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Emmanuel Martinez

Professor Dewey


05 December 2018

Should there be more gun control?

In America, almost two-thirds of annual gun deaths are suicides according to the Pew

Research Center. With the rise of gun violence across North America and the accessibility of

firearms, the American public has shown great support for stricter gun-control laws such as

the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993. Not all Americans feel the need to

enforce gun control but to stop the illegal gun ownership through private sellers, online, and at

gun shows were guns can be sold without a background check. Many people have the

misconception that guns legally owned or not are responsible for all deaths, but that is simply not

true. Gun control may help decrease the rate of crimes committed in the United States but will it

help decrease the number of suicides or deaths by other weapons besides firearms?

Daniel Webster director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research

ran a survey in which 85 percent of gun-owners said that there should be background checks

for every individual who want to purchase a firearm.

( Professor Dewey I’m going through a lot right now and I won’t be able to turn in essay 4

completed. A free pass won’t be needed, I’m taking whatever grade I get from this essay.)
Works Cited

“Does Gun Control Really Work?” National Center for Health Research, 12 Apr. 2018,

Malcolm, John. “Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America.” The Heritage



Richards, Sarah. “Why Background Checks for Gun Purchases Have Gun-Owner Support.” The

Hub, 11 Sept. 2015,

“Firearm Suicide in the United States.”, 10 Sept. 2018,

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