for seivmg. 3-4 tsp lemon juke

Serves 8 STEP 4 Scatter mint, beetroot leaves,

Pinch of ground cinnamon

parsley and remaining feta over the

2 bunche5 baby beetroot, top. Transfer bowl juices to a small STEP 1 Combine mixed dried fruit,

uni>-led, tops trimmed, Mnall jug. Driule a little over the t

op of the figs, dates, chernes and brandy i

leaves reserved and washed salad and serve remaining on the side. a large bowl. Set aside for 1 hour.

4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil STEP 2 Preheat oven to 16(J'C

2 Tbsp red wine vinegar MINI VEGAN CHRISTMAS fan-forced (180°C conventional).

- 2 bp honey

2 bp dried mint

Pr.paration time 20 mins

Grease eight

metal dariole
1 SOml-capacity

moulds with cooking

2 tsp dried oregano plus 1 hour marinating oil spray. Line base of each

Sea-salt flakes and frnhly ground Cooking time 1 hour 40 mins with a disc of baking paper.

black pepper, to season Makes8 STEP 3 Combine olive oil and sugar

1 cup Gr-k-style yoghurt i

n a large bowl. Stir in zests, flour,

Finely grated zest of 1h lemon 200g mixed dried fruit baking powder, spices and salt until

2 Tbsp lemon Juice 100g dried ,oft and Juicy smooth . .Add soaked fruit mixture,

200g Danish feta, crumbled figs, finely chopped apple and treacle. Stir to combine,

2 small Of'angH, peeled, 100g pitted dates, finely chopped then stir i
n breadcrumbs. Spoon

thinly s.llced 509 glac:i cherries, halved into moulds and smooth surface.

Mint leaves, to garn15h 100ml brandy STEP 4 Arrange moulds i

n a deep

Flat-leaf pan.lay leaves, to garnish Cooking oil spray, to greaw roasting pan. Pour enough boiling

100ml extra virgin olive water into pan until water comes 2cm

STEP 1 Put beetroot in a large oil, light In flavour up the side of moulds. Cover with

microwave-safe bow1 and cover with V, cup brown sugar, firmly packed a sheet of baking paper, followed by

plastic wrap. Microwave on high/100% Anely grated i:est of 1 Of'ange a sheet of foil, and enclose tightly,

for 8 minutes or until just tender. Stand Anely grated :rest of 1 lemon ensuring no steam escapes. Carefully

for 10 minutes, covered. When cool Yi cup plain flour transfer to the oven and cook for

enough o handle,
t peel off skin, cut Y.i hp baking powder 1 hour 40 minutes, or until puddings

in half and transfer to a large bowl. 1 hp ground ginger are springy yet firm to the touch i

t • --- - •

--�-=-�- -- --=---· � -
until melted. Remove from heat and STEP 2 Put almond meal, coconut,

allow to cool for 5 rmnutes. Once cocoa, honey, coconut oil and essence

cooled, pour into raspberry mixture, in the bowl of a food procesSO<

and whisk until well combined. and pulse until the mixture comes

STEP 3 Put remaining cream in together. Press mixture firmly into

a large bowl and beat, using an prepared tin to form a smooth '
electric hand mixer, until soft peaks surface. Freeze for 1 S minutes.

form. Gently fold whipped cream STEP 3 Meanwhile, to make chocolate

into raspberry mixture, until smooth. icing, combine all the ingredients

Spoon mixture equally among eight in a small bowl, stirring with a fork

JA-cup capacity wine glasses. Chill for until combined, then pour over

8 hours or overnight to allow to set. cold slice base. Chill for 6 hours

STEP 4 'Nhen raspberry cream or overnight. Cut the slice into

the centre. Stand for 10 minutes. mixture has set, begin making jelly. small triangles and serve chilled, -
STEP 5 Meanwhile, to make icing,

combine icing sugar mixture, juice

Put cranberry juice and extra sugar

in a small saucepan. Sprinkle in Jel·

garnished with mint leaves.•
and cinnamon in a medium bowl until it-in and stir well, ensuring there are

smooth and runny like thick honey. no lumps Set over high heat and
ii Make your
STEP 6 Run a knife around the bring to the boil, reduce heat to

edges of each mould, and tum out medium and simmer for 1 minute. desserts and sweet
puddings onto serving plates. Drizzle Remove from heat and set aside
treajs wor�s of
with icing, garnish with raspberries to cool to room temperature. Pour

and decorate with holly. Serve. over raspberry cream mixture and e,u(,;ple,«rt to create
chill for 2 hours or until Jelly is set.
a visual - and
RASPBERRY APEROL MOUSSE Decorate with raspberries, edible

WITH CRANBERRY JELLY flowers and white chocolate curls. actual - feast for
Preparation time 10 mins plus
your Christmas
overnight chilling and 2 hours setting CHOCOLATE PEPPERMINT

Cooking time 10 mins TRIANGLES celebrations ••

Makes 8 Preparation time 1 5 mms

plus 6 hours chilling

2 cups fTozen raspberries, thawed Cooking time mt

• cup caster sugar, plus Serves 1 6 -��

extra 2 Tbsp

2 Tbsp Aperol (s.wap for orange Extra virgin olive oil cooking

juice if s.erving to kids.) 1pray, to grease

Finely grated zes.t of 1 «ange 1 cup almond meal

2 Tbsp orange juice 2 cups desiccated coconut

1759 white chocolate metts. Y. cup Dutch cocoa

300ml thickened cream Y• cup honey

350ml cranberry Juice Y, cup extra virgin

8g s.achet of Jel-it-ln coconut oil, metted

Fred, raspberries., to garnid, 1 tip peppermint es.Mnce

Pink edible flowers, to garnish Mint leaves, to garnish

White chocolate curls., to garnish


STEP 1 Put raspberries, caster sugar, h cup Dutch cocoa


Aperol, orange zest and juice in Y, cup extra virgin

a blender. Blitz until smooth and coconut oil, melted

strain through a fine sieve over 2 Tb5p maple syrup

a large bowl; discard seeds.

STEP 2 Put white chocolate melts STEP 1 Grease a 17 x 27cm slice

and 1 CX>ml of the cream in a small tin with spray oil, then line base

saucepan set over low heat. Stir and sides with baking paper.


' '

-- �--

• Tropical pineapple

and pe,ch f>lM1ch


• Smoked salmon platter


•, melon and

prosciutto salad


• Grilled prawns with sweet corn

and caremehsed coconut dres.sing

• \oVhole baked snapper with

miso, lime and herbs


• Sunvner roasted plum trifle

• Caramelised pineapple,

mllngo and coconut pevlcve

•.!'•- .

Bring zesty, tangy and fruity

flavour to your festive table

othing says Aussie

Christmas quite like

being outside on the deck,

enjoying the summer breeze and

feasting on a sensational spread of

Aussie seafood, then finishing on

a dessert featuring fruity summer

show-stopping favourites. •

Tropical pineapple and peach punch

Make a fresh and fruity alcohol-free

punch for everyone to enjoy. Fizzy

and sweet, it's the perfect complement

to a seafood menu on a hot day.

Recipe on page 58

. '
Make your

life easy this

year, starting

with thi c«id,,

tr/-, (i(/,�M,(rl1/

r er


'\ I I

coconut dressing

Chargrilletl C011J, kernels,

' barbecued whole prayns

• •
and deep-fried rice paper

crisps make this a main

to remember. •

' Recipe on page 60 •

. • r•


. .
.... "
• .. '

.. '

' Catch your

own or buy on

the day - either

way Y,OU should

f;f!i{ft// fre91,

·, I

TROPICAL PINEAPPLE Also, try freezing cubes of pineapple radish mixture, then arrange on top

AND PEACH PUNCH and slices of peach for brightly of salmon, along with avocado.

Preparation tkne 10 mins shaped and full-flavoured ice cubes. 51 Scatter watercress sprigs

Cooking time nil and extra dill over the top.

S.rvn8 SMOKED SALMON PLATTER Drizzle with oil and serve with

Preparation time 15 rmns comichons and flatbread.

V• large ripe pineapple, peeled, Cooklng time nil

diced Into 1cm cubes Serves 8 TOMATO, MELON AND

3 fresh ripe peaches, stones PROSCIUTTO SALAD

removed, diced into 1cm cubes 2 radishes, thinly sliced into rounds Preparation time 10 mins

80ml peach iced tea % small red onk>n, very thinly sliced Cooking time ml

flavoured cordial 2 Tbsp dill sprigs, plus Serves a

5659 can lych-s i
n light S)'TUp extra to garnish

Juice of 2 limes, plus extra 2 Tbsp white wine vinegar 400g mixed cherry tomatoes,

4 limes. cut into rounds 1 tsp caster sugar some whole, scme halved

2 x 1.25L bottles lemonade, chilled 2SOg tub spreadable cream ch-w and 50me quartered

Ice cubes, to serve 1 tsp wholegrain mustard 2 ripe truss tomatoes, one cut

Mint sprigs, to garnish Finely grated zest and into wedges, one thinly slked

juice of Yz an orange Yz small rockmelon, peeled,

Put pineapple and peaches Se•s.att flakes. and freshly ground cut into thin wedges.

in a large bowl, add cordial and toss black pepper, to seas.on 100g thinly s.liced pros.ciutto,

to coat. Set aside for 10 minutes Yz firm avocado, finely diced halved lengthways.

to allow flavours to infuse. 300g slked smoked s.almon 1 cup baby rocket leaves

Meanwhile, add lychees 1 cup watercress sprlgs Y

• cup basil leaves.

and syrup, lime juice and lime 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, Y, cup hazelnuts., toasted,

rounds to a 6 3L drink dispenser. light in flavour roughly chopped

Pour in lemonade and Y

• cup cornlchom., halv.d

pineapple mixture. Add enough Flatbread, to serve DRESSING

ice to the dispenser until about 80ml extra virgin olive oil

three-quarters full. Garnish with E 1 Put radish, onion, dill, Juice of Yz lemon

mint and serve immediately. vinegar and sugar in a medium 40ml red wine vinegar

bowl and toss to combine. 2 ts.p dljon mustard

Make It akoholk by letting guests l Put cream cheese, mustard and 1 ts.phoney

add a shot of vodka or dark rum zest in a medium bowl and beat with Yz ts.p dried oregano

to their glass, depending on their a wooden spoon until smooth, then Se•s.alt flakes and freshly ground

tastebuds - simply have a bottle of season Transfer to a small serving dish. black pepper, to wason

each in a bucket of ice to the side. Toss avocado in

orange juice and set aside. To make dressing, put all

Make ice cubes. a little more festive Arrange salmon on a large ingredients in a jar, secure lid and

by freezing mint leaves inside them. flat serving platter. Drain pickled shake untrl combined. Season. •


Caramelised pineapple,

mango and coconut pavlova

Give this Aussie classic

a tropical twist with fresh

mango and pineapple

and the ever-popular

passionfruit pulp.

Recipe on pag& 62
Arrange tomatoes on a large 1 tsp MMllme oll WHOLE BAKED

flat serving platter. Wrap rockmelon 2 tsp fish sauce SNAPPER WITH MISO,

wedges with prosciutto and arrange 1 kafflr lime leaf, finely shredded LIME AND HERBS

on top of tomatoes, then scatter Preparation time 15 mins

over rocket leaves. Drizzle half the 1 Pour enough oil in a small Cooking time 25 mins

dressing over the lop, then scatter saucepan to come 3cm up the side; Serves8

with basil and hazelnuts. Serve with heat until 180°C. Add nee paper

remaining dressing on the side. pieces, one at a time, cooking for 2 x 8509 gutted and scaled

3 seconds or until puffed, white and snapper, cavity rinsed,

GRILLED PRAWNS crisp. Immediately remove from oi1 patted dry

WITH SWEET CORN and transfer to a paper towel-lined Sea-salt flakes and freshly ground

AND CARAMELISED plate. Set nee paper cnsps aside. black pepper, to season

COCONUT DRESSING l To make Caramellsed coconut 2 Tbsp whtte miso paste

Preparation time 20 mins dressing, put coconut sugar in a (available from the Asian

Cooking time 20 mins small non-stick pan Add water and aisle of your supermarket)

Serves 8 heat, stirring, until sugar dissolves. v. cup basil leaves, plus

Continue to cook for about 1 minute extra to garnish

Vegetable oil, to d-p-fry or until mixture just begins to thicken, Y

• cup mint leaves, plus

3 round rice paper sh-ts, then remove from heat and stir in extra to garnish

broken into 4 pieces lime juice, garlic and ginger. Set 1 green shallot, finely sliced, plus

2 corn cobs, in husks, aside to cool to room temperature, extra 2 very thinly sliced

silks removed then transfer to a medium bowl. Stir 2 limes, thinly sliced into rounds,

Sea-salt flakes and frflhly ground in olive oil, sesame oil, fish sauce plus extra lime cheeks to Mrve

black pepper, to Mason and kaffir lime leaf, then set aside. 3 Tbsp Cobram Estate extra

20 large gr-n king prawns, i:. Preheat a chargriU or barbecue virgin olive oil, light In flavour

heads and tails intact, halved grill plate over high heat. Grill com 1 clove garlic, finely grated

v. cup roasted salted peanuts, cobs for about 10 minutes, turning, 1h small cucumber, cut

roughly chopped until lightly charred Use a large sharp into matcht.ticks

1 long red chllli, s-ded, kmfe to cut off kernels. Season. Micro herbs, to garnl1h

thinly sliced b Meanwhile, put prav.ns in

Y.z cup coriander, leaves picked a large bowl, add 2 tablespoons Preheat oven to 180"C fan­

of the dressing and toss to coat. forced (200"C conventional). Line 2

CARAMELISED COCONUT 5 Grill p-a......-ns for 3 large oven trays with baking paper.

DRESSING minutes on each side, until lightly ;p Use a small sharp knife to

2 Tb5P coconut sugar charred and cooked through. score fish flesh, making 4 slits into

40ml water Ef Arrange prawns, com and rice both sides of each fish. Arrange on

Juice of 1 llme paper crisps on a large serving platter. prepared trays. Season both sides

1 dove garlic, finely grated Drizzle half of the dressing over the of each fish and the cavities, then

1 t5P finely grated fresh ginger top and scatter over peanuts, chilli spread miso evenly into cavities.

3 Tbsp Cobram Estate extra and coriander. Serve immediately Divide basil, mint, shallot

virgin olive oil, light In flavour with remaining dressing on the side. and lime between fish cavrues. •


Perfectly beautiful, perfectly delicious Calypso Mangoes Serves

make Christmas favourites totally irresistible.

Prep T me
Ingredients Method i

J Calypso® mangoes To make the gingerbread. combine Hour. Peel a n d d ce t

iwo of the m n a goe s a nd pl ce a

410g rar fruit mince ginger, cinnamon and sugar m a food int o a bowl St r i i
n the f ruit m nce
i Spoo n t he

JOOml double cream. lo serve processor. pu!se to combine Add butter m ngo rmsture
a ove r the g inge rbre d a ba se .

Icing sugar. tor dusting and process until the mixture resembles l
eaving a cm
l bord er w tho ti u ll
fi ing F old the

breadcrumbs Whisk golden syrup egg e dg e o

f gin ge rbrea d d own to me et th e lilt in g
and 3 tsp of water together Add to the flour De co ra t
e wi th g gerbre d t
in a ree s or st rs a

1 :v. cups plain flour mixture and pulse until the dough JUSI
Pl ce t
a art tin on he ho
t t 1ray and bak e fo r 2 5

1 h
' tsp ground g,nger comes together. add more water ,r required
30 m in ute s u n l golden
ti et
S asi de to c oo l
2 tsp ground cinnamon Tum onto a lightly tloured surface and knead
Rem ove tart lro m h
t e tm

2/3 cup brown sugar gently until smooth Wrap m greaseproof

1 SOg butler. chilled. chopped paper and cMl for 30 minutes Peel. chop nd puree
a the remainin g m ngo a

2 tbs golden syrup a nd s wirl « th roug h the cre m a O ust the t art

Place a large flat tray m the oven Preheat

1 large egg yolk w, th cn
1 1 g sug r. cut a in to p ie ces and serve

the tray and oven to 180°C Ian forced

J-4 tsp cold water wi th m ngo c a rea m ,, ... '•
Remove one-quarter of the pastry Rol( out

on a sheet of baking paper to 5mm thick For more C.lypMl•mango rKipes

Cut Christmas trees or stars from the pastry visit

. �� .�
to use for decoration. place on a tray and .. ,.

refrigerate until firm

Roll remammg gingerbread out on a large

sheet of baking paper to a 34cm c ircl e s

U e

to line a 3c m deep. 26c m b s

( a el t rt t
a in . u

sho ld s
u 11 cm
l above the top o f t
Combine olive oil and garlic Mark a 25cm cirde oo a piece

and rub over top of fish. Bake for of baking paper; tum over and

25 minutes or until cooked through. use to line a large baking tray.

Transfer fish to a platter, Put egg whites in the bowl

dnule with tray juices and scatter of an electric mixer and beat, using

cucumber over the top. Garnish whisk attachment, until foamy. Add

with micro herbs, extra basil and cream of lartar and beat for about

mint, and extra shredded shallots. 2 minutes or until stiff peaks form.

Serve with extra lime cheeks. Gradually rain in sugar, 2 tablespoons

at a time, beating well until mixture

is thick and glossy and no looger

grainy. Add cornflour and vinegar

coo�·s TIP
and whisk again until just combined.
To check if fish is cooked,
Spoon mixture into centre of
gently Uft the Oe.b arcucd
4 Arrange cooled plums at the the marked circle. Use the back of a
the top fin - it ehculd come
base of a 2.SL trifle dish, reserving the spoon to spread meringue to circle
away easily from the bone.
pan juices. Top with half of the custard, edge, while also creating decorative

followed by cake, reserved plum peaks. Scatter with coconut and salt.

pan juices, half of the jelly cubes and Bake for 8 minutes, then
SUMMER ROASTED rema1rnng custard. Spoon cream over reduce oven to 110 C fan-forced

PLUM TRIFLE the top, then loosely cover with plastic (130"C cooventiooal) and bake for

Preparation time 30 mins wrap and chill for 1 hour, orovemight 1 hour 10 minutes or until dry to

plus overnight setting time if preferred, to allow flavours to infuse. touch Tum off oven and leave to

and 1 hour chilling Just before serving, scatter cool completely in oven, with door

Cooking time 20 mins with raspbernes and remaining jelly slightly a1ar (this wil1 take 2-3 hours).

Serves 8-12 cubes. Arrange figs m the centre of the 51 Meanwhile, put pineapple

tnfle and scatter with prstachsos. Serve. and extra caster sugar m a large noo­

859 packet ra5Pberry stick frying pan over high heat. Cook

flavoured jelly crystals CARAMELISED PINEAPPLE, for 10 minutes, turning occasionally,

5 plums, quartered, stones removed MANGO AND COCONUT or until caramelised. Add rum and

3 Tbsp Ulster sugar PAVLOVA cook for a further 2 minutes. Set

BOml Australian tawny Preparation time 20 mins aside to cool to room temperature.

900ml store-bought, double-thick, plus 3 hours cooling Just before serving, put

vanilla-flavoured custard Cooking time 1 hour 20 mins cream and vanilla in the bowl of an

450g Madeira cake, diced Servff 8 electric mixer and beat, using whisk

300ml thickened cream, attachment, until firm peaks form.

whipped 6 free-range egg whites Dollop cream over cooled

1259 punnet raspberries Y.i tsp cream of tartar pavlova, top with pineapple

2 figs, quartered 1Y.i cups caster sugar, and mango, then drizzle over

Roughly chopped pistachios, plus extra 2 Tb5P passioofruit pulp. Serve.e

to garnish 2 Tbsp cornflour

The firm, fibre-free flesh

3 tsp white vinegar
of Calypso mana:oes makes
Prepare jelly following packet 2 Tbsp dried shaved coconut
them a recipe all-rounder.
directioos, reducing cold water to V
, tsp sea-ult flakes

100ml and setting it in a 15 x 1 Dem Y.i ripe pineapple, peeled,

plastic cootainer overnight. cut Into long thin wedges

Preheat oven to 200'"C fan­ 40ml white rum

forced (220°C convent1ooal). Arrange 300ml thickened cream

plums, cut side up, in a baking 2 tsp vanilla extract

dish. Sprinkle with sugar and pour 1 Calypso mango, thinly sliced

over tawny. Roast for 18 minutes Pulp of 4 passionfruit

or until just softened. Set aside

to cool to room temperature. Preheat oven to 140 C

Dice jelly ,nto cubes. fan-forced (160"C conventronal). /



Perfectly beautiful, perfectly delicious Calypso Mangoes Serves

make Christmas favourites totally irresistible.

