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The myth of Romulus and Remus


VIDEO :Mars and the Story of Romulus & Remus,

Romulus and Remus are the mythological twin brothers who founded the city of Rome. Here is their

Twins are Born

Romulus and Remus were twin boys born to a princess named Rhea Silvia she was the daughter of
Numitor, king of Alba Longa, and descended from Aeneas, one of the Princes of Troy. Numitor's younger
brother Amulius seized the throne and killed Numitor's son, then forced Rhea Silvia to become a Vestal
Virgin , a priestess of the goddess Vesta. As Vestal Virgins were sworn to celibacy for a period of thirty
years, this would ensure the line of Numitor had no heirs.

However, Rhea Silvia conceived and gave birth to the twins Romulus and Remus. She claimed that the
god Mars was the father of the children. Livy says that she was raped by an unknown man, but "declared
Mars to be the father of her illegitimate offspring, either because she really imagined it to be the case, or
because it was less discreditable to have committed such an offence with a god."

When Amulius learned of the birth he imprisoned Rhea Silvia and ordered a servant to kill the twins. But
the servant showed mercy and had the boys left in a basket on the Tiber River, he figured they would
soon die.

Raised by a Wolf

The boys were found by a she-wolf. The wolf cared for them and protected them from other wild
animals. A friendly woodpecker helped to find them food. Eventually some shepherds happened across
the twins. One shepherd took the boys home and raised them as his own children.

Growing Up

As the boys grew older they became natural leaders. One day Remus was captured and taken to the king.
He discovered his true identity. Romulus gathered some shepherds to rescue his brother. They ended up
killing the king. When the city learned who the boys were, they offered to crown them as joint kings.
They could be rulers of their homeland. However, they turned down the crowns because they wanted to
found their own city. The twins left and set out to find the perfect spot for their city.

Founding a New City

The twins eventually came to the place where Rome is located today. They both liked the general area,
but each wanted to place the city on a different hill. Romulus wanted the city to be on top of Palatine Hill
while Remus preferred Aventine Hill. They agreed to wait for a sign from the gods, called an augury, to
determine which hill to use. Remus saw the sign of six vultures first, but Romulus saw twelve. Each
claimed to have won.
Remus is Killed

Romulus went ahead and started building a wall around Palantine Hill. However, Remus was jealous and
began to make fun of Romulus' wall. At one point Remus jumped over the wall to show how easy it was
to cross. Romulus became angry and killed Remus.

Rome is Founded

With Remus dead; Romulus continued to work on his city. He officially founded the city on April 21, 753
BC, making himself king, and naming it Rome after himself. From there he began to organize the city. He
divided his army into legions of 3,300 men. He called his 100 most noble men the Patricians and the
elders of Rome the Senate. The city grew and prospered. For over 1,000 years Rome would be one of the
most powerful cities in the world.

Interesting Facts about Romulus and Remus

The boys were descendents of the Trojan prince and great warrior Aeneas made famous from Virgil's
epic poem the Aeneid.

Over time, the city of Rome expanded to cover the seven surrounding hills of Aventine Hill, Caelian Hill,
Capitoline Hill, Esquiline Hill, Palatine Hill, Quirinal Hill, and Viminal Hill.

Romulus died when he mysteriously disappeared in a whirlwind.

The poet Ovid once wrote that Romulus was turned into a god named Quirinus and went to live on
Mount Olympus with his father Mars.

Take a ten question quiz at The Romulus and Remus questions page.

1) What are Romulus and Remus most famous for?

Rescuing Helen of Troy

Killing the monster Medusa

Starting the Olympics

Founding the city of Rome

Being kings of the Underworld

2) Who first cared for the boys when they were abandoned?

A she-wolf

A forest nymph

A giant goat

The goddess Venus

A pack of llamas

3) What did Romulus and Remus first disagree on?

Whether to found a new city or stay at the old one

If they should kill the king or not

How to get their revenge

What hill to found the city of Rome on

Who was the strongest

4) What hill did Romulus want to found the city on?

Aventine Hill

Palatine Hill

Capitoline Hill

Esquiline Hill

Caelian Hill

5) How did Remus die?

He fell down when trying to climb a high wall

He was attacked by wild vultures

Romulus killed him when Remus made fun of his wall

He got sick from eating too many olives

In a battle with a fearsome monster

6) Who was the father of the twins?



Julius Caesar


7) When was the city of Rome founded?

1200 BC

1012 BC

811 BC

753 BC

412 BC

8) How did Rome get its name?

It was named after the shepherd who raised the boys

From the god of construction

It came to Romulus in a whirlwind

Jupiter named the city

Romulus named the city after himself

9) Where did the king abandon the boys?

He sold them into slavery

In the desert

In a basket on the Tiber River

On the steps of a temple

At the top of Palatine Hill

10) Who is considered to be the first king of Rome?






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