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Perceptive Reading Assessment

(Identifying School Supplies)

Grade level:
•   4th grade

Proficiency level/WIDA levels:

•   Overall 2, Reading: 2

•   Language Arts 4.6: The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction
a) Use text structures, such as type, headings, and graphics, to predict and categorize
information in both print and digital texts.
l) Read with fluency and accuracy.

WIDA standards:
•   Standard 1 – Social and Instructional Language: English language learners communicate
for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

•   Content: SWBAT read a list of school supplies words and locate them on a picture.
•   Language: SWBAT read aloud words they have learned about school supplies and
identify the object by pointing to the picture.

•   Students will have 2 minutes to look at the picture of the school supplies. Then
the teacher will sit with each student, one on one, and the student will read a word
and will have to point with their index finger to the object in the picture that
matches the given word.

Words given to student in a list:
1.   chalkboard
2.   scissors
3.   lined paper
4.   pencil
5.   tape
6.   calculator
7.   pen
8.   crayons
9.   pencil sharpener
10.   glue
•   The score will be out of 20. If the student chooses the answer correctly on the first try,
they will receive 2 points. If they make it on the second try, they are given one point. As
the teacher listens to students say word, they make a note on the side for how the student
is doing with pronunciation. This will not be graded, but used for future lessons/activities.
(Also the glue word is somewhat of a “freebie” because the word “glue” is already
written on the container.)

Word First attempt Second Pronunciation?
(2 pts) attempt Which sound do they need growth in?
(1 pt)



lined paper





pencil sharpener


total points:

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