Prep Time
Ingredients Method

4 Calypso® mangoes. chopped Combine the mango. shallots. sugar and Bake tor 1 'h hours. spooning the glaze

6 green shallots. chopped vinegar m a non-stick frying pan Bring and pan jurces over the ham every 30

1 cup white sugar to the boil. stirring often over med,um­ minutes

100ml raspberry or red wine vinegar h,gh heat until the sugar dissolves. Boil
Increase the oven temperature to 200°C
1 tbs ctupctle m adobo sauce. chopped gently for 10 minutes until reduced and
fan forced and bake fora further 15·20 f1Nt-•
'h tsp sea salt !lakes. crushed thickened Stir m the cfupcne and salt
minutes un11l golden. Serve hot or at
7-Skg ham on the bone Set aside to coot Mash a little with a
room temperature with remaining mango
, cup D11on mustard potato masher to break down some of the
'h cup raw maceoeeue nuts. chopped mango (Makes 2 ¥
, cups]

Sliced Calypso® mangoes For mo� Calypso•mango l"Kipes

Move the oven sheU to the lowest
& watercress to garnish visit•u
postncn. removing all other shelves

Preheat to 150°C fan forced Line a large

roasting pan with baking paper


Remove the rind from the ham Score the

ham crossways at lcm intervals. making

. .... ..�
sure ri,u cut no deeper than 5mm Place
the ham into the roas11ng pan

Combine 1 'h cups of mango chutney and

mustard Stir in the maceoemra nuts

Spoon the mixture over the surface of the


Here are six won de ul

wines - three reds

and three whites - to

serve at your table.

These lovely drops are a match made in heaven with your festive feast

�reast VV11'
F <tr
� feast '�feast

RED McW 660 Reserve RED McW 480 Shiraz RED McW Atternis

Cabernet Sauvignon Don't This yoghurt-dominant Tempranillo The elegance

be afraid of bolder reds in menu needs a red wine and medium-bodied style

summer - they can pay off with bright acid to cut of this Spanish native

in spades. This menu suits through the cream and will make the plum and

this rnedujm-bcdsed cab elevate the dishes. This prosciutto in the menu offer

sav down to the ground! elegant cool-climate stnrez a great depth of flavour with

lashings of silky cassis and will bnng its moreish its palate of blackcurrant,

blood plum Bevocrs will bong dark fruit and hints of pomegranate and dark

to life the proteins, v.hile the pepper spice to play cherry. This juicy and vibrant

spice and dark chocolate really well with the earthy wine is young and fresh

will reward generously style dishes, while not without overwhelming

with the fruit elements and being overwhelmed. The the delicate seafood in

richer aspects of the meal. medium-body style is the menu line-up. A real

perfect for a summer day stunner served chilled.

WHITE McW 660 Ruerve when slightly chilled.

Chardonnay The most WHITE McW Alternls

versatile grape in the vineyard WHITE McW 480 Vermentlno This is the

is also an all-rounder at Sa11Vlgnon Blanc ultimate seafood wine!

your table! This chardonnay A great summer option Vibrant and minerally,

is a cool-climate style, so for this meat-free menu, this wine will play really

the bright citrus and peach the herbaceous notes well with the citrus in the
flavours are perfect to cut of this sav blanc work - dishes and cut through the

through the richness in the really well with the root­ richer elements of the trifle

meat while celebrating the vegetable elements in

elegance of the white meats. the dishes, while the

PS, to get the best out of this lively tropical fruit flavours

wine, take it out of the fridge will make the fresh

20 minutes before serving. summer produce sing!






usirahan Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

consistently ranks among the best m the

A world. The quicker the oil is cold pressed

after being harvested from the tree. the fresher

the oil. the higher the quality and the healthier

it is. Australian EVOO is fresher than imported

oil as it lands on our shelves sooner. Look for the

Australian certified symbol which ensures the oils

meet the high industry standards. and you only

have the best Australian EVOO.

'' Our mission is to

produce the world's best

Extra Virgin Olive oa,,


Cobram Estate owns every

stage of producing their

Australian Extra Virgin

e e I e • • • • • I
Olive Oil: from planting

the trees, to picking

Preparation time: 30 mins boil, stirring until smooth Set create a diamond pattern.
the olives, pressing the
Cooking time: 50 mins aside (This can be made a day : Grease a large
juice and bottling the
Serves 12 ahead) roasting tray with EVOO
oil. Cobram Estate Extra
Preheat oven to Cover ham shank with foil and
6 kg whole ham leg Virgin Olive Oil is simply
180"C, ensuring oven rack rs at transfer to tray
Cobram Estate Robust Extra the natural juice of fresh
the lowest possible pcsurcn. li]il1!ll·l;l
· Insert a clove into
Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) for olives. Picked at optimum
(iliiiJE:IPut ham on a centre of each diamond Brush
oiling pan and glazing ham. ripeness and cold-pressed
chopping board, nnd side up ham with 2 Tbsp of EVOO and
Cloves, to stud within six hours, the result
Using a sharp knife, cut around bake (without glaze) for 10
1 bunch fresh herbs, berrie5 is the freshest, healthiest,
ham shank, 10cm from end of minutes
or flower buds, to decorate and tastiest Extra Virgin
shank bone, through rind only l'!l�- �1 Brush ham fat with \.d
Olive Oil that makes every
MARMALADE GLAZE Starting at opposite of the glaze Add 375ml water
meal exceptional.
330 g jar blood orange end, insert 1humb and fingers to the base of tray Put m oven

marmalade between nnd and fat and bake, brushmg with

• cup brown sugar (;iiiiji,lRun thumb slowly from the remaining glaze every

1 Tbsp Robust EVOO side to side, peeling back rind 10 minutes, for SO minutes

Finely grated zest and juice of from the fat as you go or until golden and sticky

Y.i orange (to make 3 Tbsp lijiiij·O.

· Remove nnd ljiiri;lij Remove foil from

juice) completely from cut m shank shank and transfer ham to

lijL1ili7Us1ng a small sharp a platter Decorate shank

Eliir!lll Combine all
knife, score fat with diagonal with napkin, herbs, bernes
marmalade glaze ingredients
parallel cuts 4cm apart Repeat or flowers and slice at the
m a small saucepan Heat
m the opposite duectrcn to dinner table
over a high heat Bnng to the

Cob ram


Sprinkle your

home with a

little, or a lot, of

Chrissy magic

- exciting times!

repare your home to sparkle and enchant this Christmas

I) with a sackful of chic and inspirational ideas. Go for

luxe with new-look blues and the glow of gold, bring on

glamour with soft pinks and fairy lights aplenty, or stay serene

with nature's greens. It's time to bring on the merriment!

\\.b \
ii /lcefure,r, �d,, ftl'Wv
works with grained timbers

and a whole spectrum of other

neutrals - whites, creams

and greys - for contrast ��

S They don't say 'deck

the halls' for nothing,

so go all out with

a staircase garland

of green and gold

danglers, a mini tree in

a pot and 'Dasher' the

reindeer. Welcome!

4 Who said wreaths

are only for the front

door? What a fallacy!

Whether you choose

to buy ready-mades or

make them from scratch,

you'll find you never

have quite enough.

Which takes your fancy?

The feather number or

the foliage-wired rings?

5 Go green and frosty

for a cool yule dining

experience. Start off

with a pale green cloth

as a base to build

your scheme. Your

centrepiece: two craft­

shop eucalypt wreaths

(tied together for bulk)

with high-low candles in

the centre. Then, with a

pair of white floral and

foliage arrangements,

you're well on your way.


---�� . -

• Pr•s•nt prHencel Gift wrap

empty boxes and sprinkle them solo,

in groups or stacked, throughout

your home - on a mantelpiece,

a tabletop, on a chair, a tray...

• G•t crafty with a Chrissy hack.

Grab wire star forms from a craft

store. Following the shape, hot glue

fauK foliage to it, wrap with seed

lights and hey, presto, a star is born!

• Stair garland how-to. Fluff the

garland, zigzag with seed lights,

add filler foliage, secure to handrail,

then attach your baubles! Easy! "'

t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----1
ii Winter

whites and reds

are au{�

11#-- f'
ry them
with accents

au nature! ••

I The season renlly atarta to

get exciting when you begin

dressing your tree. If you're

vibing a natural and winter­

white Christmas, a snow­

tipped evergreen, all-white

honeycomb hero baubles

and season's greeting trims

are the way to go. Make it

even more special with Santa

keepsake sacks, which you

can personalise if you wish.

... ,


• Set your dining table on

Christmas Eve, but leave the

final flourishes for the big day,

such as putting out bonbons

and placecards. Now, take

a few minutes to appreciate

how fabulous i
t all looks.

• To create a Hnse of

roominess., lay your placemats

portrait, rather than landscape

- they'll look just as stylish.

• Santa !Hld:s come in handy on

Christmas Day for a big morning

of kids tearing open gifts. Use

them to collect and recycle paper.


wonderland! Bring

together an eye-catching

collection of trees of all

types - modem shapes in

wood, silvery metal and

the sweet little bnstle

variety. Meanwhile, a

few forest friends will

complete the scene.

S Please be seated.

Go for a layered look

with your china to add

interest to your table,

then add the finishing

touches - Christmas red

napkins, pomegranates

and honeycomb paper

decce. You could also

team a centrepiece of

red pillar candles with

a beny-laden garland

j runner. Now look closely

and you'll see a twinkling

tea-light candles in each

t red wine glass - subtle

but stunning. And, if

you've forgotten the

all-important placemats,
red-and-white tea towels

will do the trick. "'




2 Nostalgia rules! Include

a few vintaqe-style decos

-heirloom or new - and

string lights among your
white scheme with
usual tree decorations

and baubles. Exquisite! hints of pale pink,

lavender and g o l d � �
3 Mirror mirror ... Create

a gorgeous tabletop

display with shapely

candy jars filled with

baubles and seed lights.

Place on a mirrored

placemat or tray for extra

sparkle. For similar glass

Christmas tree candy

jars, try .

.. It's a wrap! Luckily

you're spoilt for choice

when it comes to wrapping

paper, so once you've

settled on your Christmas

colour scheme, assemble

a collection of plain and

print designs with pretty

ribbons to match. And. to

really set your pressies

apart, add little handmade

posies that include sprigs

of fragrant rosemary. >

Style a hall table with

flickering candles, a pile of

baubles, stacks of pressies

and gorgeous flowers to last

through the festivities ••

5 It takes a village!

Assemble a few charming

little houses for a

scenic tablescape with

a difference. You can

find similar pieces at

gift, discount variety

and specialist Christmas

stores. Include at least

one that is illuminated..

Or, you can fake the

effect with string lights.

6 Your mantelpiece

or console table will

come into its own this

Christmas with a trio

of stylish lanterns and

candles intertwined

with fresh sprigs of

eucalyptus and berries.

Top it off with a wreath

threaded with a string

or two of seed lights.

7 Come on in ... Let

glowing lanterns. a

beautifully lit tree and

a lush banister garland,

fresh or faux, greet your �

guests. Fancy a similar l

garland? To a plain

garland, just add a trail '

of berry picks, decos and

fairy lights. Too

_ •
_ "
'_Y_'__ .._._=------------------------------' J
• Make i
t enchanting with a

snowy tree dressed to the max

in white baubles and trims.

Here, tucked in a corner of the

hallway, it's truly breathtaking!

• Pr•lit and hanl•fr-1

Selected artificial Christmas

trees now come with all the bells

and whistles, including lights.

• Light up. For a soft atmospheric

glow, choose warm light LED and

string lighting over those labelled

white light which, although brighter,

give off a blue-like cool light. >

•• q'I't,�
embrace the

many beautiful

shades of

peacock blue,

which looks

divine with

lustrous gold

accents ••

I Lantern magic! Looking

for a big impact, no-fuss

decorating idea? Just fill

clear glass lanterns with a

striking mix of baubles in

blues, greens and purples.

For extra glitz, arrange on a

mirrored console, tray or tile!

2 Champagne tastes! Create

playful mini vignettes, even

with a drinks tray. Just look

at this cheeky bird, who

appears to be making merry

with champagne top-ups.

This look suits iridescent

glassware and decos. but

it's not essential as long

as each piece supports

your overall bold blue and

precious gold theme.

3 Floral fantasy. Fresh

or faux, an abundant

arrangement of blue- and

pink-hued flowers, berries

and foliage in a luxe metallic

bowl looks fab on a table

surrounded by coloured

glass to suit your scheme -

decanters, vases and candle

votives. Or, it would make a

mighty fine centrepiece, too.



ii Saver /,""ck fr�

are but a bare branch

and a spray of silver

paint away! ••

• Matt gold i, synonymous

with glamour, but these

blues also look great

with silver or pewter.

• A gold bar cart is right on

theme. Cocktails anyone?

• Trend watch Tuxedo trees!

'What are these?', you ask.

Black Christmas trees! They may

seem a little dark but they look

awesome decorated with jewel­

toned baubles and will suit a

sophisticated blue scheme.

5 Spell it out! Propped

on a console table or

hung on the wall, create

a playful display with a

peacock feather wreath

and gold letters spelling

out a Christmas sentiment.

Keep the wall arrangement

low to the table so the

word connects to the

tablescape below and

isn't floating in mid-air.

6 Ever ailver! Instead of

a full-size evergreen tree,

you can create a simple

but stylish look with a

metallic spray-painted

branch in a coloured vase.

Then,just dangle your fave

baubles among clip-on

birds that are ell-e-qlitter.e

The just-released colours of the season are

reflected in the new range of kitchen appliances

only available at Harvey Norman.



• •


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�NonTv,'" "'-' -op911*'d b¥'h11itMciwt: lcii d ' 111 M4rlNd prto.lddd N9<w � Wl:llilit

-�·�IT'Ol'IGY�-�lwfll"-l'lomc,llcJrl9'a 11!(12/2tlll.
... ,- . ---------
jj From the front door ii,, make

it a Christmas to r�er��
...t .. • I

- _
t,-, ...... ,..._ ..._

Visit us on line: (;)

� /Sign up to our weekly newsletter for delicious recipes,

� fantastic gardening tips, great ideas and so much more!

n @@bhgaus @ 6

Take your pick from this lab
round-up of projects and
ideas to zhoosh your place

2 Sometimes it'• all

about the plant! Knock

up a simple hardwood

structure and then smother

it completely in climbing

roses - this pink beauty

is 'Maid of Kent'. Psst

- you can give an 'arch'

a flat top if it's going to

be covered by foliage!

S In your home food

garden, install a basic

metal arch to support

climbing vegetables like

cucumbers or baby squash.

Or, use it for summer cane

fruits such as raspberries

or loganberries.
6 Give an enclosed garden

a romantic entry with a

traditional timber archway,

complete with finials and

lattice side �ls -dreamy!··

- J�• � - I

1 Consider using

an arch as a stand­

alone architectural

feature. Note how

this one completely

transforms the scene,

adding height and interest,

and drawing the eye

down the garden path.

8 You can de1,ign an

entry arch or arbour to

match the style of your

home - this neo-dassical

timber creation echoes the

architecture of the house

beyond. Psst -you'll need

to call in a carpenter for

something this elaborate.

WEEKEND PROJECTS ................................................................................................................................. l

Give a pallet a paint job and

use it to grow blooms and

show off cut flowers from

your garden (or the florist's,

shhh). Search onhne trading

sites for pallets to buy - you

•• may even get them for free!

,. . -·�
Gather your supplies

• • • MDF

• Timber pallet

• Glass jars

• Plants and cut flowers

You'll also need

Jigsaw; pencil; paintbrush;

paint; hammer; nails;

plastic sheeting; staple

gun: potting mix; wire

STEP 1 Cut out a half-heart

shape from MDF using a

jigsaw. Use template to trace

a heart on front of pallet.

STEP 2 Paint heart on pallet

with a brush. Let dry.

STEP 3 Mark jar posrnons,

then hammer in nails.

STEP 4 Line pallet top with

plastic and staple to secure. Fill

with potting mix and plant up.

STEP 5 Wrap necks of jars with

wire and hang oo nails. Fill with

water and add cut flowers


. .

: ······ .

106 8HG CHRISTMAS 2018


\/ilhen u comes to your tin cans, upcycle don't recycle!

Give them a good wash and remove the labels, then

use cans to create a hanging salad garden. It's a great

way to grow loose-leaf lettuce and other greens.

Gather your supplies in can bases. Use a hammer

• Tin cans and nail to punch 2 holes

• Exterior paint opposite each other 10mm

• Coloured rope down from the rim.

• Salad greens STEP 2 Mask off tins, then

paint. Leaving a hanger,

You'll also need thread rope through first

Drill and bits; hammer; tin, knot off, then repeat

nail; masking tape; hooks, to make a chain. Plant up.

paintbrush; potting mix STEP J Attach hooks

to wall and hang tin

STEP 1 Drill drainage holes can chain. Water well.



Turn that rusty old bike with You'll also need spray-paint the bike,

flat tyres that's been sitting Coloured twine; hessian; including the tyres.

in the garage into a work of plastic sheeting; STEP 2 Attach wire basket

garden art with paint and trowel; potting mix to back of bike with twine.

plants. You can find old STEP 3 Line wire basket

bicycles at garage sales and For you to note with hessian and plastic.

online trading sites, too. • Use exterior-grade paint. STEP 4 Tie woven basket

• Punch drainage holes to front of bike with twine.

Gather your supplies in plastic basket liners. STEP 5 Line woven

• Secondhand or • Natural fibre twine, such basket with plastic.

vintage bicycle as Jute, may eventually rot, STEP 6 Fill both baskets

• Spray paint but synthetic twines won't. with potting mix using a

• Wire basket trowel. Position plants,

• Woven basket STEP 1 Working in a fill around with mix and

• Plants well-ventilated area, firm 1

t down. Water i n . •


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&id -dop c....1n1tablct0p

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SUMMER PROJECT ' I� . \j • - ,I , = • .

i, PALING TABLE 1 Smm dee p x SOrn m wide housings

Gather your supplies for cross rails along the sa me wide

• 200x SOmm x 3m fa ce. Make hou sings start 455mm

hardwood sleepers (2) from each end of side rail. Adjust the

• 95 x 20mm recycled width of y our reba tes and housings

hardwood fence to match the thickness of you r timber.

palings (about 10) S TEP 3 Using a circular sa w se t to the

• 1 00 x 100mmx2.4m depth of th e rebates and housings,

hardwood (2) make multiple passes through the

timber between you r marked lines.

Components S TEP 4 Knock ou t waste

• Side rails 98 x 50 x 1 SOOmm timber with a hammer then

hardwood sleeper (2) smooth bottom of reba est and

• End rails 98 x 50 x SOOmm housings using a sh arp chisel.

hardwood sleeper (2) S TEP 5 Repeat S teps 3 and 4

• Crou raih, 98 x SO x 48Clrnm to cu t rebates and housings

hardwood sleeper (2) in secon d side rad.

