Griddler Pricing Grid 1 v.1.0

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Griddler Pricing Grid 1


Version 1.0
Last Updated:
August 5, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Table of Contents
About Griddler Pricing Grid 1....................3

Adding the Grid...........................................4

Modifying the HTML Code.........................5

Special Features......................................... 9
“Best Value” Banner..................................10
Tip Box/Bubble ........................................ 11

Using Cufón ..............................................12

Additional Help......................................... 14 Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 2

Thursday, August 5, 2010

About Griddler Pricing Grid 1

Thank you for purchasing Griddler Pricing Grid 1!

Griddler Pricing Grid 1 is an SaaS (Software as a Service)-style HTML5/CSS3 grid with the following features:

• Option of three, four or five modifiable grid columns

• Ability to degrade to CSS & JS for older browsers

• Highlighted columns

• “Best Value” corner banner

• Tip box/bubble that appears when the mouse hovers over a certain area

• Includes a layered PSD file with elements you can modify to create a custom look
This documentation contains notes on Griddler Pricing Grid 1’s code to help you customize the grid. Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 3

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Adding the Grid

Adding the Griddler Pricing Grid 1 to your website simply consists of copying and pasting the correct HTML code.
There can only be one pricing grid per webpage.

To add the grid to a webpage:

1. Determine how many grid columns you need. You have the option of displaying three, four or five columns.

2. Open the HTML file with the desired number of columns: pricing-grid-col3.html, pricing-grid-col4.html or pricing-

3. View the page’s source or open the file in a text editor. Copy and paste the HTML code to your webpage’s code.

4. Make sure the grid links to CSS (line 5 below) and JavaScript (lines 6-8) for use in Internet Explorer:

1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <meta charset="UTF-8">
4 <title>Griddler I</title>
5 <link href="lib/griddler.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
6 <!--[if IE]>
7 ! <script src="lib/html5.js"></script>
8 <![endif]-->
9 </head> Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 4

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Modifying the HTML Code

You are now ready to customize the grid. We’ll use the following sample code to demonstrate how to modify a grid

1 <article>
2! ! <header>
3! ! ! <hgroup class="top">
4! ! ! ! <h1>Basic</h1>
5! ! ! </hgroup>
6! ! ! <hgroup class="price">
7! ! ! ! <h2><span class="currency">$</span><strong>19</strong><span class="payment-basis">Monthly
8 </span></h2>
9! ! ! </hgroup>
10! ! </header>
11! ! <section>
12! ! ! <ul>
13! ! ! ! <li><strong>20 </strong> Users</li>
14! ! ! ! <li><strong>100GB </strong> Space</li>
15! ! ! ! <li><strong>3000 </strong> Photos</li>
16! ! ! ! <li class="last"><strong>300GB </strong> Bandwidth</li>
17! ! ! </ul>
18! ! ! <div class="griddler-controls"><a class="button" href="#">Select Plan</a></div>!
19! ! </section>
20 </article> Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 5

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Modifying the HTML Code

A column’s code begins with <article> as shown in line 1. Classes must be added for the first and last columns:
<article class="first"> for the first column and <article class="last"> for the last column. A class
must also be added for highlighted columns (see Figure 1a below). Highlighted columns “pop out” at the viewer as
soon as the page loads. For a highlighted column, enter <article class="selected">. Figure 1a shows the
difference between a regular column and a highlighted column:

Regular column

Highlighted column

Figure 1a Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 6

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Modifying the HTML Code
Lines 3-5 control the column’s header.

Lines 6-8 control the blue area containing the price. Enter the currency symbol between <span
class="currency"> and </span>. If a currency symbol isn’t needed (e.g. for a free offer), the code can be
deleted. After the currency, enter the price. If you want to the font bolded as shown in Figure 1a on page 6, use
<strong> </strong>. Next, if the cost is monthly, yearly, etc., a time period can appear next to the price. Enter
the time period between <span class="payment-basis"> and </span>. If a time period is not applicable to
your pricing plan, simply delete the code.

Lines 12-17 control the rows of information in the light gray area. Use <strong> </strong> for bolded text. The
last row must contain the class last.

Finally, line 18 contains code for the green button at the bottom of the column. Enter the linking page’s URL in
href="" and a button label between <a class="button" href=""> and </a>.

Figure 1b on the next page shows the code’s corresponding webpage elements. Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 7

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Modifying the HTML Code

Lines 3-5

Lines 6-8

Lines 12-17

Line 18

Figure 1b Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 8

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Special Features

There are two features that can be added to the pricing grid: a “Best Value” corner banner and a tip box/bubble.
The banner is another way of highlighting a particular column and can say anything you want (e.g. “Best Value,”
“Most Popular,” “Best Offer,” “Limited Offer”). The tip box/bubble appears when you hover your mouse over
specific text and is intended to contain more information or a special note about the text.

“Best Value” banner

Tip box/bubble

Figure 2 Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 9

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Special Features

“Best Value” Banner

To add a banner, simply add <span class="label"> </span> in the column’s header code:

! ! ! <hgroup class="top">
! ! ! ! <h1>Professional</h1>
! ! ! </hgroup>
! ! ! <hgroup class="price">
! ! ! <span class="label">Enter banner text here.</span>
! ! ! !
<h2><span class="currency">$</span><strong>25</strong><span class="payment-basis">Monthly
! ! ! </hgroup>
! ! </header>

The banner will be placed across the corner of the blue area containing the price:

Figure 3 Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 10

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Special Features

Tip Box/Bubble

To add a tip box/bubble, add <div class="tooltip"> to the section you want the box to appear:

<li><strong>200GB </strong> Space

<div class="tooltip">
<h3>Available Space</h3>
<p>Enter tip box text here.</p>

The tip box will appear as follows:

Figure 4 Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 11

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Using Cufón

Cufón can be used on Griddler Pricing Grid 1, but certain modifications must be made to prevent the font
replacement from affecting all the grid elements. There are two ways you can use selectors to specify what
elements should not be cufonized.

For example, let’s say you do not want your headers cufonized. If generic selectors are used, the text will be
cufonized automatically:

function initCufon(){
! Cufon.replace('h1, h2', {fontFamily: '"Museo500"',hover: true});

Instead of using the generic selectors h1 and h2, use the class .cufon for elements to be cufonized:

function initCufon(){
! Cufon.replace('.cufon', {fontFamily: '"Museo500"',hover: true});
} Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 12

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Using Cufón

Alternatively, you can add the :not selector with class .nocufon to elements that should not be cufonized:

function initCufon(){
! Cufon.replace('h1:not(.nocufon), h2:not(.nocufon)', {fontFamily: '"Museo500"',hover: true});

If you use this selector, make sure the latest version of jQuery library (or lightweight Sizzle or other JavaScript
libraries) is added to the site. Otherwise, Cufón will not understand the selector. Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 13

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Additional Help
For further assistance, please contact the Theme Team by filling out a contact form at

Thank you for purchasing Griddler Pricing Grid 1! Griddler Pricing Grid 1 Instructions 14

Thursday, August 5, 2010

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