Walking The Road Without Distance

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Walking the Road without Distance

Right from our conception, we develop our personalities whether consciously or unconsciously
over time. And by our personalities, we create and shape our environment to protect that persona.
This, as a result also shapes the creative nature of our being. However, if our persona is exclusive,
we will only exhibit exclusive creativity, and if our persona is inclusive, we will exhibit inclusive

To create a better world for ourselves, we first need to understand that we live in a unified
consciousness. This means that our true self is limitless and that it cannot be capped. And those
fictitious boundaries that we continue to create to protect our personas are never going to be enough
to produce our “safe haven”. Over time, we forget that the persona is a character we are playing,
and it can never become our true self. By limiting yourself with boundaries, you constrict your
ability to be fully immersed in the entire cosmos from which affluence abounds.

Most of us created our persona unconsciously. Some of us created it consciously, whatever the
case may be, we have the ability to hit the reset button to create a world that our true self thrives.
Find out who you really are. Don’t ignore to acknowledge (ignor-ance) your truest being. Create
an all-encompassing persona. After all, the persona is only a character that you are playing through
your physiological nature of existence.

Know that you are a boundless being manifesting in a bounded worldly being. Shift your
perspective to inculcate boundlessness within, and you will eliminate all your fears. Fear occur
only in a limited environment. But when you remove all boundaries and realize that you are
boundless by your natural nature, not even the world can stand against you. To paraphrase what
Jesus told his disciples; when you find out the truth, you will rule over the all.

The life with-out is but a simulacrum of the life with-in.

Emmanuel M. Akomeah

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