• Legs 1 00 x 1 00 x S TEP 6 Dr ill evenly spa ced

730mm hardwood (4) holes for r

sc ews through bott om

• End tabletop pieces of housings in side rails with

95 x 20 x 800mm recycled S mm drill bit. Turn the rails over

hardwood palings (16) and use a countersinking bit in

• End cleats40x20 you r drill to make co untersunk

x 7 SOmm recycled holes for screw heads.

hardwood palings (4) S TEP 7 Temporarily sit cross

• Centre tabletop pieces rails in housings. Prednll through

95 x 20 x 750mm recycled holes in sid e rail in to cross rails

hardwood palings (2) S TEP 8 Se parate cross rail s from

• Centre cleats 40 x housings, sp read PVA glue in

20 x 350mm recycled the housing then reposition th e

hardwood palings (2) rail ba ck in the hou sing. Join

u sing 1 OOmm batt en screws .

You'll also need S TEP 9 Position end ra ils in reba tes

Circular saw with fence on side rails. Predrill, cou ntersink,

attachment: combination glue and scre w through end rails into

square; hammer; chisel; side ra ils as you d id for the cross rails.

drill, 5 and 10mm drill bits; • AdJUSt dimensions of S TEP 1 0At l end of a leg,

countersinking bit; PVA glue; components to suit sizes mark ou t for SOm m deep and

100mm galvanised batten of your recycled materials. 9B mm wide rebate so leg will

screws (16); power plane; sit over side rai l. R epeat S teps

120mm M10 galvanised 3 and 4 to c reate rebate.

cuphead bolts, nuts and STEP 1 Use circular saw S TEP 11 Use powe r plane

washers (8); ratchet: belt with fence attachment on 4 corners at other end

and orbital sanders; coarse to cut 200 x SOmm of leg to beve l edges.

and fine grade sanding belts hardwood sleepers in S TEP 2

1 S it reba te in leg over side

and discs; 30mm galvanised : . . oivriP· . . ·111:

half along their length rail 70mm from end. D rill holes

wood screws; Feast Watson for side, end and cross through legs and side rails f
or bo lts
: To make cutting :
Proofseal and Fine Buffing Oil; rails, then cut to length. using a 10mm drill bit. nsert
I bo lts
• hardwood along its •
paintbrush; fine steel wool STEP 2 Across wide face m holes, slip a washer and nut on
length easier, cut
at each end of 1 side rail, the end and tighten with a ratchet.
halfway through in
FOR YOU TO NOTE • When use a combination sq uare S TEP 13 R epeat Steps 1 0- 1 2 to
the first pass before
using power tools, wear all to mark out for 5mm deep
2 create and attach remaining egs.

making a second
safety gear required and refer x SOmm wide rebates for S TEP 14 Use bel t sa nder to remove
pass at full depth.
to your product instructions end rail s. Also mark out grey and we athered timber from ""
Poolside perfarmer


hen Denise and Adam put EASY DOES IT The installation of

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Adam and Denise's deck was surprisingly
renovation, they knew how painless. "The install time is definitely

they didn't want to go about it. ·we faster due to the board width and the

liked the wide board look, but needed actual fixture system," says Adam. "This Nothing handles Australian

a robust, rot-resistant product that could conditions like HardieDeck™

created a distinct saving rn both install

tolerate poolside conditions,· says Adam. time and labour costs. H Between the decking. The premium fibre

"I've seen timber decks fail in under five cement composite means it's ideal
deck's designer good looks, minimal

years and we didn't want to risk that.· for bushfire zones, around pools,
ongoing maintenance requirements and

Instead, they chose HardieDeck ™ for backyard barbies and fire pits. It
ease of installation, Adam and Demse are

its durability. "I have a background in can be painted, left raw or stained
thrilled with the result. "We couldn't be

sustainability so I look for products and it won't rot, warp Of splinter,

happier with both the process and the

with longer lifespans, and HardieDeck so it's a great ahernative to timber.

finished product. Installing Herdrebeck

delivers on that." was one of the best decisions we've made. H



recycled fence palings. tabletop end pieces then repeat

Start with a coarse grade to the whole process to create a

quickly remove the timber second end tabletop panel.

then switch to a fine grade STEP 18 Place centre tabletop

for a smoother finish. pieces on the bench and join

o create end using centre table cleats. Make

tabletop pieces, measure cleat overhang outside edges of

and cut 800mm lengths out centre tabletop pieces by 80mm

of whole recycled palings. and sit 1 SSmm from ends.

Work from the top end as the STEP 19 Lay end tabletop

bottom is usually rotten. panels on your bench with

STEP 16 On end tabletop centre tabletop panel between

pieces that have 2 square ends, them. Predrill and screw through

cut off corners of 1 end to overhangs on centre table

replicate those pieces cut from cleats into end tabletop panels
Large natural cane cloche, $69,
top of paling. Sand cut edges to join them all together.
The Lost and Found Depar1ment.
to further resemble old palings. STEP 20 Sit tabletop on table

STEP 17 Lay 8 end tabletop frame so ends and sides overhang

pieces on your bench so their eq ually. Ou ter e nd cleats sit

square ends are aligned. outside table frame. Mark

Alternate between palings with posmons of inner end cleats on

old tops and the others you cut side ra ils. Remove tabletop, then

the comers off. To join them mark and cu t rebates in top edges

together and create the end of side ra li s for end cleats to sit

tabletop panel, cut the cleat in. Reposi tion tabletop on frame.

out of recycled palings, spread STEP 2 1 Use orbital sa nder with

glue on 1 side then place rt ne

fi sandpaper to further smoo th

centrally across the tabletop tabletop. F inish by hand sa nding

pieces and 100mm from 1 end. using supe r ne

fi sa ndpaper.

Prednll, countersink and use STEP 22 To lock in the nnins


30mm screws through cleat and oils in the timber, app ly a coat

into each long table piece, of Proofseal ove r the tabletop.

Wheaton stripe
using 2 screws for each piece. STEP 23 Ap ply Fm e Buffing O il to
napkin in Navy,
Repeat to attach another tabletop wi th ne steel
fi woo l and
$10 each,

Po11ery Barn. cleat SOmm from other end of following prod uct instructions. •

round pot.

$99, The Lost

and Found


Personalise your Christmas gift giving this

year with these super cute hand-painted pots,

which are all about investing in time - not money!

imple home made

Christmas gifts make

a refreshing change

store-bought goods.

plus you know that you're

giving something unique.

These hand painted pots

are super easy to make and

call for only basic materials

and supplies. Take your

pick from these two styles.

or make a fow of each the

building block for both i


the classic vase shaped

terracotta pot, which you

can pick up at any nursery.

This year. give from the

heart not the etore.»

Plant up your

pots with in­

season flowers

and either

give as gifts

or use as




Gather your supplies

• Small terracotta pot

• Pot sealer

• Red acrylic paint

• Black acrylic paint

• Copper tape

You'll also need

Paintbrushes: drop sheet;

painter's tape; scissors

painter's tape around pot,

FOR YOU TO NOTE to mask off the belt band.

Save money by using STEP 4 Paint section between

sample pots of acrylic pain!. tape strips in black. Allow

to dry, then apply a second

Here's how coat. Carefully remove tape

STEP 1 Spread drop sheet while paint is still tacky.

on work surface. Spray STEP 5 Measure and cut 4

inside of pol with pot sealer. lengths of adhesive copper

STEP 2 Usmg a brush, tape to form bell buckle.

apply a coat of red paint. STEP 6 Peel backing from

Allow to dry, then follow copper tape strips and

with a second coat. carefully position on pot

STEP 3 Run 2 lengths of to form square buckle.


Gather your supplies

• Small grey or stone pot

• Pot sealer

• White acrylic paint

• Kitchen sponge-scourer

• Felt pen

You'll also need

Paintbrush; painter's tape; to paint collar white.

Stanley knife; drop sheet; STEP 3 Use a felt pen

plastic plate; plain paper to draw Christmas tree

onto kitchen sponge.


You can also use your knife, carefully cut out tree

Christmas-tree sponge shape, leaving scourer

to decorate plain section of sponge intact.

wrapping paper. STEP 5 Fill plastic plate

with paint, dab sponge into

Here's how it, and blot onto a piece of

STEP 1 Spread drop sheet paper to remove excess.

on worlc surface. Spray STEP 6 Press sponge onto

mside of pot with pot sealer. pot, using a gentle rocking

STEP 2 Run a strip of motion to transfer paint.

painter's tape just below Repeat process to add

pot collar, then use a brush additional tree shapes. •


I (

'Lava' Sofa Chair


Make the most of your smaller outdoor area and create your own private paradise

at home for a warehouse price. Relax on this outdoor lounge settmg and cook up

a feast on the compact Matador Kettle 880. Check out the outdoor living range

in-store or at
. ��

Put on your own lab festive picnic with all the trimmings

his year, our TV presenters their favourite episodes. And, of

t celebrate by enjoying some

good old-fashioned. outdoor

fun -decorating the tree, hanging

course, Ed and Karen whip up a

picnic of delicious festive fare

(for recipes, see pages 130

homemade bunting, making easy and 140). So go afiead, make

decorations, playing backyard your own merry memories

games and sharing stories about with these great ideas.



ii This C.hrisJmas enjoy

the �le,, JO�e,f:-with

the pebple'you love ••

1 Give paper chain•

a makeover with jute

webbing and check

ribbon in red and white.

2 Tartan-up a white­

painted tin with a band

of red hessian and a

tartan fabric bow.


own simple table

decorations. You can

whisk these hessian

trees up in no time.

4 Straw stars! The

kids will love this

hack and so will you!

S Chrissy pud made

easy. Centre a ping­

pong ball on a 20cm

piece of tartan fabric:.

Gather up the fabric

and secure with green

twine, tying the ends

into a hanging loop.

6 Give your guest&

a big welcome with

homemade bunting.

Instructions on page 198

CHRISTMAS 2018 BttG 123

Keep your

family safe

this tick

hile they're both essential elements of

a gorgeous garden, trees and climbing

W plants are best kept m their separate

corners. Given a chance, vmes will happily use

trees as their means of support, and while this can

look pretty in the short term, over time it can lead

to a range of tree health problems developing.

PROBLEM PAIRINGS most Eucalypt species, To remove a vine

• Mostly, climbing plants climbers give rise to from a tree, sever

it at the base and

cling on by wrapping other health problems.
clear a ring around
themselves around the Old layers of bark are
the trunk. Oon'11ry
tree trunk. In the case of unable to fall away from
to remove the whole
vigorous growers, such the trunk, causing a thick
vine. as pulling it
as wisteria, they can end mat to develop. This
off could damage or
up strangling or girdling decaying organic matter,
tear the bark, and
the trunk as it tries to and its trapped moisture, il's 001 practical 10

grow and expand. And raises the potential do in the case of tall

the problem isn't just for rots and fungal lreesanyway. The

restricted to vines. Some diseases to develop. dead vine will slowly

scrambling shrubs, such • The other long-term wither, the leaves will

T U , , &LIJ drop and tte tendrils

as Monstera deliciosa, problem which can arise
will release their
have aenal roots, which for vine·covered trees is
grip. In the case of
will cling vigorously to one of instability. Bulky
low-growing vines. or
their host by encircling climbing plants can add
clinging aerial roots.
the trunk. Over time, a lot of additional weight
you can carefully

•• this can become a tight

mass of root matter.

to limbs and branches

and, if heavy rain is

prise lhem off using

an old knife. working

• In the case of trees that added to the equation, section by section.

Miiiabie at PhannKlea. shed their bark, such as they can break and fall.

F'fteze don, ...... with

Medi FreezeTlckOff

. � d . *• 4
• •1· ..,.
� 4 � & . � � *•�
'1• ·:· -1• 7-• .,. ·:· -':•
� *•4
-':• -1·
d • • ' • 4 * 4 · ' · ·•ro
ot• -.. ·:• <1•

• -.• • ;.

Looking for a cute gift for garden-loving friends or relatives? Try this idea, using

small potted conifers dressed up with a red bow and an elf's hat - they'll definitely

bring a smile to anyone you give them to! Just sit plastic-potted conifers inside

small metal buckets or something similar - there's no need to re-pot the plants.


ZS z,










ideas, tips




for your area. Naturally,


there will be cooler, warmer, wetter and drier areas

n each zone, so ask a hort1cultunst at your local

nursery which zooe best matches your ecedrucos.


.. .IN ll [ I R L O O M S[[DS

FOf" an heirloom boost to your

cooking, check out The Hungry

Gardener heritage Italian seeds.

The range includes packets of

tomato, basil, beetroot, broccoli,

cabbage, kale, fennel, onion and

carrot seeds, fOf" $6 each Visit .

... AT Tll[ NURS[RY

High-impact foliage year round and a ( ..

contemporary look put Nandina 'Magical HEIGHT

SHADE zo-soca
Lemon' in a plant category all its own.
... ,. .
Compact, easy-care, frost-tolerant and

hardy, it shines in pots or mass-planted

in a bed. New lemon-toned foliage


r - -- - -- -
J ... I N Bl RD r[[D[RS I

Extend a summer invite

to feathered friends with

this sleek stainless steel

and timber Fuera two­
in-one bird feeder and

bath. Easy to install and

measunng 120 x 31.S

x 10cm, it's $249 from


- -- -· -- -

A must-have for heritage

tomato growers is Tomato:

Know, Sow, Grow, Feast

by Penny Woodward,

Karen Sutherland and

cookbook author Janice

Sutton (self-published, ... I N TRUGS

$60). It's the best and most Super handy for a range of jobs,

thorough Australian book this traditional·look metal trug

on tomatoes, covering comes in charcoal or chalk and

more than 220 heirloom measures 35 x 18 x 1 Dem (H).

varieties. For details, v1s1t It's $48 from Heaven In Earth, au >


�- Wl,&ly

in hegarden


& Cream' with its rosy red as petunia, calibrachoa,

and white·centred blooms. cornflower and marigold.

Give plants a light Get the kids to build

.a:. '·· . '
clip and a feed to have a Santa scarecrow.
� 14; .. ·: .•. ·1·

. .




them looking their best Buy in some bright

• .?.'! .;,, .
during the holiday period. and breezy outdoor
' . ·:'.·. ·
� �
Treat outdoor furniture cushion covers.

to a good clean and Paint an old galvanised

scrub-down and get rid bucket in a festive colour 111:11·1:, 11111

of those spiders' webs and fill it with pine cones E

,. :.,p• summer fo

lurking under the seats. spray-painted silver. Add the mountain ccct and

Shop around for a Pren flowers from a ribbon and it will be a flow•ring perennials

compact potted conifer your garden to create stunner by the front door. at the Garden of St

to do duty as an indoor personalised place String twinkling light, Erth, near the Victorian

Christmas tree. Give through your favourite - town of Blackwood.

it the full baubles and

- -- - and most visible - tree. This charming property

tinsel treatment for

GO Buy a mozzie zapper in the Wombat State

the big day, then move TRADITIONAL or insect-repelling Forest, with its
it outdoors. Keep it with a red poinsettia candles for protection sandstone cottage,

happy in its pot and it I or two, either as when dining outdoors. is part of the Diggers
I Scatter tea-light
can make a comeback organisation and
Christmas table
performance next year. I candles in glass holders boasts a vast range of
features or to give as
Make or buy a Cbri&tmas I around the garden to espalienitd fruit trees,
gifts to guests.
wreath to hang on
,_ ,, add nocturnal sparkle. heirloom vegetables

your front door.

- -- - Give indoor plants a and drought·tolerant

Buy a stunning name cards for lunch good wipe-down with a flowers. Open seven

hydr:mgea to use as a or dinner guests. damp cloth to rid them days. 9-Spm, visit

festive table centrepiece, Fill that rusty old of dust and grit.

then plant it out once wheelbarrow with Fill ornate glass jars

conditions have cooled a potting mix and plant with colourful lollies for

little. A lovely variety is up with an array of Christmas table treats,

Hydrangea 'Strawberries flowering annuals, such or to give as gifts.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I


summer garden scene with bold

splashes of colour. Revive an old pair l

of timber garden chairs with a coat of I

apple-green paint, then tum up the J

colour dial on the potted nowers, too i
- try a mix of impatiens and daisies in l
pink and fuchsia hues. Throw down J
an outdoor rug, open a bottle of f
wine, then sit back and enjoy your

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :��- ·��,:� ��·��: '.� -� . . . . . . . . f





Your very own culinary centre that is made to perform and built to last!

Also wallable In:



The new, �IDN!ystfterand Sale lbklna 11 Just the bqlnnlna! FNturinc a unique planeU,ry mbdna action

11tadwnentw111�youtou,lty� Wlth�lOopt�� this rnbcer deliven thoroush lr,vedlent

, consistent results. It acnntdy

fluffy this mhlet allows you to uslty whip 1,1p I
ncorporation, and wRI help you to achieve

me�� thorouJhly sffls and lntultlYe/y a variety of meals from freffl �ta to incndlble booM c::ownce. Plus. with

�s 1,..,-edlents � rltoyour· Ice cre;im, burpr1, 5i11J5i11ft, veggie 10 v¥bble � � the flexibility to

booM In just one step. Perfect for prep,arlnc noodles and more. lmpresslrc your aoteararweof delldous me• from a

pl� dQllh or pmty! suests �ncvcrbccn c�ler! fluffy �to' douslTf�of brud!



Make it your best party season ever with these easy, tasty recipes for summer entertaining

Soy bean hum.mus with black olive and parmesan crisps Lobster, pine nut and white wine linguine

Swap the chickpeas in traditional hummus for ready-to-use For a really elegant summer entertainer, with a hint of

frozen soy beans and add a new twist to this party fave. Chnstmas generosity, this lobster linguine is spot on

Recipe on page 134 Recipe on page 134

Barbecued bream with herb sauce and flame-grilled squid Prawn and cauliflower san choi bao

We all indulge at Christmas, so it's great to serve up Refresh your summer entertaining menu with a hit of

something a bit healthier like this delicious seafood dish light and fresh flavour in these simple lettuce cups.

Recipe on page 136 Recipe on page 136





Preparation time 10 mins VANILLA DRESSING 1Yz Tb5P hulled tahini

Cooking time 1 Y.z hours Preparation time 5 mins 1 tsp ground cumin

Serves 10 Cooking time 5 mms /z t5p ground coriander MHtds

Serves 4 Yz bunch flat-leaf parsley

1.6-2.4kg easy carve leg ham leaves, roughly chopped

Scm pffJce ginger, sliced Y

• bunch mint leaves,
850ml pear juice ·,
2 cinnamon sticb 1 vanilla bean, halved roughly chopped

2 star anise ,, , Thickly sliced zest and 12Sml extra virgin olive oil

4 cloves juice of 4 limes Sea-salt flakes and fre5hly ground

2 cardamom pods, cracked 2 kaffir lime leaves, torn white pepper, to season

200g honey Yz cup caster �ar 8 slices wholemeal sandwich bread

2 Tbsp lime marmalade 6 c;ups mixed tropical fnlit, chopped Yz cup black olive tapenade

1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar (we used lychees, pawpaw, papaya, Yz cup finely grated parmesan

Handful of gum leaves (optional) passionfruit, mango and pineapple)

Yz bunch mint leaves STEP 1 Bnng a large pot of salted water

STEP 1 Preheat a lidded barbecue Yz coc:onut, grated to the boil over high heat. Add soy

to medium heat. Use a sharp knife Coconut yoghurt, to 5erve beans and cook for 1 minute. Remove

to score fine parallel lines 1 cm and refresh under cold running water.

apart at a 45° angle across ham STEP 1 Combine ginger, vanilla Put beans in a food processor Vvith

skin. Put in a large roasting pan. bean, zest, Juice, hme leaves and garlic, juice, tahini, spices, herbs and 011.

