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ow to wire 1-phase 3-speed motor [closed]

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I have a single phase motor with five outgoing wires: white, brown, red, blue and black.

 white - has no resistance with any of the others.

 brown-blue = 136Ω
 brown-black = 366Ω
 brown-red = 108Ω
 red-blue = 25Ω
 red-black = 260Ω
 blue-black = 236Ω

here is my motor:

motor ac wiring single-phase

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edited Aug 5 at 5:01
asked Feb 15 '17 at 14:00

closed as off-topic by laptop2d, DerStrom8, Dave Tweed♦ Jan 10 at 20:19
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

 "Questions on the use of electronic devices are off-topic as this site is intended specifically for questions on
electronics design." – laptop2d, DerStrom8, Dave Tweed
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
 1
Your description is confusing and the motor is complicated. There is no standard for color coding motor wires. The
motor may be defective. There is little chance of figuring out the correct connections based on resistance readings.
Someone with a lot of experience and more test equipment might be able to figure it out, but it is probably a waste of
time to attempt to figure it out using an internet forum like this. – Charles Cowie Feb 15 '17 at 15:07
 Stainless answer is very correct. There is no assumptions as the details are technically and theoretically correct. With
the second upload of drawing with the starting and main winding, the details are very correct and there is nothing that
will prevent the motor from running. The rest job is for OSM to wire correctly – KamahDec 27 '17 at 7:30
 If you do not know which wires are connected to the start capacitor, you are lost unless the MFG has a diagram for
you. – Sparky256 Dec 29 '17 at 5:53
 If you know where the motor came from there may be a chance to find how it is intended to be used. Tracing existing
wiring or circuitry would be a great help. – KalleMP Dec 30 '17 at 12:36
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2 Answers
up vote4down vote
If you have a single-phase three speed split capacitor motor, the following will explain your readings:

simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Numbers in Green are calculations, which correspond to your measurements.

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answered Feb 15 '17 at 18:16

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up vote3down vote
I believe that @StainlessSteelRat has presented a pretty likely configuration for the "Run" coil and the speed
selections. I suspect that the white wire is connected to an internal capacitor that is connected in series with the
"Auxiliary" coil. That would be one explanation for infinite resistance between the white wire and the other

If all that is correct, the diagram below would be the complete connection diagram.

One more thing to keep in mind is that the actual operating speed for a motor like this is determined by the load.
With the motor disconnected from the load the speed will be close to 1500 RPM regardless of the connection.
The load will slow the motor down. The medium and low connections make the motor weaker so it slows down

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edited Feb 16 '17 at 14:09
answered Feb 16 '17 at 0:35

Charles Cowie
 1
You appear to have a certain technical clairvoyance. I would support your assesment enough to test the setup. A high
wattage mains rated incandecent lamp in series wwith the first test will limit fault currents. If the motor tries to spin and
the lamp glows then there is hope and removing the lamp could be tried briefly. Try the slow an fast speeds with the
lamp, one may run while the other does not manage. – KalleMP Feb 16 '17 a

Reversing a capacitor start motor

So how do we reverse a
capacitor start motor?
Once started, a single
phase induction motor
will happily run in either
direction. To reverse it,
we need to change the
direction of the rotating
magnetic field produced
by the main and starter
windings. And this can
be accomplished by
reversing the polarity of
the starter winding. Basically, we need to swap the connections on either end of the
starter winding. Sometimes it's just the winding, Sometimes the winding, switch and
capacitor are reversed. The order of the switch and capacitor don't matter, as long as
thy are in wired in series.

You could also reverse the motor by reversing the main winding (same effect).

If you were to switch the main and starter windings, as one does with a split phase
motor, the motor will also reverse. However, it will not run at full power and is also likely
to burn out. The starter winding is not suitable for continuous operation.

Basic connection of single phase Motor Reverse

and forward
Single-voltage, three-lead reversible type
In such motors, a two-section running winding is used. The two sections R1 and R2 are internally
connected in series and one lead of the starting winding is connected to the mid-point of R1 and R2.

