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Student: Grade:Ciep3º141

E.M.Ver. Said Tanus

3001 – Italva/RJ
Teacher: Antonio Marco Dias Castilho Subject: Inglês Date:

Question 1

Read the story and then choose the right option.

Cooking pasta

__________ collect the ingredients. __________ put

water in the pot and put on the stove. __________
you wait, start cooking the sauce. When the
water is boiling, put the noodles into the pot.
__________ ten minutes, drain the noodles with a
colander. __________, add the sauce and cheese.

a) then, first, next, finally, after.

b) first, next, then, after, finally.
c) first, then, while, after, finally.
d) first, while, next, after, finally.
e) then, while, next, finally, after.

Question 2

Complete the sentences with the correct linking word.

a) She wants to buy a car, ______ she doesn’t have enough money

( ) despite ( ) but ( ) finally ( ) so (

) too

b) She loves pets, ______ she decided to keep all the puppies.

( ) so ( ) but ( ) tough ( ) however (

) too

c) My father likes to eat rice ______ beans for lunch.

( ) so ( ) but ( ) unlike ( ) althought (

) and

d) She can’t eat meat so she cooked a bowl of vegetables

( ) instead ( ) indeed ( ) both ( ) but ( ) and

e) Angela studies every day after school _________ she wants to go

to college.

( ) and ( ) but ( ) because ( ) rather than ( ) as


Question 3

Nos trechos abaixo, que foram retirados de um texto sobre

células-tronco, as palavras de ligação foram sublinhadas. Indique
as ideias que elas expressam: adição, contraste, causa,
consequência, tempo, sequência cronológica ou exemplificação.

a) There is a great deal of controversy concerning stem cell

research, so I wanted to learn what all the hubbub was all about.
b) Hopefully one day, stem cell research will be able to re-grow
any new organ or body part, and perhaps also undo the damage
done by any disease and aging.
c) First, there are embryonic stem cells attained from blastocysts.
d) A blastocyst is basically an egg after it has been fertilized yet
before an embryo begins forming in the egg.
e) Second, there are adult stem cells too.

Question 4


a) We are twins and _______ they are.

b) Mr. White likes coffee and _______ does Mrs. White.
c) Sue can’t drive and _______ can her sister.
d) I don’t like surfing and _______ does my friend Peter.
e) I must see this movie and _______ must you.
Question 5

Complete with missing verb forms.

a) He doesn’t know the lesson today. Neither _______ she.

b) He isn’t a doctor. Neither ________ my father.
c) I like vegetables. So _______ you.
d) My mother will watch TV after dinner. So ______ I.
e) They watched the game on TV. So ______ we.

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