Add SOOml water and cook with sugar in a small saucepan. Put over Blitz until a smooth puree forms. Season.

the hd dov.T'I for 30 minutes. medium heat and simmer for 5-8 STEP 2 FOf" crisps, preheat a ribbed gnll

STEP 2 Meanwhile, put pear juice minutes, or until syrupy. Set aside to plate over medium heat Spread 8 bread

and spices in a saucepan over high cool completely. Once cooled, strain slices with tapenade, scatter cheese over

heat and boil rapidly for 1 5 minutes, through a fine sieve and discard solids. 4, sandwich together and arrange on hot

or until reduced to 100ml. Add STEP 2 Put frull, mmt and coconut in grill. Place a heavy pan on top and cook

honey, marmalade and vinegar, a bowl, toss to mix well and drizzle with or 2 minutes, until underskle is crisp.

and boil for a further 10 minutes dressing. Serve with coconut yoghurt. Tum over and repeat. Cut into wedges,

or until syrupy. Strain through a and serve with soy bean hummus.

fine sieve, discarding spices. SOY BEAN HUMMUS


the ham, close the lid and bake for PARMESAN CRISPS WHITE WINE LINGUINE

a further 30 minutes. Brush with Preparation time 10 mins Preparation time 10 mins

remaining glaze and bake for a final Cooking time 5 rnms Cooking time 20 mins

30 minutes. Add a handful of gum Serve5 4-6 Serves 4

leaves to the coals (if using coals)

and cook for a final 5 minutes to 400g frozen 5helled soy SOOml dry white wine

achieve a light and smoky flavour. beans (edamame) 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar >


2 eschalots, finely chopped 1h cup extra virgin olive oil charred. Scatter squid over fish.

2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced Sea-salt flakes and freshly ground Serve garnished with micro herbs.

2 fresh bay leeves black pepper, to season

2 sprigs thyme Y.i tsp chilli flakes PRAWN AND CAULIFLOWER

3 Tbsp unsalted butter, diced 1 green capsicum SAN CHOI BAO

4009 linguine 1 bunch coriander leaves Preparation time 20 mins

1/2: cup finely-grated parmesan 1 bunch parsley leaves Cooking time 10 mins

2 cooked lobster tails 8 doves garlic Serves 4

2 Tbsp toasted pine nuts, chopped 1 Y.i tsp ground cumin

2 green shallots, thinly sliced 1 tsp ground coriander seed 1 iceberg lettuce

1 bunch chivH, finely chopped 2 tsp fine salt 2 lup chong sausages, sliced

lemon w&dges, to serve 2 tsp sherry vinegar 2 tsp sesame oil

400g whole baby squid, 4 eschalots, finely sliced •

STEP 1 Put wine, vinegar, eschalots, deaned, scored and cut into 8 doves garlic, ,, '

garlic, bay leaves and thyme in strips (including tentacles) finely chopped ,,

a medium saucepan over high heat. Micro herbs, to serve 7cm piece ginger, '

8011 for 10 minutes, or until reduced cut into fine batons

to Y
i cup. Strain, discarding solids, STEP 1 Preheat a lidded barbecue 2 Tbsp oyster sauce

and return to pan. Whisk in butter, on low heat. Use a sharp knife to 1 Tbsp sweet chilli sauce

and set aside to keep warm. score fish on both sides, rub with 2 tsp rice vinegar

STEP 2 Bring a large saucepan of sahed 1 tablespoon of the extra virgin olive Sea-salt flakes and freshly ground

water to the boil and cook pasta for oil and season generously. Scatter with black pepper, to season

10 minutes, or until al dente. Drain well, chilli flakes and set aside for 5 minutes. 300g peeled and cooked

return to pan and stir through parmesan. STEP 2 Finely chop capsicum small prawns

STEP 3 Use sharp scissors to remove (including the seeds) and finely chop SOOg Birds Eye frozen

bottom of lobster shell, and gently the herbs. Put garlic, spices and salt cauliflower rice, thawed

prise out meat. Dice and add to pasta in a mortar and pound until smooth. 2 green shallots, finely sliced

with the pine nuts, shallots and chives. Add herbs and capsicum and pound Coriander leaves, Thai basil leaves,

Toss well, pour in sauce and toss to make a paste. Mix in vinegar and a sliced chilli, chopped peanuts

again. Serve with lemon wedges. quarter cup of the olive oil, and season and lime wedges, to serve

with a generous amount of pepper.

BARBECUED BREAM STEP 3 Arrange fish on grill side of STEP 1 Use a small knife to remove

WITH HERB SAUCE AND barbecue and cook with lid down for lettuce core and gently prise

FLAME-GRILLED SQUID 10-12 minutes, until just firm to touch. apart to remove leaves. Use sharp

Preparation time 10 mins Arrange on a platter and cover with scissors to cut each leaf into a neat

Cooking time 15 mins the sauce. Add kindling to barbecue round cup, put cups m a large bowl

Serves 4 (or turn heat to high). Toss squid of iced water and set aside.

in remaining oil and season. Place in STEP 2 Put a wok over medium heat,

4 x plat•size whole bream a flameproof sieve or cook's basket add sausage and sesame oil, and

(about 350g each), deaned and grill for 2-3 minutes, until lightly cook for 3 minutes until browned.,.



That's a wrap!


Are you hanging for that great Macca's• taste, but with a fresh WHOLEMEAL?
new twist? Check out the new and improved McWrap range
at McDonald's, available in three delicious flavours.


Enjoy juicy 100% Aussie Beef with crunchy
lettuce, tomato, caramelised onion, Macca's
Classic Cheese and a tangy signature sauce
wrapped in a wholemeal tortilla.



Spice up your life with our delicious

spicy sauce, 100% Aussie chicken

breast fillet (crispy or grilled) and

a mix of leafy greens and crunchy

slaw wrapped in a wholemeal tortilla.


Hail Caesar! You'll love the caesar dressing,

parmesan cheese, crispy bacon, 100%

Aussie chicken breast fillet (crispy or grilled)

topped with extra lettuce and wrapped in

a wholemeal tortilla.

jj Small, fluffy


called poffertjes,

are party-platter


Add eschalots, garlic and ginger and and trim the edges. Put pastry in the 'h cup brown sugar

cook for a further 2 minutes. Add the freezer for 1 0- 1 5 minutes, until firm. 1 tsp fine ult

sauces and vinegar, and simmer for STEP 3 Line pastry base with
2 cups green banana flour.

2 minutes, or until thid:ened. Season. crumpled baking paper and fill with Ghee, melted, to grease ,

STEP 3 Add f)fawns and cauliflower, baking weights or dried beans. 'h cup honey '

stir briefly until hot, add green shallots Bake for 20 minutes, or until pastry 'h cup lemon juice '' • ,

and stir again. Spoon mixture into is golden. Remove paper and Icing sugar, to dust

lettuce cups and serve with herbs, weights, and brush with beaten egg. Banana slices and toasted

chilli, peanuts and lime wedges. Return tart shell to oven and bake coconut flakes, to serve

a further 2 minutes. Set aside.

APRICOT AND STEP 4 Put butter and sugar in a large STEP 1 Combine yeast and

ALMOND TART bowl. Using electric hand beaters, beat 2 tablespoons of the milk m a large

Preparation time 20 rnrns until light and smooth Add extra eggs bowl and set aside for 5 minutes, until

plus 15 rruns chilling one at a time, beating well after each foamy. Add eggs, 1 tablespoon of

Cooking time 1 hour addition. Fold in vanilla and almond the brown sugar, salt and remaining

Serves 10 meal. Spoon filling into tart shell and milk, then whisk until smooth. Add

smooth top with a spatula. Top with green banana flour and mix welt to

3509 shortcrust pastry, apricot halves in a circular pattern combine. Cover bowl w1th plastic

homemi!lde or store-bought around the nm, and one in the middle. wrap and set aside to- 30 minutes

Cooking oil spray, to grease Bake for 25-30 minutes, until just firm to 1 hour, or until doubled in size.

1 frH-range egg, lightly beaten, and golden. Cool on a wire rack STEP 2 Heat a Dutch pancake pan

plus extra 3 free-range egg, STEP 5 Meanwhile, put jam and over moderate heat. Brush each

1509 unsalted butter, softened lemon JUice m a small saucepan indentation with a little melted

1 SOg ca5ter sugar over high heat. Bring to the boil and ghee. Put batter in a squeeze bottle

1 tsp naturi!II vanilla extract cook for 1 minute, or until thickened. or piping bag. Squeeze batter

17Sg almond meal Remove tart from tm and transfer into each indentation to fill to the

1 cup tinned apricot halves to a large serving plate. Brush glaze top and cook fOf" 2 minutes. Flip

12 cup apricot jam over the tart, and serve with whipped pancakes over carefully with a small

Juice of 1/2: lemon cream and sliced strawbemes. spatula and cook for 1 more minute.

Whipped cream and sliced Repeat with remaining batter.

strawberries, to serve MINI BANANA FLOUR STEP 3 Meanwhile, put honey,

PANCAKES lemon uice and remaining brown


STEP 1 Preheat oven to 180°C fan­ Preparation time 5 mins sugar in a medium sa ucepan over

forced (200°C COflventiOflal). Grease plus 30 mins standing medium heat and ing to a simmer

a 24cm fluted tart tin with cooking Cooking time 15 rmns for a few minutes. Remove from

oil and line base with baking paper. Serves 4-6 heat and driule over pancakes.

STEP 2 On a lightly floured bench, STEP 4 Dust pancakes with

Roll out pastry in a rough circle about 1 'h tsp instant dried yeast a generous amount of icing gar

3mm thick. Gently transfer pastry to 375ml milk and serve with banana slices, toasted

prepared tin, pushing it into sides, 2 free-range eggs coconut flakes and extra syrup. •


Cupcakes 3 ·
in just minutes





- .

l!'m mcresate
Easy and fun

microwave cookware
Available in the food storage aisle. ( j :,,, -• dft

You'll be sweet on these three

treats starring luscious berries,

Jus a fish burger for foodies

Bri.ileed brioche

with eggnog custard

and berries

A sweet bread and fresh

berry extravaganza

with a Christmas­

flavoured custard. Make

it to create a cafe-sryle

breakfast or brunch

experience at home.

Recipe on page 144



Super simple roasted raspberry jam

No need to stand over a hot stove, stirring

away. This jam is all done in the oven! Make

it for your breakfast toast or dress up jars

with ribbon for lovely Christmas gifts. "'

R,cipe on page 144

• • •

- --


Salmon fish

finger burgers

Crumbed fillets on

sweet bread with


mayo?Yes, please!

SALMON FISH 3-4 iceberg lettuce leaves, flour, dip in the beaten egg and

FINGER BURGERS finely sliced coat in the crumb mixture.

Preparation time 1 S mins 2 Tbsp pickled ginger, STEP 3 Slice buns open, three-quarters

Cooking time 10 mins drained, finely sliced of the way through. Put buns on a

Makes 6 large oven tray. Toast in the oven for a

STEP 1 Preheat oven to 160"C fan­ couple of minutes Of until light golden.

2 ,heeh roasted nori forced i180"C conventional). Put nori STEP 4 Pour 011 into a large frying pan

1 cup mayonnaise in a small bowl and rehydrate by until 1cm deep. Heat over medium

3 tsp white mi,o paste running under cold water. Squeeze heat and, once oil is hot, gently put

3 x 200g u,lmon fillets out excess water and chop finely in fish fingers and cook for about 90

(or ocean trout), long with a sharp knife. Put mayonnaise seconds, then turn over and cook for a

mid-section fish, skin off in a small bowl, add nori and miso further 1 minute or until fish is cooked

/::z cup panko crumb, and stir to combine. Set aside. through. Drain on paper towel. You

4 Tbsp nsame seed, STEP 2 Slice the fish fillets in half may need to cook the fish in 2 batches

Freshly ground black lengthways. Cut each length in half depending on the size of your pan.

pepper, to season again. Put panko crumbs and sesame STEP 5 To assemble, spoon a

2 Tbsp plain flour seeds in a shallow bowl or on a plate. generous amount of miso mayo on

2 free-range eggs, lightly beaten Season with pepper. Put the flour bun base, top with lettuce, a piece of

6 long brioche roll, on a large plate, and eggs m a crumbed fish, pickled ginger and bun

Extra virgin olive oil, for frying bowl. Dust each piece of fish with top. Serve with a wooden skewer.

LEMON AND GINGER 1 tsp vanilla u:tract STEP 3 Spoon sherry mixture into

SYLLABUB WITH Pinch of Ha·Hlt flakes chilled glasses and top with ginger

LEMON THINS 85g unulted butter, super soft, slices. Chill for 40 minutes.

Preparation time 10 mms beaten with fork until fluffy STEP 4 Meanwhile, to make lemon

plus 40 mins chilling 859 plain flour thins, preheat oven to 1 BOOC fan-forced

Cooking time 5 mms (200°( conventional). Grease and line

Serves 6 STEP 1 Put 2 crushed raspberries a large oven tray with baking paper.

and 6 melon balls each m 6 glasses, Using an electric hand mixer or stand

1259 raspberries then chill in the fridge. Combine mixer, beat eggs, lemon zest, sugar

36 tiny balls of fresh rockmelon sherry, sugar, lemon zest and and vanilla until fluffy. Add salt, then

180ml dry or sweet sheny (apera) juice in a large bowl. Set aside. add whipped fluffy butter, and flour.

2209 caster sugar STEP 2 Put cream in a large bowl STEP 5 Spoon teaspoons of mixture

Zest and juice of 2 lemons and, using an electric hand mixer, onto prepared tray about Scm

500ml, 35% fat beat into soft peaks. Stir through apart and bake for 5 minutes until

1 SOml double cream, 45% fat double cream and gently fold edges begin to brown and are

3 Tbsp c,ystalliHd ginger, sliced through the sherry mixture. crispy. They w,11 not rise. Remove

king sugar mixture, to dust from oven and allow to cool.

STEP 6 Serve syllabubs dusted with

LEMON THINS icing sugar, with thins on the slde.»

2 large free-range eggs

Finely grated zest of

1 large lemon

1259 caster sugar

Lemon and ginger

syllabub with

Lemon thins

Indulgent and creamy,

this dessert looks

elaborate but is

simple to make and

the biscuits are the

work of minutes. More

time for celebrating!

CHRISTMAS 2018 8HG 143


into both sides of bread slices.

STEP 6 Preheat a large frying-pan to

medium heat and gently fry bread on

all sides. Do this i

n batches and wipe

out the pan in between to prevent

burning from residual butter and sugar.

The sugar will melt and become like

a toffee on the outside of the bread .

STEP 7 Break or cut up cooled

SrCihled brioche hazelnut mixture into a rough crumb.

Super simple roasted
wllh eggnoe custard STEP 8 1/o/hen ready to serve,
and berries ,aspberry)a'1
put a piece of brioche toast in a

shallow bowl oron a plate. Spoon

BRULEED BRIOCHE WITH and egg yolks in a large bowl, and the custard into a piping bag and

EGGNOG CUSTARD whisk until well combined. If it's too pipe on top, or simply dollop onto

AND BERRIES dry to sUr, add a little warm milk toast using a spoon. Spoon over

Preparation time 20 mins mixture. Spoon about a quarter a little of the raspbeny jam and

Cookirtg time 30 mins cup of the warm milk into the egg scatter with a little hazelnut crumb

Serves. 8 mixture and whisk to combine. Pour Garnish with berries. Serve.

all the egg mixture into the warm

SOOml milk milk mixture, and whisk to combine.

SOOml cream, 35% fat Pour mixture back into saucepan.

1 vanilla bean, cut finely STEP 3 Add brandy and increase

on an angle heat to medium-low and stir or

1 strip of orange rind gently whisk constantly to ensure

150g coconut sugar, 11 doesn't burn or split. Don't be

plus extra 150g tempted to tum up the heat any

6 Tbsp cornflour hotter than medium-low The custard

'l:z tsp ground dove will thicken after about 6-8 minutes. SUPER SIMPLE ROASTED

v- tsp nutmeg, finely grated Remove rind and set aside to cool. RASPBERRY JAM

2 tsp ground cinnamon STEP 4 Heat a frying pan over Preparation time S mms

6 fre•range egg yolks medium-low heat and hne an oven Cooking time SO mins

60ml brandy tray with baking paper. Add crushed MakH about 6 x 200ml jars

60g hazelnut5, peeled, lightly hazelnuts and toss in the dry pan until

toasted, roughly chopped they start to colour. Add hemp seeds 1.2kg raspberriH, fresh or frozen

2 heaped Tbsp hemp seeds and continue to move hemp and nuts 900g caster sugar

80-100ml ma�e syrup around the pan, you are after a golden Juke of 1 lemon

'l:z tsp se•nlt flakes brown toast on them. Pour in maple

1 loaf unsliced bt-loche, ,tale, syrup - the pan will sizzle and bubble STEP 1 Preheat oven to 170°C fan­

cut into 2·3cm slices - and stir with a wooden spoon. After forced (190"C conventiona�. Put

150g butter, chopped, at about 2 minutes the nuts and seeds will raspberries in a large oven-proof

room temperature start to dump and get sticky. Adel salt, ceramic dish. Put sugar in another large

200ml raspberry jam, or you stir and remove from heat. Immediately ceramic dish. Roast both fa< 40 minutes.

can 11$9 your favourite fruit pour onto prepared tray and place STEP 2 Remove from oven and carefully

jam (see Super ,imple rcH1sted another piece of baking paper over add hot berries to hot sugar (the sugar

ra1,pberry jam recipe, right) the top and weight down to Hatten, won't be melted, just hot}. Stir well to

250g raspberries., to garni.h using a second oven tray Set aside combine, add juice and stir again.

until mixture has set firmly, and you STEP 3 Return to oven for 10 minutes,

STEP 1 Preheat oven to 180°C fan­ are ready to serve. The crumble will then remove and stir again. Make

forced (200"C conventional). Put milk, become crunchy as it cools. To speed sure all the sugar has dissolved and,

cream, vanilla and orange rind in a it up, chill in the fridge or freezer. if not, return to the oven for a little

saucepan over a low heat. Bring to STEP S Spread both sides of bread longer. Ladle into dean jars while

the barest simmer. Don't overheat. slices with lots of butter. Put extra still hot. Seal with a lid. The jam will

STEP 2 Put sugar, cornflour, spices sugar on a plate, and press sugar keep 111 the fndge for 2-3 weeks.e

Festive Feasting
When everyone's home for Christmas it's the perfect opportunity to

share great food and quality time with loved ones

ne of the great

joys of Christmas is

O bringing the family

together around the table.

At Woolworths you'll find

everything you need to create

a feast the whole family will

love, from nibbles to pudding

and everything in between.

Award-winning ham

A beautiful Christmas ham

always draws an appreciative

crowd, so check out

Woolworths' award-winning

half leg of ham, naturally wood­ The decadent Gold

smoked for a richer flavour. Christmas Pudding

range from Woolworths

GIIH like I c:hef

is dusted with golden

For a gorgeous glaze packed

lustre so you can serve

with traditional festive flavours.

up magic in minutes.

the Woolworths variety of

Available in your choice

glazes in Sweet Cherry, Spiced

of Pineapple and Rum

Apple and Golden Maple get

and Spiced Gingerbread.
golden results with less fuss.
Serve with a bowl of

plump, juicy 100% Aussie

Easy enter1alnlng
chemes for the ultimate
Christmas entertaining
festive finish!
is deliciously simple with

a generous platter of

Bertocchi Sopressa Salami,

Woolworths Brie, mixed

olives and crackers to share.

+ Doni for_g_et,u

�� -.->,


'rt. (nsl< {-1ru,t,
r: •• rl


p: ·�-· :;.[

1&1111111 IIQllWS I ... Alllrl lfOOll'Y W






lee Kum Kee Panda Brand

Oyster Sauce, lee Kum Kee

Premium Soy Sauce and

lee Kum Kee Pure Sesame

0,1 add delicious, authentic

flavours to this dish lee Kum

Kee prod.icts are ava,lable

in supe1-mait.ets and leading grocers

STEP 1 Marinate the meat with

pork marinade sauce. Set aside

for 10 minutes.

STEP 2 Using a pot, bring the

water to boil, and cook the noodle

as per packaging instructions. Run

CLASSIC SHANGHAI STIR-FRIED NOODLES under cold water until cool. Drain

SOOg egg noodle V

, tsp lee Kum Kee Chicken and set aside.

