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Third Edition



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Published by
Jitendar P Vij
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Basic Dental Materials

© 2010, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers

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First Edition: 1998

Second Edition: 2003
Reprint: 2004, 2007, 2008
Third Edition: 2010
ISBN 978-81-8448-921-7

Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit

Printed at Ajanta Offset
Dedicated to
My Parents
Rajashekar Sangur

Professor and Head
Department of Prosthodontics
Rama Dental College-Hospital and Research Center
Kanpur, UP, India

G Vinaya Kumar
Department of Prosthodontics
College of Dental Sciences
Karnataka, India

Akshay Bhargava
Professor and Head
Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology
ITS, College of Dental Sciences and Research
Muradnagar, Ghaziabad, UP, India

Atley George
Consultant Prosthodontist
94 Village Greenway
Toronto, Canada
A successful dentist has to combine technical skills along with clinical knowledge.

Preface Dental materials is the backbone of dentistry. Knowledge of dental materials is

one of the keys to a successful dental practice. To the beginner, the task may
appear formidable because of the wide array of materials available. This is quite
normal and fortunately disappears with familiarity. Dental materials does not
end with the first year of the graduate training program. It is required throughout
the course and subsequently for a successful practice. The popularity of the second
edition was encouraging. The feedback helped in improving the current edition.
Comments and suggestions may be e-mailed to me at—your
feedback is valuable.
Revising the edition was a huge challenge. Dental materials is a vibrant subject as
new products are constantly appearing in the market. The book has been entirely
reorganized reflecting these changes. More color illustrations have been added to
improve clarity. A few of the materials have been eliminated from the book or just
briefly mentioned as they are no longer marketed. Knowledge of the history of
dental materials is useful to understand how these materials evolved and why
newer materials were developed. Over the past decade, the field of ceramics has
seen vast improvements. The chapter on ceramics had to be entirely revamped to
reflect the significant advances in technology. Actual values of the various materials
have been presented wherever possible. Knowledge of values improve depth of
understanding and is useful for making comparisons. However, one must remember
that these values are not necessarily absolute, variations can occur between brands
and methods of testing. Climatic differences affect properties like working and
setting times.
Dentists in India are fortunate to have a wide choice of materials. In the past,
however, the availability of materials in India was greatly limited, affecting the
quality of both education and treatment. The economic liberalization of the late
1980s saw the opening of the market to a range of high quality international
products. Some are entirely new products while others are modifications and
improvements of existing materials. Dental practitioners should have a good
understanding of basic dental materials science to enable them to critically assess
the plethora of new materials that are constantly being introduced and aggressively
marketed. It is also advisable for practitioners to request long-term in vitro and in
vivo independently acquired evidence of the performance of a material before
deciding to use it. Many of these materials have market lives shorter than the
time required to adequately assess them.
Thanks to journals, conferences and the Internet, there is exchange of information
between individuals, transcending geographical barriers. Concepts are constantly
changing as knowledge keeps improving. An open mind is essential for learning—
especially one open to new ideas as well as criticism and suggestions. It is
encouraging to see a lot of new Indian authored books in the market. Indian
researchers have also been contributing considerably to international journals.
Indian manufactured materials are also gaining international attention. This is a
quantum jump considering that previously we had been importing knowledge as
well as materials. Our research, journals and professionals are gradually being
recognized and respected the world over. We cannot rest as constant improvements
are still needed in our training programs in order to provide the best care to the
patients as well as compete internationally. It is my fervent hope that every new
generation of highly trained and motivated dentists will emerge upholding the
dignity of the profession and the country.

John J Manappallil
Every book has its share of contributors and influences and this book is certainly

Acknowledgments no exception. I would like to start with two of my colleagues George and Ashwin.
Both of them contributed significantly to the review of the chapters on Wrought
Alloys (George) and Dental Implant Materials (Ashwin). I express my sincere
appreciation to these two wonderful clinicians.
A special thanks to Yohan Chacko and Lippee for their clarification on dentin
bonding agents as well as with photography of materials. Vijai Dental, Chennai
needs a special mention—not only for all the catalogues and the materials
provided for photography, but also for their spirit of entrepreneurship and
I thank all those who helped with the proofreading—notably Angela, Siby,
Rajesh, Pandit, Satheesh, Ginu, Bhavna, Suhas, Zacharia, Bella, Liji, Serene,
Shobha, Hassan, Aflah and my wife, Divya. My deepest appreciation goes to my
family, especially my wife Divya and to my two children. Without their
tremendous sacrifice and support, this project would not have been possible.
The foreword in the previous edition was written by Dr V Surender Shetty
Dean of the College of Dental Surgery, Mangalore and I thank him for the honor.
Although it is not carried forward in this edition—it is my honor and privilege
to have him continue the patronage. No amount of knowledge would be complete
without the experience and I am indeed very fortunate to be associated with
some of the foremost institutions in the country. I am indeed grateful to
Dr Sadashiva Shetty, Principal of Bapuji Dental College and Hospital (BDCH),
Davengere, Dr Surendra Shetty, Dean of College of Dental Surgery, Mangalore
and Dr Shobha Tandon, Dean of College of Dental Surgery, Manipal, for the
excellent facilities and hospitality offered. I am also indebted to my former
teachers and guides Dr K Subbarao and Dr VK Subbarao for their excellent
guidance during the period.
I express my sincere appreciation to all those who contributed to the previous
editions. My gratitude goes to my former colleagues at BDCH, Davengere, who
have contributed to this book. In spite of the siginificant modifications many of
the chapters contain portions created by them. They include—Shubha Rao,
R Sangur, Vinay Kumar, Akshay Bhargav and Atley George. My sincere thanks
to SI Bhalajhi for his invaluable help with the digital photography and advice
on various computer programs and applications. I would like to thank all my
colleagues who helped with the proofreading.
I also take this occasion to once again renew bonds of friendship and affection
with all my current and former colleagues and classmates, my teachers, my
students and with all my well wishers. It is my honor and privilege to be
associated with all of you.
Finally, a special thanks to the publishers and the team out there at Jaypee
Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi, for the wonderful job in creating
a truly remarkable book.
1. Dentistry and Dental Materials 1

Contents 2.
Basic Nature and Properties of Dental Materials
Biological Considerations of Dental Materials
4. Tarnish and Corrosion 29
5. Introduction to Restorations, Luting and Pulp Therapy 33
6. Cavity Liners and Varnish 41
7. Dental Cements 45
8. Dental Amalgam 87
9. Direct Filling Gold 111
10. Composite Resins and Bonding Agents 121
11. Rigid Impression Materials 159
12. Elastic Impression Materials—Agar and Alginate 173
13. Elastomeric Impression Materials 191
14. Introduction to Model, Cast and Die Materials 207
15. Gypsum Products 213
16. Waxes in Dentistry 229
17. Dental Casting Investments 243
18. Casting Procedures 255
19. Dental Casting Alloys 267
20. Abrasion and Polishing 299
21. Dental Ceramics 311
22. Wrought Alloys 353
23. Brazing and Welding 363
24. Dental Implant Materials 375
25. Denture Resins and Polymers 381
Appendices 423
Further Reading 429
Index 433

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