FRS - 122287 - BSR-GW Support For Integrated IPC - V1ed1

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BSR-GW support for integrated IPC

Feature Requirements Specification

Feature # 122287
Version V1ed1

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BSR-GW support for integrated IPC draft2


1 GENERAL FEATURE INFORMATION................................................................................................... 3

1.1 FRS TITLE: RTCP FOR IUCSOIP....................................................................................................... 3
1.2 FEATURE # XXXXXX....................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 NETWORK ELEMENT..................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 FEATURE ORDER TYPE................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 INTERNAL/EXTERNAL FEATURE....................................................................................................... 3
1.6 PLM FRS OWNER....................................................................................................................... 3
1.7 FRS CONTRIBUTORS.................................................................................................................... 3
1.8 FRS APPROVERS......................................................................................................................... 3
1.9 REVISION HISTORY....................................................................................................................... 3
1.10 REQUESTED RELEASES.............................................................................................................. 4
2 FEATURE INFORMATION.................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 FEATURE OVERVIEW..................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 FEATURE DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 FEATURE VALUE AND BENEFITS...................................................................................................... 4
2.4 MARKET INFORMATION.................................................................................................................. 4
2.4.1 Applicable Market.................................................................................................................... 4
2.4.2 Technology.............................................................................................................................. 4
3 DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................... 4
3.1 DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................... 4
3.2 PERFORMANCE / CAPACITY / RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS...................................................................5
3.3 OPERATION, ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT..............................................................................5
3.3.1 Counter Requirements............................................................................................................. 5
3.3.2 Fault Management and Alarm Requirements............................................................................5
3.3.3 Configuration Management and Parameter Requirements........................................................5
3.3.4 Billing Requirements................................................................................................................ 5
3.3.5 Serviceability Requirements..................................................................................................... 5
3.3.6 Specific Documentation Requirements.....................................................................................6
3.3.7 Software Optional Control........................................................................................................ 6
4 RESTRICTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS......................................................................6
4.1 KNOWN FEATURE RESTRICTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS....................................................6
5 DEPENDENCIES.................................................................................................................................. 6
5.1 KNOWN FEATURE DEPENDENCIES................................................................................................... 6
5.2 HARDWARE DEPENDENCIES........................................................................................................... 6
5.3 SOFTWARE DEPENDENCIES............................................................................................................ 6
5.4 INTERWORKING TO EXTERNAL NODES/INTERFACES............................................................................6
5.5 DEVICE DEPENDENCIES................................................................................................................. 7
5.6 ENGINEERING IMPACTS.................................................................................................................. 7
6 STANDARDS........................................................................................................................................ 7
6.1 APPLICABLE STANDARDS............................................................................................................... 7
7 OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTATION................................................................................................. 7
7.1 OTHER DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................................... 7
8 ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................... 7

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BSR-GW support for integrated IPC draft2


1.1 FRS Title: BSR-GW support for integrated IPC

1.2 Feature # 122287

1.3 Network Element


1.4 Feature Order Type


1.5 Internal/External Feature


1.6 PLM FRS Owner

Herve Maillard

1.7 FRS Contributors

Functional Prime Name

PLM Herve Maillard
Product Test
Service Introduction

1.8 FRS Approvers

Approval Prime Name

PLM Herve Maillard
Product Test

1.9 Revision History

Version Date Author/Role Changes made

V1ed1 Feb 17th 2012 Hervé Maillard Change name of the feature
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BSR-GW support for integrated IPC draft2

V1ed0 5th of July Hervé Maillard link redundancy related requirements added
1 June 16th Hervé Maillard Creation of FRS
Draft2 June 20th Hervé Maillard Update with Mark comment

1.10 Requested Releases

Feature Patch/Prop/S
Release Comments
# ource
122287 BCR 4.0


2.1 Feature Overview

The limited stock of IPC product is planed to be exhausted before the market demand for IuoATM
is finished. Therefore a replacement solution has to be developed. The feature deals with
integrating most of the current IPC functionalities in the BSR-GW product. ATM over PDH
interface will nevertheless not be supported on the BSR-GW; the 7750 SR-7 of the small cell GW
will be used for that purposed.

Consequently the feature also contains the validation, including O&M aspects, of an IPC
replacement solution relying on both BSR-GW and 7750 SR-7 products. This feature do not
include the capability for a customer to use his/her own router for ATM connectivity. The SR must
be used.

2.2 Feature Description

2.3 Feature Value and Benefits

This feature will able to address markets where IuoATM is still required after current IPC product
stock exhaustion (currently planed mid 2012).