150g pork loin, cut into strips Bouillon Powder STEP 3 Heat \.(z tbsp of oil in a

1 SOg cabbage, sliced \la tsp sugar frying pan over medium-high heat.

609 brown onion, sliced White pepper to taste Add pork strips and stir-fry until

609 Shiitake mushroom, sliced SAUCE MIX: browned and cooked through.

40g mixed capsicum, sliced 1 Tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Remove and set aside.

10g fresh chilli, sliced Soy Sauce STEP 4 In the same pan, heat

1 tsp minced garlic 2 Tbsp lee Kum Kee Premium the remaining oil over a medium·

2 tbsp oil Dark Soy Sauce high heat. Sauti garlic and onion

PORK MARINADE SAUCE: 2 Tbsp Lee Kum Kee Panda untn fragrant. Stir-fry in cabbage,

1 tsp Lee Kum Kee Brand Oyster Sauce capsicum, chilli and mushroom

Premium Soy Sauce \la tsp lee Kum Kee Pure untn softened. Add in noodles

, tsp lee Kum Kee

1/ Sesame Oil and mix well.

Pure Sesame Oil 2 tsp sugar STEP S Add in pork strips and

\.(z tsp Cornstarch White pepper to taste sauce mix. Stir well before serving.



Goodbye, dry turkey!

It's never been easier to
s eame
cook like a professional


The clever added steam function

of the Bosch Pyrolytic oven adds

bursts of moisture to make your

roast crispy and scrumptious

on the outside, and juicy on the

inside. Whether you're reheating

dishes, proving dough, baking

or roasting, the added steam

function will enhance your

cooking. Simply set the oven to

add steam automatically or do it

manually to control the intensity.


Cooking the perfect Christmas

turkey is easy with the Bosch

PerfectRoast meat probe. There's

no need to constantly check

if your meat is ready, as your

oven will tum off on its own


At last, someone in the house

who enjoys cleaning! The

Perfect Roast The pyrolytic Serve
pyrolytic self-cleaning function
meat probe has sell-cleaning succulent and
three seositrve function makes delicious food heats up to 480°C to bum

measurin& points light work of every lime with off grease and food residue
to delenmne the cleaning your the help of the
without using chemicals.
core temperature oven, including oven's added
What's left is a little ash that
of the meat. the enamel trays steam funcnen.
is easily wiped dean.
and shell racking!

Even heat distribution means

the difference between delicious

and disappointing. Be sure

your food cooks perfectly

with Bosch 4D HotAir, which

distributes the heat quickly

and evenly throughout

the entire oven cavity.


to perfection!


125g butter, chopp•d, soft•n•d

1 dove garlic, cnnh.d

. cup finely chopped flat-leaf

parsley leaves

1 Tbsp finely chopped uge

leaves, plus extra 10 sprigs

1 Tbsp finely chopped chives

2 Tbsp thyme leaves, plus extra

10 sprigs, and extra to garnish

1 Tbsp finely grated lemon nst

Sea-salt flakes and freshly ground

black pepper, to seas.on

4kg whole turkey

4 fresh bay leaves, plus

•xtra to garnish

1 lemon, quartered, plus

extra wedges to garnish

Gravy, to s.erve

STEP 1 Combine butter, garlic, herbs

and zest m a bowl. Season and mix well.

STEP 2 Gently slide your fingers under

skin of turkey breasts to carefully loosen

it from the flesh without tearing the

skin Push butter mixture under skin.

STEP 3 Put bay leaves, extra sage, extra

thyme and lemon into turkey cavity.

Truss legs closed with kitchen twine.

STEP 4 Line Bosch Universal Pan

with baking paper; sit wire rack on

top. Put turkey on rack, breast side

up. Insert PerfectRoast meat probe

into thickest part of breast from

the shoulder as far as it will go.

STEP 5 Preheat Bosch Added Steam

oven on 4D HotAir sening to 160°C.

STEP 6 Put pan on shelf level two of

oven. Insert meat thermometer into

oven socket; set core temperature

to 84°C and steam level to 3. Once

turkey reaches core temperature,

oven will stop heating and turn off.

Remove turkey from oven and rest.

STEP 7 Garnish with extra thyme, bay

leaves and lemon. Serve with gravy.

CHRISTMAS 2018 8HG 153



4159 can or jar wild pink

or red Mllmon, drained

1 Tbsp coconut flour

2 Tbsp finely chof)p4KI curty

or flat-leaf par51ey leaven,

1 handful baby spinach

leaves, chopped (you can

alM> use Mlverbeet, kale

or radlcchlo If you like)

2 tsp dijon musterd

'h tsp M18 Pit

Freshly ground black

pepper, to seuon

Wooden skewers (optional)


'h iceberg lettuce, cut

into wedges

2 celery stelks, cut

into 6cm batons

1 lemon, cut Into slices

150g meyonnei5e (add II

little smoked paprika for

II bit of spice, if you like)

STEP 1 Preheat oven to 180°C

fan-forced (200"C conventional).

Grease 12 star-shaped silicone

moulds or a 12-hole standard

muffin tin with 011 or fat.

STEP 2 Heat extra coconut

oil or fat in a frying pan over

medium heat. Add onion and

c en capsicum and fry for 5 minutes,

or until softened and starting

to colour slightly. Remove

Make star-shaped salmon cakes and
from heat and allow to cool.

serve on skewers for sticks of yum! STEP 3 In a bowl, combine eggs,

salmon, flour, parsley, spinach,

mustard, sea salt, and onion and

sh cakes for lunch WILD SALMON MUFFINS capsicum mixlure, then mix well

r or a snack at work

and school are one

of the healthiest options

Preparation time 20 mins

Cooking time 25 mins

Makes 12
with your hands or a wooden

spoon. Season with pepper.

STEP 4 Spoon mixture evenly

around. For these muffins into prepared moulds or tin. Bake

you use pre-cooked wild Coconut oil Of" good-quality for 20 minutes, or until muffins

salmon, but you can opt animal fat, to grease, are firm and cooked through.

for any cooked seafood �us extra 1 Tbsp Cool muffins in moulds or tm for

you like, or replace ii Y.z red onion, finely 2 minutes before turning out onto

with any type of mince chopped a wire rack to cool completely.

to make a yummy patty. Y.z red capsicum, des.eeded STEP S Se1Ve them (on

Served with salad and and finely chopped wooden skewers, if desired)

mayo, the muffins also 5 h-e•range eggs, with lettuce, celery, lemon and

make a great light dinner. lightly beaten mayonnaise on the side.

Make your next family gathering deep and meaningfu with a ne.w
· �l-""'.-

bigger than ever, Deep Dish Cheesecake from Sar . Perfe for bigger ami-Lees.

� -. .. f a

60% 'Bigger*
Than ,a
r 91 suon

for cooking, crafting,

relaxing, reading and

* Best-ever party food

* tasy handmade gilts

* 25 Christmas biscuits

* Simple summer cooking

• Ultimate spring-cleaning

Available in selected newsagents and supermarkets


With gorgeous gifts, a calm

mindset and good manners

up your sleeve you'll be set

for the best Christmas ever

CHRISTMAS 2018 8HG 157

I The beauty ia in the bag, 5 Infuse her home with

Morning Bloom Large a divine fragrance,

Cosmetic Bag, $30, Tonic. Peony Blossom Reed

Diffuser, $49.95, Mor.

2A winner for the lover

of dry shampoo, Instant 6 Keep her akin beautiful,

Hair Refresh, $9.95, Batiste. Regenerist Day & Night

Gift Set, s52.99, Olay.

S Give her gold service,

Gold Series Be Brave 7Theae are little beauties,

Body Oil, $49-95; Be Mini Hollywood Lip Duo,

When the aim of your gill is Happy Sugar Scrub, S33; Magical Mini Brush

$59,95, Ginger & Me. Set, S95, Charlotte Tilbury.

10 delight a woman's senses,

or pamper her skin or hair,

4 This is a magic wand 8An uplifting mist to
she'll be a very happy lady for her locks, Salon Curls fill her heart with love,

Limited Edition Conical Crazy In Love Chakra

Wand, $39-95, VS Sassoon. Mist, $40, Maison Saine.




9 She'll love the look 10 Make her shower Management Skin Creme, 19 For the lady who

and the smell of this time extra special, $335; Neck and Decollete enjoys a fragrance

candle, Blue Lace Agate Rose Softening Shower Creme, $290, DMK- with a fresh citrus scent,

Coconut, Goji & Pear Gel, Body Lotion and Danne Montague-King. Infusions Mandarin

Blossom Scented Candle, Rosewater Balancing Mist, s199/1oomL Prada

$39-95, Mrs Darcy. Rose Favourites, $105 l2 A gorgeous scent

(value $133), Jurlique. designed to be a tribute U In the bag- all the

to a woman's power, make·up essentials

• U Help her skin look strength and beauty, a woman needs to

fresh and youthful with La Mia Perla, By always look her best,

professional strength skm Women For Women, Gems Gift Set, $49-95

care, Transgenesis Age $99/30ml, La Perla. (value $101.65), Natio.





1 For the gent who 3 A special soap for 5 For the man on the Sonic Vaporiser,

wants thicker-looking a special kind of guy, go - a powerful face ssssa Oil Garden.

hair, Original Mineral Mr Groomer Soap Bar, cleansing brush, Go For

Volume Kit, S73-95, O&M. s12.95. Mr Beards. Men Sonic Cleansing 9 If he likes to put

System, $149, Luna. on a fake tan, this

2 Keep his skin super 4 Help him feel more one is made for him,

smooth, Deep Exfoliating relaxed, calmer and 6 Treat him to a DIY Ms Lova for men Ben

Body Mitt, S39,9S. Mitten sleep better, Sleep Mist, spa experience, Spa Tan, s35.90, Ms Lova.

(Use code Home20 s25, Cedar & Stone. set, s29.95. Natio.

for a 20" discount). 10 Help to make his

7 His complete personal travels streH free, Forest

care maintenance Luxury Stress Relief

pack, Handsome Skin, Travel Set, $49.95, Noelle.

© $89 (value $113), Enjo

U Hi• skin will also

I o 8 For the man who'• love you for this,

a nature lover at Protect & Care Pack,

heart, Bamboo Ultra $24-95, Nivea Men .

it . '


t2 Keep his hands well 15 A powerful

cared for, Can You Dig It masculine scent,

Gardeners Hand Care Duo, for the man who likes

$60, Crabtree and Evelyn. to push his own limits,

Polo Red Extreme,

IS A sophisticated J149/125ml,

and delicious scent, Ralph Lauren.

Boss The Scent Private

Accord For Hirn, i6 Encourage him

$135/lOOml. Hugo Boss. to enjoy putting his

best face forward,

14 Hi, new multi­ Men's Grooming Kit,

purpose grooming $114, Hunter LAB. Nifty grooming gadgets, manly

system, The Man Kit, fragrances, and skin and hair
$59-95, VS Sassoon.
care products make great gifts

for guys young and older



Grab a book, enjoy nature and never sweat the small stuff again

*** **** **** **** **** **** ***



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The visible signs of hayfever allergies,

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care products. Combined with

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Hew HIVEA Hyaluron Cellular Filler activates your skin's own hyaluronlc acid

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Can you sail through the silly

season with your sanity intact?

Of course you can! Here's how



n't you just love all those LIST IT, LOVE IT herbal tea and/or H20 instead

d mle reminders that there

re only X more sleeps until

Christmas? Time's a ticklng and

To-do lists help you sort things

into not-so-overwhelming

chunks - so much more effective

Even the ritual of slowing your roll

to stop and make tea is calming.

your shopping days are numbered! than trying to keep it all straight in MASSAGE YOUR PCS

Ah, Christmas. We love the your head. Make a few to cover your Say what? That's acupressure

festive hubbub of the yuletide most pressing needs: budgets, gifts, talk for a simple, effective way

season - the anticipation. the lights, meal plans, food shopping and who's to calm nerves and reduce anxiety.

decorations, happy get-togethers, bringing what. Review often and (It's good for settling nausea, too.) To

party frocks, pressies and food. cross things off as you get 'em done. find the pericardium 6 (PCS) pressure

But the stress? Yeah, we don't love point, place three middle fingers from

that pan. Even though we know FEEL rm STRETCH your right hand against the crease

it's coming_ the season somehow Tight, tense muscles are both

(next to your hand) of your inner

still manages to sneak up on us. a sign and a cause of stress, !eh wrist. The spot where your index

Breathe! We're about to streamline and often we don't even realise we're finger now rests, between the tendons

this thing so you can concentrate suffering. Gentle neck and shoulder of your forearm, is where it's at. Use

on the real business at hand - stretches can provide instant calm. your thumb to gently massage the

enjoying time (and maybe a little Also, try the beginner yoga 'child's area while taking slow, deep breaths.

wine) with your special peeps! pose' to relieve tension in your

back, bum and thighs. Ahhhh! TIDYYOURSPACE

(You Tube a few how-to videos).

Clutter causes inner chaos.

Spend a few minutes every

CURBYOUR day piclcing up and putting

CAFFEINE away. Yes, it's that simple.

3 That first lovely

double shot latte? It's CLICKIT

the bomb for kickstarting Jam-packed shops with no

your day and may indeed place to park? No thanks.

improve focus and help Online shopping is easier and safer

you get things done. than ever. You can do all your gift

A few too many, though, research and purchasing in your

will leave you jittery pyjamas while sipping a chilled

and anxious. Know your chardonnay. Many companies

limit and switch to offer gift-wrapping as well as free

sipping decaf, shipping. How perfectly civilised!


There's no shame in cutting

Yep, you want the place

comers where you can. to look fab for guests,

Many grocery stores, deli counters but if there's no film crew coming,

and bakeries offer gourmet-style don't sweat it. Give the bathrooms a

goodies - and even entire meals once over, run a broom through and

- that require next-to-no prep. strategically position a few vases of

While you're at it, invest in a fresh flowers about the place. Your

nifty solar light·show projector welcoming hug is all that's needed.

to stick in the front yard of

your home and skip stringing DON'T GET 'HANGRY'

hundreds of traditional lights and Busy days on the run often lead

fighting with burnt-out bulbs. to questionable grab-and-go

Get 'em at Hunnings and other eating or simply forgetting to refuel

major home goods stores. altogether. A week or so of that and

you'll be feeling icky. Make at

SEND AN E-CARD, least one meal a day healthful

SAVE A TREE with lots of crunchy,

We know cards are lovely colourful salad vegies

to receive in the mail, but if you're and a lean protein.

running low on time or cash,

design and press send on your SCHEDULE FUN

own creative e-card. Add a pie With the hours

of the fam and some news from 12 you've saved by

your year and move right along. not running all over town like

a blue-arsed fly, you'll have time

DMDEAND CONQUER to meet friends, take the kids to see

You're just one person.

Santa. get your pamper on (mandatory

You don't have to do it all. highlights, pedi, massage and spray

Don't be a martyr to the cause. tan!) and generally radiate glad

Use your words and ask for help! tidings and goodwill to all.

The word of the day is 'delegate'. Merry Christmas!

ii Keep your calm by

g t breathe "f�l;J,
�J whenever

you feel th need ��




Available at phanneclel

*8clld. Cand:l'IM' ib:bil ,
llffi:tn..._ u...,.

he festive season provides My bestie's significant

t more than its share of

opportunities to royally

stick your foot m it. We're not

other is an obnoxious

know-it-all with political

opinions to match. I'm hosting

talking about using the wrong a Chrissy do. Is it OK to say

knife and fork or sipping your he's not welcome?

soup funny. But navigating He sounds hke the life of the

potentially tricky interpersonal A party- you must invite him!

situations? That's a different story! It's good to be exposed to the

How do you handle an errant views of those who think differently

relative with grace and good and, if all goes to hell, it will be

humour? And that not-quite- a shindig to remember. Win/win!

right gift from hubby? Or the Besides, not inviting him may cause

selfie-addicted friend whose more problems than it solves.

phone is surgically attached to

her hand? Ugh. Sometimes you Do I really need to RSVP

catch more flies with honey, Q to invitations these days?

and sometimes a more direct Were you raised in a barn?

approach is called for. Which to A Yes. You must always respond

use when? Ah, that's the question! to invitations whether you are

Here, we tackle a planning to attend or not. RSVP is

bunch of modern-day simply French for 'please respond'.

etiquette dilemmas

using a bit of both! Thank you notes.

Q Is a text OK?

While a text might be 'OK',

A a mailed note card is so much

nicer to receive and infinitely more

personal. Do it like it was 1899. >


Do manners really matter anymore? You bet your
bottom dollar they do! Here's how to get them right

CHRISTMAS 2018 BttG 167

An acquaintance has Several things · Q Is it OK to keep
Q a home business selling A CO(Jld be my phone on the

plastic containers, jewellery, happening here. table during dinner or

leggings, aduh: 'toys' or expensive He may genuinely coffee with friends, and

all-in-one cooking appliances and not know what check my messages?

wants me to host a party for to get yoo, he has Only if you're an ER

her leading up to Christmas. I yoo confused with A doctor or expecting

would rather tear my fingernails someone else, or he news that your donor lung

from my nail beds with a pair of may have a death is in transit. Otherwise, this

pliers. How do I tell her politely? wish. This needs extremely common behaviour is

.&, Leave the country. Run! hashing out. Pick your also hugely rude. leave yoor phone

1'..seriously, it's lovely to support moment and tell him in your bag, on silent, and live in

a friend's business venture when it's yoo hope he enjoyed being the moment with the actual bodies

mutually beneficial, but sometimes married to you. Seriously, maybe currently in yoor physical orbit.

'no' is a complete sentence. Tell ditch coople gifts going forward

her you'll browse the catalogue and save for a holiday instead. Do I have to take part in

bet can't/won't host a party. Q the office secret Santa?

How do I tell a friend to Yes. There's enough grouchiness

My sister requested our

Q stop posting unflattering A in the world. Don't add to it!

Q family Christmas meal consist pies of me on her social media?

entirely of foods that suit her .&, In the days of oversharing and Should I always take

current diet fad, saying we'd 1'...rec!uced expectations of privacy,

Q a 'hostess' gift to

all benefit from eating this way. this has become a common sticking someone's house?

While I know we could make point. Thooghtful friends have an To your BFFs place for the

healthier choices, I'm conflicted. unspoken 'no sharing without asking' A third time this week? Probably

,&, Conflicted or henpecked? rule. Ask that she run pies by you for not. For a d,nner party, a small

1'..suggest she bring her own stash pre-approval and you'll do the same. gift is a polite tooch - a bottle

of cardboard-flavoured goodies and If she persists, whip out a broom of wine, nice chockies or flowers

leave the rest of y(J(J to your usual paper bag to place on your head from your garden. Easy. •

delicious gluttony. lf.lhat part of 'it's whenever she starts snapping. One

Chnstmas' was not clear to her here? way or another, that should fix things.

ii There are
Last year my husband gave My elderly aunt, who
some things that
Q me a set of exercise DVDs.
Q I don't see often, gave

An exerciser I am not. WTH? me a perfectly hideous ,-i,ueft t

necklace. What should I do?

ln her company, you shoold

A wear it as though it's your manners, morals
most treasured possession and

proclaim it so, loudly It's a kindness

and integrity��
that won't hurt you at all, but

will mean die world to her.


your eyes?



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kip off-the-shelf solutions this silly season and

l..,. unleash your creativity to make your own cards.

"""- You and the kids wilt have a blast with these

projects -you can even come up with your own designs.

PS, don't forget to send a card to Santa himself!

Paper punches come in a

broad range of shapes and

• are a fun way to decorate

your festive cards.

Gather your supplies to make card. Draw 10 narrow, evenly

• Blue A4 paper board spaced rectangles in pencil across the

• Red ribbon bottom of the card. Cut out with knife.

• Silver glitter cardstock STEP 2 Leaving tails, weave 2 lengths

• Gold marker pen of nbbon through cut-outs, working

from centre to the left and right. Turn

You'll also need over card and cut off excess nbbon.

