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Kratki komp. /…-er than/ (shorter then), dugi komp.

/ more … then/(more beautiful then),

kratki superlativ /the…-est/(the smallest), dugi superlativ / the most…/(the most beautiful)
demeter opinion: size, age, shape, color, participle, podrijetlo, materijal type, svrha, imenica
(long new this blue broken brithish sundy human alarm clocks) Like( za usporedbu/sličnost )gl,
feel look ,sound taste, smell + imenica AS (za izražavanje zanimanja iza gl. accept, be known,
class, describe, refer to, regard,use, define, do) umanjivanje: less, the least, fewer, the fewerest
( less intelligent) Izjednacavanje: as…as, not so….as (as + adjectiv( pozitiv) + as (just,almost,nearly,
nowhere near, nothing like)…modyfying comparat. (far, much, way, a little, a bit) + komp.
–it is much cheaper …the+ comp., the +comp, - the more you read the smarter you will be.The more
you do the less u will have to do…. Dva komparativa – it is getting colder and colder…..
as+pomoćni gl. npr. He sings Well, as does she. 2. Conditional– if + past simple, would + inf.
(imaginarne stvari u prezentu ) 3.Condit.– if + past perfect, would + have + PP (u pastu)
I Wish, if only, I’d rather – REGRETS(žaljenje) Past Perf.| WANTING CHANGE za fut./ pres. Past Simp
| COMPLAINTS (prigovaranje) would + inf. Vokabular: have a go at, gain a wide readership

Face a challenge, make progress,cut im half, made headlines, create the impression, make decision
Crime rate has fallen, do/ get/take a degree, make no pretense, put pressure on, take interest in,
make a living from, come in handy, be put off by, strike me as, steer away, take up, from the outset, I
to a certain extent, in a attempt to, free-lance, high-strug, put any sport od pressure, go gather.

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