The second lead of the starting winding and both leads of the running winding are brought outside as
shown in Fig. 36.23. When the external lead of the starting winding is connected to point A , the
winding is connected across R1 and the motor runs clockwise. When the lead of starter winding is
connected to point B, it is connected across R2. Since current flowing through starting winding is
reversed, the motor runs in counter-clockwise direction.
. Two-speed type
Speed can be changed by changing the number of poles in the winding for which purpose two
separate running windings are placed in the slots of the stator, one being 6-pole winding and the other,
8-pole winding. Only one starting winding is used which always acts in conjunction with the higher-
speed running winding. The double-action or transfer type centrifugal switch S has two contact

points on the ‘start’ side and one on the ‘run’ side. As shown in Fig. 36.26, an external speed switch is
used for changing the motor speed. The motor will always start on high speed irrespective of whether
the speed switch is on the ‘high’ or ‘low’contact. If speed switch is set on ‘low’, then as soon as the
motor comes up to speed, the centrifugal switch

Washing machines usually employ a single-phase motor. In semi-automatic washing machines, a

purely mechanical switch controls the timing and direction of the motor. These switches are costly
and wear out easily. Presented here is a washing machine motor controller for single phase motors
of washing machines (Fig.1) that efficiently replaces its mechanical equivalent.
Basically, a single-phase motor requires a master timer, which decides the time for which the motor
should keep rotating (washing time), and a spin direction controller, which stops the motor for 3
seconds after every 10 seconds and then resumes rotation in opposite direction.

Washing machine motor controller circuit

Fig.1: Circuit diagram of washing machine motor controller

The direction of rotation can be controlled as shown in Fig.2. When switch S1 is in position A, coil
L1 of the motor receives the current directly, whereas coil L2 receives the current with a phase shift
due to capacitor C. So the rotor rotates in clockwise direction (see Fig.2(a)). When switch S1 is in
position B, the reverse happens and the rotor rotates in anti-clockwise direction (see Fig.2(b)). Thus
switch S1 can change the rotation direction.
Fig.2: Direction of motor
The motor cannot be reversed instantly. It needs a brief pause between switching directions, or else
it may get damaged. For this purpose, another spin direction control timer (IC2) is employed. It is
realised with an IC 555. This timer gives an alternate ‘on’ and ‘off’ time duration of 10 seconds and
3 seconds, respectively. So after every l0 seconds of running (either in clockwise or anticlock-wise
direction), the motor stops for a brief duration of 3 seconds. The values of R3 and R4 are calculated


The master timer is realised with monostable IC 555 (IC1) and its ‘on’ time is decided by the
resistance of 1-mega-ohm potmeter VR. A 47-kilo-ohm resistor is added in series so that even when
the VR knob is in zero resistance position, the net series resistance is not zero.

The on-off cycle in the master timer should go on only for the set time (here it is 18 minutes). Once
the master timer goes off, the cycle should stop. To achieve this, the outputs of both the timers are
connected to NAND gate N1 (IC3), which gives a low output only when both the timers are giving
high outputs.The output pin 3 of N1 is connected to relay RL1 via pnp transistor T1, so the relay
energises only when the output from NAND gate N1 is low. As the mains 220V line is taken
through relay RL1,the monitor turns off during the 3-second off period after the set time of 10
seconds is over. The graph is shown in Fig.3.
Fig.3: Timing diagram for rotation of motor
During ‘on’ time of spin direction timer IC2, the output of negative- edge triggerd JK flip-flop at
pin 2 goes low to energise relay RL2 and washing machine motor rotates in one direction. During
the off time of IC2, the output of N1 goes high again to de-energise relay RL1, which cuts off the
mains supply to RL2 and the monitor stop rotating.

Floating point trouble may occur at trigger pin 2 of IC1. Resister R8 over comes this problem by
holding pin 2 high.

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