Self-healing cutting mat, metal ruler; STEP 3 Glue ribbon ends to back

craft kmfe; scescrs: glue stick; star punch of card. On front of card, tie ribbon

tails into a bow and trim ends.

Here's how STEP 4 Make 3 star cut-outs from

STEP 1 Lay blue board on cutting mat glitter card and glue to card front.

and cut in half with craft knife, using STEP 5 Use gold marker to draw a

ruler as a guide. Fold one piece in half string and bow hanger for each star.

1· .. . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !.


; Send your letter to: "Santa, North � nn
Pole, 9999". If you write your VI I IC,.

: name and address on the back, t.. l .A"h () I

attach a sse stamp and post i

t I VOr I rO 1e
by 14 December, you should get OO'J Q
a reply from Santa himself! -1 ] I




Get out your glue stick and round

ar up the kids to make these four

cards with glitter and bling

Give a greeting card the Santa suit

treatment! All you need is paper,

markers, ribbon and a glue stick.

This jolly design is a crowd pleaser.

Gather your supplies

• Red A4 paper board

• White A4 paper board

• Black A4 paper board

• Silver glitter cardstock

• Gold marker pen

• Black marker pen

• Red ribbon

You'll also need

Self-heating cutting mat, craft knife;

metal ruler; pencil; scissors; glue stick

Here's how STEP 3 Spread glue over back of the fur

STEP 1 Lay red board on cutting trims, belt and buckle. Position on the

mat and cut m half with a craft knife, card front to fonn Santa suit and press

using ruler as a guide Fold one down finnly for a few seconds to adhere.

piece in half to make the card. STEP 4 Use a gold marker pen to outline

STEP 2 Measure card to draw 3 fur trim the fur trims. Craw buttons with a black

pieces on white board, and belt on marker and leave to dry. Add detail

black board. Cut out with scissors and to the buttons using the gold marker,

craft knife. T
o make the buckle, draw leaving 2 black dots for buttonholes.

a square on the back of silver glitter STEP S Tie a short length of ribbon

cardstock 1 Smm taller than the belt, into a bow. Apply glue to the back

and 1 Smm wider than the centre fur of the bow. Centre bow on top of

trim piece. Draw a smaller square inside, fur trim piece and press down firmly

making a 7.Smm border. Cut out. for a few seconds to adhere. >

All you need to tum a blank card

into a personalised Christmas

card is a set of watercolours and

a fine tip marker. Watercolour

paints are super easy to use and

pole post
fast drying so they're perfect Letting Santa know what you want

for beginners and kids. for Christmas is a favourite family

tradition. Your kids can really impress

Gather your supplies him this year with this sparkly card.

• White A4 paper board

or blank white cards Gather your supplies

• Watercolour paints • Red A4 paper board

• 10-well round palette • Blank Kraft greeting card

• Size 1 round watercolour paintbrush • Glitter glue

• Mini tinsel

You'll also need • Green rnetalhc paper

Sketching pencil; fine-tip black marker

You'll also need

FOR YOU TO NOTE Scissors: glue stick; craft

We used paper board but you can use glue; star punch

water colour paper. This technique

works on most paper and cardboard. Here's how

STEP 1 Cut red paper board to

Here's how measure 1 Smm smaller all around than

STEP 1 Fold the paper board the brown card, then cut out. Fold

in half. Lightly draw baubles on red board in half, then open out and

the front in pencil. T

o get perlect lay face down. Apply glue to back of

circles, trace around small lids and red board Position brown card on red

bottle caps. Write 'Merry Christmas' board, aligning the fold lines. Fold

below the baubles in pencil. red card over, pressing to adhere

STEP 2 Combine small amounts STEP 2 Write 'Dear Santa' on front �

of each paint colour with water of card using glitter glue and allow J
in the wells of the palette to thin to dry overnight. Run a bead of �

the paint. Use size 1 round brush craft glue around the edge of the [

to lightly fill each circle with a red card and attach a length of mmi f
ii Let your different colour and leave to dry. tinsel, starting with the top edge

kids put their STEP 3 Draw hanging strings and working your way around. ,3
and bows above baubles. STEP 3 Punch 2 stars from green }

stamp on STEP 4 Outline baubles with a fine metallic paper. Apply glue to each star

black marker, and go over the words. and position either side of the words. •
· mas
with tff!_ �

C4r, y·�




Soft Touch


Soft Touch


1 11\ltH ,

witli :Vitamin E and

• •

Dreaming of a white

Christmas? Make

a snowman (and Santa)

and put him in a snowy

field with fir trees. Cute!

Your Christmas just

got more creative!

ring a bit of the northern

- b hemisphere Christmas

experience Down Under

and into your home with these

projects. With snow-dusted fir trees,

twinkling lights, forest creatures

and a traditional snowman, you'll

create classic scenes of Chrissy

charrn. The sock figures are a fun

one to do with the kids, while the

domes are a wonderful way to

indulge your craft bug. Enjoy! "'

Create woodland scenes in

miniature and display therri under

glass domes on your sideboarcl: or

mani:el for a bit of Chrissy magic.

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De sign your own dome art. Tum a couple of socks and a pack

Choose figurines to suit the dome of rice into a jolly snowman. You can

size, then create your scene with use the technique to make whatever

moss, mini trees and animals, you like - Santa, elves and more!

and anything else you like!

Gather your supplies

Gather your supplies • White dress socks (2)

• Moss runner • Uncooked rice

• Glass dome with base • Coloured child's sock

• Bonlebrush trees • Bunons

• LED bud lights • 10mm-wide grosgrain ribbon

• Pebbles • Mini pompoms

• Reindeer and doe figurines • Twigs and cork wedge

• Artificial moss

• Washi tape You'll also need

• Metallic cord Funnel; rubber bands; scissors;

craft glue; marker pen

You'll also need

Marker pen; scissors; glue dots Here's how

STEP 1 Put funnel in a sock, fill with

Here's how rice and dose top with a rubber band.

STEP 1 Place moss runner on base, Put rice-filled sock in another sock.

pvt dome on top and trace around STEP Z Close second sock top with

it. Cut out. Or, if dome base has a rubber band. Add another rubber

an inner tray, cut moss to fit. band further down to make the head.

STEP 2 Pull backing off runner so Cut off excess sock fabric at the top.

n sits flatter. Put on dome base STEP 3 Cut off the ankle part of

STEP 3 Centre largest tree on a duld's sock. Put ankle piece over

base. Drape bud lights over tree. head to make the hat and tuck in

Add smaller tree and pebbles. the cut end. Glue buttons to body.

STEP 4 Arrange reindeer and STEP 4 Wrap ribbon around

doe in front of trees. T ear pieces neck and cut to length for a scarf,

of artificial moss nd
a po sition arranging rt to one side. Glue

around animals and pebbles pompoms to ends of scarf.

STEP 5 Cut 60mm lengths of STEP 5 Draw dots for eyes, and

washi tape. Lay first piece right a mouth, with marker. Make slits

side down and centre cord on on either side of body and insert

top. old over tape.

F Repeat with twigs fOf arms. Glue on cork wedge

Jmm spaces between tape to nose and a pompom to the hat. •

make bunting up to 200mm long.

Sn ip tape ends nto triangles.


Sec ure bu nting in glass dome with

glue dots. Put dome Of\ base.

... ,_.._iihli iiUl4

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Have an amazing adventure at home! Take a road trip and visit history-rich and festival-loving

country towns, fossick for gemstones in the Blue Mountains or luxe ii up in the Whitsundays


CHRISTMAS 2018 BttG 179

Tho azure walors of tho Whitsundays.


season is


October to

March every

year in the


which means

a stinger

suit must be

worn when

. .

Almost never before has helping those in need been so much fun.

Travel locally to drought-stricken areas and your tourism dollar is gold

:-··11, .. ·:



to thank the

NRMA for


this feature >­


the benefits of .

; reglorlal tourism :

- 10 encourage

"'4 -
Aussies to
�. -- holiday in their

---. - own backyard .

Our tourism

dollars will help

,· • communities

: until the drought :

-� breaks and -

beyond .

. ·-
Secret gardens, gemstones and caves -

this town is a nature-lover's paradise

n the western side of let everyone enjoy the gardens.

the Blue Mountains There's also a cafe with a farm-to­

in New South Wales table seasonal menu. Be sure to

is the town of Oberon. Think also get lost in the i.akm

, . . I .! · · · · :
spectacular cool-climate gardens long English Box Hedge Maze.
. � -.

- including the celebrated

Mayfield Garden - incredible

scenery, fossicking for all manner GO FOSSICKING
Go glamp1ng
of treasures and awe-inspiring FOR GEMSTONES
at Mayfield
natural caves. It's easy to see why Fancy foraging for your own
Garden- the
Oberon is a fantastic road trip gemstones, perhaps to wear
bell tents
destination. Here's where to go. as jewellery? You can do it in
are filled
Oberon, as the area is rich with
OU! Wllh

WANDER THROUGH sapphires and zircons. Just stop lav,sh rugs, the highlights of the Greater Blue

MAYFIELD GARDEN by the visitor centre to find luxurious Mountains World Heritage Area.

It took passion and true grit to out where to go - the staff are real beds. The CSIRO confirmed them to be

passionate and will likely draw and styhsh the world's oldest known open
transfonn bare paddocks into
Mayfield Garden. Inspired by their you a map of the best fossrclcnq caves, at more than 340 million
European travels, owners Garrick areas. In fact, they regularly years old. You can explore nme
and Evelyn Hawkins began conduct demos in the fossickmg of the caves, with the Lucas Cave {
dinner. VISIT
planting and landscaping in the pit next to the Visitors Centre. being one of the most well-known. .

19905, and the result is 'bloomin' It features The Broken Column �

magical'. Newdisplay The Valley of DISCOVER JENOLAN CAVES

camp mg.
limestone formation, as well as The !
the Five Ponds features cascading A spectacular labyrinth of Cathedral - a 54m high chamber,
water linking the waterholes, stalactite--lined limestone mayfield­ which offers the perfect acoustics

while the Camellia Walk has chasms carved by underground garden for concerts and performances.

mobility-friendly pathways that rivers, Jenolan Caves is one of

Gel lost in Mayfield Garden -

once bare paddllCl&. lr't since !Jetn

converted info lush a:reenery.

1 2
Love water, Keep showers In the kitchen,

to four minutes. rinse dishes in a

Taking shorter plugged sink, not

showers i
s one under the tap,

don't waste it o

f the best


help conserve
and wait until

dishwasher is fully

water. Reducing loaded before

COME ON SYDNEY, LET'S ALL DO O U R BIT TO shower time by you turn i

t on.

SAVE O U R MOST P R E C I O U S RESOURCE one minute can

save around

ater is a precious resource, so IT'S EASY TO BE WATER WISE

9 litres of water
every shower.
Fixing leaking
we shouldn't waste it. With

Summer rs shaping up to be hot and
taps as soon as
summer approaching, we can dry. Wash your car on the lawn - this will

possible is an
all play a part in being water efficient. A allow you to water and fertilise your lawn
easy way to use
small saving by each individual can add
at the same time - and use a broom not
less water. One
Up to a significant amount i
f the majority a hose to clean your paths and driveway
leaking tap can
of our five million Sydneysiders get

waste up to 2,000
involved, so we've put together some

Water Wise tips to help get you started. ''Use water efficiently litres a month. I

you're not a
They're all simple things you can do

every day to use water more efficiently,

and you'll save DIY-er, it's best to

call a plumber.
and they'll save you money, too.
money, too,,



Everythi,�;n you need to know to make

ef�r�er cruit
Turn gorgeous giftwrap into ornaments, cards, wreaths, decorations and more!

secure them, bring up and overlap

the tips of the centre square.

STEP 6 Turn the paper over,

overlap and stick together the

tips of the second square.

STEP 7 Turn the paper over, overlap

and stick together the tips of the

third square. Repeat to stick together

the tips of the fourth square. You

now have 1 curled star segment.

STEP 8 Repeat steps 2 to 7 and make

a total of 6 star segments. Staple the

tips of 3 segments together where

they touch with double-sided tape.

CHRISTMAS TREE STAR Here's how Repeat for the remaining 3 segments.

Gather your supplies STEP 1 G!ue 2 sheets of paper STEP 9 Staple 2 halves of the star

• BHG Christmas papers together to create double-sided paper. together in the centre. Use double

in two designs STEP 2 Diagonally fold a 13.Scrn square sided tape to hold star halves

• Green floristry wire sheet of paper twice, to create a triangle. together where they touch.

• Craft glue STEP 3 Draw 3 evenly spaced lines, STEP 10 Attach green florist wire

• Pencil parallel to long side, across triangle. to the back of the star through

• Rufer STEP 4 Starting at the open edge the centre with tape to secure.

• Scissors of the triangle, cut along each

• Double-sided tape of the lines, stopping about 1 cm COVERING A BOX

• Stapler short of the folded edge Gather your supplies

• Sticky tape STEP 5 Open out the cut paper • Gih box with lid

triangle. Using double-sided tape to • BHG Chnstmas paper

• Craft glue

• Scissors
Chnslmas tree star

r-, Here's how

Cut the paper covering to size

> STEP 1 Measure 2 opposite sides
of the box, adding an extra Scm
to the width and 7 .Scm to the
height. Using this measurement,
Step 4 Step 5
cut 2 pieces of paper.

STEP 2 Measure the other 2 sides of

the box, adding 7.Scm to the height

of each side. Using this measurement,

( I '-'
cut out 2 pieces of paper.

- STEP 3 Measure the top of the

hd and the depth of the lid sides,

Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9

double the side measurement and
of the folded white card in the centre.

Glue the word banner m place and the

sheet music strip in the left of centre at

the top of the card front. Glue in place

the gold glitter strip over the right

hand edge of the sheet music strip.

STEP 3 Fold 3 hearts in half right

sides facing in. Glue one half of a

paper heart to one half of another

heart, repeat on other side. Glue

the heart in place on the card.

Here's how

Small snowflake card

add to the lid measurement. • White paper with words cutting instructions

Cover the box printed on home computer • White card 7.5 x 15cm

STEP 1 Apply glue to the paper • Star sticker • Red card 6.Scm square

pieces then, smoothing out • Sheet music • Gold glitter circle Scm diameter

the paper as you go, attach to • Fiskars frozen squeeze punch • 1 x BHG paper snowflake

the box, ensuring the paper

overhangs equally on all sides. Here's how STEP 1 Fold white card in half.

STEP 2 At the corners, cut vertical Tree card cutting instructions STEP 2 Glue red card in the centre

slits in the paper to allow you to fold • White card 14 5 x 21cm of the folded card front. Glue

the overhang over the edges and • 3 x triangle tree template on glitter gold circle off centre

corners. Spread glue on the box, in BHG Christmas paper to the right. Glue snowflake on

then press down all the overhanging • Cream card 9 x 13cm top in centre of glitter circle

edges of the paper, stickmg down • Words on white paper (font

the sides first, then over the top of your choice) 6.5 x 1 cm Here's how

of the box and, finally, the base. • Gold glitter paper strip 4 x 1 cm Large tree card cutting instructions

Attach paper to the box lid • BHG Christmas paper: 2 x 38cm strip,

STEP 1 Place paper facing wrong side STEP 1 Fold white card in half. 3.S x 38cm strip, 4.5 x 38cm smp,

up on a flat surface. Apply glue to lid, STEP 2 Fold 3 triangles m half, right 5.5 x 38cm strip, 6.5 x 38cm strip

then carefully place 1

1 on the paper, sides facing in. Glue one half of a • White card 18 11: 24cm

taking care to ensure there is even paper triangle to one half of another • 1 11: flower motif from BHG Christmas

overlap all of the way around the lid. triangle, repeat on other side. paper as t
op of tree decoration

STEP 2 Turn the lid over and smooth STEP 3 Glue the cream card to front

out the paper as needed. Cut the of the folded white card in the centre. STEP 1 Concertina fold the stnps

corner edges of the paper into a slit Glue the word banner in place and of paper with 1.Scm folds.

each srde to make it easy to fold it the gold glitter strip m the centre STEP 2 Using the 2cm strip, 3cm

over the corners. Make very crisp at the bottom. Glue the tree in down from the top and to the left of

creases when folding the overlapping place. Add the star sticker on top. the centre fold, glue one short end

paper, then glue the overlap pieces of the long concertina strip (pattern

over the sides of the lid, tucking Here's how facing up) to the white card stock.

them under to complete the cover. Heart card cutting Instructions Glue the other short end of the long

lining the inside of the box • White card 14. 5 x 21cm concertina strip (pattern facing up)

STEP 1 Measure the 5 surfaces • Cream card 9 x 13cm to the right of the centre fold.

inside of the box. Cut lining paper • Festive words on paper (font STEP 3 Leave a 1cm gap and repeat

to size and glue in place. of your choice) 6.5 x 1 cm on the next row with the 3.Scm strip.

• Sheet music strip 14 5 x 2.Scm Continue to glue strips in place

CARDS & ENVELOPE • Gold glitter paper strip 8 x 1 cm following the above instructions and

Gather your supplies • 3 x heart shape going from smaller to the largest

• BHG Christmas paper strip (6.5 x 38cm) at the bottom.

• Card stock in white, cream, STEP 1 Fold white card in half. STEP 4 Adorn the top of the tree

red and glitter gold STEP 2 Glue the cream card to front with the cut out flower mcnt.»

CHRISTMAS 2018 8HG 189


Enlarge diagrams 205%

Here's how

Envelope instructions

STEP 1 Enlarge envelope diagram

and cut out Use this as a template

to cut the outside of the envelope Snowflake

Bird beak

BHG Christmas

2 For the

lining use the

Bird tail
template to cut just the top Aap and

centre rectangle of the envelope.

We used the sheet music paper.

STEP 3 Glue the lining to the envelope,

right sides facing out. leave to dry.

STEP 4 Fold the bottom edge up,

- - - -o- - - -
put glue on the outer edges. Fold
over the leh and nght flaps and

press to stick with glue on bottom

flap. leave to dry before use.


Gather your supplies

• Red and green card stock

Bird body
• BHG Christmas paper

• Scissors

• Crah glue

• Black marker

• DMC Perle red thread and

embroidery needle

Here's how

STEP 1 o make a bird you will need


to use the large circle template for

the body, the small circle template for

a wing, a beak and a tail template.


STEP 2 Cut out bird pieces using

desired combinations of BHG r

or card stock for body, wings, ak

and tail. Instead of using th tail

template, you can also c out motik.

of the paper design a use s

a a tail.

STEP 3 C ut extra de ora tive motifs

from the BHG C hrist s paper to

add p retty details to the area. GARLAND 20 light green circles and 34 da

STEP 4 Using craft glue, glue Gather your supplies green circles from the card k.

the pieces in place, fold in half. • BHG Christmas paper for leaves STEP 2 Glue 2 leave

Mark the eye with a black marker. Dark and ltght green card stock to create a dou

o a dd the red thread hanger!, Scissors patterned leaf. ou will end up

thread the red thread on the needle. aft glue with 48 dou -sided leaves.

P ush the needle through the middle • 4.5 and white baker! twine STEP 3 rt by attaching the green

of the olded paper from the inside,

f • Double-s d tape ci s to the twine with double-

pull the thread up with 1 De m of thread ided tape, sticking a same coloured

coming through. Take the needle Here's how circle on each side of the twine.

back through the cardboard 1 cm away STEP 1 Using the template over the Spacing does not have to be even.

from the previous hole made. Tie off page), cut 96 leaf shapes using the STEP 4 Glue the leaves onto the circles

the 2 threads inside the bird body. various BHG Christmas papers. Cut and leave to dry before hanging.

PAPER WRAPPING Gather your supplies

ROSETTE • Shop-bought jam

Gather your supplies • BHG Christmas paper

• BHG Christmas paper • BHG Christmas ribbon

• Sheet music • Scissors

• Craft glue • Ruler

• Scissors

• Stapler
I Here's how

Paper strips Paper loop STEP 1 Measure the diameter of

Cutting instructions the jam jar lid, adding 3cm to all

• 26 x 2cm stnps (3) sides to cut a square. For example,

• 24 x 2cm strips (3) if the jam 1ar lid has a 6.Scm

• 21 x 2cm strips (2) diameter, cut a 12.Scm square.