The feature will remove the risks associated with the refurbishing process (obsolescence of
components, lack of support on HW etc)

This solution based on integration of IPC functions in the BSR-GW and 7750 SR will reduce the
footprint of the cluster.

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2.4 Market Information

2.4.1 Applicable Market

Any network with IuoATM interface.

IPC market evolution:

 NAR: no more need (IuoIP already implemented)

 EMEA: in recent offers mix of customers needing or not IPC

o Need it: Ericom, Jersey telecom, H3G)

o Don’t need it: Etisalat, due, Mobilty

o VF: also mix situation

 Need it: UK, Qatar, Italy

 Don’t need it: Iranland, Portugal, Hungary, New Zealand


o China Unicom, Taiwan has not plan to migrate (might sill need IPC in 2 Y time frame)

o Optus has solid plan

2.4.2 Technology

3G small cell


3.1 Development Requirements

General Requirements
ment #
The current IPC telecom functions shall be fully supported by the ATCA based BSR-GW together
R1 with the 7750-SR of the small cell gateway cluster,. with the exception of redundancy aspects which
are treated in separated requirements
The solution shall accommodate Iuflex at the same functional level, in particular, each Iu interface
instance shall be selectable to be either IP or ATM
Each single cluster of an ATCA configuration can be independently configured with or without the
R3 IPC function activated. The 7750 SR shall be able to support, at the same time, cluster with and
without the IPC function activated
The physical & logical interfaces exposed to IuoATM CN nodes shall remained unchanged with the
replacement solution
The redundancy scheme of the replacement IPC solution shall be such that the failover duration of
the BSR-GW or of the 7750 shall be similar with and without IPC function activated
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BSR-GW support for integrated IPC draft2

GICC (network interface board) on the IPC supports 1+1 active hot standby redundancy at port
R6 level with APS/MSP 1+1 protection. The 7750 shall support equivalent level of link redundancy for
ATM/SDH ports.
The redundancy scheme of the replacement IPC solution shall be such that the outage of the
R7 service, from end user perspective, upon failure of BSR-GW or 7750, is similar with and without
IPC function activated

3.2 Performance / Capacity / Reliability Requirements

Performance / Capacity / Reliability Requirements
ment #
R8 The BCR 3.0 capacity of the BSR-GW shall be sustained when the IPC function is activated
The capacity of the IPC function shall be such that it covers the need of the BSR-GW product
supporting this IPC function
For instance, let’s consider a 6 cluster ATCA shelf with a 7750 SR-7. The IPC function supported by
this hardware shall provide the IPC capacity for 6 clusters
The IPC function shall scale the same way than the gateway function. Despite the design is let
implementation, it is expected that each ATCA bono blade supports both GW and IPC functions
In BCR 4.0, the ATCA BSR-GW shall also be able to interwork with a “legacy IPC”, (i.e an external
R11 IPC on cPSB HW). Whether the BSR-GW uses the internal or external IPC function (or no IPC
function at all) shall be configurable at the cluster level.

3.3 Operation, Administration and Management

3.3.1 General

General Requirements
ment #
The current IPC O&M functions shall be fully supported by the SCMS (small cell management
system and 7750-SR O&M
R13 It shall be possible to enable/disable the internal IPC function, per cluster, from the CSMS
3.3.2 Counter Requirements

Counter Requirements
ment #
R14 None
3.3.3 Fault Management and Alarm Requirements

Fault Management and Alarm Requirements
ment #
3.3.4 Configuration Management and Parameter Requirements

Configuration Management and Parameter Requirements
ment #
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3.3.5 Billing Requirements

Billing Requirements
ment #
R18 None
3.3.6 Serviceability Requirements

Serviceability Requirements
ment #
3.3.7 Specific Documentation Requirements

Specific Documentation Requirements
ment #
R20 None
3.3.8 Software Optional Control

Require- State or New or SOC Code

SOC Title
ment # Usage Existing (if available)


4.1 Known Feature Restrictions, Limitations and Clarifications

# Description of Restriction/Limitation/Clarification
1 This feature is not supported for SUN based BSR-GW


5.1 Known Feature Dependencies

Optional or
# Feature # Feature Title
1 Required 116361 Small cell GW on ATCA

5.2 Hardware Dependencies

# Hardware Dependencies
1 ATCA GW and 7750 SR-7
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5.3 Software Dependencies

# Software Dependencies
1 None

5.4 Interworking to External Nodes/Interfaces

# Interworking Dependencies
1 None

5.5 Device Dependencies

# Device Dependencies
1 None

5.6 Engineering Impacts

# Engineering Impacts
1 None


6.1 Applicable Standards

# Standard Version Specification Description



7.1 Other Documentation



Acronym Definition

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