• 8 . S x 2 cm s t ri p ( 1 ) STEP 2 Place the paper on top of

the lid (centred) and tie the ribbon

Here's how Paper loops and circle around n to keep it in place.

STEP 1 Glue a sheet of music

paper to the back of the COVERED BOOKS

Christmas paper; to create Gather your supplies

a double-sided paper; then • BHG Christmas paper

make paper strips as per • Books, such as blank journals

cutting instructions (above). and sketch books

STEP 2 With BHG Christmas • Scissors

paper on the outside and • Craft glue stick

music paper on the inside, First layer Second layer

twist each strip to form Here's how

a l
oop at both ends and STEP 1 Cut BHG Christmas

staple in the centre. Shape paper 2cm larger than your

last short strip into a circle book all the way around.

and secure with glue. STEP 2 Spread glue over the paper

STEP 3 Layer 3 largest loops and lay book on top. WOflc:ing

on top of each other, spacing quickly while the glue is still tacky,

them evenly and securing tum the book over and smooth the
Third layer Roselle
each with a dot of glue. paper of any lumps and bubbles.

STEP 4 Add the next 2 groups STEP 3 Tum the book back over

of pieces repeating as above. and dab glue along the edge of

STEP 5 Glue the circle the inside cover of the book. Fold

in the centre to finish. the paper edge over, folding at the

comers for a neat, mitred corner. :,,.

CHRISTMAS 2018 BttG 191


Tree ornaments

Enlarge diagrams 205" STAR WREATH Here's how

Gather your supplies STEP 1 Using Tree ornament

30 star for wreath • BHG Christmas paper templates (left), cut larger shapes

• Sheet music from hessian, and smaller shapes

• Cotton lace ribbon from BHG Christmas paper.

• 30cm willow wreath STEP 2 Use fabric stiffener on hessian,

• Gold ribbon following manufacturer's instructions.

---. '\ I --·
---.:, .-:--·· • Faux foliage STEP 3 Apply glue to paper shapes,
---.-..:.... ..

/ '
--- • Scissors centre on hessian and press to adhere.

• Sticky tape STEP 4 Make a hole at centre top

I \
/ ·,. • Fiskars hole punch through paper and hessian. Cut a 30cm
I \
• PvA glue piece of nbbon, feed both ends through

hole from the back of ornament,

Tree ornament - star
Here's how knotting off 8cm tails to create hanger.

STEP 1 Cut 14 stars (see template,

left) in various BHG Christmas ADVENT CONES

papers and sheet music. Fold Gather your supplies

following the fold lines and push • BHG Christmas paper

m and up to create 30 effect. • Scissors

STEP 2 Wrap cotton lace ribbon • Green card stock

around the wreath and tape in place. • Gold metallic numbers, 1 to 24

STEP 3 Cut eight 40cm • Craft glue

lengths of gold ribbon • Little treats for the advent calender

STEP 4 Tuck in faux foliage

around the wreath. Here's how

STEP 5 Punch a hole in 8 stars and STEP 1 Using 2 cone templates and

tie onto the wreath with gold ribbon. various designs in the BHG paper, cut

Finish the ribbon off with a bow. 12 tall cones and 12 small cones.

Glue remaining stars to wreath. STEP 2 Cut 24 semicircles in the green

card stock and stick on the gold number

TREE ORNAMENTS stickers, numbering 1 through to 24.

Gather your supplies STEP 3 Using craft glue, stick the

• Hessian green half circle to the bottom

• Various BHG Christmas paper middle of the cut cone shape.

• Fabnc stiffener (Birch STEP 4 Apply glue to one long

Mod Podge St1ffy) straight edge on patterned side of

• f¥\/
A glue paper. Pull paper around (with right

• Fiskars circle hand punch side facing out) and join the two long

• BHG Christmas red ribbon edges so they overlap by 1 cm. Press

down lightly so the glue sticks.

Enlarge diagrams 205% Garland circle

Bunting flags

0 0 0

Garland leaf

Advent cone

STEP 5 Arrange the cones in place Tall

and hide treats under them.


Gather your supplies

• Rectangle papier-miichi! box

• BHG Christmas paper

• Scissors

• Glue stick

• Fiskars circle hand punch

• Natural twine

• Card stock in red and gold glitter

Here's how

STEP 1 Cover the lid of the box

with BHG Christmas paper.

STEP 2 Using the templates, cut 1 2 short,

10 medium and 10 large bunting flags

in various paper colours and designs.

STEP 3 Glue same-sized flags together

Advent cone small
to create double-sided flags.

STEP 4 Punch holes in top of Hags

and thread twine through, tying a knot

at start and end to keep bunting in

place. Tie bunting around the box. >


Gather your supplies

• BHG Christmas paper

• Scissors

• Gold metallic Sharpie

Here's how

STEP 1 Using leaf template, cut out leaf shapes

from BHG Christmas paper. Write your guests' Paper leaf

names on paper leaf with gold Sharpie. template

STEP 2 Lay paper leaf place cards on table

settings. Try ty111g your napkins with BHG nbbon!

CHRISTMAS 2018 BttG 193

Enlarge diagrams 205%


Han gin I'.


Hanging paper flag


Gather your supplies

• Dark green card stock with double-sided tape, sti king

• BHG Christmas paper in 2 designs a same coloured circle on ch

• Scissors side of the wire. Spacing d snot

• 16 floristry stem wires, green have to be even. Double u with

• Double-sided tape two double-sided circles o 8 of

• Quilting hoop 350mm dia the wires. Reserve one circl

• BHG Christmas red ribbofl STEP 3 Twist 8 stem wires to the

• Glue left-hand bottom quarter o the hoop

• Little bird (mstructrons, page 190) Repeat on the nght�haOO s e.

• Extra red DMC Perle thread STEP 4 Cover the bottom alf of

the hoop with nbbon by w pping

Here's how it around the hoop and ste wire.

STEP 1 Cut 50 circles of the dark STEP 5 Glue leaves in plac and glue

green card and 14 of the leaf to the bott centre.

shapes from Christmas paper.

Cut 1 flag for the centre.

STEP 2 Start by attaching the

green circles to the stem wire

SHORTBREAD • Cellophane bag, 16cm wide

GOODIE BAG • Shop-bought shortbread

Gather your supplies • Stapler

• BHG Chnstmas paper • Craft glue

• Scissors

Here's how

STEP 1 Cut a 17 x 15.Scm

piece of BHG Christmas

paper and fold in half.

STEP 2 Fill cellophane bag

with shortbread. Seal bag.

Staple BHG Christmas paper

in place over the bag.

STEP 3 Cut a cute flower motif

from the BHG Christmas paper

and glue it over the staple.



Gather your supplies DIY CHRISTMAS

• BHG Christmas paper STOCKING

• Assortment of ribbons or paper Use brightly coloured felt to

• Scissors stitch simple stockings with

• Invisible sticky tape poinsettia detailing to hang

up fOf Christmas goodies.

NOTE Create a cross­ From Make it magic, page 93,

hatch wrapping pattern with in$lr\Jcti0<1$ on page 196

paper or nbbons, or both!

Use different colours and

pattems to create interest.

Enlarge diagrams 400%

Here's how

STEP 1 Wrap a present with one of

the BHG Christmas paper designs. Leaf

STEP 2 Measure your present

horizontally and vertically all the

way around. Cut 6 strips of nbbon

or paper in the lengths required (3 STEP 5 The second horizontal

for vertical and 3 for honzontal). stnp goes under first vertical

STEP 3 Using alternate colours, strip, over second vertical strip

wrap 3 strips vertically around and then under the third vertical Poinsenia

the wrapped present. Sticky strip. Sticky tape at the bottom Centre circles

tape at the bottom to secure. to secure the 2 loose ends.

STEP 4 Start creating a cross-hatch STEP 6 The third honzontal

pattern by weaving the first hOOzontal stnp goes over the first vertical

strip over the first vertical strip, under strip, under the second vertical

the second vertical strip and over the strip and over the thud vertical

third vertical strip. Sticky tape at the strip. Sticky tape at the bottom

bottom to secure the 2 loose ends. to secure the 2 loose ends. •


Step 3 Step 4



Step 5 Step 6

CHRISTMAS 2018 BttG 195


JUMP FOR JOY off each bauble Remove CANDLE Here's how

Gather your supplies caps, if desired. Working CENTREPIECE STEP 1 Paint tray white; let

• MDF craftwood 17 x with 1 letter at a time, place Gather your supplies dry. Pack it with floral foam.

1.Scm letters, J, 0, Y baubles on rt. moving them • Wooden tray with STEP 2 Arrange ferns

• Jolly & Joy small bauble around until you're happy blackboard m 1Nh1te and picks around edge of

pack in Jolly Bright x 3 with the colour order and • White acrylic paint tray, leaving space for a

• Hot-qlue gun and arrangement. Ensure letters • Paintbrush pair of centred candles.

glue sticks stand upright or lie flat. • Dry flora! foam bricks x 2 STEP 3 Nestling candles

Hot glue baubles in place. • Silver ferns x 12 between picks in tray,

Here's how STEP 3 Repeat Step 2 • Vanous poinsettia, berry continue adding picks

STEP 1 Assemble supplies. for all letters. Hang or and apple/gift picks x 7 around outer edge. Fill any

STEP 2 Snip cord hanger display, as desired. • Candles in glass votive x 2 gaps with more picks.

CHRISTMAS Here's how using a 6mm seam. For STEP 3 Layer 2 poinsettias,

STOCKINGS NOTE Photocopy and hanger, cut a stnp 20 x 2cm rotating them slightly so

Gather your supplies enlarge Stocking, Poinsettia wide, fold m half, tuck ends petals intersect and glue

• Felt (100% wool felt) and Leaf diagrams (on into stocking at seam and 1ogether. Glue 4 centre circles

in Wine, Royal Blue page 195). Cut patterns. stitch to secure, as pictured. in place. Repeat. Arrange

and a Christmas red STEP 1 Cut 2 felt stocking STEP 2 Cut 4 felt poinsettias, poinsettias on stocking

• General sewing supplies pieces and, leaving top 2 leaves and 8 centre top with leaves tucked

• Fabnc glue open, sew front to back circles 6mm in diameter. under one. Glue in place.

FRINGED NAPKINS more across the fabric. REINDEER TAG to 8 x 12cm. Cut Kraft card

Gather your supplies STEP 2 Use both hands to Gather your supplies to 6 x 9cm. Freehand draw

• M1d-we1ght linen fabric, rip the fabric into 3 separate • Kraft corrugated an egg-shaped 'face' onto

l .4 x l m (makes 6 napkins) lengths. Repeat Steps 1 card, 12 x 12in Kraft card. Marlo: dots for the

• Sharp scissors and 2 using a long strip to • Kraft card, 12 x 12in eyes and draw the antlers.

• Tape measure make 2 napkms, each 45cm • Sharpie Black fine marlo:er STEP 2 Centre and

• Sewing pins square. Repeat, using the • Hot-glue gun and glue Kraft card onto

remaming 2 long strips. glue sticks corrugated card.

Here's how STEP 3 Carefully fray all • Fiskars hole punch, 0 3cm STEP 3 Punch a centred

STEP 1 Trim selvages. At edges, by about S-1 Omm • Twine, 25cm long hole at top of tag (through

1 edge, measure 45cm T

o prevent further fraying, • Glitter pompom in Red all layers). Thread with

from edge and rnark with stay stitch around each twine, leavmg ends loose

a pin. Snip mto fabnc at napkin, about 3mm m Here's how to attach to gift. Glue red

this mark. Repeat twice from frayed edges. STEP 1 Cut corrugated card pompom 'nose' on tag.


. .
7 ·
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- .

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._ ;· . I·;_•.

•...- : •. I - �. -�-

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�. ·-·-
BAUBLE WREATH • Zip ties (for hanger) sections, which you cover secure the bauble. Worlo:ing

Gather your supplies • Scissors, pliers and with different coloured back and forth across and

• Jolly & Joy Bauble Packs wire cutters baubles, a section at a around wreath, continue

in Silver, Red, Ultra Violet, time. To attach, wrap end stringing and anachmg

Carmine Rose, Blue Here's how of a stem wire to wreath baubles to the frame.

Light and Bright Gold STEP 1 Assemble supplies. frame, thread a bauble STEP 3 Turn wreath over.

• Jolly & Joy DIY Metal STEP 2 Snip cord hanger onto it then wrap the wire For hanger, attach 2 zip

Wreath Green, 45cm dia. off each bauble. The once or twice around 1 ties to inner 3 rings at

• Stem wires (florist's wire) wreath rs divided into equal of the wreath's rings to the top of the wreath.

CHRISTMAS 2018 8HG 197



Jute and ribbon chains Hessian trees

glue down the centre of scrap of tartan nbbon; small

each jute strip and adhere paper stars or star stickers

a piece of ribbon

STEP 3 Apply hot glue to Here's how

one end of a stnp, overlap STEP 1 Fold a sheet of A4

ends and press to form paper m half lengthways and

a circle, making sure ribbon rule a diagonal line from the

is on the outside of the circle. top centre to each lower

STEP 4 Loop the next jute comer, creating a triangle.

and ribbon stnp through the Cut out for a template, then
Tartan-up vase
preVIOUS circle and glue the use this to cut a besssan
Spray-paint a dean tin
ends together (nbbon on triangle (one for each tree).
white. Let dry. Wrap
the outside again). Proceed STEP 2 To make a base for
a strip of hessian (with
in this way until your chain the tree, cut a 10nm thick
frayed top and bouom
garland is as long as desired. round disc of wood from your
edges) around it and
branch usmg a saw. Use a
hot glue m place. Tie
drill and bit to make a central
a strip of tartan fabric
hole for the bamboo skewer.
{with frayed edges)
STEP 3 Fold the hessian
around the hessian.
triar)gle lengthways in half

-·-···-·····-- .. ·---·-···- .. -- .. to mark the centre line, then

JUTE AND RIBBON open out again. Starting at

ii MP
CHAIN GARLAND the bottom, make a series

Gather your supplies of evenly sized concertina blunt end of the skewer.

25mm-wide jute webbing; folds, until you get to the STEP 6 Dab hot glue at

22mm-wide Christmas top Open out again. the point of the skewer to

ribbon; hot.glue gun HESSIAN TABLE TREE STEP 4 Following the stop the end of the hessian

Gather your supplies vertical mid-line, insert from slipping down.

Here's how Sheet of standard A4 a bamboo skewer in-and­ STEP 7 Tie tartan nbbon

STEP 1 Cut a series of 16cm paper; hessian in desired out through each fold line, around the lower 'trunk'.

lengths of jute webbing colour; thick tree branch; from the bottom to the top. STEP 8 Use star stickers or

and an equal number of tenon saw; drill and STEP 5 Put a dab of hot glue 2 matching paper stars

pieces of ribbon. drill bit; 25cm bamboo glue in the drilled hole of the to the top of the tree, on

STEP 2 Run a line of hot skewers; hot-glue gun, wooclen base and insert the either side of the skewer tip.




Gather your supplies

24-pack stnped paper 20cm squares, one for

drinking straws; green Jute each ping-pong ball.

twine; hct-qlue gun Fray the edges lightly.

STEP 2 Place a ball in

Here's how centre of tartan square,

STEP 1 Take S straws and gather up edges and

' cut each one in half. secure with twine, tying

• STEP 2 Thread 5 cut lengths ends mto a hanging loop.

(save remaining 5 for another
-. .,,.,"' star) onto a length of jute MERRY CHRISTMAS

twine, leaving about 6mm BUNTING then as many extras as you want.)

between each one, then Gather your supplies Fray straight edges lightly on

tie ends together, leaving Scrap paper, penc,I and each piece (the diagonal edges

""'' a tail long enough to

become a hanging loop.

ruler; hesnen, red and

natural; Jo Sonja's acrylic

on the flags w,11 not fray).

STEP 3 With black paint and

STEP 3A Hold the S-s1ded paint (Carbon Black); artist's a sponge, stencil 'MERRY

shapeinyourhands- sponge, Semco 12-inch x 12- CHRISTMAS' on natural squares,

\ one hand either side, inch stencil; masking tape, surrounding stencil letters
,, '
like a steenng wheel. red sewing thread; roll of to avoid smudges. Allow to dry.
STEP 38 Bring one hand 25mm-wide jute webbing; STEP 4 Machine-st1tch stencilled

iiiiil:i towards the other, crossing tartan Christmas fabric squares onto the centre of the

straws, as pictured. red flags using red cotton.

STEP 4 Bend the 2-straw Here's how STEP 5 Cut two x 3m lengths of

lower point under the upper STEP 1 Rule a rectangle, 1 Scrn webbing (or length you want) and

tnangle of straws and you will wide x 17cm long, on scrap pin flags in place in fetter order,

see a S--.point star appear. paper, then rule a vertical line leaving a small space between

STEP 5 Once the 5 points are dividing it m half. Measure them, and an equal amount of

evident, slip the uppermost down 1 1 cm from top on 1 Scm webbing extending at each end.

point under the crossbar edge on each side, and mark STEP 6 Starting at one end, fold

lii#il beneath it. This will stabilise these points. Rule a diagonal jute webbing in half lengthwise

the star and hold i

t in place. line from each 1 1 cm mark to and begin sewing edges

STEP 6 For added security, the bottom of the mid-line, together, folding webbing over

dab a little hot glue under creating a point. Trim away top edges of flags as you get to

the crossover points. outer corners, creating a each one. Continue to end.

pennant-shaped template. STEP 7 Tear 2Smm-wide

MINI CHRISTMAS STEP 2 Using this template, tartan strips across width of

PUDDING cut pennant shapes from red fabric. Cut strips into 25cm

ORNAMENTS hessian and Scm squares lengths and fray edges.

iihii Gather your supplies from natural hessian. (You STEP 8 Tie strips of tartan fabric

Tartan Christmas fabric; will need 14 of each for the between each flag and your

ping-pong balls; green words MERRY CHRISTMAS, bunting is ready to hang!

jute twine

Here's how


From tartan

fabric, cut



ii HIN

CHRISTMAS 2018 8HG 199




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Adalra 1300 783 005, �111.oom...., Glnrr &- Me g'."9"'";,ndme com Papaya �

Anni• Slo.n �.oom Hu90 Boss .1u, 08-Adic, P•tcub<t �.com/.........,

a.tist• Hunter hunte! P•t&ft J*ld•

hd N' T•b'- IKEAlkN.comau P•tll dn-.;

But P.t. Gift C.rd btstojftcan::ls.oom.aulpets lshb au PlllowTalk

BHG Shop J...-liq.,. jurtlq,; .1u Port•r's Palnu port,l<'Sj»lnts.eom

Blov.ica Kmart Po-n•ry Bam pc>tter)t)

Bosc:h A11$tralla, Koch I, Co 1300 SSS 624, Prada�.com

B11nnln9s L.. Mi• Perla au Provincial Home Llulnv

C.tlt Select
ed pet StcftS U...nMek......,,.,.,com pn)""'

c..iu and St- � lun• a...rcus & Co �.com

Charlott• Tiibury �bu'ycom LUX Ploitters oiw<p11tten, 0418 21 3 851 Ralph Lauren

Chlppend• Restonotlon• M•lson,e<J Riot Art and

�Ol' Marco Fabrla marwfabri,;s com...., Ruby Star Trad.n.

Country Road �.oom...., Maxwell 1, wimarM maxwelland..., Spot!ivht spotl,

Crabt ... and Evelyn crabu.e.e....iyru;om.MJ Mitt.n s..,. R•p.,bk sunnep,

CrtsU.I d'AtqvH crisaldiorquM!»riS.oom/NI Moo- mofboot, Sure Petcare surepetca,.,eom/....,.au

o...1c1 J- dii�.com Mr S.ards Terry IMiite Chemmart•tOre• SWfflll Gifts

OMK< Mrs Darcy Sydney U..d Fumlture ��.com

Dom.yne dcm» Ms loua mslov;,.com Ta1"91tt t;,rg,

0...-Ltlc THtllo, ;,u n.. lost and Found Depart...,.nt

Down to UM Woods dow,1od>ewoods Natio � Nsycn, NiYH niWl,I COffl..lU Thonitt

En)o en, Noell• myno,tlle com ;,u Tonic

F..-Nro Rodotrf......:>.com au Not On Tl,• Hi9h Str..t Y•tShopA.ustralia w�u;,li;,

Focus On r.ot0<1theh1ghst1" \IS S.ssoon ...s.s;,ssoo,,

F..tS.rk fitba,l,:;.oom/s­ Olay •u Wortley 1)00 361 836, wgshowroom.comAU

frMciom � O&M"u w•um ...s.o..oma \Wl......,•u

Furbo shopau Oil Gard•n oolg;,rd<tn com au Whe.. & Barrowwt.el�

COVER Amsterd.m Green Ch;,lk P;,int, antique stcx,1 ,n Nn,ral, S249 a.sic 9f"il"1 bo;,t 0.4l, S19 95

Shopping details:• Bunning• SS9.9S/1L, P;,int w�x, Oxford SS cutlery set. S129 9S Dos;, • Spotr,gM Boucl;,,r Notdic: retnN! st
l.¥1"1\H 8mm l;im,n.,� floori
ng in 540/SOOml • S.d Bath N' Tabl• bmber pedest•I bowl, 549.95. flake �t. Grey
, 40cm, $4 99

Noo-u Oak. SJ6 49 Enyo.,lt E.i$Y Mendes pi;,cemats in Spruc,e Gn;,en, Bougogne p:,rc.i;,in be.ded s;,Jad Jolly & .Joy s� oo Snow H;,nging

VJ MDF intem*-11 lining primed S9 95 Decor;,ti-. whii. round tr;,y, pjate, 51495 Oisuucupand � S9.99, Ovistmas ;,
t Home

900 x 1200 x 9rrrn, Sl0.12. Colonial 539 9S Shmmer P;,isl,ey box. s;,ucer. O,,ltem c.andleholder, Dome � deco, S9.99. Amsun

primed, 42 x 11 lmm x 2.7m, S4.87. S29 9S Doorstop bl;,ck pine corwn. $49 95 N,sh;, \M:>W ,n Natural Linen. Stemless Wine
�, S20lpk8.

Coloni;il primed p,ne skirting 138 • 5199Swch eChif>panclai. $129 95 Boleyn mirror. S99.95

18mm x 2.7m, SJS.91. • Oom.yne Rntorations Oriqmal Vocton;,n Jaytol wool m,x rug in Do-. Grey

Basic Ii""" �re anhion in Gr-.. �repl;,ce m11ntle, �550, and 009,nal S599 • Qu•n:us & Co Map of Shof>ping CMtaih. • Cristal d'Arqun

SJ9. • Dcwn to the Woocls lit.-li.i. Ho<wshoe "'9ist..-1iron g-111,e S750. Australia and World m� 115cm in M;,c.a
i.s;,r ....
.... g1ffs 250ml. set of 6,

F;own 58x45 x 15cm in unt)'

. Sl86. • Oauid Jonas Fringe run,,..., S2S • SN GrMn 0<1 art pi,p,erwith S79.9S. M;,c;,ss.1r 1.11ad bo-...i 22 Scm.

Oiwt11y S<Jperst¥ i
n o...m�. Euycraft full wall panel, 2700 x 600 magnet,sed bmber hanger, S230 SS9.9S. • Mu-I & WUliam5

$2195 Oa�). S21 94 (medium), x 9mm, 5134/U.-. av;,il;,bie Imm uch. • Ruby Star Trad•rs Pllini.d Wayf pl11t• 27cm Pebble, 512.95.

S17.95 (small).• F..adomAlly l;,rge Bunninss Warehouse • Focus On timbar l:M medum. $29.95 St.1r on Wayf plate 27cm lndogo Blue.

tray in Gold, S99; small S70. Agot,a lodge 2 ...,t iol

;, In C;,ribbeiJn a rope, S7.95. • Sp!""llvht Jolly & S12.9S. c.osmopo!,tan soda sp:,on,

so � 50cm c:ushoon in Red lnhha, X.IIWtt, SS99. • IICEA Slort'Mlt Joy baubi.,., S31pkY. Jolly & .Joy mi,.; SJ.95. Celet:r
lltiont Siemless Gl;,n,

S39. Rubto canch hold«

, S12. chiimpagne coupe. S2.99, with snow trM with burlap baff. 510.49. set of 2 N;,ughtylNic:• SOOml, S29 95.

• !KEA Smy,;b anific;ial � In Konungshg spll'kl1"9 wiM 9111,s,es, Jolly & Joy pne wre;,th, S6.99. Jolly

Green, S1499. Vinter201818� S7.99/pk2. Stockholm MSl ol 2 & .Joy t•><lur..:I baublet, S6.99/pk4. CHRISTMAS GOES

dec:oradons. S7.99. Vinter 2018 �sin walnui __,

, S249, 11nd • Swln11 Gifts Madison M...a.,ry Red "mOP1'0, PAGE 52

decoration bauble se
t of 32, S12. 99. Glaclom tr;,y•, S1 4.99 Koch &­ Oiion dec:i, S12.6S/pk4. Noel felt Shof>ping Glttlln • Cristal d'Atqun

Vint er 2018 whit• bauble deoor.1tion Co Met;,I St.1ndins RaindNr r..:I & white bird with glasses decs, Mllcllssarwine glass JSOm!, set of 6

3-pKk. S4.99.• lll,b5Ngn,ss decoration, S22 95. S.rry Lu,chious S9 90 •aeh Wild Pine �and green g:ft bo>Ced, S79.9S MiCllssar highball

medium bilsket in Grffn. S9.44 O>ristrn;,1 Garl;,nd, S28.95. L 275cm. S52.80. • Sydr,ey U..d 360ml. Ntof 6gih bo>Ced
, SS9.�5

• My•• Luu champagne glitter Normand:, Pir,e g--. Chtlstmas Fumlture Silky o.k sid.board, S195 • Mu-M & Wlll11ms Motionc•k•

triangl• IHf cone, S29.99. Heirloom WrNth 50cm, S9.95 • My.r �n Ann>e Sto.n Chalk Paint).• Ta'll.t __., S9.9$. pate 26cm

4-piec:. gold !) baubl.,., Hent;,ge Gamet Rim dinner pj1tes. H.,rric,r,e, S10. glass voti-. r..:I Mint. S12.9S. plate l9cm

S14.99. Heirloom 32-p!ec• set, S16 95 wch. Am;,111 Goldi• bird c.andl,es, S2 Heh • n.. Lost & Whrte, S29.9S Ca....,.O, Plate 30 x

S29.99. Heirloom 4·poec.• Rhumba sculplUrll, S19.9S.• Pap•ya Small Found Depart...,.nt Glass leldllght 22cm, S14.9S. Motion S8pc Cutle<y

r..:I buded pl.1ln bauble p.-ck, oi,p white tabl«loth 1 SO x 250cm, pend.Int. S499. • Thonet n.or..t s.t, S4SO. C.1.1 Oom;,nl £�-. Mt of

S14 99. • Provlndal Home Lllllng S179. St Cl11i,. 1eru tablecloth 150 x Herman sic» ct,..,, in Hot Ups, $.400. 6. JOOml gl;,sses. S34 9S. Tlld Punch

F...nd, armd\ilir I
n N.otural. S899. 250cm, S169. k.i11nd ONr bauble • Williams-Sonoma Bo.der stripe Ol'f>9"M' ""th St;,nd Ind l.11<:h. 6.Jl,
Porw't Paint In Erner.lid.• Spotflght 210cm, S39.9S. k.i;,nd Embossed n.apkins, S2.9S Nc:h. • Stylist's own S69.9S. • Spotl111ht Joly & Joy

Emporium LEO 4m bud lights.

S11.99. SelKted ribbons.• Syd.,.y

biuble set-4 assorted small. S39.95,
o, 1;,,ge, $.49,95. G;,bri.i 23cm
Curt1,ns, wh,te pedestal bowl, 1...-g.

whit,e pliltter with gold rim.

cfi:,ped glass bauble, Bluot, S6.W.

Jc:ilfy & Joy Mir, BM.lblot Pack, S9.99


u..d Furniture S,tky o.llr. sidel:xi..r
d st;,ndk,s. S22.9S. 0t 14cm, S12 95.

S195 (f»inted in Annie Sloan Chalk A...... c.ramic 20cm v11,., S39.95. CHRISTMAS GOES CLASSIC, YOUR SEASONAL STYLE, PAGE 61 !
P..,nt) • T•'ll•t ""coll• Un..-. Stripe cushion, $.49.95 • PAGE 30 Shof>pln9 Glttah "9stiWI & 9'""-

In It.nan, S20. • n.. Lost....! Pillow Talk Aspre l..andsby tH·l19ht Shoppln11 cl.tails• FerTBro Rodter u...nM• S-shed linen

Found Depart...,.nt St...-gold/glMs hold«

, S24.9S. • Porter's Paints Ferrero Rocher Family Box 16 pikff. t.1bledolh In Spa G,_, (UK Wf:'Pier)
pendant light. S478 Emer;,ld In 999shetl ;,cryHc,

S107.9(L/4L • Potury Barn M...cury

• Maxwell & w.r;.ms Charttot.

16-p,ace dinner Mt. S149.9S.

Not on

Card• T
n.. Hlvh Stre•t Eden

rM C.lndelllbra tuK suppl,...).

CHRISTMAS PAPER c;ird.t.olden, 510 llach •nd sm;,11 M.ans,on flut,e glnses 180ml, Mt of 6, PiNow Tai; Pal\llm Jlld&ite Table !
CRAFT, PAGE 16 Ant� Mercury c;indle holders. 56 $59 95 E1........tat Cutlery Set Unen (11mol.1r tabladool colour) 1.5 x

Shoppl"5J fft.ils: • Annie Sloan • Provincial Ho..... llulng Albany 16-Piac,e, copper
, S149.<i..; Whit• Jm, $34.95. Spodlght Eucalypw• i

� ;
Bl GGJ�Sl g;QJIJIJ�IL,E� : ecostar, I


G11LAZE, SAIL,E�� : '


High quality European Double Glazed

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. . . . .

wn,ath35a,M:b, S1999,0t 14n-da. ChnstrnM Plush Decorance Assorted, !ree m"" in Red, S9.95. • BHG Shop Perle ognon thread Red, SJ. 81:;,ck

S39 99. Lwc & pe,,cod blue: S5 Chnstmas M,n, 5tod<ing Santa hat :;,cceuo,y. S5 95. 8ilby sharpe llp maiiter
, S2. Shamrock

Domestic TeJ<tile Harlequ,n Obsdaori Decor;,toon, S5 Mustbe Sant.a, S8 peng"1nmll"llat�. S1295.0oe na�• bal<ers 1W1ne spool Red and

"":2 ,
n A.zunte fl 1628
. • Mar<:o Ci.m;e &
(Jm •
Pn,j.d: ouppl,n: • S.,.,nings 8ondall

Pot & OmMnenl Sealer. On-Guard

m.n,atum ,n Narur.,I, S11.95

da,;or;it1on ,n Natural. S12.95.


Wh,te S10 99 X Pres:s double-lided

high tack !ape. S6 99. Shamrock cr;oh

Clarl<e mca Colledoon Pavone Sna• & SLg Barnar (adhe....e copper m.n,atuie ,n Grey, $11.95. fawn na� jUle lWlnlt, S24 99. Sh;imrod:

wallp;,pe< in Teal (also available.., tape). Pots. Pamter's tape. m.niatum ,n Whrte, 110.94. aft paper m;iche rectangle bcx

Teal/Gold) • Wortley Kai lebno • Bunnings Tusa,n path pebbles lkg abee qu�t1ng hoop
na�. SJ.99. Ar

velvet labnc ., Peacock. CHRISTMAS FUN FOR bag 2C'rnm I

II Black Moroccan, S9.04 na�. JSOmm, S 16.99. Vr,ald, s

ARTY KIDS, PAGE 170 • Kmart BOfflebrush trff. S71pU WW Green, SJ.99. F,skars cm::le hand

MAKE IT MAG1Ct, PAGE 90 Pn,j.c1: ouppl,n: • BHG shop Ek Straight gl.tfi jar
. S8 • Riot Art and punch, SS.59. F,sk;in lro.<en .quee,e

Shopping ffuh . Oomar-­ 5u«ess • Medium Punch 5tar. S17.99. Craft N;,tural wood sllefl cr;olt pad<. punch, S27.99. Frand,ev,la wolow

M,wss.ppi squa,edoning table, S1299. An'leran Crafts Kraft Cards & S19 99 • Spotlight M<>S$ rurv,.,- ,n -.,thnannl,30crn.S16.99 T
M,ss,ss.ppi 2 a,mctins, S\399 pet set Envelopes A7 12 pack, S9 99. • G..en 4Cl,;m, S9 99 Cralters d,ooca ie.,,,... hanging bush. Red and G....,,

of 2. M,"',s,pp 4 dining chan. sm Km.t Creative A4 metallic papa,-, S6 ari,hcial mOf.S in Green. S7.99. S24.99. Relianc;e owlet btn;h, S7.49

pe< se1 of 2. Z.,, bdney ,;o

ffee table. lor 22 sheets. • Online cr•ft Emponum LED bud warrn hghts 2m ,n Gold "bbon. Colton lace nbbon Cr;ilt

S199. Zara lampi,ble, S99. • Lux Mlppllan M,n, llnsal, from SJ.95. s,ve,, S6 99 Joly & Joy bauble f�l­ glue. PVAglue. Glue stick. SIK:ky tape.

platt ..... Catcmng l'OA. l"n,jKt • 5pottlght Frandw,lle �• and auorted • snow, SA 99. favoun lmm

tuppht.: • SpotJivht AJ1 craft or 50. Fr;,ndw,II•

envelop.,,. $14.99 f rat tad wedding Q:>fd ,n Silver, S7 EASY 5TEP--8Y·STEPS TO

mate!ials ind KCflSOl'IK glin..-glua, S6.99/120ml. Samog Ka,ser spari<le w35hi !ape ..$0fled, MAGIC MAKES, PAGE 198

round 10--'! palette. SS 99. Fisl<ars S6 99 Jolly & Joy lights ocr.,pbooiong • �"$!• Jute webbing 2Smm •
OFF THE FENCE, PA.GE 112 Easy Change Knife. S19 99. Royal & slid.,.., S4.99. Mou 1).112 pad: ,n 2Sm. tloyle a.aft adhesove. 6atbacue

Shopping detalh • Country ROM! l.angrodcel wa!ercolour p1unt1ng Graen. S1 5.99. Emponum Chnstmas stewen. Metal �,n1. Dressed pone

Se.. !umblen set of 4, $44 9S. damshel. S16.99. UHU glue stl'*'. LED bulb baubles in CO. S14.99. 42 • 19mm • 1.8m. Tenon saw. M,1,.

• Sun Republic Hand......,...., ran.. SJ 99. Sharp.- rw,n n\mer black, • n.. Lost and found Departin.nt bo;k. G,_-, twine.• K......t P,ng

and shell eoatten NII of 4, $49 95. S4.99. Sharpie me1aB,c gold marker, Small dome. SSS. Medtooo dome. S69. Pong balls.• Spotlight Jo Sonia's

Pr+,:t........,, • � Austr.ita SS.99 lor 2. CraflersCho.:e 2100SM T11 dome with blade base. Sl 10. Artists' Acrylic"' Carbon Bt11ck.

P- tools.• Bunnlng,l 100mm A4 Nd boawd, S6.99 for 20 Cralt­ Festive snowm1n: • Spotlight AtbN Assorted tart;in nbbons. 22mm.

ga,lvan,sed l»tten IOVWS, S16/pltlS, Chooce 210GSM A4 black boald. round eye gllsses ,n Black, S2. Otl,ay Hessian ,n red Ind•al. Tanan
Qi:,ond PVAglue, S17.J8/'500ml. S6. 99 lor 20. Cralters Choice 210GSM grosgmn Swou blue ribbon, S9.99. f1boc. Paper straws. Semco 1r11st

30mm gakl;inised wood screws, S6.S2/ A4 white board. \6.99 lo, 20. Cralters d-ioic
e pom� ,n Whote, spongH. Helmar Super·TK glue.

pkSO. FNst Watson Proofsul, Amencan Crafts Cored,natoons 12 x S4 99 Celebnite t.ilt6l nbbon 20mm­ Alphabe1 Slencol 12 K 12 inch.

\13/250ml. Fust W,
n s .,. Buffing
on p 12.jnch silver mst gl,n..- cardstock. w,de"' Bl:;,ck, S2 49.

Oil, S11>.90/250ml. S2.49. Berisbds double-Sided 10mm WELL. HELLO DOLLY, PAGE 200

Nd l-lllwl nbbon, S1.49 for lm. Artl,ne EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO • Spotlight Pmt, striped ;ind

FESTIVE POT5, ,,,_,GE 11& Fonel,ner 200, S2. KNOW TO MAKE CHRISTMAS ilbric: (f:wlafom Ind stod,ngs
plain f

S'-6,,ing detalh • Myff Eucalyptus PAPER CRAFT, PAGE 11H G-.1 MWOng supploes. Pompom

35.Scm Grey and Whota Standing EASY WAYS TO GET Project wpplin: • Spotlight Gold m�er. Felt (for hair ind bdet

Fabnc Troll. S29.99. Euc.olypws Brown CRAFTY, PAGE 174 rnetalhc Sharpie 2 pad<. SS.99. 11,ppen). Filbric:glue. Wool y11m (for

Ra,ndeer Weanog Knrtted Wh,te Project ....,,.,..., Woodland sc-: e Cream,,. st1'*'en gold numbers, SJ 99. twio.). Embroodery neede1. Stranded

Jumper, S69 99. • T•11•t Meny Bed &Ith N' T•ble Trad,!ional ombm Canson Vivaldi ca,d, Bright Green, embroodery cotton ,n red and bl:;w:k.

Chnstmas HeMt Deo:ntion, SJ. tall bnstle tree ,n Red. S24.9S. Snstle Red and Light Green SO 50 DMC Pntustuds. Small buttons. Ribbon.

CHRISTMAS 2018 8HG 217


How to take lnstapet-worthy photos, plus



Keep Australia Pet Friendly

ambassador, vet Dr Chris

Brown, has created these

simple tips to capture the

perfect shot of your furry

friend - one that could turn

him or her into a superstar!

• Chine a spit - empty I

park, beach, couch or

a brick wall will do. I

• l.i&hfifup- aim for soft

light from early morning I

or late afternoon sun to
add warmth to the image. I
• The eyes have it - focus

on the eyes as the windows I

to their soul.
• c, 1,w - get down to

their level to appreciate I

their personality.

• N, flash - unless you're

I going for the 'red eye'
on-steroids look.
I • Be patient ..i be ready

-you'll get the purrfect

glance when you least

expect it.


PS, if you want to be
Give your furry four-legged flap front opening. The stylish
snapped with your pet,
friend a cosy hideout - it's neutral colourway makes i

consider a professional pet

perfect for a snooze or to a perfect fit for all interiors.
photo shoot, which can be
play a cheeky game of hide­
Pet teepee 52 x 52 x 7Bcm
in a studio or on location. If
and-seek. This well-crafted I
(soils cat or small dog up to
it's not in your budget, set I
and easy to set up premium Bkg). $89.95. f
your camera or phone on
pet home comes complete I
a timer and SMILE!•
with a removable plush
,____ ___,I
cushion and features a two-
Sticker and Activity

Fun Books
when you buy a participating magazine at Woolworths!'

' • .. c . :.' •"'·�-

';i", r Ir

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ro s e w a ter

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_,...,,. .... ,

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... ·�··· ...

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